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CustomShader Documentation


const customShader = new Cesium.CustomShader({
  // Any custom uniforms the user wants to add to the shader.
  // these can be changed at runtime via customShader.setUniform()
  uniforms: {
    u_time: {
      value: 0, // initial value
      type: Cesium.UniformType.FLOAT
    // Textures can be loaded from a URL, a Resource, or a TypedArray.
    // See the Uniforms section for more detail
    u_externalTexture: {
      value: new Cesium.TextureUniform({
        url: ""
      type: Cesium.UniformType.SAMPLER_2D
  // Custom varyings that will appear in the custom vertex and fragment shader
  // text.
  varyings: {
    v_customTexCoords: Cesium.VaryingType.VEC2
  // configure where in the fragment shader's materials/lighting pipeline the
  // custom shader goes. More on this below.
  mode: Cesium.CustomShaderMode.MODIFY_MATERIAL,
  // either PBR (physically-based rendering) or UNLIT depending on the desired
  // results.
  lightingModel: Cesium.LightingModel.PBR,
  // Force the shader to render as transparent, even if the primitive had
  // an opaque material
  translucencyMode: Cesium.CustomShaderTranslucencyMode.TRANSLUCENT,
  // Custom vertex shader. This is a function from model space -> model space.
  // VertexInput is documented below
  vertexShaderText: `
    // IMPORTANT: the function signature must use these parameter names. This
    // makes it easier for the runtime to generate the shader and make optimizations.
    void vertexMain(VertexInput vsInput, inout czm_modelVertexOutput vsOutput) {
        // code goes here. An empty body is a no-op.
  // Custom fragment shader.
  // FragmentInput will be documented below
  // Regardless of the mode, this always takes in a material and modifies it in place.
  fragmentShaderText: `
    // IMPORTANT: the function signature must use these parameter names. This
    // makes it easier for the runtime to generate the shader and make optimizations.
    void fragmentMain(FragmentInput fsInput, inout czm_modelMaterial material) {
        // code goes here. e.g. to set the diffuse color to a translucent red:
        material.diffuse = vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
        material.alpha = 0.5;

Applying A Custom Shader

Custom shaders can be applied to either 3D Tiles or a Model as follows:

const customShader = new Cesium.CustomShader(/* ... */);

// Applying to all tiles in a tileset.
const tileset = viewer.scene.primitives.add(new Cesium.Cesium3DTileset({
  url: "",
  customShader: customShader

// Applying to a model directly
const model = Cesium.Model.fromGltf({,
  url: "",
  customShader: customShader


Custom Shaders currently supports the following uniform types:

UniformType GLSL type JS type
FLOAT float Number
VEC2 vec2 Cartesian2
VEC3 vec3 Cartesian3
VEC4 vec4 Cartesian4
INT int Number
INT_VEC2 ivec2 Cartesian2
INT_VEC3 ivec3 Cartesian3
INT_VEC4 ivec4 Cartesian4
BOOL bool Boolean
BOOL_VEC2 bvec2 Cartesian2
BOOL_VEC3 bvec3 Cartesian3
BOOL_VEC4 bvec4 Cartesian4
MAT2 mat2 Matrix2
MAT3 mat3 Matrix3
MAT4 mat4 Matrix4
SAMPLER_2D sampler2D TextureUniform

Texture Uniforms

Texture uniforms have more options, which have been encapsulated in the TextureUniform class. Textures can be loaded from a URL, a Resource or a typed array. Here are some examples:

const textureFromUrl = new Cesium.TextureUniform({
  url: "",

const textureFromTypedArray = new Cesium.TextureUniform({
  typedArray: new Uint8Array([255, 0, 0, 255]),
  width: 1,
  height: 1,
  pixelFormat: Cesium.PixelFormat.RGBA,
  pixelDatatype: Cesium.PixelDatatype.UNSIGNED_BYTE,

// TextureUniform also provides options for controlling the sampler
const textureWithSampler = new Cesium.TextureUniform({
  url: "",
  repeat: false,
  minificationFilter: Cesium.TextureMinificationFilter.NEAREST,
  magnificationFilter: Cesium.TextureMagnificationFilter.NEAREST,


Varyings are declared in the CustomShader constructor. This automatically adds a line such as varying float v_userDefinedVarying; to the top of the GLSL shader.

