From 6dcadbbaef22c8c7b20f7ed5cf75df37dbade3b8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dougie Squire <>
Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2024 15:59:48 +1000
Subject: [PATCH] Add WOMBATlite generic tracer (#1)
* initial commit
* add WOMBAT routines
* bug fixes
allocate/deallocate btf fields
remove redundant diagnostics
* enforce src info
* add unit conversions
* more bug fixes
copy no3_orig and caco3_orig directly from corresponding fields
spatially varying kmeuph
* account for absorption of sw radiation with depth
* keep only shortwave wavelengths < 710 nm
sort out units
* fix sinking bug by using internal sinking scheme
fix bug in kmeuph calculation
* fix fe units error
* fix bug with wdet100 diagnostic
* move sfc flux-related fields into WOMBAT type
* update sediment tracers via pointers
* rename to WOMBATlite
* Address Pearse's review
* Remove coupler fluxes from no3 and phy tracers
* Fix bug in radbio_int100 diagnostic
* Allow in update_from_coupler virtual flux adjustment due to salt flux restoring/adjustment
* Apply MOM6 code style
* Add ESM diagnostics
generic_tracers/generic_WOMBATlite.F90 | 2456 ++++++++++++++++++++++
generic_tracers/generic_tracer.F90 | 90 +-
generic_tracers/generic_tracer_utils.F90 | 34 +-
3 files changed, 2570 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 generic_tracers/generic_WOMBATlite.F90
diff --git a/generic_tracers/generic_WOMBATlite.F90 b/generic_tracers/generic_WOMBATlite.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61885f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generic_tracers/generic_WOMBATlite.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,2456 @@
+! Richard Matear
+! Matt Chamberlain
+! Dougie Squire
+! Pearse Buchanan
+! This module contains the generic version of WOMBATlite.
+! It is designed so that both GFDL Ocean models, GOLD and MOM, can use
+! it.
+! Whole Ocean Model of Biogeochemistry And Trophic-dynamics (WOMBAT) is
+! based on a NPZD (nutrient–phytoplankton–zooplankton–detritus) model.
+! This is the "lite" version of WOMBAT which includes one class each of
+! phyto-plankton and zooplankton and the addition of bio-available iron
+! limitation (Fe), dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), calcium carbonate
+! (CaCO3), alkalinity (ALK), and oxygen (O).
+! Gas exchange follows OCMIP2 protocols.
+! This model is available for public use. Note that different tracers
+! may exist in different versions of the module.
+! This code was originally ported from WOMBAT v3 here:
+! using generic_BLING.F90 as a template.
+! Defines the carbon equiliabration method. Default is 'ocmip2' which
+! uses the FMS_ocmip2_co2calc routine. The other option is 'mocsy',
+! which uses the set of routines authored by J. Orr. See reference at:
+module generic_WOMBATlite
+ use field_manager_mod, only: fm_string_len
+ use mpp_mod, only: input_nml_file, mpp_error, FATAL
+ use fms_mod, only: write_version_number, check_nml_error, stdout, stdlog
+ use time_manager_mod, only: time_type
+ use constants_mod, only: WTMCO2, WTMO2
+ use g_tracer_utils, only : g_diag_type, g_tracer_type
+ use g_tracer_utils, only : g_tracer_start_param_list, g_tracer_end_param_list
+ use g_tracer_utils, only : g_tracer_add, g_tracer_add_param, g_tracer_set_files
+ use g_tracer_utils, only : g_tracer_get_common, g_tracer_get_pointer
+ use g_tracer_utils, only : g_tracer_get_values, g_tracer_set_values
+ use g_tracer_utils, only : register_diag_field=>g_register_diag_field
+ use g_tracer_utils, only : g_send_data
+ use FMS_ocmip2_co2calc_mod, only : FMS_ocmip2_co2calc, CO2_dope_vector
+ implicit none ; private
+ character(len=128) :: version = '$Id$'
+ character(len=128) :: tagname = '$Name$'
+ character(len=fm_string_len), parameter :: mod_name = 'generic_WOMBATlite'
+ character(len=fm_string_len), parameter :: package_name = 'generic_wombatlite'
+ public do_generic_WOMBATlite
+ public generic_WOMBATlite_register
+ public generic_WOMBATlite_init
+ public generic_WOMBATlite_register_diag
+ public generic_WOMBATlite_update_from_coupler
+ public generic_WOMBATlite_update_from_source
+ public generic_WOMBATlite_update_from_bottom
+ public generic_WOMBATlite_set_boundary_values
+ public generic_WOMBATlite_end
+ ! The following variable for using this module is overwritten by
+ ! generic_tracer_nml namelist
+ logical, save :: do_generic_WOMBATlite = .false.
+ real, parameter :: missing_value1 = -1.0e+10
+ !=======================================================================
+ ! Namelist Options
+ !=======================================================================
+ character(len=10) :: co2_calc = 'ocmip2' ! other option is 'mocsy'
+ namelist /generic_wombatlite_nml/ co2_calc
+ !=======================================================================
+ ! This type contains all the parameters and arrays used in this module
+ !=======================================================================
+ type generic_WOMBATlite_type
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! Configurable parameters
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! See user_add_params for descriptions of each parameter
+ logical :: &
+ init, &
+ force_update_fluxes ! Set in generic_tracer_nml
+ real :: &
+ alphabio, &
+ abio, &
+ bbio, &
+ cbio, &
+ k1bio, &
+ muepbio, &
+ muepsbio, &
+ gam1bio, &
+ gbio, &
+ epsbio, &
+ muezbio, &
+ gam2bio, &
+ muedbio, &
+ muedbio_sed, &
+ wdetbio, &
+ muecaco3, &
+ muecaco3_sed, &
+ wcaco3, &
+ f_inorg, &
+ tscav_fe, &
+ fe_bkgnd, &
+ dt_npzd, &
+ sal_global, &
+ dic_global, &
+ adic_global, &
+ alk_global, &
+ no3_global, &
+ sio2_surf, &
+ htotal_scale_lo, &
+ htotal_scale_hi, &
+ htotal_in, &
+ Rho_0, &
+ a_0, a_1, a_2, a_3, a_4, a_5, &
+ b_0, b_1, b_2, b_3, c_0, &
+ a1_co2, a2_co2, a3_co2, a4_co2, &
+ a1_o2, a2_o2, a3_o2, a4_o2
+ character(len=fm_string_len) :: ice_restart_file
+ character(len=fm_string_len) :: ocean_restart_file
+ character(len=fm_string_len) :: IC_file
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! Arrays for surface gas fluxes
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: &
+ htotallo, htotalhi, htotal, &
+ ahtotallo, ahtotalhi, ahtotal, &
+ sio2, &
+ co2_csurf, co2_alpha, co2_sc_no, pco2_csurf, &
+ aco2_csurf, aco2_alpha, paco2_csurf, &
+ o2_csurf, o2_alpha, o2_sc_no, &
+ no3_vstf, dic_vstf, adic_vstf, alk_vstf
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! Arrays for tracer fields and source terms
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! The prefixes "f_" refers to a "field", "j" to a volumetric rate, "b_"
+ ! to a bottom flux and "p_" to a "pointer".
+ real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: &
+ b_dic, &
+ b_adic, &
+ b_alk, &
+ b_no3, &
+ b_o2, &
+ b_fe, &
+ light_limit, &
+ pprod_gross_2d, &
+ wdet100, &
+ export_prod, &
+ export_inorg, &
+ npp2d, &
+ det_btm, &
+ caco3_btm, &
+ det_sed_remin, &
+ caco3_sed_remin, &
+ dic_intmld, &
+ adic_intmld, &
+ o2_intmld, &
+ no3_intmld, &
+ fe_intmld, &
+ phy_intmld, &
+ det_intmld, &
+ pprod_gross_intmld, &
+ npp_intmld, &
+ radbio_intmld, &
+ dic_int100, &
+ adic_int100, &
+ o2_int100, &
+ no3_int100, &
+ fe_int100, &
+ phy_int100, &
+ det_int100, &
+ pprod_gross_int100, &
+ npp_int100, &
+ radbio_int100
+ real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: &
+ f_dic, &
+ f_adic, &
+ f_alk, &
+ f_no3, &
+ f_phy, &
+ f_zoo, &
+ f_det, &
+ f_o2, &
+ f_caco3, &
+ f_fe, &
+ pprod_gross, &
+ zprod_gross, &
+ radbio3d, &
+ npp3d, &
+ vpbio, &
+ avej, &
+ no3_prev, &
+ caco3_prev, &
+ zw, &
+ zm
+ real, dimension(:,:,:,:), pointer :: &
+ p_dic, &
+ p_adic, &
+ p_alk, &
+ p_o2
+ real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: &
+ p_det_sediment, &
+ p_caco3_sediment
+ real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: &
+ p_no3_stf, &
+ p_dic_stf, &
+ p_adic_stf, &
+ p_alk_stf
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! IDs for diagnostics
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! See register_diagnostics for descriptions of each diagnostic
+ integer :: &
+ id_pco2 = -1, &
+ id_paco2 = -1, &
+ id_htotal = -1, &
+ id_ahtotal = -1, &
+ id_no3_vstf = -1, &
+ id_dic_vstf = -1, &
+ id_adic_vstf = -1, &
+ id_alk_vstf = -1, &
+ id_light_limit = -1, &
+ id_radbio3d = -1, &
+ id_radbio1 = -1, &
+ id_pprod_gross = -1, &
+ id_pprod_gross_2d = -1, &
+ id_wdet100 = -1, &
+ id_export_prod = -1, &
+ id_export_inorg = -1, &
+ id_npp3d = -1, &
+ id_npp2d = -1, &
+ id_npp1 = -1, &
+ id_zprod_gross = -1, &
+ id_dic_intmld = -1, &
+ id_adic_intmld = -1, &
+ id_o2_intmld = -1, &
+ id_no3_intmld = -1, &
+ id_fe_intmld = -1, &
+ id_phy_intmld = -1, &
+ id_det_intmld = -1, &
+ id_pprod_gross_intmld = -1, &
+ id_npp_intmld = -1, &
+ id_radbio_intmld = -1, &
+ id_dic_int100 = -1, &
+ id_adic_int100 = -1, &
+ id_o2_int100 = -1, &
+ id_no3_int100 = -1, &
+ id_fe_int100 = -1, &
+ id_phy_int100 = -1, &
+ id_det_int100 = -1, &
+ id_pprod_gross_int100 = -1, &
+ id_npp_int100 = -1, &
+ id_radbio_int100 = -1, &
+ id_det_sed_remin = -1, &
+ id_det_sed_depst = -1, &
+ id_caco3_sed_remin = -1, &
+ id_caco3_sed_depst = -1
+ end type generic_WOMBATlite_type
+ type(generic_WOMBATlite_type), save :: wombat
+ ! An auxiliary type for storing varible names
+ type, public :: vardesc
+ character(len=fm_string_len) :: name ! The variable name in a NetCDF file.
+ character(len=fm_string_len) :: longname ! The long name of that variable.
+ character(len=1) :: hor_grid ! The hor. grid: u, v, h, q, or 1.
+ character(len=1) :: z_grid ! The vert. grid: L, i, or 1.
+ character(len=1) :: t_grid ! The time description: s, a, m, or 1.
+ character(len=fm_string_len) :: units ! The dimensions of the variable.
+ character(len=1) :: mem_size ! The size in memory: d or f.
+ end type vardesc
+ type(CO2_dope_vector) :: CO2_dope_vec
+ contains
+ !#######################################################################
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ ! Register the generic WOMBATlite module
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ ! This subroutine reads and checks the WOMBATlite namelist and adds all
+ ! WOMBATlite tracers via subroutine user_add_tracers()
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ ! call generic_WOMBATlite_register(tracer_list, force_update_fluxes)
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ ! Pointer to the head of generic tracer list.
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ subroutine generic_WOMBATlite_register(tracer_list)
+ type(g_tracer_type), pointer :: tracer_list
+ integer :: ierr
+ integer :: io_status
+ integer :: stdoutunit, stdlogunit
+ character(len=fm_string_len), parameter :: sub_name = 'generic_WOMBATlite_register'
+ character(len=256), parameter :: error_header = &
+ '==>Error from ' // trim(mod_name) // '(' // trim(sub_name) // '): '
+ character(len=256), parameter :: warn_header = &
+ '==>Warning from ' // trim(mod_name) // '(' // trim(sub_name) // '): '
+ character(len=256), parameter :: note_header = &
+ '==>Note from ' // trim(mod_name) // '(' // trim(sub_name) // '): '
+ ! Provide for namelist over-ride
+ ! This needs to go before user_add_tracers in order to allow the namelist
+ ! settings to switch tracers on and off.
+ stdoutunit = stdout(); stdlogunit = stdlog()
+ read (input_nml_file, nml=generic_wombatlite_nml, iostat=io_status)
+ ierr = check_nml_error(io_status, 'generic_wombatlite_nml')
+ write (stdoutunit,'(/)')
+ write (stdoutunit, generic_wombatlite_nml)
+ write (stdlogunit, generic_wombatlite_nml)
+ if (trim(co2_calc) == 'ocmip2') then
+ write (stdoutunit,*) trim(note_header), 'Using FMS OCMIP2 CO2 routine'
+ else if (trim(co2_calc) == 'mocsy') then
+ write (stdoutunit,*) trim(note_header), 'Using Mocsy CO2 routine'
+ else
+ call mpp_error(FATAL,"Unknown co2_calc option specified in generic_wombatlite_nml")
+ endif
+ ! Specify all prognostic and diagnostic tracers of this modules.
+ call user_add_tracers(tracer_list)
+ end subroutine generic_WOMBATlite_register
+ !#######################################################################
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ ! Initialize the generic WOMBATlite module
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ ! This subroutine: adds all the WOMBATlite tracers to the list of
+ ! generic tracers passed to it via utility subroutine g_tracer_add();
+ ! adds all the parameters used by this module via utility subroutine
+ ! g_tracer_add_param(); and allocates all work arrays used in the
+ ! module.
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ ! call generic_WOMBATlite_init(tracer_list, force_update_fluxes)
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ ! Pointer to the head of generic tracer list.
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ ! Flag to force update the fluxes every timestep. This maybe be
+ ! necessary in situations where the column_physics (update_from_source)
+ ! is not called every timestep such as when MOM6
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ subroutine generic_WOMBATlite_init(tracer_list, force_update_fluxes)
+ type(g_tracer_type), pointer :: tracer_list
+ logical, intent(in) :: force_update_fluxes
+ character(len=fm_string_len), parameter :: sub_name = 'generic_WOMBATlite_init'
+ wombat%force_update_fluxes = force_update_fluxes
+ call write_version_number( version, tagname )
+ ! Specify and initialize all parameters used by this package
+ call user_add_params
+ ! Allocate all the private work arrays used by this module.
+ call user_allocate_arrays
+ end subroutine generic_WOMBATlite_init
+ !#######################################################################
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ ! Register diagnostic fields to be used in this module.
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ ! Register diagnostic fields to be used in this module. Note that the
+ ! tracer fields are automatically registered in user_add_tracers. User
+ ! adds only diagnostics for fields that are not a member of
+ ! g_tracer_type
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ ! call generic_WOMBATlite_register_diag(diag_list)
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ ! Pointer to the head of generic diag list. Currently, this is not
+ ! actually used.
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ subroutine generic_WOMBATlite_register_diag(diag_list)
+ type(g_diag_type), pointer :: diag_list ! dts: this is not actually used
+ type(vardesc) :: vardesc_temp
+ integer :: isc, iec, jsc, jec, isd, ied, jsd, jed, nk, ntau, axes(3)
+ type(time_type) :: init_time
+ call g_tracer_get_common(isc, iec, jsc, jec, isd, ied, jsd, jed, nk, ntau, &
+ axes=axes, init_time=init_time)
+ !=======================================================================
+ ! Register all diagnostics in this module
+ !=======================================================================
+ !
+ ! The following vardesc types contain a package of metadata about each
+ ! tracer, including, in order, the following elements: name; longname;
+ ! horizontal staggering ('h') for collocation with thickness points;
+ ! vertical staggering ('L') for a layer variable ; temporal staggering
+ ! ('s' for snapshot) ; units; and precision in non-restart output files
+ ! ('f' for 32-bit float or 'd' for 64-bit doubles). For most tracers, only
+ ! the name, longname and units should be changed.
+ !
+ ! Niki: The register_diag_field interface needs to be extended to take the
+ ! MOM6 axes_grp as argument instead of this integer array axes_grp%handle.
+ ! Currently the actual MOM6 diag axes is chosen to be T or Tl based on the
+ ! size of the axes argument, 2 or 3. The actual values of these axes
+ ! argument are not used, only their size is checked to determine the diag
+ ! axes! This is not correct since axesTi and axesTl are both of size 3,
+ ! likewise there are many axes of size 2. To accomodate axesTi with the
+ ! least amount of code modification we can set and check for an input
+ ! array of size 1.
+ !=======================================================================
+ ! Surface flux diagnostics
+ !=======================================================================
+ !
