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File metadata and controls

140 lines (136 loc) · 8.88 KB

About this file

This file contains a list of UniRec fields collected from all parts of project (including git submodules). The part of this file is generated automatically, so be careful during any editing.

List of UniRec fields

Field data type Field name Description
uint32 ADDR_CNT Number of probed destination addresses.
bytes ARP_DST_HA ARP destination hardware address.
bytes ARP_DST_PA ARP destination protocol address.
uint16 ARP_HA_FORMAT Type of ARP hardware address.
uint16 ARP_OPCODE Type of ARP message.
uint16 ARP_PA_FORMAT Type of ARP protocol address.
bytes ARP_SRC_HA ARP source hardware address.
bytes ARP_SRC_PA ARP source protocol address.
uint32 BAR Generic field containing 32bit unsigned integer (used for testing and example purposes).
uint32 BAZ Generic field containing 32bit unsigned integer (used for testing and example purposes).
uint8 BLACKLIST_TYPE Type of the used blacklist (spam, C&C, malware, etc.).
uint64 BYTES Total number of bytes transferred by the flow.
uint64 CALLEE_CNT VoIP Fraud Detection specific field for counting number of unique calling parties.
uint64 CALLER_CNT VoIP Fraud Detection specific field for counting number of unique called parties.
time DETECTION_TIME Timestamp of the detection of some event.
uint8 DIR_BIT_FIELD Bit field used for detemining incomming/outgoing flow.
uint8 DIRECTION_FLAGS Bit field for identification of flow direction.
uint16 DNS_ANSWERS Number of DNS answer records.
uint8 DNS_BLACKLIST ID of blacklist which contains suspicious domain name.
uint16 DNS_CLASS Class field from DNS question.
uint8 DNS_DO DNSSEC OK bit.
uint16 DNS_ID DNS transaction ID.
string DNS_NAME DNS question domain name.
uint16 DNS_PSIZE Requestor's payload size (RFC 6891).
uint16 DNS_QTYPE DNS question type field.
uint8 DNS_RCODE DNS response code field.
bytes DNS_RDATA Resource record specific data.
uint16 DNS_RLENGTH Length of DNS_RDATA.
uint32 DNS_RR_TTL DNS resource record TTL field.
uint64 DST_BLACKLIST Bit field of blacklists IDs which contains the destination address of the flow.
ipaddr DST_IP Destination IP address.
bytes DST_MAC Destination MAC address (L2).
uint16 DST_PORT Destination port of Transport layer (L4), e.g. TCP, UDP.
uint16 ETHERTYPE Protocol encapsulated in payload of L2 frame.
uint32 EVENT_ID Identification number of reported event.
uint32 EVENT_SCALE Attack intensity.
uint8 EVENT_TYPE Type of detected event.
uint64 FLOWS Number of flows, used after aggregation.
uint32 FOO Generic field containing 32bit unsigned integer (used for testing and example purposes).
string HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE Content type field from HTTP response message.
string HTTP_HOST Host field from HTTP request message.
string HTTP_METHOD Method field from HTTP request message.
string HTTP_REFERER Referer field from HTTP request message.
string HTTP_REQUEST_HOST Host field from HTTP request message.
string HTTP_REQUEST_REFERER Referer field from HTTP request message.
string HTTP_REQUEST_URL URL field from HTTP request message.
uint16 HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE Response code from HTTP response message.
string HTTP_URL URL field from HTTP request message.
string HTTP_USER_AGENT User agent field from HTTP request message.
uint64 INVITE_CNT VoIP Fraud Detection specific field for counting number INVITE requests observed.
ipaddr IP IP address.
uint64 LINK_BIT_FIELD Bit field where each bit marks whether a flow was captured on corresponding link.
string NOTE Generic string note.
uint32 NTP_DELAY NTP root delay.
uint32 NTP_DISPERSION NTP root dispersion.
uint8 NTP_LEAP NTP leap field.
uint8 NTP_MODE NTP mode field.
string NTP_ORIG NTP origin timestamp.
uint8 NTP_POLL NTP poll interval.
uint8 NTP_PRECISION NTP precision field.
string NTP_RECV NTP receive timestamp.
string NTP_REF NTP reference timestamp.
