diff --git a/amrex/docs_html/_downloads/008eb6dbfab802633dff40122ece848c/amrex.pdf b/amrex/docs_html/_downloads/008eb6dbfab802633dff40122ece848c/amrex.pdf index 1af6c82b44..918bd5795a 100644 Binary files a/amrex/docs_html/_downloads/008eb6dbfab802633dff40122ece848c/amrex.pdf and b/amrex/docs_html/_downloads/008eb6dbfab802633dff40122ece848c/amrex.pdf differ diff --git a/amrex/docs_html/doxygen/AMReX__Reduce_8H_source.html b/amrex/docs_html/doxygen/AMReX__Reduce_8H_source.html index b05ba20342..3129c6c6db 100644 --- a/amrex/docs_html/doxygen/AMReX__Reduce_8H_source.html +++ b/amrex/docs_html/doxygen/AMReX__Reduce_8H_source.html @@ -767,597 +767,611 @@
666  template <typename D>
667  typename D::Type value (D & reduce_data)
668  {
669  using ReduceTuple = typename D::Type;
670  auto const& stream = Gpu::gpuStream();
671  auto hp = reduce_data.hostPtr();
672  auto dp = reduce_data.devicePtr();
673  auto const& nblocks = reduce_data.nBlocks();
674 #if defined(AMREX_USE_SYCL)
675  if (reduce_data.maxStreamIndex() == 0 && nblocks[0] <= 4096) {
676  const int N = nblocks[0];
677  if (N == 0) {
678  Reduce::detail::for_each_init<0, ReduceTuple, Ps...>(*hp);
679  return *hp;
680  } else {
681  Gpu::PinnedVector<ReduceTuple> tmp(N);
682  Gpu::dtoh_memcpy_async(tmp.data(), dp, sizeof(ReduceTuple)*N);
683  Gpu::streamSynchronize();
684  for (int i = 1; i < N; ++i) {
685  Reduce::detail::for_each_local<0, ReduceTuple, Ps...>(tmp[0], tmp[i]);
686  }
687  return tmp[0];
688  }
689  } else
690 #endif
691  {
692  int maxblocks = reduce_data.maxBlocks();
693 #ifdef AMREX_USE_SYCL
694  // device reduce needs local(i.e., shared) memory
695  constexpr std::size_t shared_mem_bytes = sizeof(unsigned long long)*Gpu::Device::warp_size;
697  // xxxxx SYCL todo: reduce bug workaround
698  Gpu::DeviceVector<ReduceTuple> dtmp(1);
699  auto presult = dtmp.data();
700 #else
701  auto presult = hp;
702 #endif
703  amrex::launch<AMREX_GPU_MAX_THREADS>(1, shared_mem_bytes, stream,
704  [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE (Gpu::Handler const& gh) noexcept
705  {
706  ReduceTuple r;
707  Reduce::detail::for_each_init<0, ReduceTuple, Ps...>(r);
708  ReduceTuple dst = r;
709  for (int istream = 0, nstreams = nblocks.size(); istream < nstreams; ++istream) {
710  auto dp_stream = dp+istream*maxblocks;
711  for (int i = gh.item->get_global_id(0), stride = gh.item->get_global_range(0);
712  i < nblocks[istream]; i += stride) {
713  Reduce::detail::for_each_local<0, ReduceTuple, Ps...>(r, dp_stream[i]);
714  }
715  }
716  Reduce::detail::for_each_parallel<0, ReduceTuple, Ps...>(dst, r, gh);
717  if (gh.threadIdx() == 0) { *presult = dst; }
718  });
720  Gpu::dtoh_memcpy_async(hp, dtmp.data(), sizeof(ReduceTuple));
721 #endif
722 #else
723  amrex::launch<AMREX_GPU_MAX_THREADS>(1, 0, stream,
724  [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE () noexcept
725  {
726  ReduceTuple r;
727  Reduce::detail::for_each_init<0, ReduceTuple, Ps...>(r);
728  ReduceTuple dst = r;
729  for (int istream = 0, nstreams = nblocks.size(); istream < nstreams; ++istream) {
730  auto dp_stream = dp+istream*maxblocks;
731  for (int i = blockDim.x*blockIdx.x+threadIdx.x, stride = blockDim.x*gridDim.x;
732  i < nblocks[istream]; i += stride) {
733  Reduce::detail::for_each_local<0, ReduceTuple, Ps...>(r, dp_stream[i]);
734  }
735  }
736  Reduce::detail::for_each_parallel<0, ReduceTuple, Ps...>(dst, r);
737  if (threadIdx.x == 0) { *hp = dst; }
738  });
739 #endif
740  Gpu::streamSynchronize();
741  return *hp;
742  }
743  }
744 };
746 namespace Reduce {
748 template <typename T, typename N, typename M=std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<N>::value> >
749 T Sum (N n, T const* v, T init_val = 0)
750 {
751  ReduceOps<ReduceOpSum> reduce_op;
752  ReduceData<T> reduce_data(reduce_op);
753  using ReduceTuple = typename decltype(reduce_data)::Type;
754  reduce_op.eval(n, reduce_data, [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE (N i) -> ReduceTuple { return {v[i]}; });
755  ReduceTuple hv = reduce_data.value(reduce_op);
756  return amrex::get<0>(hv) + init_val;
757 }
759 template <typename T, typename N, typename F,
760  typename M=std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<N>::value> >
761 T Sum (N n, F&& f, T init_val = 0)
762 {
763  ReduceOps<ReduceOpSum> reduce_op;
764  ReduceData<T> reduce_data(reduce_op);
765  using ReduceTuple = typename decltype(reduce_data)::Type;
766  reduce_op.eval(n, reduce_data, [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE (N i) -> ReduceTuple { return {f(i)}; });
767  ReduceTuple hv = reduce_data.value(reduce_op);
768  return amrex::get<0>(hv) + init_val;
769 }
771 template <typename T, typename N, typename M=std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<N>::value> >
772 T Min (N n, T const* v, T init_val = std::numeric_limits<T>::max())
773 {
774  ReduceOps<ReduceOpMin> reduce_op;
775  ReduceData<T> reduce_data(reduce_op);
776  using ReduceTuple = typename decltype(reduce_data)::Type;
777  reduce_op.eval(n, reduce_data, [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE (N i) -> ReduceTuple { return {v[i]}; });
778  ReduceTuple hv = reduce_data.value(reduce_op);
779  return std::min(amrex::get<0>(hv),init_val);
780 }
782 template <typename T, typename N, typename F,
783  typename M=std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<N>::value> >
784 T Min (N n, F&& f, T init_val = std::numeric_limits<T>::max())
785 {
786  ReduceOps<ReduceOpMin> reduce_op;
787  ReduceData<T> reduce_data(reduce_op);
788  using ReduceTuple = typename decltype(reduce_data)::Type;
789  reduce_op.eval(n, reduce_data, [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE (N i) -> ReduceTuple { return {f(i)}; });
790  ReduceTuple hv = reduce_data.value(reduce_op);
791  return std::min(amrex::get<0>(hv),init_val);
792 }