The user is responsible for assigning a value to this varying in vertexShaderText and using it in fragmentShaderText. For example:

const customShader = new Cesium.CustomShader({
  // Varying is declared here
  varyings: {
    v_selectedColor: VaryingType.VEC3,
  // User assigns the varying in the vertex shader
  vertexShaderText: `
    void vertexMain(VertexInput vsInput, inout czm_modelVertexOutput vsOutput) {
        float positiveX = step(0.0, positionMC.x);
        v_selectedColor = mix(
  // User uses the varying in the fragment shader
  fragmentShaderText: `
    void fragmentMain(FragmentInput fsInput, inout czm_modelMaterial material) {
        material.diffuse = v_selectedColor;

Custom Shaders supports the following varying types:

VaryingType GLSL type
FLOAT float
VEC2 vec2
VEC3 vec3
VEC4 vec4
MAT2 mat2
MAT3 mat3
MAT4 mat4

Custom Shader Modes

The custom fragment shader is configurable so it can go before/after materials or lighting. here's a summary of what modes are available.

Mode Fragment shader pipeline Description
MODIFY_MATERIAL (default) material -> custom shader -> lighting The custom shader modifies the results of the material stage
REPLACE_MATERIAL custom shader -> lighting Don't run the material stage at all, but procedurally generate it in the custom shader

In the above, "material" does preprocessing of textures, resulting in a czm_modelMaterial. This is mostly relevant for PBR, but even for UNLIT, the base color texture is handled.

VertexInput struct

An automatically-generated GLSL struct that contains attributes.

struct VertexInput {
    // Processed attributes. See the Attributes Struct section below.
    Attributes attributes;
    // Feature IDs/Batch IDs. See the FeatureIds Struct section below.
    FeatureIds featureIds;
    // Metadata properties. See the Metadata Struct section below.
    Metadata metadata;
    // Metadata class information. See the MetadataClass Struct section below.
    MetadataClass metadataClass;

FragmentInput struct

This struct is similar to VertexInput, but there are a few more automatic variables for positions in various coordinate spaces.

struct FragmentInput {
    // Processed attribute values. See the Attributes Struct section below.
    Attributes attributes;
    // Feature IDs/Batch IDs. See the FeatureIds Struct section below.
    FeatureIds featureIds;
    // Metadata properties. See the Metadata Struct section below.
    Metadata metadata;
    // Metadata class information. See the MetadataClass Struct section below.
    MetadataClass metadataClass;

Attributes Struct

The Attributes struct is dynamically generated given the variables used in the custom shader and the attributes available in the primitive to render.

For example, if the user uses fsInput.attributes.texCoord_0 in the shader, the runtime will generate the code needed to supply this value from the attribute TEXCOORD_0 in the model (where available)

If a primitive does not have the attributes necessary to satisfy the custom shader, a default value will be inferred where possible so the shader still compiles. Otherwise, the custom vertex/fragment shader portion will be disabled for that primitive.

The full list of built-in attributes are as follows. Some attributes have a set index, which is one of 0, 1, 2, ... (e.g. texCoord_0), these are denoted with an N.