+ ! dts: other gas exchange diagnostics are available via the "ocean_flux",
+ ! "ocean_sfc", "atmos_sfc" diagnostic module_names
+ vardesc_temp = vardesc( &
+ 'pco2', 'Surface aqueous partial pressure of CO2', 'h', '1', 's', 'uatm', 'f')
+ wombat%id_pco2 = register_diag_field(package_name, vardesc_temp%name, axes(1:2), &
+ init_time, vardesc_temp%longname, vardesc_temp%units, missing_value=missing_value1)
+ vardesc_temp = vardesc( &
+ 'paco2', 'Surface aqueous partial pressure of CO2 inc. anthropogenic', &
+ 'h', '1', 's', 'uatm', 'f')
+ wombat%id_paco2 = register_diag_field(package_name, vardesc_temp%name, axes(1:2), &
+ init_time, vardesc_temp%longname, vardesc_temp%units, missing_value=missing_value1)
+ vardesc_temp = vardesc( &
+ 'htotal', 'H+ concentration', 'h', '1', 's', 'mol/kg', 'f')
+ wombat%id_htotal = register_diag_field(package_name, vardesc_temp%name, axes(1:2), &
+ init_time, vardesc_temp%longname, vardesc_temp%units, missing_value=missing_value1)
+ vardesc_temp = vardesc( &
+ 'ahtotal', 'H+ concentration inc. anthropogenic', 'h', '1', 's', 'mol/kg', 'f')
+ wombat%id_ahtotal = register_diag_field(package_name, vardesc_temp%name, axes(1:2), &
+ init_time, vardesc_temp%longname, vardesc_temp%units, missing_value=missing_value1)
+ vardesc_temp = vardesc( &
+ 'no3_vstf', 'Virtual flux of nitrate into ocean due to salinity restoring/correction', &
+ 'h', '1', 's', 'mol/m^2/s', 'f')
+ wombat%id_no3_vstf = register_diag_field(package_name, vardesc_temp%name, axes(1:2), &
+ init_time, vardesc_temp%longname, vardesc_temp%units, missing_value=missing_value1)
+ vardesc_temp = vardesc( &
+ 'dic_vstf', 'Virtual flux of natural dissolved inorganic carbon into ocean due to '// &
+ 'salinity restoring/correction', 'h', '1', 's', 'mol/m^2/s', 'f')
+ wombat%id_dic_vstf = register_diag_field(package_name, vardesc_temp%name, axes(1:2), &
+ init_time, vardesc_temp%longname, vardesc_temp%units, missing_value=missing_value1)
+ vardesc_temp = vardesc( &
+ 'adic_vstf', 'Virtual flux of natural + anthropogenic dissolved inorganic carbon '// &
+ 'into ocean due to salinity restoring/correction', 'h', '1', 's', 'mol/m^2/s', 'f')
+ wombat%id_adic_vstf = register_diag_field(package_name, vardesc_temp%name, axes(1:2), &
+ init_time, vardesc_temp%longname, vardesc_temp%units, missing_value=missing_value1)
+ vardesc_temp = vardesc( &
+ 'alk_vstf', 'Virtual flux of alkalinity into ocean due to salinity restoring/correction', &
+ 'h', '1', 's', 'mol/m^2/s', 'f')
+ wombat%id_alk_vstf = register_diag_field(package_name, vardesc_temp%name, axes(1:2), &
+ init_time, vardesc_temp%longname, vardesc_temp%units, missing_value=missing_value1)
+ !=======================================================================
+ ! Tracer and source term diagnostics
+ !=======================================================================
+ vardesc_temp = vardesc( &
+ 'light_limit', 'Integrated light limitation of phytoplankton growth', &
+ 'h', '1', 's', 'm', 'f')
+ wombat%id_light_limit = register_diag_field(package_name, vardesc_temp%name, axes(1:2), &
+ init_time, vardesc_temp%longname, vardesc_temp%units, missing_value=missing_value1)
+ vardesc_temp = vardesc( &
+ 'radbio3d', 'Photosynthetically active radiation for phytoplankton growth', &
+ 'h', 'L', 's', 'W m-2', 'f')
+ wombat%id_radbio3d = register_diag_field(package_name, vardesc_temp%name, axes(1:3), &
+ init_time, vardesc_temp%longname, vardesc_temp%units, missing_value=missing_value1)
+ vardesc_temp = vardesc( &
+ 'radbio1', 'Photosynthetically active radiation for phytoplankton growth at surface', &
+ 'h', '1', 's', 'W m-2', 'f')
+ wombat%id_radbio1 = register_diag_field(package_name, vardesc_temp%name, axes(1:2), &
+ init_time, vardesc_temp%longname, vardesc_temp%units, missing_value=missing_value1)
+ vardesc_temp = vardesc( &
+ 'det_sed_remin', 'Rate of remineralisation of detritus in accumulated sediment', &
+ 'h', '1', 's', 'mol/m^2/s', 'f')
+ wombat%id_det_sed_remin = register_diag_field(package_name, vardesc_temp%name, axes(1:2), &
+ init_time, vardesc_temp%longname, vardesc_temp%units, missing_value=missing_value1)
+ vardesc_temp = vardesc( &
+ 'det_sed_depst', 'Rate of deposition of detritus to sediment at base of water column', &
+ 'h', '1', 's', 'mol/m^2/s', 'f')
+ wombat%id_det_sed_depst = register_diag_field(package_name, vardesc_temp%name, axes(1:2), &
+ init_time, vardesc_temp%longname, vardesc_temp%units, missing_value=missing_value1)
+ vardesc_temp = vardesc( &
+ 'caco3_sed_remin', 'Rate of remineralisation of CaCO3 in accumulated sediment', &
+ 'h', '1', 's', 'mol/m^2/s', 'f')
+ wombat%id_caco3_sed_remin = register_diag_field(package_name, vardesc_temp%name, axes(1:2), &
+ init_time, vardesc_temp%longname, vardesc_temp%units, missing_value=missing_value1)
+ vardesc_temp = vardesc( &
+ 'caco3_sed_depst', 'Rate of deposition of CaCO3 to sediment at base of water column', &
+ 'h', '1', 's', 'mol/m^2/s', 'f')
+ wombat%id_caco3_sed_depst = register_diag_field(package_name, vardesc_temp%name, axes(1:2), &
+ init_time, vardesc_temp%longname, vardesc_temp%units, missing_value=missing_value1)
+ vardesc_temp = vardesc( &
+ 'wdet100', 'Detritus export at 100 m (det*sinking rate)', &
+ 'h', '1', 's', 'mol/m^2/s', 'f')
+ wombat%id_wdet100 = register_diag_field(package_name, vardesc_temp%name, axes(1:2), &
+ init_time, vardesc_temp%longname, vardesc_temp%units, missing_value=missing_value1)
+ vardesc_temp = vardesc( &
+ 'export_prod', 'Organic export through 100m', 'h', '1', 's', 'mol/m^2/s', 'f')
+ wombat%id_export_prod = register_diag_field(package_name, vardesc_temp%name, axes(1:2), &
+ init_time, vardesc_temp%longname, vardesc_temp%units, missing_value=missing_value1)
+ vardesc_temp = vardesc( &
+ 'export_inorg', 'Inorganic export through 100m', 'h', '1', 's', 'mol/m^2/s', 'f')
+ wombat%id_export_inorg = register_diag_field(package_name, vardesc_temp%name, axes(1:2), &
+ init_time, vardesc_temp%longname, vardesc_temp%units, missing_value=missing_value1)
+ vardesc_temp = vardesc( &
+ 'npp3d', 'Net primary productivity', 'h', 'L', 's', 'mol/kg/s', 'f')
+ wombat%id_npp3d = register_diag_field(package_name, vardesc_temp%name, axes(1:3), &
+ init_time, vardesc_temp%longname, vardesc_temp%units, missing_value=missing_value1)
+ vardesc_temp = vardesc( &
+ 'npp2d', 'Vertically integrated net primary productivity', &
+ 'h', '1', 's', 'mol/m^2/s', 'f')
+ wombat%id_npp2d = register_diag_field(package_name, vardesc_temp%name, axes(1:2), &
+ init_time, vardesc_temp%longname, vardesc_temp%units, missing_value=missing_value1)
+ vardesc_temp = vardesc( &
+ 'npp1', 'Net primary productivity in the first ocean layer', &
+ 'h', '1', 's', 'mol/kg/s', 'f')
+ wombat%id_npp1 = register_diag_field(package_name, vardesc_temp%name, axes(1:2), &
+ init_time, vardesc_temp%longname, vardesc_temp%units, missing_value=missing_value1)
+ vardesc_temp = vardesc( &
+ 'pprod_gross', 'Gross phytoplankton production', 'h', 'L', 's', 'mol/kg/s', 'f')
+ wombat%id_pprod_gross = register_diag_field(package_name, vardesc_temp%name, axes(1:3), &
+ init_time, vardesc_temp%longname, vardesc_temp%units, missing_value=missing_value1)
+ vardesc_temp = vardesc( &
+ 'pprod_gross_2d', 'Vertically integrated gross phytoplankton production', &
+ 'h', '1', 's', 'mol/m^2/s', 'f')
+ wombat%id_pprod_gross_2d = register_diag_field(package_name, vardesc_temp%name, axes(1:2), &
+ init_time, vardesc_temp%longname, vardesc_temp%units, missing_value=missing_value1)
+ vardesc_temp = vardesc( &
+ 'zprod_gross', 'Gross zooplankton production', 'h', 'L', 's', 'mol/kg/s', 'f')
+ wombat%id_zprod_gross = register_diag_field(package_name, vardesc_temp%name, axes(1:3), &
+ init_time, vardesc_temp%longname, vardesc_temp%units, missing_value=missing_value1)
+ ! MLD-integrated diagnostics
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ vardesc_temp = vardesc( &
+ 'dic_intmld', 'MLD-integrated natural dissolved inorganic carbon', &
+ 'h', '1', 's', 'mol/m^2', 'f')
+ wombat%id_dic_intmld = register_diag_field(package_name, vardesc_temp%name, axes(1:2), &
+ init_time, vardesc_temp%longname, vardesc_temp%units, missing_value=missing_value1)
+ vardesc_temp = vardesc( &
+ 'adic_intmld', 'MLD-integrated natural + anthropogenic dissolved inorganic carbon', &
+ 'h', '1', 's', 'mol/m^2', 'f')
+ wombat%id_adic_intmld = register_diag_field(package_name, vardesc_temp%name, axes(1:2), &
+ init_time, vardesc_temp%longname, vardesc_temp%units, missing_value=missing_value1)
+ vardesc_temp = vardesc( &
+ 'o2_intmld', 'MLD-integrated dissolved oxygen', 'h', '1', 's', 'mol/m^2', 'f')
+ wombat%id_o2_intmld = register_diag_field(package_name, vardesc_temp%name, axes(1:2), &
+ init_time, vardesc_temp%longname, vardesc_temp%units, missing_value=missing_value1)
+ vardesc_temp = vardesc( &
+ 'no3_intmld', 'MLD-integrated nitrate', 'h', '1', 's', 'mol/m^2', 'f')
+ wombat%id_no3_intmld = register_diag_field(package_name, vardesc_temp%name, axes(1:2), &
+ init_time, vardesc_temp%longname, vardesc_temp%units, missing_value=missing_value1)
+ vardesc_temp = vardesc( &
+ 'fe_intmld', 'MLD-integrated iron', 'h', '1', 's', 'mol/m^2', 'f')
+ wombat%id_fe_intmld = register_diag_field(package_name, vardesc_temp%name, axes(1:2), &
+ init_time, vardesc_temp%longname, vardesc_temp%units, missing_value=missing_value1)
+ vardesc_temp = vardesc( &
+ 'phy_intmld', 'MLD-integrated phytoplankton', 'h', '1', 's', 'mol/m^2', 'f')
+ wombat%id_phy_intmld = register_diag_field(package_name, vardesc_temp%name, axes(1:2), &
+ init_time, vardesc_temp%longname, vardesc_temp%units, missing_value=missing_value1)
+ vardesc_temp = vardesc( &
+ 'det_intmld', 'MLD-integrated detritus', 'h', '1', 's', 'mol/m^2', 'f')
+ wombat%id_det_intmld = register_diag_field(package_name, vardesc_temp%name, axes(1:2), &
+ init_time, vardesc_temp%longname, vardesc_temp%units, missing_value=missing_value1)
+ vardesc_temp = vardesc( &
+ 'pprod_gross_intmld', 'MLD-integrated gross phytoplankton production', &
+ 'h', '1', 's', 'mol/m^2/s', 'f')
+ wombat%id_pprod_gross_intmld = register_diag_field(package_name, vardesc_temp%name, axes(1:2), &
+ init_time, vardesc_temp%longname, vardesc_temp%units, missing_value=missing_value1)
+ vardesc_temp = vardesc( &
+ 'npp_intmld', 'MLD-integrated net primary productivity', 'h', '1', 's', 'mol/m^2/s', 'f')
+ wombat%id_npp_intmld = register_diag_field(package_name, vardesc_temp%name, axes(1:2), &
+ init_time, vardesc_temp%longname, vardesc_temp%units, missing_value=missing_value1)
+ vardesc_temp = vardesc( &
+ 'radbio_intmld', 'MLD-integrated photosynthetically active radiation for phytoplankton '// &
+ 'growth', 'h', '1', 's', 'W m-1', 'f')
+ wombat%id_radbio_intmld = register_diag_field(package_name, vardesc_temp%name, axes(1:2), &
+ init_time, vardesc_temp%longname, vardesc_temp%units, missing_value=missing_value1)
+ ! 100m-integrated diagnostics
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ vardesc_temp = vardesc( &
+ 'dic_int100', '100m-integrated natural dissolved inorganic carbon', &
+ 'h', '1', 's', 'mol/m^2', 'f')
+ wombat%id_dic_int100 = register_diag_field(package_name, vardesc_temp%name, axes(1:2), &
+ init_time, vardesc_temp%longname, vardesc_temp%units, missing_value=missing_value1)
+ vardesc_temp = vardesc( &
+ 'adic_int100', '100m-integrated natural + anthropogenic dissolved inorganic carbon', &
+ 'h', '1', 's', 'mol/m^2', 'f')
+ wombat%id_adic_int100 = register_diag_field(package_name, vardesc_temp%name, axes(1:2), &
+ init_time, vardesc_temp%longname, vardesc_temp%units, missing_value=missing_value1)
+ vardesc_temp = vardesc( &
+ 'o2_int100', '100m-integrated dissolved oxygen', 'h', '1', 's', 'mol/m^2', 'f')
+ wombat%id_o2_int100 = register_diag_field(package_name, vardesc_temp%name, axes(1:2), &
+ init_time, vardesc_temp%longname, vardesc_temp%units, missing_value=missing_value1)
+ vardesc_temp = vardesc( &
+ 'no3_int100', '100m-integrated nitrate', 'h', '1', 's', 'mol/m^2', 'f')
+ wombat%id_no3_int100 = register_diag_field(package_name, vardesc_temp%name, axes(1:2), &
+ init_time, vardesc_temp%longname, vardesc_temp%units, missing_value=missing_value1)
+ vardesc_temp = vardesc( &
+ 'fe_int100', '100m-integrated iron', 'h', '1', 's', 'mol/m^2', 'f')
+ wombat%id_fe_int100 = register_diag_field(package_name, vardesc_temp%name, axes(1:2), &
+ init_time, vardesc_temp%longname, vardesc_temp%units, missing_value=missing_value1)
+ vardesc_temp = vardesc( &
+ 'phy_int100', '100m-integrated phytoplankton', 'h', '1', 's', 'mol/m^2', 'f')
+ wombat%id_phy_int100 = register_diag_field(package_name, vardesc_temp%name, axes(1:2), &
+ init_time, vardesc_temp%longname, vardesc_temp%units, missing_value=missing_value1)
+ vardesc_temp = vardesc( &
+ 'det_int100', '100m-integrated detritus', 'h', '1', 's', 'mol/m^2', 'f')
+ wombat%id_det_int100 = register_diag_field(package_name, vardesc_temp%name, axes(1:2), &
+ init_time, vardesc_temp%longname, vardesc_temp%units, missing_value=missing_value1)
+ vardesc_temp = vardesc( &
+ 'pprod_gross_int100', '100m-integrated gross phytoplankton production', &
+ 'h', '1', 's', 'mol/m^2/s', 'f')
+ wombat%id_pprod_gross_int100 = register_diag_field(package_name, vardesc_temp%name, axes(1:2), &
+ init_time, vardesc_temp%longname, vardesc_temp%units, missing_value=missing_value1)
+ vardesc_temp = vardesc( &
+ 'npp_int100', '100m-integrated net primary productivity', 'h', '1', 's', 'mol/m^2/s', 'f')
+ wombat%id_npp_int100 = register_diag_field(package_name, vardesc_temp%name, axes(1:2), &
+ init_time, vardesc_temp%longname, vardesc_temp%units, missing_value=missing_value1)
+ vardesc_temp = vardesc( &
+ 'radbio_int100', '100m-integrated photosynthetically active radiation for phytoplankton '// &
+ 'growth', 'h', '1', 's', 'W m-1', 'f')
+ wombat%id_radbio_int100 = register_diag_field(package_name, vardesc_temp%name, axes(1:2), &
+ init_time, vardesc_temp%longname, vardesc_temp%units, missing_value=missing_value1)
+ end subroutine generic_WOMBATlite_register_diag
+ !#######################################################################
+ !