794 template <typename T, typename N, typename M=std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<N>::value> >
795 T Max (N n, T const* v, T init_val = std::numeric_limits<T>::lowest())
796 {
797  ReduceOps<ReduceOpMax> reduce_op;
798  ReduceData<T> reduce_data(reduce_op);
799  using ReduceTuple = typename decltype(reduce_data)::Type;
800  reduce_op.eval(n, reduce_data, [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE (N i) -> ReduceTuple { return {v[i]}; });
801  ReduceTuple hv = reduce_data.value(reduce_op);
802  return std::max(amrex::get<0>(hv),init_val);
803 }
805 template <typename T, typename N, typename F,
806  typename M=std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<N>::value> >
807 T Max (N n, F&& f, T init_val = std::numeric_limits<T>::lowest())
808 {
809  ReduceOps<ReduceOpMax> reduce_op;
810  ReduceData<T> reduce_data(reduce_op);
811  using ReduceTuple = typename decltype(reduce_data)::Type;
812  reduce_op.eval(n, reduce_data, [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE (N i) -> ReduceTuple { return {f(i)}; });
813  ReduceTuple hv = reduce_data.value(reduce_op);
814  return std::max(amrex::get<0>(hv),init_val);
815 }
817 template <typename T, typename N, typename M=std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<N>::value> >
818 std::pair<T,T> MinMax (N n, T const* v)
819 {
820  ReduceOps<ReduceOpMin,ReduceOpMax> reduce_op;
821  ReduceData<T,T> reduce_data(reduce_op);
822  using ReduceTuple = typename decltype(reduce_data)::Type;
823  reduce_op.eval(n, reduce_data, [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE (N i) -> ReduceTuple {
824  return {v[i],v[i]};
825  });
826  auto hv = reduce_data.value(reduce_op);
827  return std::make_pair(amrex::get<0>(hv), amrex::get<1>(hv));
828 }
830 template <typename T, typename N, typename F,
831  typename M=std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<N>::value> >
832 std::pair<T,T> MinMax (N n, F&& f)
833 {
834  ReduceOps<ReduceOpMin,ReduceOpMax> reduce_op;
835  ReduceData<T,T> reduce_data(reduce_op);
836  using ReduceTuple = typename decltype(reduce_data)::Type;
837  reduce_op.eval(n, reduce_data, [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE (N i) -> ReduceTuple {
838  T tmp = f(i);
839  return {tmp,tmp};
840  });
841  auto hv = reduce_data.value(reduce_op);
842  return std::make_pair(amrex::get<0>(hv), amrex::get<1>(hv));
843 }
845 template <typename T, typename N, typename P, typename M=std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<N>::value> >
846 bool AnyOf (N n, T const* v, P&& pred)
847 {
848  Gpu::LaunchSafeGuard lsg(true);
849  Gpu::DeviceScalar<int> ds(0);
850  int* dp = ds.dataPtr();
851  auto ec = Gpu::ExecutionConfig(n);
852  ec.numBlocks.x = std::min(ec.numBlocks.x, Gpu::Device::maxBlocksPerLaunch());
669  auto hp = reduce_data.hostPtr();
671  if (m_result_is_ready) {
672  return *hp;
673  }
675  using ReduceTuple = typename D::Type;
676  auto const& stream = Gpu::gpuStream();
677  auto dp = reduce_data.devicePtr();
678  auto const& nblocks = reduce_data.nBlocks();
679 #if defined(AMREX_USE_SYCL)
680  if (reduce_data.maxStreamIndex() == 0 && nblocks[0] <= 4096) {
681  const int N = nblocks[0];
682  if (N == 0) {
683  Reduce::detail::for_each_init<0, ReduceTuple, Ps...>(*hp);
684  } else {
685  Gpu::PinnedVector<ReduceTuple> tmp(N);
686  Gpu::dtoh_memcpy_async(tmp.data(), dp, sizeof(ReduceTuple)*N);
687  Gpu::streamSynchronize();
688  for (int i = 1; i < N; ++i) {
689  Reduce::detail::for_each_local<0, ReduceTuple, Ps...>(tmp[0], tmp[i]);
690  }
691  *hp = tmp[0];
692  }
693  } else
694 #endif
695  {
696  int maxblocks = reduce_data.maxBlocks();
697 #ifdef AMREX_USE_SYCL
698  // device reduce needs local(i.e., shared) memory
699  constexpr std::size_t shared_mem_bytes = sizeof(unsigned long long)*Gpu::Device::warp_size;
701  // xxxxx SYCL todo: reduce bug workaround
702  Gpu::DeviceVector<ReduceTuple> dtmp(1);
703  auto presult = dtmp.data();
704 #else
705  auto presult = hp;
706 #endif
707  amrex::launch<AMREX_GPU_MAX_THREADS>(1, shared_mem_bytes, stream,
708  [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE (Gpu::Handler const& gh) noexcept
709  {
710  ReduceTuple r;
711  Reduce::detail::for_each_init<0, ReduceTuple, Ps...>(r);
712  ReduceTuple dst = r;
713  for (int istream = 0, nstreams = nblocks.size(); istream < nstreams; ++istream) {
714  auto dp_stream = dp+istream*maxblocks;
715  for (int i = gh.item->get_global_id(0), stride = gh.item->get_global_range(0);
716  i < nblocks[istream]; i += stride) {
717  Reduce::detail::for_each_local<0, ReduceTuple, Ps...>(r, dp_stream[i]);
718  }
719  }
720  Reduce::detail::for_each_parallel<0, ReduceTuple, Ps...>(dst, r, gh);
721  if (gh.threadIdx() == 0) { *presult = dst; }
722  });
724  Gpu::dtoh_memcpy_async(hp, dtmp.data(), sizeof(ReduceTuple));
725 #endif
726 #else
727  amrex::launch<AMREX_GPU_MAX_THREADS>(1, 0, stream,
728  [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE () noexcept
729  {
730  ReduceTuple r;
731  Reduce::detail::for_each_init<0, ReduceTuple, Ps...>(r);
732  ReduceTuple dst = r;
733  for (int istream = 0, nstreams = nblocks.size(); istream < nstreams; ++istream) {
734  auto dp_stream = dp+istream*maxblocks;
735  for (int i = blockDim.x*blockIdx.x+threadIdx.x, stride = blockDim.x*gridDim.x;
736  i < nblocks[istream]; i += stride) {
737  Reduce::detail::for_each_local<0, ReduceTuple, Ps...>(r, dp_stream[i]);
738  }
739  }
740  Reduce::detail::for_each_parallel<0, ReduceTuple, Ps...>(dst, r);
741  if (threadIdx.x == 0) { *hp = dst; }
742  });
743 #endif
744  Gpu::streamSynchronize();
745  }
747  m_result_is_ready = true;
748  return *hp;
749  }
751 private:
752  bool m_result_is_ready = false;
753 };
755 namespace Reduce {
757 template <typename T, typename N, typename M=std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<N>::value> >
758 T Sum (N n, T const* v, T init_val = 0)
759 {
760  ReduceOps<ReduceOpSum> reduce_op;
761  ReduceData<T> reduce_data(reduce_op);
762  using ReduceTuple = typename decltype(reduce_data)::Type;
763  reduce_op.eval(n, reduce_data, [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE (N i) -> ReduceTuple { return {v[i]}; });
764  ReduceTuple hv = reduce_data.value(reduce_op);
765  return amrex::get<0>(hv) + init_val;
766 }
768 template <typename T, typename N, typename F,
769  typename M=std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<N>::value> >
770 T Sum (N n, F&& f, T init_val = 0)
771 {
772  ReduceOps<ReduceOpSum> reduce_op;
773  ReduceData<T> reduce_data(reduce_op);
774  using ReduceTuple = typename decltype(reduce_data)::Type;
775  reduce_op.eval(n, reduce_data, [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE (N i) -> ReduceTuple { return {f(i)}; });
776  ReduceTuple hv = reduce_data.value(reduce_op);
777  return amrex::get<0>(hv) + init_val;
778 }
780 template <typename T, typename N, typename M=std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<N>::value> >
781 T Min (N n, T const* v, T init_val = std::numeric_limits<T>::max())
782 {
783  ReduceOps<ReduceOpMin> reduce_op;
784  ReduceData<T> reduce_data(reduce_op);
785  using ReduceTuple = typename decltype(reduce_data)::Type;
786  reduce_op.eval(n, reduce_data, [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE (N i) -> ReduceTuple { return {v[i]}; });
787  ReduceTuple hv = reduce_data.value(reduce_op);
788  return std::min(amrex::get<0>(hv),init_val);
789 }
791 template <typename T, typename N, typename F,
792  typename M=std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<N>::value> >
793 T Min (N n, F&& f, T init_val = std::numeric_limits<T>::max())
794 {
795  ReduceOps<ReduceOpMin> reduce_op;
796  ReduceData<T> reduce_data(reduce_op);
797  using ReduceTuple = typename decltype(reduce_data)::Type;
798  reduce_op.eval(n, reduce_data, [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE (N i) -> ReduceTuple { return {f(i)}; });
799  ReduceTuple hv = reduce_data.value(reduce_op);
800  return std::min(amrex::get<0>(hv),init_val);
801 }
803 template <typename T, typename N, typename M=std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<N>::value> >
804 T Max (N n, T const* v, T init_val = std::numeric_limits<T>::lowest())
805 {
806  ReduceOps<ReduceOpMax> reduce_op;
807  ReduceData<T> reduce_data(reduce_op);
808  using ReduceTuple = typename decltype(reduce_data)::Type;
809  reduce_op.eval(n, reduce_data, [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE (N i) -> ReduceTuple { return {v[i]}; });
810  ReduceTuple hv = reduce_data.value(reduce_op);
811  return std::max(amrex::get<0>(hv),init_val);
812 }
814 template <typename T, typename N, typename F,
815  typename M=std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<N>::value> >
816 T Max (N n, F&& f, T init_val = std::numeric_limits<T>::lowest())
817 {
818  ReduceOps<ReduceOpMax> reduce_op;
819  ReduceData<T> reduce_data(reduce_op);
820  using ReduceTuple = typename decltype(reduce_data)::Type;
821  reduce_op.eval(n, reduce_data, [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE (N i) -> ReduceTuple { return {f(i)}; });
822  ReduceTuple hv = reduce_data.value(reduce_op);
823  return std::max(amrex::get<0>(hv),init_val);
824 }
826 template <typename T, typename N, typename M=std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<N>::value> >
827 std::pair<T,T> MinMax (N n, T const* v)
828 {
829  ReduceOps<ReduceOpMin,ReduceOpMax> reduce_op;
830  ReduceData<T,T> reduce_data(reduce_op);
831  using ReduceTuple = typename decltype(reduce_data)::Type;
832  reduce_op.eval(n, reduce_data, [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE (N i) -> ReduceTuple {
833  return {v[i],v[i]};
834  });
835  auto hv = reduce_data.value(reduce_op);
836  return std::make_pair(amrex::get<0>(hv), amrex::get<1>(hv));
837 }
839 template <typename T, typename N, typename F,
840  typename M=std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<N>::value> >
841 std::pair<T,T> MinMax (N n, F&& f)
842 {
843  ReduceOps<ReduceOpMin,ReduceOpMax> reduce_op;
844  ReduceData<T,T> reduce_data(reduce_op);
845  using ReduceTuple = typename decltype(reduce_data)::Type;
846  reduce_op.eval(n, reduce_data, [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE (N i) -> ReduceTuple {
847  T tmp = f(i);
848  return {tmp,tmp};
849  });
850  auto hv = reduce_data.value(reduce_op);
851  return std::make_pair(amrex::get<0>(hv), amrex::get<1>(hv));
852 }
854 #ifdef AMREX_USE_SYCL
855  const int num_ints = std::max(Gpu::Device::warp_size, int(ec.numThreads.x)/Gpu::Device::warp_size) + 1;
856  const std::size_t shared_mem_bytes = num_ints*sizeof(int);
857  amrex::launch<AMREX_GPU_MAX_THREADS>(ec.numBlocks.x, shared_mem_bytes, Gpu::gpuStream(),
858  [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE (Gpu::Handler const& gh) noexcept {
859  int* has_any = &(static_cast<int*>(gh.sharedMemory())[num_ints-1]);
860  if (gh.threadIdx() == 0) { *has_any = *dp; }
861  gh.sharedBarrier();
854 template <typename T, typename N, typename P, typename M=std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<N>::value> >
855 bool AnyOf (N n, T const* v, P&& pred)
856 {
857  Gpu::LaunchSafeGuard lsg(true);
858  Gpu::DeviceScalar<int> ds(0);
859  int* dp = ds.dataPtr();
860  auto ec = Gpu::ExecutionConfig(n);
861  ec.numBlocks.x = std::min(ec.numBlocks.x, Gpu::Device::maxBlocksPerLaunch());
863  if (!(*has_any))
864  {
865  int r = false;
866  for (N i = gh.blockDim()*gh.blockIdx()+gh.threadIdx(), stride = gh.blockDim()*gh.gridDim();
867  i < n && !r; i += stride)
868  {
869  r = pred(v[i]) ? 1 : 0;
870  }
863 #ifdef AMREX_USE_SYCL
864  const int num_ints = std::max(Gpu::Device::warp_size, int(ec.numThreads.x)/Gpu::Device::warp_size) + 1;
