To setup an Azure DevOps process template that is configured to work with T-Minus-15, navigate to Organisation Settings > Process and then "All processes".
Under "…" for "Agile (Default)" click on "Create inherited process".
Name: T-Minus-15
Description: This process template supports the T-Minus-15 methodology as outlined at
For the Epic, perform the following steps on the Details page:
Edit the Description field,
Rename the Layout > Label from "Description" to "Objective".
Change Options > Required to True.
Create a new field "Technical Solution", with:
Definition > Name: Technical Solution
Definition > Type: Text (multiple lines)
Definition > Description: Outline what technologies will be used to deliver the solution.
Layout > Label: Technical Solution
Page: Details
Group (new): Technical Solution
Column: Left
Create a new field "Licensing, Permissions and Accounts", with:
Definition > Name: Licensing Accounts
Definition > Type: Text (multiple lines)
Definition > Description: Provide requirements and guidance around licensing (including costs), service accounts and access/permissions needed.
Options> Default value: <i>Outline what licenses and permissions the accounts will need to access the system, as well as licensing and permissions for any accounts that we need to deliver the solution.</i>
Layout > Label: Licensing, Permissions and Accounts
Layout > Group: Licensing, Permissions and Accounts
Layout > Column: Left
Edit the "Effort" field,
Rename the Layout > Label from "Effort" to "Engineering Effort (Days)"
Change the Definition > Description from "The estimated effort to implemented the epic" to "The estimated engineering effort to implemented the epic"
Create a new field "Prep Effort (Days)"
Definition > Name: Prep Effort
Definition > Type: Decimal
Definition > Description: The estimated prep effort to implemented the epic
Layout > Label: Prep Effort (Days)
Layout > Group: Planning
Create a new field "Design Effort (Days)"
Definition > Name: Design Effort
Definition > Type: Decimal
Definition > Description: The estimated design effort to implemented the epic
Layout > Label: Design Effort (Days)
Layout > Group: Planning
Create a new field "Test Effort (Days)"
Definition > Name: Test Effort
Definition > Type: Decimal
Definition > Description: The estimated test effort to implemented the epic
Layout > Label: Test Effort (Days)
Layout > Group: Planning
Create a new field "Planning Effort (Days)"
Definition > Name: Test Effort
Definition > Type: Decimal
Definition > Description: The estimated planning effort to implemented the epic
Layout > Label: Test Effort (Days)
Layout > Group: Planning
Create a new field "Operate Effort (Days)"
Definition > Name: Operate Effort
Definition > Type: Decimal
Definition > Description: The estimated operate effort to implemented the epic
Layout > Label: Operate Effort (Days)
Layout > Group: Planning
Create a new field "Contingency (%)"
Definition > Name: Contingency
Definition > Type: Picklist (integer)
Definition > Description: The contingency varies based on clarity and risk associated with the estimated effort for projects.
Definition > Picklist items: 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5, 0 (add in this order)
Layout > Label: Contingency (%)
Layout > Group: Planning
[Optional] Create a PO Status (%)
[Optional] PO Days (excluding contingency and operate)
[Optional] PO Days (including contingency but excluding operate)
[Optional] Order Value (€) (including contingency but excluding operate)
[Optional] Discount Value (€)
Create a new field "Client"
Definition > Name: Client
Definition > Type: Text (single line)
Definition > Description: Provide the client whom we are supplying this solution to.
Layout > Group: Classification
Create a new field "Project Type"
Definition > Name: Project Type
Definition > Type: Picklist (string)
Definition > Description: Specify the type of project.
Definition > Picklist items: Workshop, Tender, Project, MSA, Consultancy
Create a new field "Proposal/MSA Link"
Definition > Name: Proposal or MSA Link
Definition > Type: Text (single line)
Layout > Label: Proposal/MSA Link
Layout > Group: Classification
Create a new field "Scrum Master"
Definition > Name: Scrum Master
Definition > Type: Identity
Definition > Description: Specific who will be the scrum master
Layout > Group: Classification
[Optional] Account Manager
[Optional] Customer Success Manager
Create a new field "Product Owner"
Definition > Name: Product Owner
Definition > Type: Text (single line)
Definition > Description: Specific who will be the product owner
Layout > Label: Product Owner (Email)
Layout > Group: Classification
[Optional] Order Number
[Optional] Strategic Theme
Hide Planning > Priority
Hide Planning > Risk
Hide Planning > Business Value
Hide Planning > Time Criticality
For the Epic, we need to populate a new "Epic Hypothesis" page:
Create a new page called "Epic Hypothesis".
Create a new field "Value Statement"
Definition > Name: Value Statement
Definition > Type: Text (multiple lines)
Definition > Description: Outline the benefits of this Epic
Layout > Label: Value Statement
Layout > Group (new): Value Statement
Layout > Column: Left
Create a new field "Business Outcome Hypothesis"
Definition > Name: Business Outcome Hypothesis
Definition > Type: Text (multiple lines)
Definition > Description: Outline the hypothetical outcome to the business of this Epic
Layout > Label: Business Outcome Hypothesis
Layout > Group (new): Business Outcome Hypothesis
Layout > Column: Left
Create a new field "Non-Functional Requirements (NFRs)"
Definition > Name: Non Functional Requirements
Definition > Type: Text (multiple lines)
Definition > Description: Outline the NFRs for this Epic
Layout > Label: Non-Functional Requirements (NFRs)
Layout > Group (new): Details
Layout > Column: Left
For the Epic, we need to populate a new "Analysis" page:
Create a new page called "Epic Hypothesis".
Create a new field "Users and Markets Affected"
Definition > Name: Users and Markets Affected
Definition > Type: Text (multiple lines)
Definition > Description: Outline the users and markets affected by this Epic
Layout > Label: Users and Markets Affected
Layout > Group (new): Users and Markets Affected
Layout > Column: Left
Create a new field "Impact Products, Programs and Services"
Definition > Name: Impact Products Programs and Services
Definition > Type: Text (multiple lines)
Definition > Description: Outline the products, programs or services impacted by this Epic
Layout > Label: Impact Products, Programs and Services
Layout > Group (new): Impact Products, Programs and Services
Layout > Column: Left
Create a new field "Analysis Summary"
Definition > Name: Analysis Summary
Definition > Type: Text (multiple lines)
Definition > Description: Provide a summary analysis of the Epic
Layout > Label: Analysis Summary
Layout > Group (new): Analysis Summary
Layout > Column: Left
Create a new field "Return"
Definition > Name: Return
Definition > Type: Text (multiple lines)
Definition > Description: Provide a financial (or otherwise) return of the Epic
Layout > Label: Return
Layout > Group (new): Return
Layout > Column: Left
Create a new field "Anticipated Business Impact"
Definition > Name: Anticipated Business Impact
Definition > Type: Text (multiple lines)
Definition > Description: Outline the anticipated business impact of this solution
Layout > Label: Anticipated Business Impact
Layout > Group (new): Anticipated Business Impact
Layout > Column: Left
For the Epic, we need to populate a new "Delivery Strategy" page:
Create a new page called "Delivery Strategy".
Create a new field "Sponsors"
Definition > Name: Sponsors
Definition > Type: Text (multiple lines)
Definition > Description: Identify who the sponsors are for this Epic
Definition > Default value: TBC
Layout > Label: Sponsors
Layout > Group (new): Sponsors
Layout > Column: Left
Create a new field "Incremental Implementation Strategy"
Definition > Name: Incremental Implementation Strategy
Definition > Type: Text (multiple lines)
Definition > Description: Identify how this Epic will be delivered incrementally
Definition > Default value: TBC
Layout > Label: Sponsors
Layout > Group (new): Sponsors
Layout > Column: Left
Create a new field "Sequence and Dependencies"
Definition > Name: Sequence and Dependencies
Definition > Type: Text (multiple lines)
Definition > Description: Identify the sequence and dependencies for delivering this Epic
Definition > Default value: TBC
Layout > Label: Sponsors
Layout > Group (new): Sponsors
Layout > Column: Left
Create a new field "Milestones or Checkpoints"
Definition > Name: Milestones or Checkpoints
Definition > Type: Text (multiple lines)
Definition > Description: Identify the milestones or checkpoints for delivering this Epic
Definition > Default value: TBC
Layout > Label: Sponsors
Layout > Group (new): Sponsors
Layout > Column: Left
Create a new field "Other Notes and Comments"
Definition > Name: Milestones or Checkpoints
Definition > Type: Text (multiple lines)
Definition > Description: Provide any other relevant notes or comments regarding this Epic
Definition > Default value: TBC
Layout > Label: Sponsors
Layout > Group (new): Sponsors
Layout > Column: Left
Create a new field "Go or No-Go"
Definition > Name: Go or no go
Definition > Type: Picklist (string)
Definition > Picklist items: No-Go, Go
Definition > Description: Specify if this project is to go ahead, and scheduled in the Epic plan
Layout > Label: Go or No-Go
Layout > Group (new): Approval
Layout > Column: Middle
Create a new field "Approved By"
Definition > Name: Approved By
Definition > Type: Identity
Definition > Picklist items: No-Go, Go
Definition > Description: Track who approved the go/no-go state for this Epic
Layout > Label: Go or No-Go
Layout > Group (new): Approval
Create a new field "Approved Date"
Definition > Name: Approved Date
Definition > Type: Date/Time
Definition > Picklist items: No-Go, Go
Definition > Description: Track the approval date for the go/no-go state for this Epic
Layout > Label: Go or No-Go
Layout > Group (new): Approval
For the Epic, we need to populate a new "Resourcing" page.
*_Instructions to be completed._*
For an Epic we need to create the following States (as specified by the SAFe Framework):
Create a new state of Name: Funnel, State category: Proposed, Color: 1st from bottom grey (1st column)
Create a new State of Name: Reviewing, State category: Proposed, Color: 2nd from bottom grey (1st column)
Create a new State of Name: Analyzing, State category: Proposed, Color: 3rd from bottom grey (1st column)
Create a new State of Name: Pending, State category: Proposed, Color: 4th from bottom grey (1st column)
Create a new State of Name: Portfolio backlog, State category: Proposed, Color: 5th from bottom grey (1st column)
Hide "Active"
Hide "Resolved"
Create a new State of Name: Implementing, State category: In Progress, Color: 3nd from bottom blue (2nd column)
Create a new State of Name: On-hold, State category: In Progress, Color: Top orange (7th column)
Create a new State of Name: Done, State category: Resolved, Color: Top green (5th column)
Create a new State of Name: Cancelled, State category: Removed, Color: White
For an Epic we need to create the following Rules:
*_Instructions to be completed_*
For the Feature, perform the following steps on the Details tab:
Add the existing field of "Prep Effort",
Definition > Use an existing field: Prep Effort
Layout > Label: Prep Effort (Days)
Layout > Select existing group: Planning
Add the existing field of "Prep Effort",
Definition > Use an existing field: Prep Effort
Layout > Label: Prep Effort (Days)
Layout > Select existing group: Planning
Add the existing field of "Design Effort",
Definition > Use an existing field: Design Effort
Layout > Label: Design Effort (Days)
Layout > Select existing group: Planning
Ensure "Effort" is labelled as "Engineering Effort (Days)"
Add the existing field of "Test Effort",
Definition > Use an existing field: Test Effort
Layout > Label: Test Effort (Days)
Layout > Select existing group: Planning
Add the existing field of "Planning Effort",
Definition > Use an existing field: Planning Effort
Layout > Label: Planning Effort (Days)
Layout > Select existing group: Planning
Add the existing field of "Operate Effort",
Definition > Use an existing field: Planning Effort
Layout > Label: Planning Effort (Days)
Layout > Select existing group: Planning
Create a new field of "MoSCoW",
Definition > Name: MoSCoW
Definition > Type: Picklist (string)
Definition > Description: Help prioritize this Feature for delivery by the Team.
Definition > Picklist items: Wont Have, Could Have, Should Have, Must Have
Layout > Label: MoSCoW
Layout > Group: Classification
Create a new field of "Value Area",
Definition > Name: Value Area
Definition > Type: Picklist (string)
Definition > Description: Business = Services provided by the system to fulfill stakeholder needs; Architectural = Technical system services to implement business features that deliver solution value
Definition > Picklist items: Architectural, Business
Options > Required: True
Options > Default value: Business
Layout > Label: MoSCoW
Layout > Group: Classification
Hide "Personas affected" extension
Hide "Log time in Harvest" extension
Hide "Priority"
Hide "Risk"
Hide "Business Value"
Hide "Time Criticality"
Create the following states:
Create a new state of Name: Prep, State category: Proposed, Color: 1st from bottom grey (2nd column)
Create a new state of Name: Design, State category: Proposed, Color: 2nd from bottom blue (2nd column)
Create a new state of Name: Engineer, State category: Proposed, Color: 3rd from bottom blue (2nd column)
Create a new state of Name: Test, State category: Proposed, Color: 4th from bottom blue (2nd column)
Create a new state of Name: Operate, State category: Proposed, Color: top green (5th column)