Two commands are available that simply delegate to the exercism
command-line tool. The first is "download":
:Exercism download --exercise=<name> --track=<track-name>
:Exercism download --uuid=<uuid>
This downloads the exercise, but also does a "cd" into the directory the tool prints, and edits the directory's
in a fresh tab. It also completes the three main --
The second command is "submit":
:Exercism submit
It submits the current file to as a solution. You can also provide an explicit list of files to submit, with file completion.
These particular commands are provided by the plugin, because they integrate nicely with the editor, providing some additional convenience. At this time, for the other functionality of the CLI, you should use the command-line instead.
Since the exercism website makes it easy to copy a full command-line, you could paste it directly into Vim with a command-line abbreviation for exercism
cnoreabbrev exercism Exercism
That way, if you paste exercism download --etc
in the command-line, it'll get auto-capitalized and turned into the provided Vim command. Be warned, however, that this will replace exercism
with Exercism
everywhere on the command-line, which might not always be what you want.