865  const std::size_t shared_mem_bytes = num_ints*sizeof(int);
866  amrex::launch<AMREX_GPU_MAX_THREADS>(ec.numBlocks.x, shared_mem_bytes, Gpu::gpuStream(),
867  [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE (Gpu::Handler const& gh) noexcept {
868  int* has_any = &(static_cast<int*>(gh.sharedMemory())[num_ints-1]);
869  if (gh.threadIdx() == 0) { *has_any = *dp; }
870  gh.sharedBarrier();
872  r = Gpu::blockReduce<Gpu::Device::warp_size>
873  (r, Gpu::warpReduce<Gpu::Device::warp_size,int,amrex::Plus<int> >(), 0, gh);
874  if (gh.threadIdx() == 0 && r) { *dp = 1; }
875  }
876  });
877 #else
878  amrex::launch<AMREX_GPU_MAX_THREADS>(ec.numBlocks.x, 0, Gpu::gpuStream(),
879  [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE () noexcept {
880  __shared__ int has_any;
881  if (threadIdx.x == 0) has_any = *dp;
882  __syncthreads();
884  if (!has_any)
885  {
886  int r = false;
887  for (N i = blockDim.x*blockIdx.x+threadIdx.x, stride = blockDim.x*gridDim.x;
888  i < n && !r; i += stride)
889  {
890  r = pred(v[i]) ? 1 : 0;
891  }
892  r = Gpu::blockReduce<Gpu::Device::warp_size>
893  (r, Gpu::warpReduce<Gpu::Device::warp_size,int,amrex::Plus<int> >(), 0);
894  if (threadIdx.x == 0 && r) *dp = 1;
895  }
896  });
897 #endif
898  return ds.dataValue();
899 }
901 template <typename P>
902 bool AnyOf (Box const& box, P&& pred)
903 {
904  Gpu::LaunchSafeGuard lsg(true);
905  Gpu::DeviceScalar<int> ds(0);
906  int* dp = ds.dataPtr();
907  int ncells = box.numPts();
908  const auto lo = amrex::lbound(box);
909  const auto len = amrex::length(box);
910  const auto lenxy = len.x*len.y;
911  const auto lenx = len.x;
912  auto ec = Gpu::ExecutionConfig(ncells);
913  ec.numBlocks.x = std::min(ec.numBlocks.x, Gpu::Device::maxBlocksPerLaunch());
915 #ifdef AMREX_USE_SYCL
916  const int num_ints = std::max(Gpu::Device::warp_size, int(ec.numThreads.x)/Gpu::Device::warp_size) + 1;
917  const std::size_t shared_mem_bytes = num_ints*sizeof(int);
918  amrex::launch<AMREX_GPU_MAX_THREADS>(ec.numBlocks.x, shared_mem_bytes, Gpu::gpuStream(),
919  [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE (Gpu::Handler const& gh) noexcept {
920  int* has_any = &(static_cast<int*>(gh.sharedMemory())[num_ints-1]);
921  if (gh.threadIdx() == 0) { *has_any = *dp; }
922  gh.sharedBarrier();
872  if (!(*has_any))
873  {
874  int r = false;
875  for (N i = gh.blockDim()*gh.blockIdx()+gh.threadIdx(), stride = gh.blockDim()*gh.gridDim();
876  i < n && !r; i += stride)
877  {
878  r = pred(v[i]) ? 1 : 0;
879  }
881  r = Gpu::blockReduce<Gpu::Device::warp_size>
882  (r, Gpu::warpReduce<Gpu::Device::warp_size,int,amrex::Plus<int> >(), 0, gh);
883  if (gh.threadIdx() == 0 && r) { *dp = 1; }
884  }
885  });
886 #else
887  amrex::launch<AMREX_GPU_MAX_THREADS>(ec.numBlocks.x, 0, Gpu::gpuStream(),
888  [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE () noexcept {
889  __shared__ int has_any;
890  if (threadIdx.x == 0) has_any = *dp;
891  __syncthreads();
893  if (!has_any)
894  {
895  int r = false;
896  for (N i = blockDim.x*blockIdx.x+threadIdx.x, stride = blockDim.x*gridDim.x;
897  i < n && !r; i += stride)
898  {
899  r = pred(v[i]) ? 1 : 0;
900  }
901  r = Gpu::blockReduce<Gpu::Device::warp_size>
902  (r, Gpu::warpReduce<Gpu::Device::warp_size,int,amrex::Plus<int> >(), 0);
903  if (threadIdx.x == 0 && r) *dp = 1;
904  }
905  });
906 #endif
907  return ds.dataValue();
908 }
910 template <typename P>
911 bool AnyOf (Box const& box, P&& pred)
912 {
913  Gpu::LaunchSafeGuard lsg(true);
914  Gpu::DeviceScalar<int> ds(0);
915  int* dp = ds.dataPtr();
916  int ncells = box.numPts();
917  const auto lo = amrex::lbound(box);
918  const auto len = amrex::length(box);
919  const auto lenxy = len.x*len.y;
920  const auto lenx = len.x;
921  auto ec = Gpu::ExecutionConfig(ncells);
922  ec.numBlocks.x = std::min(ec.numBlocks.x, Gpu::Device::maxBlocksPerLaunch());
924  if (!(*has_any))
925  {
926  int r = false;
927  for (int icell = gh.blockDim()*gh.blockIdx()+gh.threadIdx(), stride = gh.blockDim()*gh.gridDim();
928  icell < ncells && !r; icell += stride) {
929  int k = icell / lenxy;
930  int j = (icell - k*lenxy) / lenx;
931  int i = (icell - k*lenxy) - j*lenx;
932  i += lo.x;
933  j += lo.y;
934  k += lo.z;
935  r = pred(i,j,k) ? 1 : 0;
936  }
937  r = Gpu::blockReduce<Gpu::Device::warp_size>
938  (r, Gpu::warpReduce<Gpu::Device::warp_size,int,amrex::Plus<int> >(), 0, gh);
939  if (gh.threadIdx() == 0 && r) { *dp = 1; }
940  }
941  });
942 #else
943  AMREX_LAUNCH_KERNEL(AMREX_GPU_MAX_THREADS, ec.numBlocks, ec.numThreads, 0,
944  Gpu::gpuStream(),
945  [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE () noexcept {
946  __shared__ int has_any;
947  if (threadIdx.x == 0) has_any = *dp;
948  __syncthreads();
950  if (!has_any)
951  {
952  int r = false;
953  for (int icell = blockDim.x*blockIdx.x+threadIdx.x, stride = blockDim.x*gridDim.x;
954  icell < ncells && !r; icell += stride) {
955  int k = icell / lenxy;
956  int j = (icell - k*lenxy) / lenx;
957  int i = (icell - k*lenxy) - j*lenx;
958  i += lo.x;
959  j += lo.y;
960  k += lo.z;
961  r = pred(i,j,k) ? 1 : 0;
962  }
963  r = Gpu::blockReduce<Gpu::Device::warp_size>
964  (r, Gpu::warpReduce<Gpu::Device::warp_size,int,amrex::Plus<int> >(), 0);
965  if (threadIdx.x == 0 && r) *dp = 1;
966  }
967  });
968 #endif
969  return ds.dataValue();
970 }
972 }
974 #else
976 template <typename... Ts>
977 class ReduceData
978 {
979 public:
980  using Type = GpuTuple<Ts...>;
982  template <typename... Ps>
983  explicit ReduceData (ReduceOps<Ps...>& reduce_op)
984  : m_tuple(OpenMP::in_parallel() ? 1 : OpenMP::get_max_threads()),
985  m_fn_value([&reduce_op,this] () -> Type { return this->value(reduce_op); })
986  {
987  for (auto& t : m_tuple) {
988  Reduce::detail::for_each_init<0, Type, Ps...>(t);
989  }
990  }
992  ~ReduceData () = default;
993  ReduceData (ReduceData<Ts...> const&) = delete;
994  ReduceData (ReduceData<Ts...> &&) = delete;
995  void operator= (ReduceData<Ts...> const&) = delete;
996  void operator= (ReduceData<Ts...> &&) = delete;
998  Type value () { return m_fn_value(); }
1000  template <typename... Ps>
1001  Type value (ReduceOps<Ps...>& reduce_op)
1002  {
1003  return reduce_op.value(*this);
1004  }
1006  Vector<Type>& reference () { return m_tuple; }
1008  Type& reference (int tid)
1009  {
1010  if (m_tuple.size() == 1) {
1011  // No OpenMP or already inside OpenMP parallel when reduce_data is constructed
1012  return m_tuple[0];
1013  } else {
1014  return m_tuple[tid];
1015  }
1016  }
1018 private:
1019  Vector<Type> m_tuple;
1020  std::function<Type()> m_fn_value;
1021 };
1023 template <typename... Ps>
1024 class ReduceOps
1025 {
1026 private:
1028  template <typename D, typename F>
1030  static auto call_f (Box const& box, typename D::Type & r, F const& f)
1031  noexcept -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<std::decay_t<decltype(f(0,0,0))>,
1032  typename D::Type>::value>
1033  {
1034  using ReduceTuple = typename D::Type;
1035  const auto lo = amrex::lbound(box);
1036  const auto hi = amrex::ubound(box);
1037  for (int k = lo.z; k <= hi.z; ++k) {
1038  for (int j = lo.y; j <= hi.y; ++j) {
1039  for (int i = lo.x; i <= hi.x; ++i) {
1040  Reduce::detail::for_each_local<0, ReduceTuple, Ps...>(r, f(i,j,k));
1041  }}}
1042  }
1044  template <typename D, typename F>
1046  static auto call_f (Box const& box, typename D::Type & r, F const& f)
1047  noexcept -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<std::decay_t<decltype(f(Box()))>,
1048  typename D::Type>::value>
1049  {
1050  using ReduceTuple = typename D::Type;
1051  Reduce::detail::for_each_local<0, ReduceTuple, Ps...>(r, f(box));
1052  }
1054 public:
1056  template <typename MF, typename D, typename F>
1057  std::enable_if_t<IsFabArray<MF>::value && IsCallable<F, int, int, int, int>::value>
1058  eval (MF const& mf, IntVect const& nghost, D & reduce_data, F&& f)
1059  {
1060  using ReduceTuple = typename D::Type;
1061 #ifdef AMREX_USE_OMP
1062 #pragma omp parallel
1063 #endif
1064  for (MFIter mfi(mf,true); mfi.isValid(); ++mfi) {
1065  Box const& b = mfi.growntilebox(nghost);
1066  const int li = mfi.LocalIndex();
1067  auto& rr = reduce_data.reference(OpenMP::get_thread_num());
1068  const auto lo = amrex::lbound(b);
1069  const auto hi = amrex::ubound(b);
1070  for (int k = lo.z; k <= hi.z; ++k) {
1071  for (int j = lo.y; j <= hi.y; ++j) {
1072  for (int i = lo.x; i <= hi.x; ++i) {
1073  Reduce::detail::for_each_local<0, ReduceTuple, Ps...>(rr, f(li,i,j,k));
1074  }}}
1075  }
1076  }
1078  template <typename MF, typename D, typename F>
1079  std::enable_if_t<IsFabArray<MF>::value && IsCallable<F, int, int, int, int, int>::value>
1080  eval (MF const& mf, IntVect const& nghost, int ncomp, D & reduce_data, F&& f)
1081  {
1082  using ReduceTuple = typename D::Type;
1083 #ifdef AMREX_USE_OMP
1084 #pragma omp parallel
1085 #endif
1086  for (MFIter mfi(mf,true); mfi.isValid(); ++mfi) {
1087  Box const& b = mfi.growntilebox(nghost);
1088  const int li = mfi.LocalIndex();
1089  auto& rr = reduce_data.reference(OpenMP::get_thread_num());
1090  const auto lo = amrex::lbound(b);
1091  const auto hi = amrex::ubound(b);
1092  for (int n = 0; n < ncomp; ++n) {
1093  for (int k = lo.z; k <= hi.z; ++k) {
1094  for (int j = lo.y; j <= hi.y; ++j) {
1095  for (int i = lo.x; i <= hi.x; ++i) {
1096  Reduce::detail::for_each_local<0, ReduceTuple, Ps...>(rr, f(li,i,j,k,n));
1097  }}}}
1098  }
1099  }
1101  template <typename D, typename F>
1102  void eval (Box const& box, D & reduce_data, F&& f)
1103  {
1104  auto& rr = reduce_data.reference(OpenMP::get_thread_num());
1105  call_f<D>(box, rr, f);
1106  }
1108  template <typename N, typename D, typename F,
1109  typename M=std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<N>::value> >
1110  void eval (Box const& box, N ncomp, D & reduce_data, F&& f)
1111  {
1112  using ReduceTuple = typename D::Type;
924 #ifdef AMREX_USE_SYCL
925  const int num_ints = std::max(Gpu::Device::warp_size, int(ec.numThreads.x)/Gpu::Device::warp_size) + 1;
926  const std::size_t shared_mem_bytes = num_ints*sizeof(int);
927  amrex::launch<AMREX_GPU_MAX_THREADS>(ec.numBlocks.x, shared_mem_bytes, Gpu::gpuStream(),
928  [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE (Gpu::Handler const& gh) noexcept {
929  int* has_any = &(static_cast<int*>(gh.sharedMemory())[num_ints-1]);
930  if (gh.threadIdx() == 0) { *has_any = *dp; }
931  gh.sharedBarrier();
933  if (!(*has_any))
934  {
935  int r = false;
936  for (int icell = gh.blockDim()*gh.blockIdx()+gh.threadIdx(), stride = gh.blockDim()*gh.gridDim();
937  icell < ncells && !r; icell += stride) {
938  int k = icell / lenxy;
939  int j = (icell - k*lenxy) / lenx;
940  int i = (icell - k*lenxy) - j*lenx;
941  i += lo.x;
942  j += lo.y;
943  k += lo.z;
944  r = pred(i,j,k) ? 1 : 0;
945  }
946  r = Gpu::blockReduce<Gpu::Device::warp_size>
947  (r, Gpu::warpReduce<Gpu::Device::warp_size,int,amrex::Plus<int> >(), 0, gh);
948  if (gh.threadIdx() == 0 && r) { *dp = 1; }
949  }
950  });
951 #else
952  AMREX_LAUNCH_KERNEL(AMREX_GPU_MAX_THREADS, ec.numBlocks, ec.numThreads, 0,
953  Gpu::gpuStream(),
954  [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE () noexcept {
955  __shared__ int has_any;
956  if (threadIdx.x == 0) has_any = *dp;
957  __syncthreads();
959  if (!has_any)
960  {
961  int r = false;
962  for (int icell = blockDim.x*blockIdx.x+threadIdx.x, stride = blockDim.x*gridDim.x;
963  icell < ncells && !r; icell += stride) {
964  int k = icell / lenxy;
965  int j = (icell - k*lenxy) / lenx;
966  int i = (icell - k*lenxy) - j*lenx;
967  i += lo.x;
968  j += lo.y;
969  k += lo.z;