+ ! This is an internal sub, not a public interface.
+ ! Add all the parameters to be used in this module.
+ !
+ subroutine user_add_params
+ !=======================================================================
+ ! Specify all parameters used in this modules.
+ !=======================================================================
+ !
+ ! Add the known experimental parameters used for calculations in this
+ ! module. All the g_tracer_add_param calls must happen between
+ ! g_tracer_start_param_list and g_tracer_end_param_list calls. This
+ ! implementation enables runtime overwrite via field_table.
+ ! dts: Note, some parameters are required by the user_add_tracers routine
+ ! which is run _before_ this one. Those parameters are added in
+ ! user_add_tracers.
+ ! User adds one call for each parameter below with the template
+ ! g_tracer_add_param(name, variable, default_value)
+ call g_tracer_start_param_list(package_name)
+ !=======================================================================
+ ! General parameters
+ !=======================================================================
+ !
+ ! dts: This was copied from BLING to enable calculation of surface flux
+ ! terms when the update_from_source routine is commented out for
+ ! debugging.
+ call g_tracer_add_param('init', wombat%init, .false. )
+ ! Average density of sea water [kg/m^3]
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! Rho_0 is used in the Boussinesq approximation to calculations of
+ ! pressure and pressure gradients, in units of kg m-3.
+ call g_tracer_add_param('Rho_0', wombat%Rho_0, 1035.0)
+ !=======================================================================
+ ! Surface gas flux parameters
+ !=======================================================================
+ ! Coefficients for O2 saturation [1]
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ call g_tracer_add_param('a_0', wombat%a_0, 2.00907)
+ call g_tracer_add_param('a_1', wombat%a_1, 3.22014)
+ call g_tracer_add_param('a_2', wombat%a_2, 4.05010)
+ call g_tracer_add_param('a_3', wombat%a_3, 4.94457)
+ call g_tracer_add_param('a_4', wombat%a_4, -2.56847e-01)
+ call g_tracer_add_param('a_5', wombat%a_5, 3.88767)
+ call g_tracer_add_param('b_0', wombat%b_0, -6.24523e-03)
+ call g_tracer_add_param('b_1', wombat%b_1, -7.37614e-03)
+ call g_tracer_add_param('b_2', wombat%b_2, -1.03410e-02)
+ call g_tracer_add_param('b_3', wombat%b_3, -8.17083e-03)
+ call g_tracer_add_param('c_0', wombat%c_0, -4.88682e-07)
+ ! Schmidt number coefficients [1]
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! Compute the Schmidt number of CO2 in seawater using the
+ ! formulation presented by Wanninkhof (1992, J. Geophys. Res., 97,
+ ! 7373-7382).
+ call g_tracer_add_param('a1_co2', wombat%a1_co2, 2073.1)
+ call g_tracer_add_param('a2_co2', wombat%a2_co2, -125.62)
+ call g_tracer_add_param('a3_co2', wombat%a3_co2, 3.6276)
+ call g_tracer_add_param('a4_co2', wombat%a4_co2, -0.043219)
+ ! Compute the Schmidt number of O2 in seawater using the
+ ! formulation proposed by Keeling et al. (1998, Global Biogeochem.
+ ! Cycles, 12, 141-163).
+ call g_tracer_add_param('a1_o2', wombat%a1_o2, 1638.0)
+ call g_tracer_add_param('a2_o2', wombat%a2_o2, -81.83)
+ call g_tracer_add_param('a3_o2', wombat%a3_o2, 1.483)
+ call g_tracer_add_param('a4_o2', wombat%a4_o2, -0.008004)
+ ! Initial H+ concentration [mol/kg]
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ call g_tracer_add_param('htotal_in', wombat%htotal_in, 1.e-8) ! dts: default conc from COBALT
+ ! Scale factor to set lower limit of htotal range [1]
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ call g_tracer_add_param('htotal_scale_lo', wombat%htotal_scale_lo, 0.1)
+ ! Scale factor to set upper limit of htotal range [1]
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ call g_tracer_add_param('htotal_scale_hi', wombat%htotal_scale_hi, 100.0)
+ ! Global average surface concentration of inorganic silicate [mol/kg]
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ call g_tracer_add_param('sio2_surf', wombat%sio2_surf, 35.0e-3 / 1035.0)
+ !=======================================================================
+ ! NPZD parameters
+ !=======================================================================
+ ! dts: note the parameter units and default values are as used by WOMBAT
+ ! v3 in ACCESS-OM2 and ACCESS-ESM1.5. Unit conversions are done
+ ! internally to account for the different units carried in this generic
+ ! version of WOMBATlite.
+ ! Initial slope of P-I curve [m2/W/s]
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ call g_tracer_add_param('alphabio', wombat%alphabio, 2.96296e-6)
+ ! Phytoplankton maximum growth rate parameter a [1/s]
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ call g_tracer_add_param('abio', wombat%abio, 3.125e-6)
+ ! Phytoplankton maximum growth rate parameter b [1]
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ call g_tracer_add_param('bbio', wombat%bbio, 1.066)
+ ! Phytoplankton maximum growth rate parameter c [1/K]
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ call g_tracer_add_param('cbio', wombat%cbio, 1.)
+ ! Phytoplankton half saturation constant for nitrogen uptake [mmolN/m3]
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ call g_tracer_add_param('k1bio', wombat%k1bio, 0.7)
+ ! Phytoplankton linear mortality rate constant [1/s]
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ call g_tracer_add_param('muepbio', wombat%muepbio, 4.62963e-7)
+ ! Phytoplankton quadratic mortality rate constant [m3/mmolN/s]
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ call g_tracer_add_param('muepsbio', wombat%muepsbio, 2.89352e-6)
+ ! Zooplankton assimilation efficiency [1]
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ call g_tracer_add_param('gam1bio', wombat%gam1bio, 0.925)
+ ! Zooplankton maximum grazing rate constant [1/s]
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ call g_tracer_add_param('gbio', wombat%gbio, 1.82292e-5)
+ ! Zooplankton prey capture rate constant [m6/mmol2/s]
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ call g_tracer_add_param('epsbio', wombat%epsbio, 1.85185e-5)
+ ! Zooplankton quadratic mortality rate constant [m3/mmolN/s]
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ call g_tracer_add_param('muezbio', wombat%muezbio, 3.93519e-6)
+ ! Zooplankton excretion rate constant [1/s]
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ call g_tracer_add_param('gam2bio', wombat%gam2bio, 1.15741e-7)
+ ! Detritus remineralisation rate constant for <180 m; value for >=180m is half of this [1/s]
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! Detritus remineralisation rate for (>=180 m) is hard-coded to be
+ ! muedbio/2
+ call g_tracer_add_param('muedbio', wombat%muedbio, 5.55556e-7)
+ ! Detritus remineralisation rate constant in sediments [1/s]
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! This would normally equal muedbio, but we set the default value to be
+ ! consistent with what is in ACCESS-ESM1.5 (undocumented in Ziehn et al
+ ! 2020)
+ call g_tracer_add_param('muedbio_sed', wombat%muedbio_sed, 2.31481e-7)
+ ! CaCO3 remineralisation rate constant [1/s]
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! Default value matches 0.001714 day-1 in Ziehn et al 2020; differs from
+ ! Hayashida et al 2020
+ call g_tracer_add_param('muecaco3', wombat%muecaco3, 1.9838e-8)
+ ! CaCO3 remineralization rate constant in sediments [1/s]
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ call g_tracer_add_param('muecaco3_sed', wombat%muecaco3_sed, 4.05093e-8)
+ ! CaCO3 inorganic fraction [1]
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ call g_tracer_add_param('f_inorg', wombat%f_inorg, 0.062)
+ ! Iron scavenging rate constant [1/s]
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ call g_tracer_add_param('tscav_fe', wombat%tscav_fe, 3.17098e-8)
+ ! Iron background concentration [umol Fe m^-3]
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ call g_tracer_add_param('fe_bkgnd', wombat%fe_bkgnd, 0.6)
+ ! Nested timestep for the ecosystem model [s]
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ call g_tracer_add_param('dt_npzd', wombat%dt_npzd, 900.)
+ ! Global average surface salinity used for virtual flux correction [g/kg]
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ call g_tracer_add_param('sal_global', wombat%sal_global, 34.6)
+ ! Global average surface dic used for virtual flux correction [mol/kg]
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ call g_tracer_add_param('dic_global', wombat%dic_global, 1.90e-3)
+ ! Global average surface adic used for virtual flux correction [mol/kg]
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ call g_tracer_add_param('adic_global', wombat%adic_global, 1.90e-3)
+ ! Global average surface alk used for virtual flux correction [mol/kg]
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ call g_tracer_add_param('alk_global', wombat%alk_global, 2.225e-3)
+ ! Global average surface no3 used for virtual flux correction [mol/kg]
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ call g_tracer_add_param('no3_global', wombat%no3_global, 4.512e-06)
+ call g_tracer_end_param_list(package_name)
+ end subroutine user_add_params
+ !#######################################################################
+ !
+ ! This is an internal sub, not a public interface.
+ ! Add all the tracers to be used in this module.
+ !
+ subroutine user_add_tracers(tracer_list)
+ type(g_tracer_type), pointer :: tracer_list
+ character(len=fm_string_len), parameter :: sub_name = 'user_add_tracers'
+ real :: as_coeff_wombatlite
+ !=======================================================================
+ ! Parameters
+ !=======================================================================
+ ! Add here only the parameters that are required at the time of registeration
+ ! (to make flux exchanging ocean tracers known for all PE's)
+ ! Air-sea gas exchange coefficient presented in OCMIP2 protocol.
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! From Wanninkhof 1992 for steady wind speed (in m/s)
+ as_coeff_wombatlite = 0.31 / 3.6e5
+ call g_tracer_start_param_list(package_name)
+ ! CaCO3 sinking velocity [m/s]
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! Default value matches Ziehn et al 2020 but differs from Hayashida et
+ ! al 2020
+ call g_tracer_add_param('wcaco3', wombat%wcaco3, 6.94444e-5)
+ ! Detritus sinking velocity [m/s]
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! Default value matches Ziehn et al 2020 but differs from Hayashida et
+ ! al 2020
+ call g_tracer_add_param('wdetbio', wombat%wdetbio, 2.77778e-4)
+ call g_tracer_add_param('ice_restart_file', wombat%ice_restart_file, '')
+ call g_tracer_add_param('ocean_restart_file', wombat%ocean_restart_file, '')
+ call g_tracer_add_param('IC_file', wombat%IC_file, '')
+ call g_tracer_end_param_list(package_name)
+ ! Set Restart files
+ call g_tracer_set_files(ice_restart_file = wombat%ice_restart_file, &
+ ocean_restart_file = wombat%ocean_restart_file )
+ !=======================================================================
+ ! Specify all tracers of this module
+ !=======================================================================
+ !
+ ! User adds one call for each tracer below!
+ ! User should specify if fluxes must be extracted from boundary by passing
+ ! one or more of the following methods as .true. and provide the corresponding
+ ! parameters array methods: flux_gas, flux_runoff, flux_wetdep, flux_drydep.
+ ! Pass an init_value arg if the tracers should be initialized to a nonzero
+ ! value everywhere otherwise they will be initialized to zero.
+ !
+ ! dts: diagnostic (prog = .false.) tracers added here are automatically
+ ! registered for restart but not for horizontal advection and diffusion. All
+ ! tracer fields are registered for diag output.
+ !=======================================================================
+ ! Prognostic Tracers
+ !=======================================================================
+ ! Nitrate
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! dts: There is currently no sea-ice coupling of Nitrate
+ call g_tracer_add(tracer_list, package_name, &
+ name = 'no3', &
+ longname = 'Nitrate', &
+ units = 'mol/kg', &
+ prog = .true., &
+ flux_bottom = .true., &
+ flux_virtual = .true.)
+ ! Phytoplankton
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! dts: There is currently no sea-ice coupling of Phytoplankton
+ call g_tracer_add(tracer_list, package_name, &
+ name = 'phy', &
+ longname = 'Phytoplankton', &
+ units = 'mol/kg', &
+ prog = .true.)
+ ! Oxygen
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ call g_tracer_add(tracer_list, package_name, &
+ name = 'o2', &
+ longname = 'Oxygen', &
+ units = 'mol/kg', &
+ prog = .true., &
+ flux_gas = .true., &
+ flux_bottom = .true., &
+ flux_gas_name = 'o2_flux', &
+ flux_gas_type = 'air_sea_gas_flux_generic', &
+ flux_gas_molwt = WTMO2, &
+ flux_gas_param = (/ as_coeff_wombatlite, 9.7561e-06 /), & ! dts: param(2) converts Pa -> atm
+ flux_gas_restart_file = '')
+ ! Zooplankton
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ call g_tracer_add(tracer_list, package_name, &
+ name = 'zoo', &
+ longname = 'Zooplankton', &
+ units = 'mol/kg', &
+ prog = .true.)
+ ! Detritus
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ call g_tracer_add(tracer_list, package_name, &
+ name = 'det', &
+ longname = 'Detritus', &
+ units = 'mol/kg', &
+ prog = .true., &
+ sink_rate = wombat%wdetbio, &
+ btm_reservoir = .true.)
+ ! CaCO3
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ call g_tracer_add(tracer_list, package_name, &
+ name = 'caco3', &
+ longname = 'CaCO3', &
+ units = 'mol/kg', &
+ prog = .true., &
+ sink_rate = wombat%wcaco3, &
+ btm_reservoir = .true.)
+ ! ADIC (Natural + anthropogenic dissolved inorganic carbon)
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ call g_tracer_add(tracer_list, package_name, &
+ name = 'adic', &
+ longname = 'Natural + anthropogenic Dissolved Inorganic Carbon', &
+ units = 'mol/kg', &
+ prog = .true., &
+ flux_gas = .true., &
+ flux_bottom = .true., &
+ flux_gas_name = 'co2_flux', &
+ flux_gas_type = 'air_sea_gas_flux_generic', &
+ flux_gas_molwt = WTMCO2, &
+ flux_gas_param = (/ as_coeff_wombatlite, 9.7561e-06 /), & ! dts: param(2) converts Pa -> atm
+ flux_gas_restart_file = '', &
+ flux_virtual = .true.)
+ ! DIC (Natural dissolved inorganic carbon)
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ call g_tracer_add(tracer_list, package_name, &
+ name = 'dic', &
+ longname = 'Natural Dissolved Inorganic Carbon', &
+ units = 'mol/kg', &
+ prog = .true., &
+ flux_gas = .true., &
+ flux_bottom = .true., &
+ flux_gas_name = 'co2_nat_flux', &
+ flux_gas_type = 'air_sea_gas_flux_generic', &
+ flux_gas_molwt = WTMCO2, &
+ flux_gas_param = (/ as_coeff_wombatlite, 9.7561e-06 /), & ! dts: param(2) converts Pa -> atm
+ flux_gas_restart_file = '', &
+ flux_virtual = .true.)
+ ! Alk (Total carbonate alkalinity)
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ call g_tracer_add(tracer_list, package_name, &
+ name = 'alk', &
+ longname = 'Alkalinity', &
+ units = 'mol/kg', &
+ prog = .true., &
+ flux_bottom = .true., &
+ flux_virtual = .true.)
+ ! Dissolved Iron
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ call g_tracer_add(tracer_list, package_name, &
+ name = 'fe', &
+ longname = 'Dissolved Iron', &
+ units = 'mol/kg', &
+ prog = .true., &
+ flux_drydep = .true., &
+ flux_param = (/ 1.0 /), & ! dts: conversion to mol/m2/s done in data_table
+ flux_bottom = .true.)
+ !=======================================================================
+ ! Diagnostic Tracers
+ !=======================================================================
+ ! Detritus sitting at base of column as sediment
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! dts: included here so included in restart
+ call g_tracer_add(tracer_list, package_name, &
+ name = 'det_sediment', &
+ longname = 'Detritus at base of column as sediment', &
+ units = 'mol m-2', &
+ prog = .false.)
+ ! CaCO3 sitting at base of column as sediment
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! dts: included here so included in restart
+ call g_tracer_add(tracer_list, package_name, &
+ name = 'caco3_sediment', &
+ longname = 'CaCO3 at base of column as sediment', &
+ units = 'mol m-2', &
+ prog = .false.)
+ end subroutine user_add_tracers
+ !#######################################################################
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ ! Modify the values obtained from the coupler if necessary.
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ ! Some tracer fields could be modified after values are obtained from
+ ! the coupler. This subroutine is the place for specific tracer
+ ! manipulations. In WOMBATlite we apply virtual flux corrections due
+ ! to salt flux restoring/correction here.
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ ! call generic_WOMBATlite_update_from_coupler(tracer_list)
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ ! Pointer to the head of generic tracer list.
