AnnoDesigner supports the following verbs when starting it from command line:
AnnoDesigner starts with the specified layout file opened.export
AnnoDesigner exports the specified layout file to an image and closes immediately.
See supported export parameters withAnnoDesigner.exe export --help
If no verb is specified AnnoDesigner starts with an empty layout (as usual).
AnnoDesigner.exe --help
AnnoDesigner.exe <verb> --help
For example to show information about the export
verb, use the following command.
AnnoDesigner.exe export --help
AnnoDesigner.exe open "C:\path\to\layout\"
AnnoDesigner.exe export "C:\path\to\layout\" "C:\path\to\exported\image.png"
AnnoDesigner.exe export "C:\path\to\layout\" "C:\path\to\exported\image.png" --gridSize 10
AnnoDesigner.exe export "C:\path\to\layout\" "C:\path\to\exported\image.png" --renderIcon=true --renderLabel=true
For easier use you can create some script files. The following examples are batch files (*.bat) which can be executed from explorer.
It is assumed that the batch file is in the same directory as the AnnoDesigner.exe
To have a starting point, just create an empty batch file, copy the script and adjust the file paths and parameters.
@echo off
rem first parameter is the window title
start "AnnoDesigner" "%~dp0\AnnoDesigner.exe" open "C:\path\to\layout\"
@echo off
rem first parameter is the window title
start "AnnoDesigner" "%~dp0\AnnoDesigner.exe" export "C:\path\to\layout\" "C:\path\to\exported\image.png" --gridSize 20 --renderIcon=true --renderVersion=true
@echo off
set pathToAnnoDesigner="%~dp0\AnnoDesigner.exe"
set folderWithLayouts=C:\path\to\layouts\
rem /d = also change drive if necessary
cd /d %folderWithLayouts%
rem %%f = current file name with extension
rem %%~nf = current file name without extension
rem %%~dpnf = current file path without extension
rem %%~ff = current file path (fully qualified)
rem ^> = >, >, | need to be escaped
for %%f in (*.ad) do (
echo exporting layout: "%%~ff" -^> "%%~dpnf.png"
%pathToAnnoDesigner% export "%%f" "%%~dpnf.png" --gridSize 20 --renderIcon=false --renderVersion=true --renderStatistics=true
cd /d %~dp0
echo finished