Corresponding Attribute in Model variable in shader Type Available in Vertex Shader? Available in Fragment Shader? Description
POSITION positionMC vec3 Yes Yes Position in model coordinates
POSITION positionWC vec3 No Yes Position in world coordinates (WGS84 ECEF (x, y, z)). Low precision.
POSITION positionEC vec3 No Yes Position in eye coordinates.
NORMAL normalMC vec3 Yes No Unit-length normal vector in model coordinates. Only available in the vertex shader
NORMAL normalEC vec3 No Yes Unit-length normal vector in eye coordinates. Only available in the vertex shader
TANGENT tangentMC vec3 Yes No Unit-length tangent vector in model coordinates. This is always a vec3. For models that provide a w component, that is removed after computing the bitangent vector.
TANGENT tangentEC vec3 No Yes Unit-length tangent vector in eye coordinates. This is always a vec3. For models that provide a w component, that is removed after computing the bitangent vector.
NORMAL & TANGENT bitangentMC vec3 Yes No Unit-length bitangent vector in model coordinates. Only available when both normal and tangent vectors are available.
NORMAL & TANGENT bitangentEC vec3 No Yes Unit-length bitangent vector in eye coordinates. Only available when both normal and tangent vectors are available.
TEXCOORD_N texCoord_N vec2 Yes Yes N-th set of texture coordinates.
COLOR_N color_N vec4 Yes Yes N-th set of vertex colors. This is always a vec4; if the model does not specify an alpha value, it is assumed to be 1.
JOINTS_N joints_N ivec4 Yes Yes N-th set of joint indices
WEIGHTS_N weights_N vec4

Custom attributes are also available, though they are renamed to use lowercase letters and underscores. For example, an attribute called _SURFACE_TEMPERATURE in the model would become fsInput.attributes.surface_temperature in the shader.

FeatureIds struct

This struct is dynamically generated to gather all the various feature IDs into a single collection, regardless of whether the value came from an attribute, texture or varying.

Feature IDs are represented as a GLSL int, though in WebGL 1 this has a couple limitations:

  • Above 2^24, values may have a loss of precision since WebGL 1 implements highp int as a floating point value.
  • Ideally the type would be uint but this is not available until WebGL 2

3D Tiles 1.0 Batch IDs

In 3D Tiles 1.0, the same concept of identifying features within a primitive was called BATCH_ID or the legacy _BATCHID. These batch IDs are renamed to a single feature ID, always with index 0:

  • vsInput.featureIds.featureId_0 (Vertex shader)
  • fsInput.featureIds.featureId_0 (Fragment shader)

EXT_mesh_features/EXT_instance_features Feature IDs

When the glTF extensions EXT_mesh_features or EXT_instance_features are used, feature IDs appear in two places:

  1. Any glTF primitive can have a featureIds array. The featureIds array may contain feature ID attributes, implicit feature ID attributes, and/or feature ID textures. Regardless of the type of feature IDs, they all appear in the custom shader as (vsInput|fsInput).featureIds.featureId_N where N is the index of the feature IDs in the featureIds array.
  2. Any glTF node with the EXT_mesh_gpu_instancing and EXT_instance_features may define feature IDs. These may be feature ID attributes or implicit feature ID attributes, but not feature ID textures. These will appear in the custom shader as (vsInput|fsInput).featureIds.instanceFeatureId_N where N is the index of the feature IDs in the featureIds array.

Furthermore, feature ID textures are only supported in the fragment shader.

If a set of feature IDs includes a label property (new in EXT_mesh_features), that label will be available as an alias. For example, if label: "alias", then (vsInput|fsInput).featureIds.alias would be available in the shader along with featureId_N.

For example, suppose we had a glTF primitive with the following feature IDs:

"nodes": [
    "mesh": 0
    "extensions": {
      "EXT_mesh_gpu_instancing": {
        "attributes": {
          "TRANSLATION": 3,
          "_FEATURE_ID_0": 4
      "EXT_instance_features": {
        "featureIds": [
            // Default feature IDs (instance ID)
            // Vertex Shader:
            //   vsInput.featureIds.instanceFeatureId_0 OR
            //   vsInput.featureIds.perInstance
            // Fragment Shader:
            //   fsInput.featureIds.instanceFeatureId_0 OR
            //   fsInput.featureIds.perInstance
            "label": "perInstance",
            "propertyTable": 0
            // Feature ID attribute. This corresponds to _FEATURE_ID_0 from the
            // instancing extension above. Note that this is
            // labeled as instanceFeatureId_1 since it is the second feature ID
            // set in the featureIds array
            // Vertex Shader: vsInput.featureIds.instanceFeatureId_1
            // Fragment Shader: fsInput.featureIds.instanceFeatureId_1
            // Since there is no label field, instanceFeatureId_1 must be used.
            "propertyTable": 1,
            "attribute": 0
"meshes": [
    "primitives": [
        "attributes": {
          "POSITION": 0,
          "_FEATURE_ID_0": 1,
          "_FEATURE_ID_1": 2
        "extensions": {
          "EXT_mesh_features": {
            "featureIds": [
                // Feature ID Texture
                // Vertex Shader: (Not supported)
                // Fragment Shader:
                //   fsInput.featureIds.featureId_0 OR
                //   fsInput.featureIds.texture
                "label": "texture",
                "propertyTable": 2,
                "index": 0,
                "texCoord": 0,
                "channel": 0
                // Default Feature IDs (vertex ID)
                // Vertex Shader:
                //   vsInput.featureIds.featureId_1 OR
                //   vsInput.featureIds.perVertex
                // Fragment Shader:
                //   fsInput.featureIds.featureId_1 OR
                //   fsInput.featureIds.perVertex
                "label": "perVertex",
                "propertyTable": 3,
                // Feature ID Attribute (_FEATURE_ID_0). Note that this
                // is labeled featureId_2 for its index in the featureIds
                // array
                // Vertex Shader: vsInput.featureIds.featureId_2
                // Fragment Shader: fsInput.featureIds.featureId_2
                // Since there is no label, featureId_2 must be used.
                "propertyTable": 4,
                "attribute": 0
                // Feature ID Attribute (_FEATURE_ID_1). Note that this
                // is labeled featureId_3 for its index in the featureIds
                // array
                // Vertex Shader: vsInput.featureIds.featureId_3
                // Fragment Shader: fsInput.featureIds.featureId_3
                "propertyTable": 5,
                "attribute": 1

Legacy EXT_feature_metadata Feature IDs

EXT_feature_metadata was an earlier draft of EXT_mesh_features. Though the feature ID concepts have not changed much, the JSON structure is a little different. In the older extension, featureIdAttributes and featureIdTextures were stored separately. In this CesiumJS implementation, the feature attributes and feature textures are concatenated into one list, essentially featureIds = featureIdAttributes.concat(featureIdTextures). Besides this difference in the extension JSON, the feature ID sets are labeled the same way as EXT_mesh_features, i.e.

  • (vsInput|fsInput).featureIds.featureId_N corresponds to the N-th feature ID set from the combined featureIds array from each primitive.
  • (vsInput|fsInput).featureIds.instanceFeatureId_N corresponds to the N-th feature ID set from the featureIds array from the node with the EXT_mesh_gpu_instancing extension.

For comparison, here is the same example as in the previous section, translated to the EXT_feature_metadata extension:

"nodes": [
    "mesh": 0,
    "extensions": {
      "EXT_mesh_gpu_instancing": {
        "attributes": {
          "TRANSLATION": 3,
          "_FEATURE_ID_0": 4
        "extensions": {
          "EXT_feature_metadata": {
            "featureIdAttributes": [
                // Feature ID attribute from implicit range
                // Vertex Shader: vsInput.featureIds.instanceFeatureId_0
                // Fragment Shader: fsInput.featureIds.instanceFeatureId_0
                "featureTable": "perInstanceTable",
                "featureIds": {
                  "constant": 0,
                  "divisor": 1
                // Feature ID attribute. This corresponds to _FEATURE_ID_0 from the
                // instancing extension above. Note that this is
                // labeled as instanceFeatureId_1 since it is the second feature ID
                // set in the featureIds array
                // Vertex Shader: vsInput.featureIds.instanceFeatureId_1
                // Fragment Shader: fsInput.featureIds.instanceFeatureId_1
                "featureTable": "perInstanceGroupTable",
                "featureIds": {
                  "attribute": "_FEATURE_ID_0"
"meshes": [
    "primitives": [
        "attributes": {
          "POSITION": 0,
          "_FEATURE_ID_0": 1,
          "_FEATURE_ID_1": 2
        "extensions": {
          "EXT_feature_metadata": {
            "featureIdAttributes": [
                // Implicit Feature ID attribute
                // Vertex Shader: vsInput.featureIds.featureId_0
                // Fragment Shader: fsInput.featureIds.featureId_0
                "featureTable": "perFaceTable",
                "featureIds": {
                  "constant": 0,
                  "divisor": 3
                // Feature ID Attribute (_FEATURE_ID_0). Note that this
                // is labeled featureId_1 for its index in the featureIds
                // array
                // Vertex Shader: vsInput.featureIds.featureId_1
                // Fragment Shader: fsInput.featureIds.featureId_1
                "featureTable": "perFeatureTable",
                "featureIds": {
                  "attribute": "_FEATURE_ID_0"
                // Feature ID Attribute (_FEATURE_ID_1). Note that this
                // is labeled featureId_2 for its index in the featureIds
                // array
                // Vertex Shader: vsInput.featureIds.featureId_2
                // Fragment Shader: fsInput.featureIds.featureId_2
                "featureTable": "otherFeatureTable",
                "featureIds": {
                  "attribute": "_FEATURE_ID_1"
            "featureIdTextures": [
                // Feature ID Texture. Note that this is labeled featureId_3
                // since the list of feature ID textures is concatenated to the
                // list of feature ID attributes
                // Vertex Shader: (Not supported)
                // Fragment Shader: fsInput.featureIds.featureId_3
                "featureTable": "perTexelTable",
                "featureIds": {
                  "texture": {
                    "texCoord": 0,
                    "index": 0
                  "channels": "r"

Metadata struct

This struct contains the relevant metadata properties accessible to the model from the EXT_structural_metadata glTF extension (or the older EXT_feature_metadata extension).

The following types of metadata are currently supported:

  • property attributes from the EXT_structural_metadata glTF extension.
  • property textures from the EXT_structural_metadata glTF extension. Only types with componentType: UINT8 are currently supported.

Regardless of the source of metadata, the properties are collected into a single struct by property ID. Consider the following metadata class:

"schema": {
  "classes": {
    "wall": {
      "properties": {
        "temperature": {
          "name": "Surface Temperature",
          "type": "SCALAR",
          "componentType": "FLOAT32"

This will show up in the shader as the struct field as follows:

struct Metadata {
  float temperature;

Now the temperature can be accessed as vsInput.metadata.temperature or fsInput.metadata.temperature.

Normalized values

If the class property specifies normalized: true, the property will appear in the shader as the appropriate floating point type (e.g. float or vec3). All components will be between the range of [0, 1] (unsigned) or [-1, 1] (signed).

For example,

"schema": {
  "classes": {
    "wall": {
      "properties": {
        // damage normalized between 0.0 and 1.0 though stored as a UINT8 in
        // the glTF
        "damageAmount": {
          "name": "Wall damage (normalized)",
          "type": "SCALAR",
          "componentType": "UINT32",
          "normalized": true

This will appear as a float value from 0.0 to 1.0, accessible via (vsInput|fsInput).metadata.damageAmount

Offset and scale

If the property provides an offset or scale, this is automatically applied after normalization (when applicable). This is useful to pre-scale values into a convenient range.

For example, consider taking a normalized temperature value and automatically converting this to Celsius or Fahrenheit:

"schema": {
  "classes": {
    "wall": {
      "properties": {
        // scaled to the range [0, 100] in °C
        "temperatureCelsius": {
          "name": "Temperature (°C)",
          "type": "SCALAR",
          "componentType": "UINT32",
          "normalized": true,
          // offset defaults to 0, scale defaults to 1
          "scale": 100
        // scaled/shifted to the range [32, 212] in °F
        "temperatureFahrenheit": {
          "name": "Temperature (°C)",
          "type": "SCALAR",
          "componentType": "UINT32",
          "normalized": true,
          "offset": 32,
          "scale": 180

In the shader, (vsInput|fsInput).metadata.temperatureCelsius will be a float with a value between 0.0 and 100.0, while (vsInput|fsInput).metadata.temperatureFahrenheit will be a float with a range of [32.0, 212.0].

Property ID Sanitization

GLSL only supports alphanumeric identifiers, i.e. identifiers that do not start with a number. Additionally, identifiers with consecutive underscores (__), as well as identifiers with the gl_ prefix, are reserved in GLSL. To circumvent these limitations, the property IDs are modified as follows:

  1. Replace all sequences of non-alphanumeric characters with a single _.
  2. Remove the reserved gl_ prefix if present.
  3. If the identifier begins with a digit ([0-9]), prefix with an _

Here are a couple examples of property ID and the resulting variable name in the custom shader in the (vsInput|fsInput).metadata struct:

  • temperature ℃ -> metadata.temperature_
  • custom__property -> metadata.custom_property
  • gl_customProperty -> metadata.customProperty
  • 12345 -> metadata._12345
  • gl_12345 -> metadata._12345

If the above results in an empty string or a name collision with other property IDs, the behavior is undefined. For example:

  • ✖️✖️✖️ maps to the empty string, so the behavior is undefined.
  • Two properties with names temperature ℃ and temperature ℉ would both map to metadata.temperature, so the behavior is undefined

When using the Point Cloud (.pnts) format, per-point properties are transcoded as property attributes. These property IDs follow the same convention.

MetadataClass struct

This struct contains constants for each metadata property, as defined in the class schema.

Regardless of the source of metadata, the properties are collected into a single struct by property ID. For example, if the metadata class looked like this:

"schema": {
  "classes": {
    "wall": {
      "properties": {
        "temperature": {
          "name": "Surface Temperature",
          "type": "SCALAR",
          "componentType": "FLOAT32",
          "noData": -9999.0,
          "default": 72.0,
          "min": -40.0,
          "max": 500.0,

This will show up in the shader in the struct field as follows:

struct floatMetadataClass {
  float noData;
  float defaultValue; // 'default' is a reserved word in GLSL
  float minValue; // 'min' is a reserved word in GLSL
  float maxValue; // 'max' is a reserved word in GLSL
struct MetadataClass {
  floatMetadataClass temperature;

The sub-struct for each property will be chosen such that the individual properties (such as noData and defaultValue) will have the same type as the actual values of the property.

Now the noData and default values can be accessed as follows in the vertex shader:

float noData = vsInput.metadataClass.temperature.noData;            // == -9999.0
float defaultTemp = vsInput.metadataClass.temperature.defaultValue; // == 72.0
float minTemp = vsInput.metadataClass.temperature.minValue;         // == -40.0
float maxTemp = vsInput.metadataClass.temperature.maxValue;         // == 500.0

or similarly from the fsInput struct in the fragment shader.

czm_modelVertexOutput struct

This struct is built-in, see the documentation comment.

This struct contains the output of the custom vertex shader. This includes:

  • positionMC - The vertex position in model space coordinates. This struct field can be used e.g. to perturb or animate vertices. It is initialized to vsInput.attributes.positionMC. The custom shader may modify this, and the result is used to compute gl_Position.
  • pointSize - corresponds to gl_PointSize. This is only applied for models rendered as gl.POINTS, and ignored otherwise. This overrides any point size style that is applied to the model by Cesium3DTileStyle.

Implementation Note: positionMC does not modify the primitive's bounding sphere. If vertices are moved outside the bounding sphere, the primitive may be unintentionally culled depending on the view frustum.

czm_modelMaterial struct

This struct is a built-in, see the documentation comment. This is similar to czm_material from the old Fabric system, but has slightly different fields as this one supports PBR lighting.

This struct serves as the basic input/output of the fragment shader pipeline stages. For example:

  • the material stage produces a material
  • the lighting stage takes in a material, computes lighting, and stores the result into material.diffuse
  • Custom shaders (regardless of where in the pipeline it is) takes in a material (even if it's a material with default values) and modifies this.

Material color space

Material colors (such as material.diffuse) are always in linear color space, even when lightingModel is LightingModel.UNLIT.

When scene.highDynamicRange is false, the final computed color (after custom shaders and lighting) is converted to sRGB.