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ ! Lower bounds of x and y extents of input arrays on data domain
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ ! Surface salt flux into ocean from restoring or flux adjustment [g/m2/s]
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ subroutine generic_WOMBATlite_update_from_coupler(tracer_list, ilb, jlb, salt_flux_added)
+ type(g_tracer_type), pointer :: tracer_list
+ integer, intent(in) :: ilb, jlb
+ real, dimension(ilb:,jlb:), intent(in) :: salt_flux_added
+ ! Account for virtual fluxes due to salt flux restoring/correction
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ call g_tracer_get_pointer(tracer_list, 'no3', 'stf', wombat%p_no3_stf)
+ wombat%no3_vstf(:,:) = (wombat%no3_global / wombat%sal_global) * salt_flux_added(:,:) ! [mol/m2/s]
+ wombat%p_no3_stf(:,:) = wombat%p_no3_stf(:,:) + wombat%no3_vstf(:,:) ! [mol/m2/s]
+ call g_tracer_get_pointer(tracer_list, 'dic', 'stf', wombat%p_dic_stf)
+ wombat%dic_vstf(:,:) = (wombat%dic_global / wombat%sal_global) * salt_flux_added(:,:) ! [mol/m2/s]
+ wombat%p_dic_stf(:,:) = wombat%p_dic_stf(:,:) + wombat%dic_vstf(:,:) ! [mol/m2/s]
+ call g_tracer_get_pointer(tracer_list, 'adic', 'stf', wombat%p_adic_stf)
+ wombat%adic_vstf(:,:) = (wombat%adic_global / wombat%sal_global) * salt_flux_added(:,:) ! [mol/m2/s]
+ wombat%p_adic_stf(:,:) = wombat%p_adic_stf(:,:) + wombat%adic_vstf(:,:) ! [mol/m2/s]
+ call g_tracer_get_pointer(tracer_list, 'alk', 'stf', wombat%p_alk_stf)
+ wombat%alk_vstf(:,:) = (wombat%alk_global / wombat%sal_global) * salt_flux_added(:,:) ! [mol/m2/s]
+ wombat%p_alk_stf(:,:) = wombat%p_alk_stf(:,:) + wombat%alk_vstf(:,:) ! [mol/m2/s]
+ end subroutine generic_WOMBATlite_update_from_coupler
+ !#######################################################################
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ ! Set values of bottom fluxes and reservoirs
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ ! Some tracers could have bottom fluxes and reservoirs. This subroutine
+ ! is the place for specific tracer manipulations.
+ ! In WOMBATlite, remineralization from the sediment tracers (which
+ ! requires temperature) is done in update_from_source. Deposition from
+ ! sinking is handled here.
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ ! call generic_WOMBATlite_update_from_bottom(tracer_list, dt, tau)
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ ! Pointer to the head of generic tracer list.
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ ! Time step increment
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ ! Time step index to be used for %field
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ subroutine generic_WOMBATlite_update_from_bottom(tracer_list, dt, tau, model_time)
+ type(g_tracer_type), pointer :: tracer_list
+ real, intent(in) :: dt
+ integer, intent(in) :: tau
+ type(time_type), intent(in) :: model_time
+ integer :: isc, iec, jsc, jec, isd, ied, jsd, jed, nk, ntau
+ real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: grid_tmask
+ logical :: used
+ call g_tracer_get_common(isc, iec, jsc, jec, isd, ied, jsd, jed, nk, ntau, &
+ grid_tmask=grid_tmask)
+ ! Move bottom reservoirs to sediment tracers
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ call g_tracer_get_values(tracer_list, 'det', 'btm_reservoir', wombat%det_btm, isd, jsd)
+ call g_tracer_get_pointer(tracer_list, 'det_sediment', 'field', wombat%p_det_sediment)
+ wombat%p_det_sediment(:,:,1) = wombat%p_det_sediment(:,:,1) + wombat%det_btm(:,:) ! [mol/m2]
+ call g_tracer_set_values(tracer_list, 'det', 'btm_reservoir', 0.0)
+ call g_tracer_get_values(tracer_list, 'caco3', 'btm_reservoir', wombat%caco3_btm, isd, jsd)
+ call g_tracer_get_pointer(tracer_list, 'caco3_sediment', 'field', wombat%p_caco3_sediment)
+ wombat%p_caco3_sediment(:,:,1) = wombat%p_caco3_sediment(:,:,1) + wombat%caco3_btm(:,:) ! [mol/m2]
+ call g_tracer_set_values(tracer_list, 'caco3', 'btm_reservoir', 0.0)
+ ! Send diagnostics
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if (wombat%id_det_sed_depst .gt. 0) &
+ used = g_send_data(wombat%id_det_sed_depst, wombat%det_btm / dt, model_time, &
+ rmask=grid_tmask(:,:,1), is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec)
+ if (wombat%id_caco3_sed_depst .gt. 0) &
+ used = g_send_data(wombat%id_caco3_sed_depst, wombat%caco3_btm / dt, model_time, &
+ rmask=grid_tmask(:,:,1), is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec)
+ end subroutine generic_WOMBATlite_update_from_bottom
+ !#######################################################################
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ ! Update tracer concentration fields due to the source/sink contributions.
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ ! This is the subroutine to contain most of the biogeochemistry for
+ ! calculating the interaction of tracers with each other and with outside
+ ! forcings.
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ ! call generic_WOMBATlite_update_from_source(tracer_list, Temp, Salt, &
+ ! dzt, hblt_depth, ilb, jlb, tau, dt, grid_dat, sw_pen, opacity)
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ ! Pointer to the head of generic tracer list.
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ ! Lower bounds of x and y extents of input arrays on data domain
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ ! Ocean temperature
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ ! Ocean salinity
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ ! Ocean layer thickness (meters)
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ ! Ocean opacity
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ ! Shortwave peneteration
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ ! Depth of actively mixing layer
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ ! Grid area
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ ! Time step index of %field
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ ! Time step increment
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ subroutine generic_WOMBATlite_update_from_source(tracer_list, Temp, Salt, &
+ rho_dzt, dzt, hblt_depth, ilb, jlb, tau, dt, grid_dat, model_time, nbands, &
+ max_wavelength_band, sw_pen_band, opacity_band)
+ type(g_tracer_type), pointer :: tracer_list
+ real, dimension(ilb:,jlb:,:), intent(in) :: Temp, Salt, rho_dzt, dzt
+ real, dimension(ilb:,jlb:), intent(in) :: hblt_depth
+ integer, intent(in) :: ilb, jlb, tau
+ real, intent(in) :: dt
+ real, dimension(ilb:,jlb:), intent(in) :: grid_dat
+ type(time_type), intent(in) :: model_time
+ integer, intent(in) :: nbands
+ real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: max_wavelength_band
+ real, dimension(:,ilb:,jlb:), intent(in) :: sw_pen_band
+ real, dimension(:,ilb:,jlb:,:), intent(in) :: opacity_band
+ character(len=fm_string_len), parameter :: sub_name = 'generic_WOMBATlite_update_from_source'
+ integer :: isc, iec, jsc, jec, isd, ied, jsd, jed, nk, ntau, tn
+ integer :: i, j, k, n, nz
+ real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: grid_tmask
+ integer, dimension(:,:), pointer :: grid_kmt
+ integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: kmeuph ! deepest level of euphotic zone
+ integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: k100 ! deepest level less than 100 m
+ real :: mmol_m3_to_mol_kg, umol_m3_to_mol_kg, mmol2_m6_to_mol2_kg2
+ integer :: ts_npzd ! number of time steps within NPZD model
+ real :: dtsb ! number of seconds per NPZD timestep
+ real :: rdtts ! 1 / dt
+ real, dimension(nbands) :: sw_pen
+ real :: sw_pen_top, sw_pen_bottom
+ real :: u_npz, g_npz
+ real :: fbc
+ real :: f11, f21, f22, f23, f31, f32, f41, f51
+ real :: no3_bgc_change, caco3_bgc_change
+ real :: epsi = 1.0e-30
+ logical :: used
+ call g_tracer_get_common(isc, iec, jsc, jec, isd, ied, jsd, jed, nk, ntau, &
+ grid_tmask=grid_tmask, grid_kmt=grid_kmt)
+ ! dts: Note, other generic_tracer modules call this zt. However here we
+ ! call this zw to be consistent with WOMBAT v3, which uses MOM5 terminology.
+ ! zm here is halfway between interfaces
+ wombat%zw(:,:,:) = 0.0
+ wombat%zm(:,:,:) = 0.0
+ do j = jsc,jec; do i = isc,iec
+ wombat%zw(i,j,1) = dzt(i,j,1)
+ wombat%zm(i,j,1) = 0.5 * dzt(i,j,1)
+ enddo; enddo
+ do k = 2,nk; do j = jsc,jec ; do i = isc,iec
+ wombat%zw(i,j,k) = wombat%zw(i,j,k-1) + dzt(i,j,k)
+ wombat%zm(i,j,k) = wombat%zw(i,j,k-1) + 0.5 * dzt(i,j,k)
+ enddo; enddo ; enddo
+ !=======================================================================
+ ! Surface gas fluxes
+ !=======================================================================
+ !
+ ! Calculate the surface gas fluxes for the next round of exchange. This
+ ! is done here to align with other generic_tracer modules (e.g. BLING).
+ ! dts: I think this done here in other modules because they calculate
+ ! 3D Carbonate ion concentration (co3_ion) here using the FMS_ocmip2_co2calc
+ ! routine. The FMS_ocmip2_co2calc routine also calculates co2star, alpha
+ ! and pco2surf, so it makes sense to set these values here rather than
+ ! recalculating them in set_boundary_values.
+ call g_tracer_get_values(tracer_list, 'dic', 'field', wombat%f_dic, isd, jsd, ntau=tau, &
+ positive=.true.)
+ call g_tracer_get_values(tracer_list, 'adic', 'field', wombat%f_adic, isd, jsd, ntau=tau, &
+ positive=.true.)
+ call g_tracer_get_values(tracer_list, 'no3', 'field', wombat%f_no3, isd, jsd, ntau=tau, &
+ positive=.true.)
+ call g_tracer_get_values(tracer_list, 'alk', 'field', wombat%f_alk, isd, jsd, ntau=tau, &
+ positive=.true.)
+ do j = jsc,jec; do i = isc,iec
+ wombat%htotallo(i,j) = wombat%htotal_scale_lo * wombat%htotal(i,j)
+ wombat%htotalhi(i,j) = wombat%htotal_scale_hi * wombat%htotal(i,j)
+ wombat%ahtotallo(i,j) = wombat%htotal_scale_lo * wombat%ahtotal(i,j)
+ wombat%ahtotalhi(i,j) = wombat%htotal_scale_hi * wombat%ahtotal(i,j)
+ enddo; enddo
+ call FMS_ocmip2_co2calc(CO2_dope_vec, grid_tmask(:,:,1), &
+ Temp(:,:,1), Salt(:,:,1), &
+ wombat%f_dic(:,:,1), &
+ wombat%f_no3(:,:,1) / 16., &
+ wombat%sio2(:,:), &
+ wombat%f_alk(:,:,1), &
+ wombat%htotallo(:,:), wombat%htotalhi(:,:), &
+ wombat%htotal(:,:), &
+ co2_calc=trim(co2_calc), &
+ zt=wombat%zw(:,:,1), &
+ co2star=wombat%co2_csurf(:,:), alpha=wombat%co2_alpha(:,:), &
+ pCO2surf=wombat%pco2_csurf(:,:))
+ call FMS_ocmip2_co2calc(CO2_dope_vec, grid_tmask(:,:,1), &
+ Temp(:,:,1), Salt(:,:,1), &
+ wombat%f_adic(:,:,1), &
+ wombat%f_no3(:,:,1) / 16., &
+ wombat%sio2(:,:), &
+ wombat%f_alk(:,:,1), &
+ wombat%ahtotallo(:,:), wombat%ahtotalhi(:,:), &
+ wombat%ahtotal(:,:), &
+ co2_calc=trim(co2_calc), &
+ zt=wombat%zw(:,:,1), &
+ co2star=wombat%aco2_csurf(:,:), alpha=wombat%aco2_alpha(:,:), &
+ pCO2surf=wombat%paco2_csurf(:,:))
+ call g_tracer_set_values(tracer_list, 'dic', 'alpha', wombat%co2_alpha, isd, jsd)
+ call g_tracer_set_values(tracer_list, 'dic', 'csurf', wombat%co2_csurf, isd, jsd)
+ call g_tracer_set_values(tracer_list, 'adic', 'alpha', wombat%aco2_alpha, isd, jsd)
+ call g_tracer_set_values(tracer_list, 'adic', 'csurf', wombat%aco2_csurf, isd, jsd)
+ !=======================================================================
+ ! Calculate the source terms
+ !=======================================================================
+ wombat%pprod_gross(:,:,:) = 0.0
+ wombat%zprod_gross(:,:,:) = 0.0
+ wombat%light_limit(:,:) = 0.0
+ wombat%radbio3d(:,:,:) = 0.0
+ wombat%npp3d(:,:,:) = 0.0
+ wombat%vpbio(:,:,:) = 0.0
+ wombat%avej(:,:,:) = 0.0
+ wombat%export_prod(:,:) = 0.0
+ wombat%export_inorg(:,:) = 0.0
+ wombat%adic_intmld(:,:) = 0.0
+ wombat%dic_intmld(:,:) = 0.0
+ wombat%o2_intmld(:,:) = 0.0
+ wombat%no3_intmld(:,:) = 0.0
+ wombat%fe_intmld(:,:) = 0.0
+ wombat%phy_intmld(:,:) = 0.0
+ wombat%det_intmld(:,:) = 0.0
+ wombat%pprod_gross_intmld(:,:) = 0.0
+ wombat%npp_intmld(:,:) = 0.0
+ wombat%radbio_intmld(:,:) = 0.0
+ wombat%adic_int100(:,:) = 0.0
+ wombat%dic_int100(:,:) = 0.0
+ wombat%o2_int100(:,:) = 0.0
+ wombat%no3_int100(:,:) = 0.0
+ wombat%fe_int100(:,:) = 0.0
+ wombat%phy_int100(:,:) = 0.0
+ wombat%det_int100(:,:) = 0.0
+ wombat%pprod_gross_int100(:,:) = 0.0
+ wombat%npp_int100(:,:) = 0.0
+ wombat%radbio_int100(:,:) = 0.0
+ ! Some unit conversion factors
+ mmol_m3_to_mol_kg = 1.e-3 / wombat%Rho_0
+ umol_m3_to_mol_kg = 1.e-3 * mmol_m3_to_mol_kg
+ mmol2_m6_to_mol2_kg2 = mmol_m3_to_mol_kg * mmol_m3_to_mol_kg
+ ! Set the maximum index for euphotic depth
+ ! dts: in WOMBAT v3, kmeuph and k100 are integers but here they are arrays since zw
+ ! may vary spatially
+ allocate(kmeuph(isc:iec, jsc:jec)); kmeuph(:,:)=1
+ allocate(k100(isc:iec, jsc:jec)); k100(:,:)=1
+ do j = jsc,jec; do i = isc,iec;
+ nz = grid_kmt(i,j)
+ do k = 1,nz
+ if (wombat%zw(i,j,k) .le. 400) kmeuph(i,j)=k
+ if (wombat%zw(i,j,k) .le. 100) k100(i,j)=k
+ enddo
+ enddo; enddo
+ ! Get the timestep for the ecosystem model
+ ts_npzd = max(1, nint(dt / wombat%dt_npzd)) ! number of ecosystem timesteps per model timestep
+ rdtts = 1 / dt
+ dtsb = dt / float(ts_npzd) ! number of seconds per nested ecosystem timestep
+ ! Get the prognostic tracer values
+ ! dts attn: we should probably update prognostic tracers via pointers to avoid
+ ! having to allocate all these field arrays
+ ! dts attn: do we really want/need to force these to be positive?
+ call g_tracer_get_values(tracer_list, 'no3', 'field', wombat%f_no3, isd, jsd, ntau=tau, &
+ positive=.true.) ! [mol/kg]
+ call g_tracer_get_values(tracer_list, 'phy', 'field', wombat%f_phy, isd, jsd, ntau=tau, &
+ positive=.true.) ! [mol/kg]
+ call g_tracer_get_values(tracer_list, 'zoo', 'field', wombat%f_zoo, isd, jsd, ntau=tau, &
+ positive=.true.) ! [mol/kg]
+ call g_tracer_get_values(tracer_list, 'det', 'field', wombat%f_det, isd, jsd, ntau=tau, &
+ positive=.true.) ! [mol/kg]
+ call g_tracer_get_values(tracer_list, 'o2', 'field', wombat%f_o2, isd, jsd, ntau=tau, &
+ positive=.true.) ! [mol/kg]
+ call g_tracer_get_values(tracer_list, 'caco3', 'field', wombat%f_caco3, isd, jsd, ntau=tau, &
+ positive=.true.) ! [mol/kg]
+ call g_tracer_get_values(tracer_list, 'fe', 'field', wombat%f_fe, isd, jsd, ntau=tau, &
+ positive=.true.) ! [mol/kg]
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! Available light and export production
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ do j = jsc,jec; do i = isc,iec
+ ! dts: keep only shortwave wavelengths < 710 nm (taken from COBALT/BLING)
+ do n = 1,nbands;
+ if (max_wavelength_band(n) .lt. 710) then
+ sw_pen(n) = max(0.0, sw_pen_band(n,i,j))
+ else
+ sw_pen(n) = 0.0
+ endif
+ enddo
+ do k = 1,kmeuph(i,j)
+ ! Shortwave intensity summed over bands and averaged over layer
+ sw_pen_top = 0.0
+ sw_pen_bottom = 0.0
+ do n = 1,nbands;
+ sw_pen_top = sw_pen_top + sw_pen(n) ! sw at top interface
+ sw_pen(n) = sw_pen(n) * exp(-1.0 * opacity_band(n,i,j,k) * dzt(i,j,k))
+ sw_pen_bottom = sw_pen_bottom + sw_pen(n) ! sw at bottom interface
+ enddo
+ wombat%radbio3d(i,j,k) = 0.5 * (sw_pen_top + sw_pen_bottom) ! [W/m2]
+ wombat%vpbio(i,j,k) = wombat%abio * wombat%bbio ** (wombat%cbio * Temp(i,j,k)) ! [1/s]
+ ! Growth term from Brian Griffiths
+ wombat%avej(i,j,k) = wombat%vpbio(i,j,k) * &
+ (1.0 - exp(-1.0 * (wombat%alphabio * wombat%radbio3d(i,j,k)) / wombat%vpbio(i,j,k))) ! [1/s]
+ ! Calculate the average light limitation over the mixed layer
+ if (wombat%zw(i,j,k) .le. hblt_depth(i,j)) &
+ wombat%light_limit(i,j) = wombat%light_limit(i,j) + dzt(i,j,k) * &
+ (1.0 - exp(-1.0 * (wombat%alphabio * wombat%radbio3d(i,j,k)) / wombat%vpbio(i,j,k))) ! [m]
+ enddo
+ ! dts: in WOMBAT v3, export production was calucated before updating the source terms so we do
+ ! the same here
+ k = k100(i,j)
+ wombat%export_prod(i,j) = (wombat%Rho_0 * wombat%wdetbio) * wombat%f_det(i,j,k) ! [mol/m2/s]
+ wombat%export_inorg(i,j) = (wombat%Rho_0 * wombat%wcaco3) * wombat%f_caco3(i,j,k) ! [mol/m2/s]
+ enddo; enddo
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! Calculate source terms using Euler forward timestepping
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! chd: This is the NPZD model:
+ ! (P: phytoplankton, Z: Zooplankton, N: Nitrate and D: Detritus)
+ ! dP/dt = u(N,Temp.,Light) P - p_P P - g(P) P Z
+ ! dZ/dt = a g(P) P Z - d Z - p_Z Z^2
+ ! dN/dt = r D + d Z - u(N,Temp.,Light) P [ + r_d DOC ]
+ ! dD/dt = (1-s)[ (1-a) g(P) P Z + p_P P + p_Z Z^2] -r D + w_D dD/dz
+ wombat%no3_prev(:,:,:) = wombat%f_no3(:,:,:)
+ wombat%caco3_prev(:,:,:) = wombat%f_caco3(:,:,:)
+ do tn = 1,ts_npzd
+ do k = 1,nk; do j = jsc,jec; do i = isc,iec;
+ ! chd: Use Liebigs Law of the Minimum (Liebig, 1845) for growth rate
+ ! (minimum of light-limited and nutrient limited growth rates); although
+ ! chlorophyll is not explicitly considered, this will later allow for a
+ ! diagnostic determination of a Chl:N ratio depending on light- or
+ ! nutrient-limited growth.
+ ! Growth rate
+ ! dts: convert k1bio from mmol/m3 to mol/kg
+ u_npz = min(wombat%avej(i,j,k), wombat%vpbio(i,j,k) * wombat%f_no3(i,j,k) / &
+ (mmol_m3_to_mol_kg * wombat%k1bio + wombat%f_no3(i,j,k))) ! [1/s]
+ ! Iron limitation
+ ! dts: convert 0.1 from umol/m3 to mol/kg
+ u_npz = min(u_npz, wombat%vpbio(i,j,k) * wombat%f_fe(i,j,k) / &
+ (umol_m3_to_mol_kg * 0.1 + wombat%f_fe(i,j,k))) ! [1/s]
+ ! Grazing function
+ ! dts: convert epsbio from m6/mmol2/s to kg2/mol2/s
+ g_npz = wombat%gbio * &
+ ((wombat%epsbio / mmol2_m6_to_mol2_kg2) * (wombat%f_phy(i,j,k) * wombat%f_phy(i,j,k))) / &
+ (wombat%gbio + &
+ (wombat%epsbio / mmol2_m6_to_mol2_kg2) * (wombat%f_phy(i,j,k) * wombat%f_phy(i,j,k))) ! [1/s]
+ ! Temperature dependance of growth rates
+ fbc = wombat%bbio ** (wombat%cbio * Temp(i,j,k)) ! [1]
+ if (wombat%f_no3(i,j,k) .gt. epsi) then
+ f11 = u_npz * wombat%f_phy(i,j,k) ! [mol/kg/s]
+ else
+ f11 = 0.0
+ endif
+ ! dts: convert muepsbio from m3/mmol/s to kg/mol/s
+ if (wombat%f_phy(i,j,k) .gt. epsi) then
+ f21 = g_npz * wombat%f_zoo(i,j,k) ! [mol/kg/s]
+ f22 = wombat%muepbio * fbc * wombat%f_phy(i,j,k) ! [mol/kg/s]
+ f23 = (wombat%muepsbio / mmol_m3_to_mol_kg) * wombat%f_phy(i,j,k) * wombat%f_phy(i,j,k) ! [mol/kg/s]
+ else
+ f21 = 0.0
+ f22 = 0.0
+ f23 = 0.0
+ endif
+ ! dts: convert muepsbio from m3/mmol/s to kg/mol/s
+ if (wombat%f_zoo(i,j,k) .gt. epsi) then
+ f31 = wombat%gam2bio * fbc * wombat%f_zoo(i,j,k) ! [mol/kg/s]
+ f32 = (wombat%muezbio / mmol_m3_to_mol_kg) * wombat%f_zoo(i,j,k) * wombat%f_zoo(i,j,k) ! [mol/kg/s]
+ else
+ f31 = 0.0
+ f32 = 0.0
+ endif
+ if (wombat%f_det(i,j,k) .gt. epsi) then
+ f41 = wombat%muedbio * fbc * wombat%f_det(i,j,k) ! [mol/kg/s]
+ if (wombat%zw(i,j,k) .ge. 180) f41 = 0.5 * f41 ! reduce decay below 180m
+ else
+ f41 = 0.0
+ endif
+ if (wombat%f_caco3(i,j,k) .gt. epsi) then
+ f51 = wombat%muecaco3 * wombat%f_caco3(i,j,k) ! [mol/kg/s]
+ else
+ f51 = 0.0
+ endif
+ ! Nutrient equation
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ wombat%f_no3(i,j,k) = wombat%f_no3(i,j,k) + dtsb * ((f41 + f31) + (f22 - f11)) ! [mol/kg]
+ ! Phytoplankton equation
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ wombat%f_phy(i,j,k) = wombat%f_phy(i,j,k) + dtsb * ((f11 - f21) - (f22 + f23)) ! [mol/kg]
+ ! Estimate primary productivity from phytoplankton growth
+ wombat%pprod_gross(i,j,k) = wombat%pprod_gross(i,j,k) + dtsb * f11 ! [mol/kg]
+ ! Net primary productivity (gross PP minus linear mortality)
+ wombat%npp3d(i,j,k) = wombat%npp3d(i,j,k) + dtsb * (f11 - f21) ! [mol/kg]
+ ! Zooplankton equation
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ wombat%f_zoo(i,j,k) = wombat%f_zoo(i,j,k) + dtsb * &
+ (wombat%gam1bio * f21 - (f31 + f32)) ! [mol/kg]
+ ! Estimate secondary productivity from zooplankton growth
+ wombat%zprod_gross(i,j,k) = wombat%zprod_gross(i,j,k) + dtsb * f21 ! [mol/kg]
+ ! Detritus equation
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ wombat%f_det(i,j,k) = wombat%f_det(i,j,k) + dtsb * &
+ (((1 - wombat%gam1bio) * f21 + f23) + (f32 - f41)) ! [mol/kg]
+ ! Oxygen equation
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if (wombat%f_o2(i,j,k) .gt. epsi) &
+ wombat%f_o2(i,j,k) = wombat%f_o2(i,j,k) - 172. / 16. * dtsb * &
+ ((f41 + f31) + (f22 - f11)) ! [mol/kg]
+ ! Extra equation for caco3 - alkalinity
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! rjm: 6.2% of POC by default 106/16*.062
+ wombat%f_caco3(i,j,k) = wombat%f_caco3(i,j,k) + dtsb * &
+ (((1 - wombat%gam1bio) * f21 + (f23 + f32)) * wombat%f_inorg * 106. / 16. - f51) ! [mol/kg]
+ ! Extra equation for iron
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! mac: molar Fe:N = 1.98e-5:1.0 (Christian et al. 2002)
+ wombat%f_fe(i,j,k) = wombat%f_fe(i,j,k) + dtsb * 2.0e-5 * &
+ ((f41 + f31) + (f22 - f11)) ! [mol/kg]
+ enddo; enddo; enddo
+ enddo
+ ! Add biotically induced tendency to biotracers
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! dts: update prognostic tracers via pointers
+ call g_tracer_get_pointer(tracer_list, 'dic', 'field', wombat%p_dic) ! [mol/kg]
+ call g_tracer_get_pointer(tracer_list, 'adic', 'field', wombat%p_adic) ! [mol/kg]
+ call g_tracer_get_pointer(tracer_list, 'alk', 'field', wombat%p_alk) ! [mol/kg]
+ do k = 1,nk; do j = jsc,jec; do i = isc,iec;
+ no3_bgc_change = grid_tmask(i,j,k) * (wombat%f_no3(i,j,k) - wombat%no3_prev(i,j,k)) ! [mol/kg]
+ caco3_bgc_change = grid_tmask(i,j,k) * (wombat%f_caco3(i,j,k) - wombat%caco3_prev(i,j,k)) ! [mol/kg]
+ ! dts: convert fe_bkgnd from umol/m3 to mol/kg
+ wombat%f_fe(i,j,k) = wombat%f_fe(i,j,k) - dt * wombat%tscav_fe * &
+ max(0.0, (wombat%f_fe(i,j,k) - (umol_m3_to_mol_kg * wombat%fe_bkgnd))) ! [mol/kg]
+ wombat%p_dic(i,j,k,tau) = wombat%p_dic(i,j,k,tau) + &
+ (106. / 16. * no3_bgc_change - caco3_bgc_change) ! [mol/kg]
+ wombat%p_adic(i,j,k,tau) = wombat%p_adic(i,j,k,tau) + &
+ (106. / 16. * no3_bgc_change - caco3_bgc_change) ! [mol/kg]
+ wombat%p_alk(i,j,k,tau) = wombat%p_alk(i,j,k,tau) + &
+ (-2.0 * caco3_bgc_change - no3_bgc_change) ! [mol/kg]
+ wombat%pprod_gross(i,j,k) = rdtts * wombat%pprod_gross(i,j,k) * grid_tmask(i,j,k) ! [mol/kg/s]
+ wombat%zprod_gross(i,j,k) = rdtts * wombat%zprod_gross(i,j,k) * grid_tmask(i,j,k) ! [mol/kg/s]
+ wombat%npp3d(i,j,k) = rdtts * wombat%npp3d(i,j,k) * grid_tmask(i,j,k) ! [mol/kg/s]
+ if (wombat%zw(i,j,k) .le. hblt_depth(i,j)) then
+ wombat%adic_intmld(i,j) = wombat%adic_intmld(i,j) + &
+ wombat%p_adic(i,j,k,tau) * rho_dzt(i,j,k) ! [mol/m2]
+ wombat%dic_intmld(i,j) = wombat%dic_intmld(i,j) + wombat%p_dic(i,j,k,tau) * rho_dzt(i,j,k) ! [mol/m2]
+ wombat%o2_intmld(i,j) = wombat%o2_intmld(i,j) + wombat%f_o2(i,j,k) * rho_dzt(i,j,k) ! [mol/m2]
+ wombat%no3_intmld(i,j) = wombat%no3_intmld(i,j) + wombat%f_no3(i,j,k) * rho_dzt(i,j,k) ! [mol/m2]
+ wombat%fe_intmld(i,j) = wombat%fe_intmld(i,j) + wombat%f_fe(i,j,k) * rho_dzt(i,j,k) ! [mol/m2]
+ wombat%phy_intmld(i,j) = wombat%phy_intmld(i,j) + wombat%f_phy(i,j,k) * rho_dzt(i,j,k) ! [mol/m2]
+ wombat%det_intmld(i,j) = wombat%det_intmld(i,j) + wombat%f_det(i,j,k) * rho_dzt(i,j,k) ! [mol/m2]
+ wombat%pprod_gross_intmld(i,j) = wombat%pprod_gross_intmld(i,j) + &
+ wombat%pprod_gross(i,j,k) * rho_dzt(i,j,k) ! [mol/m2/s]
+ wombat%npp_intmld(i,j) = wombat%npp_intmld(i,j) + wombat%npp3d(i,j,k) * rho_dzt(i,j,k) ! [mol/m2/s]
+ wombat%radbio_intmld(i,j) = wombat%radbio_intmld(i,j) + wombat%radbio3d(i,j,k) * dzt(i,j,k) ! [W/m]
+ endif
+ if (wombat%zw(i,j,k) .le. 100) then
+ wombat%adic_int100(i,j) = wombat%adic_int100(i,j) + &
+ wombat%p_adic(i,j,k,tau) * rho_dzt(i,j,k) ! [mol/m2]
+ wombat%dic_int100(i,j) = wombat%dic_int100(i,j) + wombat%p_dic(i,j,k,tau) * rho_dzt(i,j,k) ! [mol/m2]
+ wombat%o2_int100(i,j) = wombat%o2_int100(i,j) + wombat%f_o2(i,j,k) * rho_dzt(i,j,k) ! [mol/m2]
+ wombat%no3_int100(i,j) = wombat%no3_int100(i,j) + wombat%f_no3(i,j,k) * rho_dzt(i,j,k) ! [mol/m2]
+ wombat%fe_int100(i,j) = wombat%fe_int100(i,j) + wombat%f_fe(i,j,k) * rho_dzt(i,j,k) ! [mol/m2]
+ wombat%phy_int100(i,j) = wombat%phy_int100(i,j) + wombat%f_phy(i,j,k) * rho_dzt(i,j,k) ! [mol/m2]
+ wombat%det_int100(i,j) = wombat%det_int100(i,j) + wombat%f_det(i,j,k) * rho_dzt(i,j,k) ! [mol/m2]
+ wombat%pprod_gross_int100(i,j) = wombat%pprod_gross_int100(i,j) + &
+ wombat%pprod_gross(i,j,k) * rho_dzt(i,j,k) ! [mol/m2/s]
+ wombat%npp_int100(i,j) = wombat%npp_int100(i,j) + wombat%npp3d(i,j,k) * rho_dzt(i,j,k) ! [mol/m2/s]
+ wombat%radbio_int100(i,j) = wombat%radbio_int100(i,j) + wombat%radbio3d(i,j,k) * dzt(i,j,k) ! [W/m]
+ endif
+ enddo; enddo; enddo
+ ! Bottom iron fix
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! mac: only apply this fix when the water is <= 200 m deep.
+ do j = jsc,jec; do i = isc,iec;
+ if (grid_kmt(i,j) .gt. 0) then
+ k = grid_kmt(i,j)
+ if (wombat%zw(i,j,k) .le. 200) &
+ wombat%f_fe(i,j,k)= umol_m3_to_mol_kg * 0.999 ! [mol/kg]
+ endif
+ enddo; enddo
+ ! Set tracers values
+ call g_tracer_set_values(tracer_list, 'no3', 'field', wombat%f_no3, isd, jsd, ntau=tau)
+ call g_tracer_set_values(tracer_list, 'phy', 'field', wombat%f_phy, isd, jsd, ntau=tau)
+ call g_tracer_set_values(tracer_list, 'zoo', 'field', wombat%f_zoo, isd, jsd, ntau=tau)
+ call g_tracer_set_values(tracer_list, 'det', 'field', wombat%f_det, isd, jsd, ntau=tau)
+ call g_tracer_set_values(tracer_list, 'o2', 'field', wombat%f_o2, isd, jsd, ntau=tau)
+ call g_tracer_set_values(tracer_list, 'caco3', 'field', wombat%f_caco3, isd, jsd, ntau=tau)
+ call g_tracer_set_values(tracer_list, 'fe', 'field', wombat%f_fe, isd, jsd, ntau=tau)
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! Remineralisation of sediment tracers
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ call g_tracer_get_pointer(tracer_list, 'det_sediment', 'field', wombat%p_det_sediment) ! [mol/m2]
+ call g_tracer_get_pointer(tracer_list, 'caco3_sediment', 'field', wombat%p_caco3_sediment) ! [mol/m2]
+ do j = jsc,jec; do i = isc,iec;
+ k = grid_kmt(i,j)
+ if (k .gt. 0) then
+ fbc = wombat%bbio ** (wombat%cbio * Temp(i,j,k)) ! [1]
+ wombat%det_sed_remin(i,j) = wombat%muedbio_sed * fbc * wombat%p_det_sediment(i,j,1) ! [mol/m2/s]
+ wombat%caco3_sed_remin(i,j) = wombat%muecaco3_sed * fbc * wombat%p_caco3_sediment(i,j,1) ! [mol/m2/s]
+ ! Remineralisation of sediments to supply nutrient fields.
