AlexNet model architecture from the "One weird trick..."`_ paper.
For the details, you can refer to pytorchx/alexnet
This alexnet is just several conv-relu-pool
blocks followed by several fc-relu
, nothing special. All layers can be implemented by tensorrt api, including addConvolution
, addActivation
, addPooling
, addFullyConnected
// 1. generate alexnet.wts from [pytorchx/alexnet](
// 2. put alexnet.wts into tensorrtx/alexnet
// 3. build and run
cd tensorrtx/alexnet
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo ./alexnet -s // serialize model to plan file i.e. 'alexnet.engine'
sudo ./alexnet -d // deserialize plan file and run inference
// 4. see if the output is same as pytorchx/alexnet