970  r = pred(i,j,k) ? 1 : 0;
971  }
972  r = Gpu::blockReduce<Gpu::Device::warp_size>
973  (r, Gpu::warpReduce<Gpu::Device::warp_size,int,amrex::Plus<int> >(), 0);
974  if (threadIdx.x == 0 && r) *dp = 1;
975  }
976  });
977 #endif
978  return ds.dataValue();
979 }
981 }
983 #else
985 template <typename... Ts>
986 class ReduceData
987 {
988 public:
989  using Type = GpuTuple<Ts...>;
991  template <typename... Ps>
992  explicit ReduceData (ReduceOps<Ps...>& reduce_op)
993  : m_tuple(OpenMP::in_parallel() ? 1 : OpenMP::get_max_threads()),
994  m_fn_value([&reduce_op,this] () -> Type { return this->value(reduce_op); })
995  {
996  for (auto& t : m_tuple) {
997  Reduce::detail::for_each_init<0, Type, Ps...>(t);
998  }
999  }
1001  ~ReduceData () = default;
1002  ReduceData (ReduceData<Ts...> const&) = delete;
1003  ReduceData (ReduceData<Ts...> &&) = delete;
1004  void operator= (ReduceData<Ts...> const&) = delete;
1005  void operator= (ReduceData<Ts...> &&) = delete;
1007  Type value () { return m_fn_value(); }
1009  template <typename... Ps>
1010  Type value (ReduceOps<Ps...>& reduce_op)
1011  {
1012  return reduce_op.value(*this);
1013  }
1015  Vector<Type>& reference () { return m_tuple; }
1017  Type& reference (int tid)
1018  {
1019  if (m_tuple.size() == 1) {
1020  // No OpenMP or already inside OpenMP parallel when reduce_data is constructed
1021  return m_tuple[0];
1022  } else {
1023  return m_tuple[tid];
1024  }
1025  }
1027 private:
1028  Vector<Type> m_tuple;
1029  std::function<Type()> m_fn_value;
1030 };
1032 template <typename... Ps>
1033 class ReduceOps
1034 {
1035 private:
1037  template <typename D, typename F>
1039  static auto call_f (Box const& box, typename D::Type & r, F const& f)
1040  noexcept -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<std::decay_t<decltype(f(0,0,0))>,
1041  typename D::Type>::value>
1042  {
1043  using ReduceTuple = typename D::Type;
1044  const auto lo = amrex::lbound(box);
1045  const auto hi = amrex::ubound(box);
1046  for (int k = lo.z; k <= hi.z; ++k) {
1047  for (int j = lo.y; j <= hi.y; ++j) {
1048  for (int i = lo.x; i <= hi.x; ++i) {
1049  Reduce::detail::for_each_local<0, ReduceTuple, Ps...>(r, f(i,j,k));
1050  }}}
1051  }
1053  template <typename D, typename F>
1055  static auto call_f (Box const& box, typename D::Type & r, F const& f)
1056  noexcept -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<std::decay_t<decltype(f(Box()))>,
1057  typename D::Type>::value>
1058  {
1059  using ReduceTuple = typename D::Type;
1060  Reduce::detail::for_each_local<0, ReduceTuple, Ps...>(r, f(box));
1061  }
1063 public:
1065  template <typename MF, typename D, typename F>
1066  std::enable_if_t<IsFabArray<MF>::value && IsCallable<F, int, int, int, int>::value>
1067  eval (MF const& mf, IntVect const& nghost, D & reduce_data, F&& f)
1068  {
1069  using ReduceTuple = typename D::Type;
1070 #ifdef AMREX_USE_OMP
1071 #pragma omp parallel
1072 #endif
1073  for (MFIter mfi(mf,true); mfi.isValid(); ++mfi) {
1074  Box const& b = mfi.growntilebox(nghost);
1075  const int li = mfi.LocalIndex();
1076  auto& rr = reduce_data.reference(OpenMP::get_thread_num());
1077  const auto lo = amrex::lbound(b);
1078  const auto hi = amrex::ubound(b);
1079  for (int k = lo.z; k <= hi.z; ++k) {
1080  for (int j = lo.y; j <= hi.y; ++j) {
1081  for (int i = lo.x; i <= hi.x; ++i) {
1082  Reduce::detail::for_each_local<0, ReduceTuple, Ps...>(rr, f(li,i,j,k));
1083  }}}
1084  }
1085  }
1087  template <typename MF, typename D, typename F>
1088  std::enable_if_t<IsFabArray<MF>::value && IsCallable<F, int, int, int, int, int>::value>
1089  eval (MF const& mf, IntVect const& nghost, int ncomp, D & reduce_data, F&& f)
1090  {
1091  using ReduceTuple = typename D::Type;
1092 #ifdef AMREX_USE_OMP
1093 #pragma omp parallel
1094 #endif
1095  for (MFIter mfi(mf,true); mfi.isValid(); ++mfi) {
1096  Box const& b = mfi.growntilebox(nghost);
1097  const int li = mfi.LocalIndex();
1098  auto& rr = reduce_data.reference(OpenMP::get_thread_num());
1099  const auto lo = amrex::lbound(b);
1100  const auto hi = amrex::ubound(b);
1101  for (int n = 0; n < ncomp; ++n) {
1102  for (int k = lo.z; k <= hi.z; ++k) {
1103  for (int j = lo.y; j <= hi.y; ++j) {
1104  for (int i = lo.x; i <= hi.x; ++i) {
1105  Reduce::detail::for_each_local<0, ReduceTuple, Ps...>(rr, f(li,i,j,k,n));
1106  }}}}
1107  }
1108  }
1110  template <typename D, typename F>
1111  void eval (Box const& box, D & reduce_data, F&& f)
1112  {
1113  auto& rr = reduce_data.reference(OpenMP::get_thread_num());
1114  const auto lo = amrex::lbound(box);
1115  const auto hi = amrex::ubound(box);
1116  for (N n = 0; n < ncomp; ++n) {
1117  for (int k = lo.z; k <= hi.z; ++k) {
1118  for (int j = lo.y; j <= hi.y; ++j) {
1119  for (int i = lo.x; i <= hi.x; ++i) {
1120  Reduce::detail::for_each_local<0, ReduceTuple, Ps...>(rr, f(i,j,k,n));
1121  }}}}
1122  }
1124  template <typename N, typename D, typename F,
1125  typename M=std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<N>::value> >
1126  void eval (N n, D & reduce_data, F&& f)
1127  {
1128  using ReduceTuple = typename D::Type;
1129  auto& rr = reduce_data.reference(OpenMP::get_thread_num());
1130  for (N i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
1131  Reduce::detail::for_each_local<0, ReduceTuple, Ps...>(rr, f(i));
1132  }
1133  }
1135  template <typename D>
1136  typename D::Type value (D & reduce_data)
1137  {
1138  using ReduceTuple = typename D::Type;
1139  auto& rrv = reduce_data.reference();
1140  if (rrv.size() > 1) {
1141  for (int i = 1, N = rrv.size(); i < N; ++i) {
1142  Reduce::detail::for_each_local<0, ReduceTuple, Ps...>(rrv[0], rrv[i]);
1143  }
1144  }
1145  return rrv[0];
1146  }
1147 };
1149 namespace Reduce {
1151 template <typename T, typename N, typename F,
1152  typename M=std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<N>::value> >
1153 T Sum (N n, F&& f, T init_val = 0)
1154 {
1155  T r = init_val;
1156 #ifdef AMREX_USE_OMP
1157 #pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:r)
1158 #endif
1159  for (N i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
1160  r += f(i);
1161  }
1162  return r;
1163 }
1114  call_f<D>(box, rr, f);
1115  }
1117  template <typename N, typename D, typename F,
1118  typename M=std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<N>::value> >
1119  void eval (Box const& box, N ncomp, D & reduce_data, F&& f)
1120  {
1121  using ReduceTuple = typename D::Type;
1122  auto& rr = reduce_data.reference(OpenMP::get_thread_num());
1123  const auto lo = amrex::lbound(box);
1124  const auto hi = amrex::ubound(box);
1125  for (N n = 0; n < ncomp; ++n) {
1126  for (int k = lo.z; k <= hi.z; ++k) {
1127  for (int j = lo.y; j <= hi.y; ++j) {
1128  for (int i = lo.x; i <= hi.x; ++i) {
1129  Reduce::detail::for_each_local<0, ReduceTuple, Ps...>(rr, f(i,j,k,n));
1130  }}}}
1131  }
1133  template <typename N, typename D, typename F,
1134  typename M=std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<N>::value> >
1135  void eval (N n, D & reduce_data, F&& f)
1136  {
1137  using ReduceTuple = typename D::Type;
1138  auto& rr = reduce_data.reference(OpenMP::get_thread_num());
1139  for (N i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
1140  Reduce::detail::for_each_local<0, ReduceTuple, Ps...>(rr, f(i));
1141  }
1142  }
1144  template <typename D>
1145  typename D::Type value (D & reduce_data)
1146  {
1147  auto& rrv = reduce_data.reference();
1148  if (! m_result_is_ready) {
1149  using ReduceTuple = typename D::Type;
1150  if (rrv.size() > 1) {
1151  for (int i = 1, N = rrv.size(); i < N; ++i) {
1152  Reduce::detail::for_each_local<0, ReduceTuple, Ps...>(rrv[0], rrv[i]);
1153  }
1154  }
1155  m_result_is_ready = true;
1156  }
1157  return rrv[0];
1158  }
1160  bool m_result_is_ready = false;
1161 };
1163 namespace Reduce {
1165 template <typename T, typename N, typename M=std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<N>::value> >
1166 T Sum (N n, T const* v, T init_val = 0)
1167 {
1168  return Sum(n, [=] (N i) -> T { return v[i]; }, init_val);
1169 }
1171 template <typename T, typename N, typename F,
1172  typename M=std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<N>::value> >
1173 T Min (N n, F&& f, T init_val = std::numeric_limits<T>::max())
1174 {
1175  T r = init_val;
1176 #ifdef AMREX_USE_OMP
1177 #pragma omp parallel for reduction(min:r)
1178 #endif
1179  for (N i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
1180  r = std::min(r,f(i));
1181  }
1182  return r;
1165 template <typename T, typename N, typename F,
1166  typename M=std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<N>::value> >
1167 T Sum (N n, F&& f, T init_val = 0)
1168 {
1169  T r = init_val;
1170 #ifdef AMREX_USE_OMP
1171 #pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:r)
1172 #endif
1173  for (N i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
1174  r += f(i);
1175  }
1176  return r;
1177 }
1179 template <typename T, typename N, typename M=std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<N>::value> >
1180 T Sum (N n, T const* v, T init_val = 0)
1181 {
1182  return Sum(n, [=] (N i) -> T { return v[i]; }, init_val);
1183 }
1185 template <typename T, typename N, typename M=std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<N>::value> >
1186 T Min (N n, T const* v, T init_val = std::numeric_limits<T>::max())
1187 {
1188  return Reduce::Min(n, [=] (N i) -> T { return v[i]; }, init_val);
1189 }
1191 template <typename T, typename N, typename F,
1192  typename M=std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<N>::value> >
1193 T Max (N n, F&& f, T init_val = std::numeric_limits<T>::lowest())
1194 {
1195  T r = init_val;
1196 #ifdef AMREX_USE_OMP
1197 #pragma omp parallel for reduction(max:r)
1198 #endif
1199  for (N i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
1200  r = std::max(r,f(i));
1201  }
1202  return r;
1185 template <typename T, typename N, typename F,
1186  typename M=std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<N>::value> >
1187 T Min (N n, F&& f, T init_val = std::numeric_limits<T>::max())
1188 {
1189  T r = init_val;
1190 #ifdef AMREX_USE_OMP
1191 #pragma omp parallel for reduction(min:r)
1192 #endif
1193  for (N i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
1194  r = std::min(r,f(i));
1195  }
1196  return r;
1197 }
1199 template <typename T, typename N, typename M=std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<N>::value> >
1200 T Min (N n, T const* v, T init_val = std::numeric_limits<T>::max())
1201 {
1202  return Reduce::Min(n, [=] (N i) -> T { return v[i]; }, init_val);
1203 }
1205 template <typename T, typename N, typename M=std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<N>::value> >
1206 T Max (N n, T const* v, T init_val = std::numeric_limits<T>::lowest())
1207 {
1208  return Reduce::Max(n, [=] (N i) -> T { return v[i]; }, init_val);
1209 }
1211 template <typename T, typename N, typename F,
1212  typename M=std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<N>::value> >
1213 std::pair<T,T> Min (N n, F&& f)
1214 {
1215  T r_min = std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
1216  T r_max = std::numeric_limits<T>::lowest();
1217 #ifdef AMREX_USE_OMP
1218 #pragma omp parallel for reduction(min:r_min) reduction(max:r_max)
1219 #endif
1220  for (N i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
1221  T tmp = f(i);
1222  r_min = std::min(r_min,tmp);
1223  r_max = std::max(r_max,tmp);
1224  }
1225  return std::make_pair(r_min,r_max);
1226 }
1228 template <typename T, typename N, typename M=std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<N>::value> >
1229 std::pair<T,T> MinMax (N n, T const* v)
