If everything checks out scan the specimens as follows for the Vectra Polaris
- Take exposures (create a single protocol) for all of the clinical specimen multiplex slides
- The name of the protocol should be BatchX_MM.DD.YYYY
- Save to the corresponding
- On the Slide Log Template
- Enter the Clinical_Specimen_XX study in the column Study. XX should match the next available Project Number
- Enter the appropriate scanning protocol for each slide in the column Protocol
- Select Scan Only in the Task column
- In box G1 enter a name to help you identify the setup
- Click the Save icon on the spreadsheet
- On the computer desktop double-click the icon Polaris_setup
- In the Vectra Polaris start menu, click Scan Slides
- Click Load Setup, select the setup that matches the information you entered in box G1, and click Load.
- Click Scan at the top of the screen.
- Watch the Polaris until you see Performing fluorescent whole slide scan using protocol XXX.
- Load the slide carrier with the slides
- Clean the slides using a Kimwipe to remove dust and excess mounting medium
- Load the carriers so that the first slide corresponds to Slot 1 on the Task list
- Scan the whole slide overview on the microscope
- Create the annotation file for the Whole Slide Overlap imagery
- Acquire HPFs on the microscope
- If using a network storage server, wait for data to backup
- Manually check that the image files are in both the local and backup locations
- Open two windows explorers, one for the local and one for the backup location
- Check that the same number of im3s exist in both locations
- Sort by ‘Size’ in the windows explorer to be sure that all of the images are the same size
- If there is a file with 0 bytes, check for M# duplicate file. This is the only time variation in field size is allowed, see ‘Notes’ section below for details on how to handle M# files.
- Check that the annotation.xml modified data are the same
- Manually check that the image files are in both the local and backup locations
- Check that the data scanned properly
- Open the overview scans in Phenochart and check that at least 95% of the fields correctly scanned
- Never retake single HPFs, if more than 5% of fields failed restart the entire HPF set
- If a HPF fails in the region of interest, rescan the slide
- By making the image files 'extra large icons' a quick visual inspection can be performed of the slides. Here check for two things:
- sometimes the microscope gets mixed up and scans the wrong part of the tissue, usually this creates a number of empty fields but can be hard to catch
- the AstroPath Pipeline code has been modfied to handle such cases so this is not a breaking issue but does cause a loss of data.
- sometimes the microscope will automatic focus will fail and fields will be blurry
- In both cases rescan the HPFs
- sometimes the microscope gets mixed up and scans the wrong part of the tissue, usually this creates a number of empty fields but can be hard to catch
- Open the overview scans in Phenochart and check that at least 95% of the fields correctly scanned
- If you need to rescan a slide:
- Go into the folder of the slide you need to rescan
- Create a new folder
- Name the folder ScanX where X is the number of the last scan folder plus 1
- Go into the failed scan folder and copy everything except for the MSI folder and both annotation files
- Copy into the new Scan folder
- On the qptiff, change ScanX to match the folder name
- Open the qptiff and redo the ROI
- If using a network server for microscope backup, delete the local copy of the data
- Add the BatchID.txt, described above, to the proper ‘Scan’ folder