+ ! btf values are positive from the water column into the sediment.
+ wombat%b_no3(i,j) = -1.0 * wombat%det_sed_remin(i,j) ! [mol/m2/s]
+ wombat%b_o2(i,j) = -172. / 16. * wombat%b_no3(i,j) ! [mol/m2/s]
+ wombat%b_dic(i,j) = 106. / 16. * wombat%b_no3(i,j) - wombat%caco3_sed_remin(i,j) ! [mol/m2/s]
+ wombat%b_adic(i,j) = wombat%b_dic(i,j) ! [mol/m2/s]
+ wombat%b_fe(i,j) = 2.0e-5 * wombat%b_no3(i,j) ! [mol/m2/s]
+ wombat%b_alk(i,j) = -2.0 * wombat%caco3_sed_remin(i,j) - wombat%b_no3(i,j) ! [mol/m2/s]
+ endif
+ enddo; enddo
+ ! Apply remineralisation rates to sediment tracers
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ do j = jsc,jec; do i = isc,iec;
+ if (grid_kmt(i,j) .gt. 0) then
+ wombat%p_det_sediment(i,j,1) = wombat%p_det_sediment(i,j,1) - dt * wombat%det_sed_remin(i,j) ! [mol/m2]
+ wombat%p_caco3_sediment(i,j,1) = wombat%p_caco3_sediment(i,j,1) - &
+ dt * wombat%caco3_sed_remin(i,j) ! [mol/m2]
+ endif
+ enddo; enddo
+ call g_tracer_set_values(tracer_list, 'no3', 'btf', wombat%b_no3, isd, jsd)
+ call g_tracer_set_values(tracer_list, 'o2', 'btf', wombat%b_o2, isd, jsd)
+ call g_tracer_set_values(tracer_list, 'dic', 'btf', wombat%b_dic, isd, jsd)
+ call g_tracer_set_values(tracer_list, 'adic', 'btf', wombat%b_adic, isd, jsd)
+ call g_tracer_set_values(tracer_list, 'fe', 'btf', wombat%b_fe, isd, jsd)
+ call g_tracer_set_values(tracer_list, 'alk', 'btf', wombat%b_alk, isd, jsd)
+ !=======================================================================
+ ! Send diagnostics
+ !=======================================================================
+ if (wombat%id_pco2 .gt. 0) &
+ used = g_send_data(wombat%id_pco2, wombat%pco2_csurf, model_time, &
+ rmask=grid_tmask(:,:,1), is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec)
+ if (wombat%id_paco2 .gt. 0) &
+ used = g_send_data(wombat%id_paco2, wombat%paco2_csurf, model_time, &
+ rmask=grid_tmask(:,:,1), is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec)
+ if (wombat%id_htotal .gt. 0) &
+ used = g_send_data(wombat%id_htotal, wombat%htotal, model_time, &
+ rmask=grid_tmask(:,:,1), is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec)
+ if (wombat%id_ahtotal .gt. 0) &
+ used = g_send_data(wombat%id_ahtotal, wombat%ahtotal, model_time, &
+ rmask=grid_tmask(:,:,1), is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec)
+ if (wombat%id_no3_vstf .gt. 0) &
+ used = g_send_data(wombat%id_no3_vstf, wombat%no3_vstf, model_time, &
+ rmask=grid_tmask(:,:,1), is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec)
+ if (wombat%id_dic_vstf .gt. 0) &
+ used = g_send_data(wombat%id_dic_vstf, wombat%dic_vstf, model_time, &
+ rmask=grid_tmask(:,:,1), is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec)
+ if (wombat%id_adic_vstf .gt. 0) &
+ used = g_send_data(wombat%id_adic_vstf, wombat%adic_vstf, model_time, &
+ rmask=grid_tmask(:,:,1), is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec)
+ if (wombat%id_alk_vstf .gt. 0) &
+ used = g_send_data(wombat%id_alk_vstf, wombat%alk_vstf, model_time, &
+ rmask=grid_tmask(:,:,1), is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec)
+ if (wombat%id_light_limit .gt. 0) &
+ used = g_send_data(wombat%id_light_limit, wombat%light_limit, model_time, &
+ rmask=grid_tmask(:,:,1), is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec)
+ if (wombat%id_radbio3d .gt. 0) &
+ used = g_send_data(wombat%id_radbio3d, wombat%radbio3d, model_time, &
+ rmask=grid_tmask, is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ks_in=1, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec, ke_in=nk)
+ if (wombat%id_radbio1 .gt. 0) &
+ used = g_send_data(wombat%id_radbio1, wombat%radbio3d(:,:,1), model_time, &
+ rmask=grid_tmask(:,:,1), is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec)
+ if (wombat%id_pprod_gross .gt. 0) &
+ used = g_send_data(wombat%id_pprod_gross, wombat%pprod_gross, model_time, &
+ rmask=grid_tmask, is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ks_in=1, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec, ke_in=nk)
+ if (wombat%id_pprod_gross_2d .gt. 0) then
+ wombat%pprod_gross_2d = 0.0
+ do k = 1,nk; do j = jsc,jec; do i = isc,iec;
+ wombat%pprod_gross_2d(i,j) = wombat%pprod_gross_2d(i,j) + &
+ wombat%pprod_gross(i,j,k) * rho_dzt(i,j,k) ! [mol/m2/s]
+ enddo; enddo; enddo
+ used = g_send_data(wombat%id_pprod_gross_2d, wombat%pprod_gross_2d, model_time, &
+ rmask=grid_tmask(:,:,1), is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec)
+ endif
+ if (wombat%id_wdet100 .gt. 0) then
+ do j = jsc,jec; do i = isc,iec;
+ wombat%wdet100(i,j) = (wombat%Rho_0 * wombat%wdetbio) * wombat%f_det(i,j, &
+ minloc(abs(wombat%zm(i,j,:)-100), dim=1)) ! [mol/m2/s]
+ enddo; enddo
+ used = g_send_data(wombat%id_wdet100, wombat%wdet100, model_time, &
+ rmask=grid_tmask(:,:,1), is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec)
+ endif
+ if (wombat%id_export_prod .gt. 0) &
+ used = g_send_data(wombat%id_export_prod, wombat%export_prod, model_time, &
+ rmask=grid_tmask(:,:,1), is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec)
+ if (wombat%id_export_inorg .gt. 0) &
+ used = g_send_data(wombat%id_export_inorg, wombat%export_inorg, model_time, &
+ rmask=grid_tmask(:,:,1), is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec)
+ if (wombat%id_npp3d .gt. 0) &
+ used = g_send_data(wombat%id_npp3d, wombat%npp3d, model_time, &
+ rmask=grid_tmask, is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ks_in=1, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec, ke_in=nk)
+ if (wombat%id_npp2d .gt. 0) then
+ wombat%npp2d = 0.0
+ do k = 1,nk
+ wombat%npp2d(isc:iec,jsc:jec) = wombat%npp2d(isc:iec,jsc:jec) + &
+ wombat%npp3d(isc:iec,jsc:jec,k) * rho_dzt(isc:iec,jsc:jec,k) ! [mol/m2/s]
+ enddo
+ used = g_send_data(wombat%id_npp2d, wombat%npp2d, model_time, &
+ rmask=grid_tmask(:,:,1), is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec)
+ endif
+ if (wombat%id_npp1 .gt. 0) &
+ used = g_send_data(wombat%id_npp1, wombat%npp3d(:,:,1), model_time, &
+ rmask=grid_tmask(:,:,1), is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec)
+ if (wombat%id_zprod_gross .gt. 0) &
+ used = g_send_data(wombat%id_zprod_gross, wombat%zprod_gross, model_time, &
+ rmask=grid_tmask, is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ks_in=1, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec, ke_in=nk)
+ if (wombat%id_adic_intmld .gt. 0) &
+ used = g_send_data(wombat%id_adic_intmld, wombat%adic_intmld, model_time, &
+ rmask=grid_tmask(:,:,1), is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec)
+ if (wombat%id_dic_intmld .gt. 0) &
+ used = g_send_data(wombat%id_dic_intmld, wombat%dic_intmld, model_time, &
+ rmask=grid_tmask(:,:,1), is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec)
+ if (wombat%id_o2_intmld .gt. 0) &
+ used = g_send_data(wombat%id_o2_intmld, wombat%o2_intmld, model_time, &
+ rmask=grid_tmask(:,:,1), is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec)
+ if (wombat%id_no3_intmld .gt. 0) &
+ used = g_send_data(wombat%id_no3_intmld, wombat%no3_intmld, model_time, &
+ rmask=grid_tmask(:,:,1), is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec)
+ if (wombat%id_fe_intmld .gt. 0) &
+ used = g_send_data(wombat%id_fe_intmld, wombat%fe_intmld, model_time, &
+ rmask=grid_tmask(:,:,1), is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec)
+ if (wombat%id_phy_intmld .gt. 0) &
+ used = g_send_data(wombat%id_phy_intmld, wombat%phy_intmld, model_time, &
+ rmask=grid_tmask(:,:,1), is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec)
+ if (wombat%id_det_intmld .gt. 0) &
+ used = g_send_data(wombat%id_det_intmld, wombat%det_intmld, model_time, &
+ rmask=grid_tmask(:,:,1), is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec)
+ if (wombat%id_pprod_gross_intmld .gt. 0) &
+ used = g_send_data(wombat%id_pprod_gross_intmld, wombat%pprod_gross_intmld, model_time, &
+ rmask=grid_tmask(:,:,1), is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec)
+ if (wombat%id_npp_intmld .gt. 0) &
+ used = g_send_data(wombat%id_npp_intmld, wombat%npp_intmld, model_time, &
+ rmask=grid_tmask(:,:,1), is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec)
+ if (wombat%id_radbio_intmld .gt. 0) &
+ used = g_send_data(wombat%id_radbio_intmld, wombat%radbio_intmld, model_time, &
+ rmask=grid_tmask(:,:,1), is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec)
+ if (wombat%id_adic_int100 .gt. 0) &
+ used = g_send_data(wombat%id_adic_int100, wombat%adic_int100, model_time, &
+ rmask=grid_tmask(:,:,1), is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec)
+ if (wombat%id_dic_int100 .gt. 0) &
+ used = g_send_data(wombat%id_dic_int100, wombat%dic_int100, model_time, &
+ rmask=grid_tmask(:,:,1), is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec)
+ if (wombat%id_o2_int100 .gt. 0) &
+ used = g_send_data(wombat%id_o2_int100, wombat%o2_int100, model_time, &
+ rmask=grid_tmask(:,:,1), is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec)
+ if (wombat%id_no3_int100 .gt. 0) &
+ used = g_send_data(wombat%id_no3_int100, wombat%no3_int100, model_time, &
+ rmask=grid_tmask(:,:,1), is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec)
+ if (wombat%id_fe_int100 .gt. 0) &
+ used = g_send_data(wombat%id_fe_int100, wombat%fe_int100, model_time, &
+ rmask=grid_tmask(:,:,1), is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec)
+ if (wombat%id_phy_int100 .gt. 0) &
+ used = g_send_data(wombat%id_phy_int100, wombat%phy_int100, model_time, &
+ rmask=grid_tmask(:,:,1), is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec)
+ if (wombat%id_det_int100 .gt. 0) &
+ used = g_send_data(wombat%id_det_int100, wombat%det_int100, model_time, &
+ rmask=grid_tmask(:,:,1), is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec)
+ if (wombat%id_pprod_gross_int100 .gt. 0) &
+ used = g_send_data(wombat%id_pprod_gross_int100, wombat%pprod_gross_int100, model_time, &
+ rmask=grid_tmask(:,:,1), is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec)
+ if (wombat%id_npp_int100 .gt. 0) &
+ used = g_send_data(wombat%id_npp_int100, wombat%npp_int100, model_time, &
+ rmask=grid_tmask(:,:,1), is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec)
+ if (wombat%id_radbio_int100 .gt. 0) &
+ used = g_send_data(wombat%id_radbio_int100, wombat%radbio_int100, model_time, &
+ rmask=grid_tmask(:,:,1), is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec)
+ if (wombat%id_det_sed_remin .gt. 0) &
+ used = g_send_data(wombat%id_det_sed_remin, wombat%det_sed_remin, model_time, &
+ rmask=grid_tmask(:,:,1), is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec)
+ if (wombat%id_caco3_sed_remin .gt. 0) &
+ used = g_send_data(wombat%id_caco3_sed_remin, wombat%caco3_sed_remin, model_time, &
+ rmask=grid_tmask(:,:,1), is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec)
+ deallocate(kmeuph, k100)
+ end subroutine generic_WOMBATlite_update_from_source
+ !#######################################################################
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ ! Calculate and set coupler values at the surface / bottom
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ ! Calculate and set coupler values at the surface / bottom of the ocean.
+ ! User must provide the calculations for these boundary values.
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ ! call generic_WOMBATlite_set_boundary_values(tracer_list, SST, SSS, rho, ilb, jlb, tau, dzt)
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ ! Pointer to the head of generic tracer list.
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ ! Lower bounds of x and y extents of input arrays on data domain
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ ! Sea Surface Temperature
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ ! Sea Surface Salinity
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ ! Ocean density
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ ! Time step index of %field
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ ! Layer thickness
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ subroutine generic_WOMBATlite_set_boundary_values(tracer_list, SST, SSS, rho, ilb, jlb, tau, dzt)
+ type(g_tracer_type), pointer :: tracer_list
+ real, dimension(ilb:,jlb:), intent(in) :: SST, SSS
+ real, dimension(ilb:,jlb:,:,:), intent(in) :: rho
+ integer, intent(in) :: ilb, jlb, tau
+ real, dimension(ilb:,jlb:,:), optional, intent(in) :: dzt
+ integer :: isc, iec, jsc, jec, isd, ied, jsd, jed, nk, ntau, i, j
+ real :: sal, ST, o2_saturation
+ real :: tt, tk, ts, ts2, ts3, ts4, ts5
+ real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: grid_tmask
+ character(len=fm_string_len), parameter :: sub_name = 'generic_WOMBATlite_set_boundary_values'
+ ! Get the necessary properties
+ call g_tracer_get_common(isc, iec, jsc, jec, isd, ied, jsd, jed, nk, ntau, &
+ grid_tmask=grid_tmask)
+ call g_tracer_get_pointer(tracer_list, 'o2', 'field', wombat%p_o2)
+ ! nnz: Since the generic_WOMBATlite_update_from_source() subroutine is called by this time
+ ! the following if block is not really necessary (since this calculation is already done in
+ ! source).
+ ! It is only neccessary if source routine is commented out for debugging.
+ ! Note: In order for this to work we should NOT zero out the coupler values for generic tracers
+ ! This zeroing is done for non-generic TOPAZ by calling zero_ocean_sfc.
+ ! Since the coupler values here are non-cumulative there is no need to zero them out anyway.
+ if (wombat%init .OR. wombat%force_update_fluxes) then
+ ! Get necessary fields
+ call g_tracer_get_values(tracer_list, 'dic', 'field', wombat%f_dic, isd, jsd, ntau=1, &
+ positive=.true.)
+ call g_tracer_get_values(tracer_list, 'adic', 'field', wombat%f_adic, isd, jsd, ntau=1, &
+ positive=.true.)
+ call g_tracer_get_values(tracer_list, 'no3', 'field', wombat%f_no3, isd, jsd, ntau=1, &
+ positive=.true.)
+ call g_tracer_get_values(tracer_list, 'alk', 'field', wombat%f_alk, isd, jsd, ntau=1, &
+ positive=.true.)
+ do j = jsc, jec; do i = isc, iec
+ wombat%htotallo(i,j) = wombat%htotal_scale_lo * wombat%htotal(i,j)
+ wombat%htotalhi(i,j) = wombat%htotal_scale_hi * wombat%htotal(i,j)
+ wombat%ahtotallo(i,j) = wombat%htotal_scale_lo * wombat%ahtotal(i,j)
+ wombat%ahtotalhi(i,j) = wombat%htotal_scale_hi * wombat%ahtotal(i,j)
+ enddo; enddo
+ if ((trim(co2_calc) == 'mocsy') .and. (.not. present(dzt))) then
+ call mpp_error(FATAL,"mocsy method of co2_calc needs dzt to be passed to the "// &
+ "FMS_ocmip2_co2calc subroutine.")
