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4.7. AstroID Generation v.0.00.0001

4.7.1. Description

This code is part of the astropath processing pipeline; it intializes a SlideID for each incoming specimen. These SlideIDs are used to standardize slide naming and replace the SampleNames (names applied to the slides during the scanning process) on all subfiles for a specimen and in the scanning plan ('annotations.xml') files. The code prepares an AstropathAPIDdef.csv for each project to record the pairings of SlideIDs and SampleNames. This file contains the following 5 columns (described below):

SlideID, SampleName, ProjectID, CohortID, BatchID

Additionally, the code intializes the necessary processing folders for each project directory and saves a project level AstropathAPIDdef_PP.csv (PP indicates the ProjectID) in the upkeep_and_progress folder, containing only the specimens related to that project. Next, this code updates the Batch files in the <Dpath>\<Dname>\Batch location by copying any files in <Spath>\<Dname>\Batch that are missing. The format for the SlideID is APpppXXXX where the ppp indicates the numeric ProjectID and the XXXX is a slide number which is unique within a project.SlideIDs are generated by comparing the AstropathAPIDdef_PP.csv to the cohort specific SpecimenTable.xlsx and assigning each new specimen with a new value in sequential ordering (AP0010001, AP0010002, AP0020001 …).

Please Note: Since this code needs direct access to the Specimen_Table.xlsx which contains PPI, the naming generator code should only be run on the <Spath> server (HIPPA side server) to avoid opening the Specimen_Table.xlsx over the network. In addition, SlideIDs are assigned in the order they are added to their respective Specimen_Table.xlsx files.

4.7.2. Important Definitions

  1. The ProjectID and CohortID are defined in the AstropathCohortsProgress.csv file.

    • A description of this file is contained here
  2. The BatchID is generated for each staining batch

    • a longer description of this value can be found in the description here
  3. New SampleNames are detected from the SpecimenTable.xlsx files contained in each cohort folder

    • The SampleNames are the names defined during the scanning process
    • A description of the SpecimenTable.xlsx file is contained here
  4. SlideIDs are the names for the specimens in the astropath processing pipeline and replace the SampleNames on all corresponding files and inside the scanning plan, annotations.xml, files generated during the scanning process

    • using these names allows us to avoid outside-the-organization changes to naming conventions
    • The IDs have the format; APpppXXXX
      • ppp indicates the numeric ProjectID
      • XXXX is a slide number which is unique within a project
    • The IDs are generated by comparing the AstropathAPIDdef.csv to the cohort specific SpecimenTable.xlsx
      • we assign each new specimen with a new value in sequential ordering (AP0010001, AP0010002, AP0020001 …)
  5. We use path specifiers to shorten descriptions, further description of these paths can be found in the additional documentation here repository:

    • <Mpath>: the main path for all the astropath processing .csv configuration files; the current location of this path is \\bki04\astropath_processing
    • <Dname>: the data name or the name of the clinical specimen folder
    • <Dpath>: the data or destination path
      • this is the path to the project's data on the bki servers
    • <Spath>: the source path to the project's data

    NOTE: the <path> variables do not contain the <Dname>

4.7.3. Instructions

For python download the repository and install the astroidgen. Then launch using: <Mpath>

  • <Mpath>: should contain the AstropathCohortsProgress.csv, AstropathPaths.csv, and the AstropathCohorts.csv files
    • description of these files can be found here

4.7.4. Workflow

We begin by opening the AstropathCohortsProgress.csv file from the <Mpath>. We process each available cohort from this file sequentially. We first check that data folder for the cohort on the bki servers (<Dpath>\<Dname>) and the source folder for the cohort (<Spath>\<Dname>) exist. Then, we either intialize or ensure that the following folders are intialized in the <Dpath>\<Dname> for processing.

  1. upkeep_and_progress
    • For any upkeep and progress tracking files
    • Location of the AstropathAPIDdef_PP.csv files, where PP indicates the numeric project id
  2. flatfield
    • Location of the flatfield parameter files
    • These files are named Flatfield_BatchID_BB.bin, replacing the BB for the appropriate batch id.
  3. logfiles
    • Project level log files for the astropath pipeline
  4. Batch
    • The batch and merge tables
    • These tables are described in further documentation located here
  5. Clinical
    • Location of the clinical table
    • These tables should be labeled as Clinical_Table_Specimen_CSID_MMDDYYYY.csv, where the CSID indicates the number on the <Dname> folder.
    • We always use the clinical table with the most recent date in the data upload
  6. Ctrl
    • Location of control TMA data output
  7. dbload
    • Location of the files used for the database upload
  8. tmp_inform_data
    • Location of the inform data output and inform algorithms used
  9. reject
    • Location of the rejected slides

Information on these folders is also located in documentation located here repository.

Next, we update the available Batch folder <Dpath>\<Dname>\Batch with any possible missing Batch files in <Spath>\<Dname>\Batch.

Finally, we compile the AstropathAPIDdef.csv as follows:

  1. Check that Specimen_Table.xlsx exists.
    • If it does not exist, move to the next directory.
    • If it does, extract the Patient # and the BatchID columns for each sample
  2. Open the AstropathAPIDdef.csv if it exists
    • If the file does not exist start SlideIDs at APppp0001
    • If the file exists
      • Compare the SampleNames in AstropathAPIDdef.csv to the ‘Patient #’ in Specimen_Table.xlsx to determine new specimens
      • Acquire next available SlideID from the AstropathAPIDdef.csv
  3. Update the new SampleName rows to the AstropathAPIDdef.csv file
  4. Compare the local AstropathAPIDdef_PP.csv file with AstropathAPIDdef.csv
    • If there are no new SampleNames, do not update AstropathAPIDdef_PP.csv
    • If there are new SampleNames, recreate AstropathAPIDdef_PP.csv with all project-relevant entries

Once all cohorts have been checked the code will wait for 30 minutes, reload the AstropathCohortsProgress.csv file, then recheck all directories in such a way that the code is running in a continous loop.


Created by: Sigfredo Soto-Diaz & Benjamin Green

Tumor Microenvironment Technology Development Center

The Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg~Kimmel Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy