This is a collection of scripts for the identification of vaccine specific B cells from immune repertoire sequencing. It seeks to classify B cells as either vaccine-specific, non-specific or background.
R scripts are dependent on each other; sourcing Mixture_EM.R will sequentially source all other scripts.
Required packages are:VGAM, ismev, MASS, and their dependencies.
The EM function, is the main function for model fitting, and has the following inputs:
- Data a 3 dimensional array of clonal abundance over samples and time points: clone x sample x time.
- max_iter the maximum number of iterations to perform. Algorithm will finish either when convergence or the maximum number of iterations is achieved, whichever is soonest.
- p_bg default =.85; the initial probability of being assigned to the background class.
- p_ind default=.1; the initial probability of being assigned to the vaccine-specific class.
- w_bg default=c(.99,.009,.001); the initial mixture weights for a clone assigned to the background class.
- w_ind default=c(.1,.2,.7); the initial mixture weights for a clone assigned to the vaccine-specific class.
- Params default=NULL; if NULL initial parameters for the distributions are calculated based on the entire data set.
Returns a list containing the following elements:
- Assignment of a clone to the background (labelled 1), vaccine-specific (labelled 2) or non-specific (labelled 3) categories.
- Final mixture weights for a clone assigned to the background class.
- Final probability of being assigned to the background class.
- Final probability of a clone assigned to the background class being present in the sample.
- Final mixture weights for a clone assigned to the vaccine-specific class.
- Final probability of being assigned to the vaccine-specific class.
- Final probability of a clone assigned to the vaccine-specific class being present in the sample.
- Log-likelihood of the final model.
- Log-likelihood of all models evaluated.
- Number of iterations performed.
#number of sequences allocated to vaccine specific class
#number of sequences allocated to background class