string NTP_REF_ID NTP reference ID.
string NTP_SENT NTP transmit timestamp.
uint8 NTP_STRATUM NTP stratum field.
uint8 NTP_VERSION NTP message version.
uint32 PACKETS Number of packets of the flow.
uint32 PORT_CNT Number of probed destination ports.
uint8 PROTOCOL Transport protocol identification (e.g. 6 for TCP, 17 for UDP,
uint64 REQ_BYTES Number of bytes in a flow or in an interval (requests).
uint32 REQ_FLOWS Number of flows in an interval (requests).
uint32 REQ_PACKETS Number of packets in a flow or in an interval (requests).
uint64 RSP_BYTES Number of bytes in a flow or in an interval (responses).
uint32 RSP_FLOWS Number of flows in an interval (responses).
uint32 RSP_PACKETS Number of packets in a flow or in an interval (responses).
uint32 SBFD_ATTEMPTS Total number of attack messages received.
uint32 SBFD_AVG_ATTEMPTS Average count of attack messages received (relevant in case of user scan attack type).
time SBFD_BREACH_TIME Time of breach occurrence (can be 0 if the breach did not occur).
time SBFD_CEASE_TIME Time of the last attack message received.
uint64 SBFD_EVENT_ID A unique number of an alert.
time SBFD_EVENT_TIME Time of the first attack message received.
uint8 SBFD_EVENT_TYPE Type of an alert (0 - simple brute-force, 1 - distributed brute-force, 2 - user scan).
uint64 SBFD_LINK_BIT_FIELD Indicator of the particular monitoring probe.
uint8 SBFD_PROTOCOL Protocol used to perform the attack (TCP or UDP).
ipaddr SBFD_SOURCE IP address of the attacker.
ipaddr SBFD_TARGET IP address of the targeted server.
string SBFD_USER Name of the targeted user (can be empty in case of user scan alert).
string SDM_CAPTURE_FILE_ID ID of file for sdmcap.
string SIP_CALLED_PARTY SIP "To" header field.
string SIP_CALL_ID SIP "Call-ID" header field.
string SIP_CALLING_PARTY SIP "From" header field.
string SIP_CSEQ SIP "Cseq" header field.
uint16 SIP_MSG_TYPE SIP message type (see flow_meter documentation).
string SIP_REQUEST_URI SIP "Request-URI" header field.
uint16 SIP_STATUS_CODE SIP status code (see flow_meter documentation).
string SIP_USER_AGENT SIP "User-Agent" header field.
string SIP_VIA SIP "Via" header fied.
uint64 SRC_BLACKLIST Bit field of blacklists IDs which contains the source address of the flow.
ipaddr SRC_IP Source IP address.
bytes SRC_MAC Destination MAC address (L2).
uint16 SRC_PORT Source port of Transport layer (L4), e.g. TCP, UDP.
string STR1
string STR2
uint8 TCP_FLAGS TCP flags of all packets from the flow - flag bits are added bitwise.
time TIME Timestamp of packet capture.
time TIME_FIRST Timestamp of the first packet of the flow.
time TIME_LAST Timestamp of the last packet of the flow.
uint32 TIMEOUT Timeout for capture rule. (related to time machine).
uint8 TOS Type of service field from IP header.
uint8 TTL Time-To-Live value from IP header (
uint32 TUNNEL_CNT_PACKET Number of packets which were recorded recognized like anomaly.
string TUNNEL_DOMAIN Anomaly domain name.
float TUNNEL_PER_NEW_DOMAIN Percent of new domains (searched just ones).
float TUNNEL_PER_SUBDOMAIN Percent of subdomains in the most used domain for tunnel type, for another anomaly it is percent of different domains.
uint8 TUNNEL_TYPE Type of detected event.
string URL
string VOIP_FRAUD_COUNTRY_CODE Country identification (ISO 3166, 2 char).
uint32 VOIP_FRAUD_INVITE_COUNT Total number of INVITE requests in the context of prefix examination.
uint32 VOIP_FRAUD_PREFIX_EXAMINATION_COUNT Number of unique SIP TO that was evaluated as prefix examination attack.
uint16 VOIP_FRAUD_PREFIX_LENGTH Prefix length of VOIP_FRAUD_SIP_TO (in prefix examination attack).
string VOIP_FRAUD_SIP_TO SIP TO header.
uint32 VOIP_FRAUD_SUCCESSFUL_CALL_COUNT Number of successful calls initiation to unique SIP TO in the context of prefix examination.
string VOIP_FRAUD_USER_AGENT SIP User-Agent header.
uint8 WARDEN_TYPE Type of event.

This table can be updated using which completes missing fields. Description of the fields must be filled manually.