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Guide for Developers of Database Storage

Database storage is a framework for database queries and SQL execution, serving as an abstraction for databases. Its underlying implementation relies on the database/sql interface of the Golang standard library.

Introduction to Database Storage

Database storage facilitates the querying and execution of SQL through the encapsulation of the database/sql DB struct from the Golang standard library. The db.go file provides a rich set of methods, including not only the original methods of the database/sql DB such as BeginTx, PingContext, QueryContext, and ExecContext but also FetchTable and FetchTableWithParam for retrieving table structures, FetchRecord and FetchRecordWithTx for fetching records from a table, and BatchExec, BatchExecWithTx, and BatchExecStmtWithTx for executing write operations.

However, for different databases, the implementation of database storage can vary based on the specific database dialect. This document will introduce how to implement the database dialect interface.

Introduction to the Database Dialect Interface

The prerequisite for implementing the dialect interface is that the corresponding database driver can implement the database/sql interface of the Golang standard library.

When implementing specifically, you can refer to the following directory structure. Here, MySQL is used as an example:


Using this approach, we have currently implemented support for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and DB2.

Data Source Interface

// Dialect represents a database dialect.
type Dialect interface {
 Source(*BaseSource) (Source, error) // Data source

// Source represents a data source, including driver information, package information, configuration files, and connection information.
type Source interface {
 Config() *config.JSON   // Configuration information
 Key() string            // Generally, the connection information
 DriverName() string     // Driver name, used as the 1st parameter for sql.Open
 ConnectName() string    // Connection information, used as the 2nd parameter for sql.Open
 Table(*BaseTable) Table // Get the specific table structure interface

When implementing the Source interface, you can combine BaseSource to simplify the implementation. The Table method should return the specific table structure interface. Refer to the implementation in source.go of the MySQL package.

Additionally, the connection information relies on the configuration provided by Config. Currently, Config needs to be defined as follows to be compatible with the dbms package for implementing DataX plugins. Refer to the implementation in config.go of the MySQL package.

type Config struct {
 URL      string `json:"url"`      // Database URL, including database address and other parameters
 Username string `json:"username"` // Username
 Password string `json:"password"` // Password

Furthermore, you need to use the init function to register the specific dialect:

func init() {
 var d Dialect
 database.RegisterDialect(d.Name(), d)

Table Structure Interface

// Table represents a table structure.
type Table interface {

 Quoted() string   // Fully qualified quoted table name
 Instance() string // Instance name, e.g., database for MySQL
 Schema() string   // Schema name, e.g., username (schema name) for Oracle
 Name() string     // Table name, e.g., table for MySQL
 Fields() []Field  // Displays all columns

// FieldsFetcher is a supplementary interface for Table, used to specifically fetch all columns.
type FieldsFetcher interface {
 FetchFields(ctx context.Context, db *DB) error // Retrieves the specific columns

// FieldAdder is a supplementary interface for Table, used to add new columns to the table.
type FieldAdder interface {
 AddField(*BaseField) // Adds a specific column

// ExecParameter is a supplementary interface for Table, used to generate SQL statements for write operations.
type ExecParameter interface {
 ExecParam(string, *sql.TxOptions) (Parameter, bool)

When implementing the Table interface, you can combine BaseTable to simplify the implementation. The Fields method must return a collection of specific field interfaces for the corresponding database. Refer to the implementation in table.go of the MySQL package.

You can choose to implement either FetchFields or FieldAdder, but generally, FieldAdder is preferred. ExecParameter can be used to implement SQL statements for bulk inserts. For example, for MySQL, you can implement the replace into method for insertion. Currently, a universally applicable insert method is implemented by default, but for cases like using the gora driver for Oracle, the insert method may not be suitable.

// Parameter represents an execution parameter with a table, transaction mode, and SQL statement.
type Parameter interface {
 Table() Table                                 // Table or view
 TxOptions() *sql.TxOptions                    // Transaction mode
 Query([]element.Record) (string, error)       // SQL prepare statement
 Agrs([]element.Record) ([]any, error) // Prepare parameters

To implement the replace into method for insertion, you need to implement the Parameter interface. You can combine BaseParam to simplify the implementation. Refer to the implementation in table.go of the MySQL package.

Field Interface

// Field represents a database column.
type Field interface {

 Index() int                   // Index
 Name() string                 // Column name
 Quoted() string               // Quoted column name
 BindVar(int) string           // Placeholder symbol
 Select() string               // Select column name
 Type() FieldType              // Column type
 Scanner() Scanner             // Scanner, used to convert database data into a column
 Valuer(element.Column) Valuer // Valuer, used to convert a column into database data

When implementing the Field interface, you can combine BaseField to simplify the implementation. The Type() method must return the specific column type for the corresponding database. The Scanner must return the scanner for the corresponding database, and the Valuer must return the valuer for the corresponding database. Refer to the implementation in field.go of the MySQL package.

// ColumnType represents a column type, abstracting `sql.ColumnType` and facilitating the implementation of corresponding functions.
type ColumnType interface {
 Name() string                                   // Column name
 ScanType() reflect.Type                         // Scan type
 Length() (length int64, ok bool)                // Length
 DecimalSize() (precision, scale int64, ok bool) // Precision
 Nullable() (nullable, ok bool)                  // Nullability
 DatabaseTypeName() string                       // Database type name

// FieldType represents a field type.
type FieldType interface {

 IsSupportted() bool // Checks if the type is supported

When implementing the FieldType interface, you can combine BaseFieldType to simplify the implementation. ColumnType is essentially an abstraction of sql.ColumnType. Refer to the implementation in field.go of the MySQL package.

// Scanner represents a column data scanner that converts database driver values into column data.
type Scanner interface {

 Column() element.Column // Gets the column data

When implementing the Scanner interface, you can combine BaseFieldType to simplify the implementation. The role of the scanner is to convert the data read by the database driver into a single column of data. Refer to the implementation in field.go of the MySQL package.

// Valuer represents a valuer that converts corresponding data into a value for the database driver.
type Valuer interface {

// ValuerGoType is an optional functionality for the Field, used to determine the Go type for the corresponding driver value.
// It returns the corresponding value for the driver's value, facilitating the determination by GoValuer.
type ValuerGoType interface {
 GoType() GoType

When implementing the Valuer interface, you can combine GoValuer to simplify the implementation. To use GoValuer, you need to implement the ValuerGoType interface at the database layer's Field level. The role of the valuer is to convert a single column of data into the data type used for writing by the database driver. Refer to the implementation in field.go of the MySQL package.