+ endif
+ call FMS_ocmip2_co2calc(CO2_dope_vec, grid_tmask(:,:,1), &
+ SST(:,:), SSS(:,:), &
+ wombat%f_dic(:,:,1), &
+ wombat%f_no3(:,:,1) / 16., &
+ wombat%sio2(:,:), &
+ wombat%f_alk(:,:,1), &
+ wombat%htotallo(:,:), wombat%htotalhi(:,:), &
+ wombat%htotal(:,:), &
+ co2_calc=trim(co2_calc), &
+ zt=dzt(:,:,1), &
+ co2star=wombat%co2_csurf(:,:), alpha=wombat%co2_alpha(:,:), &
+ pCO2surf=wombat%pco2_csurf(:,:))
+ call FMS_ocmip2_co2calc(CO2_dope_vec, grid_tmask(:,:,1), &
+ SST(:,:), SSS(:,:), &
+ wombat%f_adic(:,:,1), &
+ wombat%f_no3(:,:,1) / 16., &
+ wombat%sio2(:,:), &
+ wombat%f_alk(:,:,1), &
+ wombat%ahtotallo(:,:), wombat%ahtotalhi(:,:), &
+ wombat%ahtotal(:,:), &
+ co2_calc=trim(co2_calc), &
+ zt=dzt(:,:,1), &
+ co2star=wombat%aco2_csurf(:,:), alpha=wombat%aco2_alpha(:,:), &
+ pCO2surf=wombat%paco2_csurf(:,:))
+ call g_tracer_set_values(tracer_list, 'dic', 'alpha', wombat%co2_alpha, isd, jsd)
+ call g_tracer_set_values(tracer_list, 'dic', 'csurf', wombat%co2_csurf, isd, jsd)
+ call g_tracer_set_values(tracer_list, 'adic', 'alpha', wombat%aco2_alpha, isd, jsd)
+ call g_tracer_set_values(tracer_list, 'adic', 'csurf', wombat%aco2_csurf, isd, jsd)
+ ! nnz: If source is called uncomment the following
+ wombat%init = .false. !nnz: This is necessary since the above calls appear in source subroutine too.
+ endif
+ call g_tracer_get_values(tracer_list, 'dic', 'alpha', wombat%co2_alpha ,isd, jsd)
+ call g_tracer_get_values(tracer_list, 'dic', 'csurf', wombat%co2_csurf ,isd, jsd)
+ call g_tracer_get_values(tracer_list, 'adic', 'alpha', wombat%aco2_alpha ,isd, jsd)
+ call g_tracer_get_values(tracer_list, 'adic', 'csurf', wombat%aco2_csurf ,isd, jsd)
+ do j=jsc,jec ; do i=isc,iec
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! Compute the Schmidt number of CO2 in seawater using the formulation
+ ! presented by Wanninkhof (1992, J. Geophys. Res., 97, 7373-7382).
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ST = SST(i,j)
+ wombat%co2_sc_no(i,j) = wombat%a1_co2 + ST*(wombat%a2_co2 + ST*(wombat%a3_co2 + &
+ ST*wombat%a4_co2)) * grid_tmask(i,j,1)
+ wombat%co2_alpha(i,j) = wombat%co2_alpha(i,j) * wombat%Rho_0 !nnz: MOM has rho(i,j,1,tau)
+ wombat%co2_csurf(i,j) = wombat%co2_csurf(i,j) * wombat%Rho_0 !nnz: MOM has rho(i,j,1,tau)
+ wombat%aco2_alpha(i,j) = wombat%aco2_alpha(i,j) * wombat%Rho_0 !nnz: MOM has rho(i,j,1,tau)
+ wombat%aco2_csurf(i,j) = wombat%aco2_csurf(i,j) * wombat%Rho_0 !nnz: MOM has rho(i,j,1,tau)
+ enddo; enddo
+ ! Set %csurf, %alpha and %sc_no for these tracers. This will mark them
+ ! for sending fluxes to coupler
+ call g_tracer_set_values(tracer_list, 'dic', 'alpha', wombat%co2_alpha, isd, jsd)
+ call g_tracer_set_values(tracer_list, 'dic', 'csurf', wombat%co2_csurf, isd, jsd)
+ call g_tracer_set_values(tracer_list, 'dic', 'sc_no', wombat%co2_sc_no, isd, jsd)
+ call g_tracer_set_values(tracer_list, 'adic', 'alpha', wombat%aco2_alpha, isd, jsd)
+ call g_tracer_set_values(tracer_list, 'adic', 'csurf', wombat%aco2_csurf, isd, jsd)
+ call g_tracer_set_values(tracer_list, 'adic', 'sc_no', wombat%co2_sc_no, isd, jsd)
+ call g_tracer_get_values(tracer_list, 'o2', 'alpha', wombat%o2_alpha, isd, jsd)
+ call g_tracer_get_values(tracer_list, 'o2', 'csurf', wombat%o2_csurf ,isd, jsd)
+ do j=jsc,jec ; do i=isc,iec
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! Compute the oxygen saturation concentration at 1 atm total
+ ! pressure in mol/kg given the temperature (t, in deg C) and
+ ! the salinity (s, in permil)
+ !
+ ! From Garcia and Gordon (1992), Limnology and Oceonography.
+ ! The formula used is from page 1310, eq (8).
+ !
+ ! *** Note: the "a3*ts^2" term (in the paper) is incorrect. ***
+ ! *** It shouldn't be there. ***
+ !
+ ! o2_saturation is defined between T(freezing) <= T <= 40 deg C and
+ ! 0 permil <= S <= 42 permil
+ ! We impose these bounds here.
+ !
+ ! check value: T = 10 deg C, S = 35 permil,
+ ! o2_saturation = 0.282015 mol m-3
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ sal = SSS(i,j) ; ST = SST(i,j)
+ ! jgj 2015/05/14 impose temperature and salinity bounds for o2sat
+ sal = min(42.0, max(0.0, sal))
+ tt = 298.15 - min(40.0, max(0.0, ST))
+ tk = 273.15 + min(40.0, max(0.0, ST))
+ ts = log(tt / tk)
+ ts2 = ts * ts
+ ts3 = ts2 * ts
+ ts4 = ts3 * ts
+ ts5 = ts4 * ts
+ o2_saturation = (1000.0/22391.6) * grid_tmask(i,j,1) * & !convert from ml/l to mol m-3
+ exp( wombat%a_0 + wombat%a_1*ts + wombat%a_2*ts2 + wombat%a_3*ts3 + wombat%a_4*ts4 + &
+ wombat%a_5*ts5 + (wombat%b_0 + wombat%b_1*ts + wombat%b_2*ts2 + wombat%b_3*ts3 + &
+ wombat%c_0*sal)*sal)
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! Compute the Schmidt number of O2 in seawater using the
+ ! formulation proposed by Keeling et al. (1998, Global Biogeochem.
+ ! Cycles, 12, 141-163).
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ wombat%o2_sc_no(i,j) = wombat%a1_o2 + ST * (wombat%a2_o2 + ST * (wombat%a3_o2 + ST * &
+ wombat%a4_o2 )) * grid_tmask(i,j,1)
+ ! renormalize the alpha value for atm o2
+ ! data table override for o2_flux_pcair_atm is now set to 0.21
+ wombat%o2_alpha(i,j) = (o2_saturation / 0.21)
+ wombat%o2_csurf(i,j) = wombat%p_o2(i,j,1,tau) * wombat%Rho_0 !nnz: MOM has rho(i,j,1,tau)
+ enddo; enddo
+ ! Set %csurf, %alpha and %sc_no for these tracers. This will mark them
+ ! for sending fluxes to coupler
+ call g_tracer_set_values(tracer_list, 'o2', 'alpha', wombat%o2_alpha, isd, jsd)
+ call g_tracer_set_values(tracer_list, 'o2', 'csurf', wombat%o2_csurf, isd, jsd)
+ call g_tracer_set_values(tracer_list, 'o2', 'sc_no', wombat%o2_sc_no, isd, jsd)
+ end subroutine generic_WOMBATlite_set_boundary_values
+ !#######################################################################
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ ! End the module.
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ ! Deallocate all work arrays
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ ! call generic_WOMBATlite_end
+ !
+ !
+ !
+ subroutine generic_WOMBATlite_end
+ character(len=fm_string_len), parameter :: sub_name = 'generic_WOMBATlite_end'
+ call user_deallocate_arrays
+ end subroutine generic_WOMBATlite_end
+ !#######################################################################
+ !
+ ! This is an internal sub, not a public interface.
+ ! Allocate all the work arrays to be used in this module.
+ !
+ subroutine user_allocate_arrays
+ integer :: isc, iec, jsc, jec, isd, ied, jsd, jed, nk, ntau
+ call g_tracer_get_common(isc, iec, jsc, jec, isd, ied, jsd, jed, nk, ntau)
+ ! Used in ocmip2_co2calc
+ CO2_dope_vec%isc = isc; CO2_dope_vec%iec = iec
+ CO2_dope_vec%jsc = jsc; CO2_dope_vec%jec = jec
+ CO2_dope_vec%isd = isd; CO2_dope_vec%ied = ied
+ CO2_dope_vec%jsd = jsd; CO2_dope_vec%jed = jed
+ allocate(wombat%htotallo(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%htotallo(:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%htotalhi(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%htotalhi(:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%htotal(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%htotal(:,:)=wombat%htotal_in
+ allocate(wombat%ahtotallo(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%ahtotallo(:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%ahtotalhi(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%ahtotalhi(:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%ahtotal(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%ahtotal(:,:)=wombat%htotal_in
+ allocate(wombat%sio2(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%sio2(:,:)=wombat%sio2_surf
+ allocate(wombat%co2_csurf(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%co2_csurf(:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%co2_alpha(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%co2_alpha(:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%co2_sc_no(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%co2_sc_no(:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%pco2_csurf(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%pco2_csurf(:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%aco2_csurf(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%aco2_csurf(:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%aco2_alpha(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%aco2_alpha(:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%paco2_csurf(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%paco2_csurf(:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%o2_csurf(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%o2_csurf(:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%o2_alpha(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%o2_alpha(:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%o2_sc_no(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%o2_sc_no(:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%no3_vstf(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%no3_vstf(:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%dic_vstf(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%dic_vstf(:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%adic_vstf(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%adic_vstf(:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%alk_vstf(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%alk_vstf(:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%f_dic(isd:ied, jsd:jed, 1:nk)); wombat%f_dic(:,:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%f_adic(isd:ied, jsd:jed, 1:nk)); wombat%f_adic(:,:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%f_alk(isd:ied, jsd:jed, 1:nk)); wombat%f_alk(:,:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%f_no3(isd:ied, jsd:jed, 1:nk)); wombat%f_no3(:,:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%f_phy(isd:ied, jsd:jed, 1:nk)); wombat%f_phy(:,:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%f_zoo(isd:ied, jsd:jed, 1:nk)); wombat%f_zoo(:,:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%f_det(isd:ied, jsd:jed, 1:nk)); wombat%f_det(:,:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%f_o2(isd:ied, jsd:jed, 1:nk)); wombat%f_o2(:,:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%f_caco3(isd:ied, jsd:jed, 1:nk)); wombat%f_caco3(:,:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%f_fe(isd:ied, jsd:jed, 1:nk)); wombat%f_fe(:,:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%b_no3(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%b_no3(:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%b_o2(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%b_o2(:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%b_dic(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%b_dic(:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%b_adic(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%b_adic(:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%b_fe(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%b_fe(:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%b_alk(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%b_alk(:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%light_limit(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%light_limit(:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%radbio3d(isd:ied, jsd:jed, 1:nk)); wombat%radbio3d(:,:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%pprod_gross(isd:ied, jsd:jed, 1:nk)); wombat%pprod_gross(:,:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%pprod_gross_2d(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%pprod_gross_2d(:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%zprod_gross(isd:ied, jsd:jed, 1:nk)); wombat%zprod_gross(:,:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%wdet100(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%wdet100(:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%export_prod(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%export_prod(:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%export_inorg(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%export_inorg(:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%npp2d(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%npp2d(:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%npp3d(isd:ied, jsd:jed, 1:nk)); wombat%npp3d(:,:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%vpbio(isd:ied, jsd:jed, 1:nk)); wombat%vpbio(:,:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%avej(isd:ied, jsd:jed, 1:nk)); wombat%avej(:,:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%no3_prev(isd:ied, jsd:jed, 1:nk)); wombat%no3_prev(:,:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%caco3_prev(isd:ied, jsd:jed, 1:nk)); wombat%caco3_prev(:,:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%det_sed_remin(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%det_sed_remin(:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%det_btm(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%det_btm(:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%caco3_sed_remin(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%caco3_sed_remin(:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%caco3_btm(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%caco3_btm(:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%zw(isd:ied, jsd:jed, 1:nk)); wombat%zw(:,:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%zm(isd:ied, jsd:jed, 1:nk)); wombat%zm(:,:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%dic_intmld(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%dic_intmld(:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%adic_intmld(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%adic_intmld(:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%o2_intmld(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%o2_intmld(:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%no3_intmld(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%no3_intmld(:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%fe_intmld(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%fe_intmld(:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%phy_intmld(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%phy_intmld(:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%det_intmld(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%det_intmld(:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%pprod_gross_intmld(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%pprod_gross_intmld(:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%npp_intmld(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%npp_intmld(:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%radbio_intmld(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%radbio_intmld(:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%dic_int100(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%dic_int100(:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%adic_int100(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%adic_int100(:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%o2_int100(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%o2_int100(:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%no3_int100(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%no3_int100(:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%fe_int100(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%fe_int100(:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%phy_int100(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%phy_int100(:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%det_int100(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%det_int100(:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%pprod_gross_int100(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%pprod_gross_int100(:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%npp_int100(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%npp_int100(:,:)=0.0
+ allocate(wombat%radbio_int100(isd:ied, jsd:jed)); wombat%radbio_int100(:,:)=0.0
+ end subroutine user_allocate_arrays
+ !#######################################################################
+ !
+ ! This is an internal sub, not a public interface.
+ ! Deallocate all the work arrays allocated by user_allocate_arrays.
+ !