1230 {
1231  return Reduce::MinMax<T>(n, [=] (N i) -> T { return v[i]; });
1232 }
1234 template <typename T, typename N, typename P, typename M=std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<N>::value> >
1235 bool AnyOf (N n, T const* v, P&& pred)
1236 {
1237  return std::any_of(v, v+n, pred);
1238 }
1240 template <typename P>
1241 bool AnyOf (Box const& box, P&&pred)
1242 {
1243  const auto lo = amrex::lbound(box);
1244  const auto hi = amrex::ubound(box);
1245  for (int k = lo.z; k <= hi.z; ++k) {
1246  for (int j = lo.y; j <= hi.y; ++j) {
1247  for (int i = lo.x; i <= hi.x; ++i) {
1248  if (pred(i,j,k)) return true;
1249  }}}
1250  return false;
1251 }
1253 }
1255 #endif
1257 }
1259 #endif
1205 template <typename T, typename N, typename F,
1206  typename M=std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<N>::value> >
1207 T Max (N n, F&& f, T init_val = std::numeric_limits<T>::lowest())
1208 {
1209  T r = init_val;
1210 #ifdef AMREX_USE_OMP
1211 #pragma omp parallel for reduction(max:r)
1212 #endif
1213  for (N i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
1214  r = std::max(r,f(i));
1215  }
1216  return r;
1217 }
1219 template <typename T, typename N, typename M=std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<N>::value> >
1220 T Max (N n, T const* v, T init_val = std::numeric_limits<T>::lowest())
1221 {
1222  return Reduce::Max(n, [=] (N i) -> T { return v[i]; }, init_val);
1223 }
1225 template <typename T, typename N, typename F,
1226  typename M=std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<N>::value> >
1227 std::pair<T,T> Min (N n, F&& f)
1228 {
1229  T r_min = std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
1230  T r_max = std::numeric_limits<T>::lowest();
1231 #ifdef AMREX_USE_OMP
1232 #pragma omp parallel for reduction(min:r_min) reduction(max:r_max)
1233 #endif
1234  for (N i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
1235  T tmp = f(i);
1236  r_min = std::min(r_min,tmp);
1237  r_max = std::max(r_max,tmp);
1238  }
1239  return std::make_pair(r_min,r_max);
1240 }
1242 template <typename T, typename N, typename M=std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<N>::value> >
1243 std::pair<T,T> MinMax (N n, T const* v)
1244 {
1245  return Reduce::MinMax<T>(n, [=] (N i) -> T { return v[i]; });
1246 }
1248 template <typename T, typename N, typename P, typename M=std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<N>::value> >
1249 bool AnyOf (N n, T const* v, P&& pred)
1250 {
1251  return std::any_of(v, v+n, pred);
1252 }
1254 template <typename P>
1255 bool AnyOf (Box const& box, P&&pred)
1256 {
1257  const auto lo = amrex::lbound(box);
1258  const auto hi = amrex::ubound(box);
1259  for (int k = lo.z; k <= hi.z; ++k) {
1260  for (int j = lo.y; j <= hi.y; ++j) {
1261  for (int i = lo.x; i <= hi.x; ++i) {
1262  if (pred(i,j,k)) return true;
1263  }}}
1264  return false;
1265 }
1267 }
1269 #endif
1271 }
1273 #endif
Definition: AMReX_Extension.H:116
Definition: AMReX_GpuDevice.H:19
@@ -1431,11 +1445,11 @@
Definition: AMReX_Reduce.H:77
AMREX_GPU_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE void for_each_parallel(T &d, T const &s)
Definition: AMReX_Reduce.H:38
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE void for_each_local(T &d, T const &s)
Definition: AMReX_Reduce.H:55
T Max(N n, F &&f, T init_val=std::numeric_limits< T >::lowest())
Definition: AMReX_Reduce.H:807
T Sum(N n, F &&f, T init_val=0)
Definition: AMReX_Reduce.H:761
bool AnyOf(Box const &box, P &&pred)
Definition: AMReX_Reduce.H:902
T Min(N n, F &&f, T init_val=std::numeric_limits< T >::max())
Definition: AMReX_Reduce.H:784
std::pair< T, T > MinMax(N n, F &&f)
Definition: AMReX_Reduce.H:832
T Max(N n, F &&f, T init_val=std::numeric_limits< T >::lowest())
Definition: AMReX_Reduce.H:816
T Sum(N n, F &&f, T init_val=0)
Definition: AMReX_Reduce.H:770
bool AnyOf(Box const &box, P &&pred)
Definition: AMReX_Reduce.H:911
T Min(N n, F &&f, T init_val=std::numeric_limits< T >::max())
Definition: AMReX_Reduce.H:793
std::pair< T, T > MinMax(N n, F &&f)
Definition: AMReX_Reduce.H:841
static int f(realtype t, N_Vector y_data, N_Vector y_rhs, void *user_data)
Definition: AMReX_SundialsIntegrator.H:40
@ min
Definition: AMReX_ParallelReduce.H:18
@ max
Definition: AMReX_ParallelReduce.H:17
diff --git a/amrex/docs_html/doxygen/classamrex_1_1ReduceOps-members.html b/amrex/docs_html/doxygen/classamrex_1_1ReduceOps-members.html index 098bae81d8..84b74e9aae 100644 --- a/amrex/docs_html/doxygen/classamrex_1_1ReduceOps-members.html +++ b/amrex/docs_html/doxygen/classamrex_1_1ReduceOps-members.html @@ -108,7 +108,8 @@ eval(Box const &box, N ncomp, D &reduce_data, F &&f)amrex::ReduceOps< Ps >inline eval(N n, D &reduce_data, F &&f)amrex::ReduceOps< Ps >inline eval_mf(I, MF const &mf, IntVect const &nghost, int ncomp, D &reduce_data, F &&f)amrex::ReduceOps< Ps >inline - value(D &reduce_data)amrex::ReduceOps< Ps >inline + m_result_is_readyamrex::ReduceOps< Ps >private + value(D &reduce_data)amrex::ReduceOps< Ps >inline diff --git a/amrex/docs_html/doxygen/classamrex_1_1ReduceOps.html b/amrex/docs_html/doxygen/classamrex_1_1ReduceOps.html index fa30b2a7a0..f7c59a89db 100644 --- a/amrex/docs_html/doxygen/classamrex_1_1ReduceOps.html +++ b/amrex/docs_html/doxygen/classamrex_1_1ReduceOps.html @@ -97,6 +97,7 @@
Public Member Functions | +Private Attributes | List of all members
amrex::ReduceOps< Ps > Class Template Reference
@@ -128,6 +129,11 @@ template<typename D > D::Type value (D &reduce_data)   + + + +

+Private Attributes

bool m_result_is_ready = false

Member Function Documentation

@@ -476,6 +482,31 @@


+ +

Member Data Documentation


◆ m_result_is_ready

+ +
+template<typename... Ps>
+ + + + + +
+ + + + +
bool amrex::ReduceOps< Ps >::m_result_is_ready = false

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: