“And why do we fall, Bruce? So we can learn to pick ourselves up.”
-- Thomas Wayne
We've worked pretty hard on preparing our blocks and shapes, let's just make them fall already! Thankfully, this just requires a bit of meaningful code before we can witness it in Swiftris! Let's begin by adding some helper methods to Shape.swift
which will allow us to establish and alter our shape's location:
final func initializeBlocks() {
guard let blockRowColumnTranslations = blockRowColumnPositions[orientation] else {
blocks = blockRowColumnTranslations.map { (diff) -> Block in
return Block(column: column + diff.columnDiff, row: row + diff.rowDiff, color: color)
+ final func rotateBlocks(orientation: Orientation) {
+ guard let blockRowColumnTranslation:Array<(columnDiff: Int, rowDiff: Int)> = blockRowColumnPositions[orientation] else {
+ return
+ }
// #1
+ for (idx, diff) in blockRowColumnTranslation.enumerate() {
+ blocks[idx].column = column + diff.columnDiff
+ blocks[idx].row = row + diff.rowDiff
+ }
+ }
+ final func lowerShapeByOneRow() {
+ shiftBy(0, rows:1)
+ }
// #2
+ final func shiftBy(columns: Int, rows: Int) {
+ self.column += columns
+ self.row += rows
+ for block in blocks {
+ block.column += columns
+ block.row += rows
+ }
+ }
// #3
+ final func moveTo(column: Int, row:Int) {
+ self.column = column
+ self.row = row
+ rotateBlocks(orientation)
+ }
+ final class func random(startingColumn:Int, startingRow:Int) -> Shape {
+ switch Int(arc4random_uniform(NumShapeTypes)) {
// #4
+ case 0:
+ return SquareShape(column:startingColumn, row:startingRow)
+ case 1:
+ return LineShape(column:startingColumn, row:startingRow)
+ case 2:
+ return TShape(column:startingColumn, row:startingRow)
+ case 3:
+ return LShape(column:startingColumn, row:startingRow)
+ case 4:
+ return JShape(column:startingColumn, row:startingRow)
+ case 5:
+ return SShape(column:startingColumn, row:startingRow)
+ default:
+ return ZShape(column:startingColumn, row:startingRow)
+ }
+ }
At #1 we introduce the enumerate
function. This allows us to iterate through an array object by defining an index variable, idx
, as well as the contents at that index, diff
, which refers to (columnDiff:Int, rowDiff:Int)
This saves us the added step of recovering it from the array, let tuple = blockRowColumnTranslation[idx]
. We loop through the blocks and assign them their row and column based on the translations provided by the Tetromino subclass.
At #2, we've included a simple shiftBy(columns: Int, rows: Int)
method which will adjust each row and column by rows
and columns
, respectively.
At #3 we provide an absolute approach to position modification by setting the column
and row
properties before rotating the blocks to their current orientation which causes an accurate realignment of all blocks relative to the new row
and column
At #4 we've created a method to generate a random Tetromino shape and you can see that subclasses naturally inherit initializers from their parent class.
We'll need a class that manages Swiftris' game logic, the brains behind the entire Swiftris operation. We could name this something clever like GameMaster
, Blocketeer
, or TetrominosPizza
, but instead, we'll create an anticlimactic file named Swiftris.swift
and replace its contents with the following:
-import Foundation
// #5
+let NumColumns = 10
+let NumRows = 20
+let StartingColumn = 4
+let StartingRow = 0
+let PreviewColumn = 12
+let PreviewRow = 1
+class Swiftris {
+ var blockArray:Array2D<Block>
+ var nextShape:Shape?
+ var fallingShape:Shape?
+ init() {
+ fallingShape = nil
+ nextShape = nil
+ blockArray = Array2D<Block>(columns: NumColumns, rows: NumRows)
+ }
+ func beginGame() {
+ if (nextShape == nil) {
+ nextShape = Shape.random(PreviewColumn, startingRow: PreviewRow)
+ }
+ }
// #6
+ func newShape() -> (fallingShape:Shape?, nextShape:Shape?) {
+ fallingShape = nextShape
+ nextShape = Shape.random(PreviewColumn, startingRow: PreviewRow)
+ fallingShape?.moveTo(StartingColumn, row: StartingRow)
+ return (fallingShape, nextShape)
+ }
looks simple for now, but don't worry, things will get messy soon. For now, Swiftris
maintains a handful of important constants and a couple methods which GameViewController
will find useful. At #5 we've defined the total number of rows and columns on the game board, the location of where each piece starts and the location of where the preview piece belongs.
At #6, we have a method which assigns nextShape
, our preview shape, as fallingShape
. fallingShape
is the moving Tetromino. newShape()
then creates a new preview shape before moving fallingShape
to the starting row and column. This method returns a tuple of optional Shape
objects - we'll see why in a later checkpoint.
It's time to work with visuals again, let's dig into precisely how we're going to display these pieces on screen by adding a couple methods to GameScene.swift
import SpriteKit
// #7
+let BlockSize:CGFloat = 20.0
let TickLengthLevelOne = NSTimeInterval(600)
class GameScene: SKScene {
// #8
+ let gameLayer = SKNode()
+ let shapeLayer = SKNode()
+ let LayerPosition = CGPoint(x: 6, y: -6)
var tick:(() -> ())?
var tickLengthMillis = TickLengthLevelOne
var lastTick:NSDate?
+ var textureCache = Dictionary<String, SKTexture>()
required init(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("NSCoder not supported")
override init(size: CGSize) {
super.init(size: size)
anchorPoint = CGPoint(x: 0, y: 1.0)
let background = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "background")
background.position = CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0)
background.anchorPoint = CGPoint(x: 0, y: 1.0)
+ addChild(gameLayer)
+ let gameBoardTexture = SKTexture(imageNamed: "gameboard")
+ let gameBoard = SKSpriteNode(texture: gameBoardTexture, size: CGSizeMake(BlockSize * CGFloat(NumColumns), BlockSize * CGFloat(NumRows)))
+ gameBoard.anchorPoint = CGPoint(x:0, y:1.0)
+ gameBoard.position = LayerPosition
+ shapeLayer.position = LayerPosition
+ shapeLayer.addChild(gameBoard)
+ gameLayer.addChild(shapeLayer)
override func update(currentTime: CFTimeInterval) {
/* Called before each frame is rendered */
guard let lastTick = lastTick else {
let timePassed = lastTick.timeIntervalSinceNow * -1000.0
if timePassed > tickLengthMillis {
self.lastTick = NSDate()
func startTicking() {
lastTick = NSDate()
func stopTicking() {
lastTick = nil
// #9
+ func pointForColumn(column: Int, row: Int) -> CGPoint {
+ let x = LayerPosition.x + (CGFloat(column) * BlockSize) + (BlockSize / 2)
+ let y = LayerPosition.y - ((CGFloat(row) * BlockSize) + (BlockSize / 2))
+ return CGPointMake(x, y)
+ }
+ func addPreviewShapeToScene(shape:Shape, completion:() -> ()) {
+ for block in shape.blocks {
// #10
+ var texture = textureCache[block.spriteName]
+ if texture == nil {
+ texture = SKTexture(imageNamed: block.spriteName)
+ textureCache[block.spriteName] = texture
+ }
+ let sprite = SKSpriteNode(texture: texture)
// #11
+ sprite.position = pointForColumn(block.column, row:block.row - 2)
+ shapeLayer.addChild(sprite)
+ block.sprite = sprite
+ // Animation
+ sprite.alpha = 0
// #12
+ let moveAction = SKAction.moveTo(pointForColumn(block.column, row: block.row), duration: NSTimeInterval(0.2))
+ moveAction.timingMode = .EaseOut
+ let fadeInAction = SKAction.fadeAlphaTo(0.7, duration: 0.4)
+ fadeInAction.timingMode = .EaseOut
+ sprite.runAction(SKAction.group([moveAction, fadeInAction]))
+ }
+ runAction(SKAction.waitForDuration(0.4), completion: completion)
+ }
+ func movePreviewShape(shape:Shape, completion:() -> ()) {
+ for block in shape.blocks {
+ let sprite = block.sprite!
+ let moveTo = pointForColumn(block.column, row:block.row)
+ let moveToAction:SKAction = SKAction.moveTo(moveTo, duration: 0.2)
+ moveToAction.timingMode = .EaseOut
+ sprite.runAction(
+ SKAction.group([moveToAction, SKAction.fadeAlphaTo(1.0, duration: 0.2)]), completion: {})
+ }
+ runAction(SKAction.waitForDuration(0.2), completion: completion)
+ }
+ func redrawShape(shape:Shape, completion:() -> ()) {
+ for block in shape.blocks {
+ let sprite = block.sprite!
+ let moveTo = pointForColumn(block.column, row:block.row)
+ let moveToAction:SKAction = SKAction.moveTo(moveTo, duration: 0.05)
+ moveToAction.timingMode = .EaseOut
+ if block == shape.blocks.last {
+ sprite.runAction(moveToAction, completion: completion)
+ } else {
+ sprite.runAction(moveToAction)
+ }
+ }
+ }
This is a big change but don't fear, it will all make sense soon. At #7 we define the point size of each block sprite, in our case 20.0 x 20.0
, the lower of the available resolution options for each block image. We also declare a layer position which will give us an offset from the edge of the screen.
At #8 we've introduced a couple of SKNode
s which act as superimposed layers of activity within our scene. The gameLayer
sits above the background visuals and the shapeLayer
sits atop that.
At #9 we've written GameScene
's most important function, pointForColumn(Int, Int)
. This function returns the precise coordinate on the screen for where a block sprite belongs based on its row and column position. The math here looks funky but know that we anchor each sprite at its center, so we need to find the center coordinates before placing it in our shapeLayer
At #10 we've created a method which will add a shape for the first time to the scene as a preview shape. We use a dictionary to store copies of re-usable SKTexture
objects since each shape will require more than one copy of the same image.
At #11 we use our convenient pointForColumn(Int, Int)
method to place each block's sprite in the proper location. We start it at row - 2
, such that the preview piece animates smoothly into place from a higher location.
At #12, we introduce SKAction
objects which are responsible for visually manipulating SKNode
objects. Each block will fade and move into place as it appears as part of the next piece. It will move two rows down and fade from complete transparency to 70% opacity.
This small design choice lets the player ignore the preview piece if they so choose since it will be duller than the active moving piece. The remaining two methods make use of the same SKAction
objects to move and redraw each block for a given shape.
Our drawing layer is ready, our logic layer is ready, but now we need to connect the two with our user interface class, GameViewController
import UIKit
import SpriteKit
class GameViewController: UIViewController {
var scene: GameScene!
+ var swiftris:Swiftris!
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Configure the view.
let skView = view as! SKView
skView.multipleTouchEnabled = false
// Create and configure the scene.
scene = GameScene(size: skView.bounds.size)
scene.scaleMode = .AspectFill
// #13
+ scene.tick = didTick
+ swiftris = Swiftris()
+ swiftris.beginGame()
// Present the scene.
// #14
+ scene.addPreviewShapeToScene(swiftris.nextShape!) {
+ self.swiftris.nextShape?.moveTo(StartingColumn, row: StartingRow)
+ self.scene.movePreviewShape(self.swiftris.nextShape!) {
+ let nextShapes = self.swiftris.newShape()
+ self.scene.startTicking()
+ self.scene.addPreviewShapeToScene(nextShapes.nextShape!) {}
+ }
+ }
override func prefersStatusBarHidden() -> Bool {
return true
// #15
+ func didTick() {
+ swiftris.fallingShape?.lowerShapeByOneRow()
+ scene.redrawShape(swiftris.fallingShape!, completion: {})
+ }
At #13 we've set a closure for the tick
property of GameScene.swift
. Remember that functions are closures with names. In our case, we've used a function named didTick()
. We define didTick()
at #15. All it does is lower the falling shape by one row and then asks GameScene
to redraw the shape at its new location.
At #14 we add nextShape
to the game layer at the preview location. When that animation completes, we reposition the underlying Shape
object at the starting row and starting column before we ask GameScene
to move it from the preview location to its starting position. Once that completes, we ask Swiftris
for a new shape, begin ticking, and add the newly established upcoming piece to the preview area.
Run Swiftris
and observe the majesty of an ever-falling shape as it exceeds the limits of our imaginary digital boundaries!