+ subroutine user_deallocate_arrays
+ deallocate( &
+ wombat%htotallo, &
+ wombat%htotalhi, &
+ wombat%htotal, &
+ wombat%ahtotallo, &
+ wombat%ahtotalhi, &
+ wombat%ahtotal, &
+ wombat%co2_csurf, &
+ wombat%co2_alpha, &
+ wombat%co2_sc_no, &
+ wombat%pco2_csurf, &
+ wombat%aco2_csurf, &
+ wombat%aco2_alpha, &
+ wombat%paco2_csurf, &
+ wombat%o2_csurf, &
+ wombat%o2_alpha, &
+ wombat%o2_sc_no, &
+ wombat%no3_vstf, &
+ wombat%dic_vstf, &
+ wombat%adic_vstf, &
+ wombat%alk_vstf)
+ deallocate( &
+ wombat%f_dic, &
+ wombat%f_adic, &
+ wombat%f_alk, &
+ wombat%f_no3, &
+ wombat%f_phy, &
+ wombat%f_zoo, &
+ wombat%f_det, &
+ wombat%f_o2, &
+ wombat%f_caco3, &
+ wombat%f_fe)
+ deallocate( &
+ wombat%b_no3, &
+ wombat%b_o2, &
+ wombat%b_dic, &
+ wombat%b_adic, &
+ wombat%b_fe, &
+ wombat%b_alk)
+ deallocate( &
+ wombat%light_limit, &
+ wombat%radbio3d, &
+ wombat%pprod_gross, &
+ wombat%pprod_gross_2d, &
+ wombat%zprod_gross, &
+ wombat%wdet100, &
+ wombat%export_prod, &
+ wombat%export_inorg, &
+ wombat%npp2d, &
+ wombat%npp3d, &
+ wombat%vpbio, &
+ wombat%avej, &
+ wombat%no3_prev, &
+ wombat%caco3_prev, &
+ wombat%det_sed_remin, &
+ wombat%det_btm, &
+ wombat%caco3_sed_remin, &
+ wombat%caco3_btm, &
+ wombat%zw, &
+ wombat%zm)
+ deallocate( &
+ wombat%dic_intmld, &
+ wombat%adic_intmld, &
+ wombat%o2_intmld, &
+ wombat%no3_intmld, &
+ wombat%fe_intmld, &
+ wombat%phy_intmld, &
+ wombat%det_intmld, &
+ wombat%pprod_gross_intmld, &
+ wombat%npp_intmld, &
+ wombat%radbio_intmld, &
+ wombat%dic_int100, &
+ wombat%adic_int100, &
+ wombat%o2_int100, &
+ wombat%no3_int100, &
+ wombat%fe_int100, &
+ wombat%phy_int100, &
+ wombat%det_int100, &
+ wombat%pprod_gross_int100, &
+ wombat%npp_int100, &
+ wombat%radbio_int100)
+ end subroutine user_deallocate_arrays
+end module generic_WOMBATlite
diff --git a/generic_tracers/generic_tracer.F90 b/generic_tracers/generic_tracer.F90
index 53897ae..e3a89b2 100644
--- a/generic_tracers/generic_tracer.F90
+++ b/generic_tracers/generic_tracer.F90
@@ -105,6 +105,11 @@ module generic_tracer
use generic_COBALT, only : generic_COBALT_set_boundary_values, generic_COBALT_end, do_generic_COBALT
use generic_COBALT, only : as_param_cobalt
+ use generic_WOMBATlite, only : generic_WOMBATlite_register
+ use generic_WOMBATlite, only : generic_WOMBATlite_init, generic_WOMBATlite_update_from_source, generic_WOMBATlite_register_diag
+ use generic_WOMBATlite, only : generic_WOMBATlite_update_from_bottom, generic_WOMBATlite_update_from_coupler
+ use generic_WOMBATlite, only : generic_WOMBATlite_set_boundary_values, generic_WOMBATlite_end, do_generic_WOMBATlite
implicit none ; private
character(len=fm_string_len), parameter :: mod_name = 'generic_tracer'
@@ -116,6 +121,7 @@ module generic_tracer
public generic_tracer_source
public generic_tracer_diag
public generic_tracer_update_from_bottom
+ public generic_tracer_update_from_coupler
public generic_tracer_coupler_get
public generic_tracer_coupler_set
public generic_tracer_coupler_zero
@@ -142,7 +148,7 @@ module generic_tracer
namelist /generic_tracer_nml/ do_generic_tracer, do_generic_abiotic, do_generic_age, do_generic_argon, do_generic_CFC, &
do_generic_SF6, do_generic_TOPAZ,do_generic_ERGOM, do_generic_BLING, do_generic_miniBLING, do_generic_COBALT, &
- force_update_fluxes, do_generic_blres, as_param
+ do_generic_WOMBATlite, force_update_fluxes, do_generic_blres, as_param
@@ -209,6 +215,9 @@ subroutine generic_tracer_register(verbosity)
if(do_generic_COBALT) &
call generic_COBALT_register(tracer_list)
+ if(do_generic_WOMBATlite) &
+ call generic_WOMBATlite_register(tracer_list)
call g_tracer_print_info(tracer_list, verbosity)
@@ -259,7 +268,8 @@ subroutine generic_tracer_init(isc,iec,jsc,jec,isd,ied,jsd,jed,nk,ntau,axes,grid
!Allocate and initialize all registered generic tracers
!JGJ 2013/05/31 merged COBALT into siena_201303
if(do_generic_abiotic .or. do_generic_age .or. do_generic_argon .or. do_generic_CFC .or. do_generic_SF6 .or. do_generic_TOPAZ &
- .or. do_generic_ERGOM .or. do_generic_BLING .or. do_generic_miniBLING .or. do_generic_COBALT .or. do_generic_blres) then
+ .or. do_generic_ERGOM .or. do_generic_BLING .or. do_generic_miniBLING .or. do_generic_COBALT .or. do_generic_WOMBATlite &
+ .or. do_generic_blres) then
g_tracer => tracer_list
!Go through the list of tracers
@@ -307,6 +317,9 @@ subroutine generic_tracer_init(isc,iec,jsc,jec,isd,ied,jsd,jed,nk,ntau,axes,grid
if(do_generic_COBALT) &
call generic_COBALT_init(tracer_list, force_update_fluxes)
+ if(do_generic_WOMBATlite) &
+ call generic_WOMBATlite_init(tracer_list, force_update_fluxes)
end subroutine generic_tracer_init
subroutine generic_tracer_register_diag
@@ -317,7 +330,8 @@ subroutine generic_tracer_register_diag
!JGJ 2013/05/31 merged COBALT into siena_201303
if(do_generic_abiotic .or. do_generic_age .or. do_generic_argon .or. do_generic_CFC .or. do_generic_SF6 .or. do_generic_TOPAZ &
- .or. do_generic_ERGOM .or. do_generic_BLING .or. do_generic_miniBLING .or. do_generic_COBALT .or. do_generic_blres) then
+ .or. do_generic_ERGOM .or. do_generic_BLING .or. do_generic_miniBLING .or. do_generic_COBALT .or. do_generic_WOMBATlite &
+ .or. do_generic_blres) then
g_tracer => tracer_list
!Go through the list of tracers
@@ -350,6 +364,8 @@ subroutine generic_tracer_register_diag
if(do_generic_CFC) call generic_CFC_register_diag(diag_list)
+ if(do_generic_WOMBATlite) call generic_WOMBATlite_register_diag(diag_list)
end subroutine generic_tracer_register_diag
@@ -559,6 +575,10 @@ subroutine generic_tracer_source(Temp,Salt,rho_dzt,dzt,hblt_depth,ilb,jlb,tau,dt
if(do_generic_CFC) call generic_CFC_update_from_source(tracer_list,rho_dzt,dzt,hblt_depth,&
+ if(do_generic_WOMBATlite) call generic_WOMBATlite_update_from_source(tracer_list,Temp,Salt,rho_dzt,dzt,&
+ hblt_depth,ilb,jlb,tau,dtts,grid_dat,model_time,&
+ nbands,max_wavelength_band,sw_pen_band,opacity_band)
end subroutine generic_tracer_source
@@ -608,10 +628,61 @@ subroutine generic_tracer_update_from_bottom(dt, tau, model_time)
if(do_generic_COBALT) call generic_COBALT_update_from_bottom(tracer_list,dt, tau, model_time)
+ if(do_generic_WOMBATlite) call generic_WOMBATlite_update_from_bottom(tracer_list,dt, tau, model_time)
end subroutine generic_tracer_update_from_bottom
+ !
+ !
+ ! Modify the values obtained from the coupler
+ !
+ !
+ ! Calls the corresponding generic_X_update_from_coupler routine for each package X.
+ !
+ !
+ ! call generic_tracer_update_from_coupler(ilb, jlb, salt_flux_added)
+ !
+ !
+ ! Lower bounds of x and y extents of input arrays on data domain
+ !
+ !
+ ! Surface salt flux into ocean from restoring or flux adjustment [g/m^2/sec]
+ !
+ !
+ subroutine generic_tracer_update_from_coupler(ilb, jlb, salt_flux_added)
+ integer, intent(in) :: ilb, jlb
+ real, dimension(ilb:,jlb:), intent(in) :: salt_flux_added
+ character(len=fm_string_len), parameter :: sub_name = 'generic_tracer_update_from_coupler'
+ !Specific tracers
+ ! if(do_generic_blres) call generic_age_update_from_coupler(tracer_list) !Nothing to do for mixed layer tracer
+ ! if(do_generic_age) call generic_blres_update_from_coupler(tracer_list) !Nothing to do for age
+ ! if(do_generic_argon) call generic_argon_update_from_coupler(tracer_list) !Nothing to do for argon
+ ! if(do_generic_CFC) call generic_CFC_update_from_coupler(tracer_list) !Nothing to do for CFC
+ ! if(do_generic_SF6) call generic_SF6_update_from_coupler(tracer_list) !Nothing to do for SF6
+ if(do_generic_TOPAZ) call generic_TOPAZ_update_from_coupler(tracer_list)
+ if(do_generic_BLING) call generic_BLING_update_from_coupler(tracer_list)
+ if(do_generic_miniBLING) call generic_miniBLING_update_from_coupler(tracer_list)
+ if(do_generic_COBALT) call generic_COBALT_update_from_coupler(tracer_list)
+ if(do_generic_WOMBATlite) call generic_WOMBATlite_update_from_coupler(tracer_list, ilb, jlb, salt_flux_added)
+ return
+ end subroutine generic_tracer_update_from_coupler
@@ -638,7 +709,8 @@ subroutine generic_tracer_vertdiff_G(h_old, ea, eb, dt, kg_m2_to_H, m_to_H, tau)
!nnz: Should I loop here or inside the sub g_tracer_vertdiff ?
!JGJ 2013/05/31 merged COBALT into siena_201303
if(do_generic_abiotic .or. do_generic_age .or. do_generic_argon .or. do_generic_CFC .or. do_generic_SF6 .or. do_generic_TOPAZ &
- .or. do_generic_ERGOM .or. do_generic_BLING .or. do_generic_miniBLING .or. do_generic_COBALT .or. do_generic_blres) then
+ .or. do_generic_ERGOM .or. do_generic_BLING .or. do_generic_miniBLING .or. do_generic_COBALT .or. do_generic_WOMBATlite &
+ .or. do_generic_blres) then
g_tracer => tracer_list
!Go through the list of tracers
@@ -679,7 +751,8 @@ subroutine generic_tracer_vertdiff_M(dh, dhw, diff_cbt, dt, Rho_0,tau)
!nnz: Should I loop here or inside the sub g_tracer_vertdiff ?
!JGJ 2013/05/31 merged COBALT into siena_201303
if(do_generic_age .or. do_generic_argon .or. do_generic_CFC .or. do_generic_TOPAZ .or. do_generic_ERGOM &
- .or. do_generic_BLING .or. do_generic_miniBLING .or. do_generic_COBALT .or. do_generic_blres) then
+ .or. do_generic_BLING .or. do_generic_miniBLING .or. do_generic_COBALT .or. do_generic_WOMBATlite &
+ .or. do_generic_blres) then
g_tracer => tracer_list
!Go through the list of tracers
@@ -778,13 +851,17 @@ subroutine generic_tracer_coupler_set(IOB_struc, ST,SS,rho,ilb,jlb,tau, dzt, sos
if(do_generic_COBALT) &
call generic_COBALT_set_boundary_values(tracer_list,ST,SS,rho,ilb,jlb,tau,dzt,model_time)
+ if(do_generic_WOMBATlite) &
+ call generic_WOMBATlite_set_boundary_values(tracer_list,ST,SS,rho,ilb,jlb,tau,dzt)
!Set coupler fluxes from tracer boundary values (%alpha and %csurf)
!for each tracer in the tracer_list that has been marked by the user routine above
!JGJ 2013/05/31 merged COBALT into siena_201303
if(do_generic_abiotic .or. do_generic_age .or. do_generic_argon .or. do_generic_CFC .or. do_generic_SF6 .or. do_generic_TOPAZ &
- .or. do_generic_ERGOM .or. do_generic_BLING .or. do_generic_miniBLING .or. do_generic_COBALT .or. do_generic_blres) &
+ .or. do_generic_ERGOM .or. do_generic_BLING .or. do_generic_miniBLING .or. do_generic_COBALT .or. do_generic_WOMBATlite &
+ .or. do_generic_blres) &
call g_tracer_coupler_set(tracer_list,IOB_struc)
end subroutine generic_tracer_coupler_set
@@ -830,6 +907,7 @@ subroutine generic_tracer_end
if(do_generic_BLING) call generic_BLING_end
if(do_generic_miniBLING) call generic_miniBLING_end
if(do_generic_COBALT) call generic_COBALT_end
+ if(do_generic_WOMBATlite) call generic_WOMBATlite_end
end subroutine generic_tracer_end
diff --git a/generic_tracers/generic_tracer_utils.F90 b/generic_tracers/generic_tracer_utils.F90
index d11eecb..e00b39f 100644
--- a/generic_tracers/generic_tracer_utils.F90
+++ b/generic_tracers/generic_tracer_utils.F90
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@ module g_tracer_utils
! logical :: flux_wetdep = .false. !Is there a wet deposition?
! logical :: flux_drydep = .false. !Is there a dry deposition?
! logical :: flux_bottom = .false. !Is there a flux through bottom?
+ ! logical :: flux_virtual = .false. !Is there a virtual flux to be applid to the surface flux?
! ! Flux identifiers to be set by aof_set_coupler_flux()
! integer :: flux_gas_ind = -1
@@ -256,6 +257,7 @@ module g_tracer_utils
logical :: flux_wetdep = .false. !Is there a wet deposition?
logical :: flux_drydep = .false. !Is there a dry deposition?
logical :: flux_bottom = .false. !Is there a flux through bottom?
+ logical :: flux_virtual = .false. !Is there a virtual flux to be applid to the surface flux?
logical :: has_btm_reservoir = .false. !Is there a flux bottom reservoir?
logical :: runoff_added_to_stf = .false. ! Has flux in from runoff been added to stf?
@@ -724,6 +726,9 @@ end subroutine g_tracer_add_param_string
! .true. if there is bottom flux.
+ !
+ ! .true. to ensure that stf is allocated so that a surface virtual flux can be applied
+ !
! .true. if there is bottom reservoir.
@@ -757,7 +762,8 @@ end subroutine g_tracer_add_param_string
subroutine g_tracer_add(node_ptr, package, name, longname, units, prog, const_init_value,init_value,&
flux_gas, flux_gas_name, flux_runoff, flux_wetdep, flux_drydep, flux_gas_molwt, flux_gas_param, &
flux_param, flux_bottom, btm_reservoir, move_vertical, diff_vertical, sink_rate, flux_gas_restart_file, &
- flux_gas_type,requires_src_info,standard_name,diag_name,diag_field_units,diag_field_scaling_factor,implementation)
+ flux_gas_type,requires_src_info,standard_name,diag_name,diag_field_units,diag_field_scaling_factor, &
+ implementation, flux_virtual)
type(g_tracer_type), pointer :: node_ptr
character(len=*), intent(in) :: package,name,longname,units
@@ -770,6 +776,7 @@ subroutine g_tracer_add(node_ptr, package, name, longname, units, prog, const_i
logical, intent(in), optional :: flux_wetdep
logical, intent(in), optional :: flux_drydep
logical, intent(in), optional :: flux_bottom
+ logical, intent(in), optional :: flux_virtual
logical, intent(in), optional :: btm_reservoir
logical, intent(in), optional :: move_vertical
logical, intent(in), optional :: diff_vertical
@@ -918,6 +925,8 @@ subroutine g_tracer_add(node_ptr, package, name, longname, units, prog, const_i
if(present(flux_bottom)) g_tracer%flux_bottom = flux_bottom
+ if(present(flux_virtual)) g_tracer%flux_virtual = flux_virtual
if(present(btm_reservoir)) g_tracer%has_btm_reservoir = btm_reservoir
if(present(move_vertical)) g_tracer%move_vertical = move_vertical
@@ -932,7 +941,8 @@ subroutine g_tracer_add(node_ptr, package, name, longname, units, prog, const_i
g_tracer%requires_src_info = requires_src_info
elseif(trim(g_tracer%package_name) .eq. 'generic_cobalt' .or. &
trim(g_tracer%package_name) .eq. 'generic_abiotic' .or. &
- trim(g_tracer%package_name) .eq. 'generic_bling') then !Niki: later we can make this just else
+ trim(g_tracer%package_name) .eq. 'generic_bling' .or. &
+ trim(g_tracer%package_name) .eq. 'generic_wombatlite') then !Niki: later we can make this just else
call g_tracer_add_param('enforce_src_info', g_tracer%requires_src_info , .true.)
@@ -1035,7 +1045,8 @@ subroutine g_tracer_init(g_tracer)
!Surface flux %stf exists if one of the following fluxes were requested:
- if(g_tracer%flux_gas .or. g_tracer%flux_runoff .or. g_tracer%flux_wetdep .or. g_tracer%flux_drydep) then
+ if(g_tracer%flux_gas .or. g_tracer%flux_runoff .or. g_tracer%flux_wetdep .or. g_tracer%flux_drydep &
+ .or. g_tracer%flux_virtual) then
allocate(g_tracer%stf(isd:ied,jsd:jed)); g_tracer%stf(:,:) = 0.0
@@ -1536,7 +1547,8 @@ subroutine g_tracer_coupler_get(g_tracer_list,IOB_struc, weight, model_time)
!runoff contributes to %stf in GOLD but not in MOM,
!so it will be added later in the model-dependent driver code (GOLD_generic_tracer.F90)
- if(g_tracer%flux_gas .or. g_tracer%flux_drydep .or. g_tracer%flux_wetdep .or. g_tracer%flux_runoff ) then
+ if(g_tracer%flux_gas .or. g_tracer%flux_drydep .or. g_tracer%flux_wetdep .or. g_tracer%flux_runoff &
+ .or. g_tracer%flux_virtual) then
call g_tracer_set_values(g_tracer,g_tracer%name,'stf',stf_array,&
g_tracer_com%isd,g_tracer_com%jsd, weight)
@@ -3701,10 +3713,24 @@ subroutine g_tracer_print_info(g_tracer_list, verbosity)
g_tracer%src_var_unit_conversion = 1.0 / 1.0e6
g_tracer%src_var_unit_conversion = 1.0 / 1.0e6
+ case('no3')
+ g_tracer%src_var_unit_conversion = 1.0 / 1.0e6
+ case('o2')
+ g_tracer%src_var_unit_conversion = 1.0 / 1.0e6
+ case('adic')
+ g_tracer%src_var_unit_conversion = 1.0 / 1.0e6
case default
write(errorstring, '(a)') trim(g_tracer%name)//' : cannot determine src_var_unit_conversion'
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(sub_name) //': '// trim(errorstring))
end select
+ elseif(g_tracer%src_var_unit .eq. 'moles_per_liter') then
+ select case (trim(g_tracer%name))
+ case('fe')
+ g_tracer%src_var_unit_conversion = 1000.0 / 1035.0
+ case default
+ write(errorstring, '(a)') trim(g_tracer%name)//' : cannot determine src_var_unit_conversion'
+ call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(sub_name) //': '// trim(errorstring))
+ end select
write(errorstring, '(a)') trim(g_tracer%name)//' : src_var_unit is set in the field_table to '//&
trim(g_tracer%src_var_unit)//". Cannot determine how to convert this!"