A schema change test will simply create a snapshot of your schema, and always fails if the schema changes. This kind of test is often useful when working with pure code-first, where a simple change in C# can create a breaking change in your GraphQL schema.
Create an xUnit test project:
dotnet new xunit --name GraphQL.Tests
Add the project to our solution:
dotnet sln add GraphQL.Tests
Head over to the
file and update the package references to the following:<PackageReference Include="coverlet.collector" Version="6.0.2"> <PrivateAssets>all</PrivateAssets> <IncludeAssets>runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive</IncludeAssets> </PackageReference> <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk" Version="17.12.0" /> <PackageReference Include="xunit" Version="2.9.2" /> <PackageReference Include="xunit.runner.visualstudio" Version="2.8.2"> <PrivateAssets>all</PrivateAssets> <IncludeAssets>runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive</IncludeAssets> </PackageReference>
Add a reference to the NuGet package
:dotnet add GraphQL.Tests package CookieCrumble --version 14.2.0
Add a reference to the GraphQL server:
dotnet add GraphQL.Tests reference GraphQL
Rename the file
and replace the code with the following:using ConferencePlanner.GraphQL.Data; using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection; using CookieCrumble; using HotChocolate.Execution; namespace GraphQL.Tests; public sealed class SchemaTests { [Fact] public async Task SchemaChanged() { // Arrange & act var schema = await new ServiceCollection() .AddDbContext<ApplicationDbContext>() .AddGraphQLServer() .AddGlobalObjectIdentification() .AddMutationConventions() .AddDbContextCursorPagingProvider() .AddPagingArguments() .AddFiltering() .AddSorting() .AddInMemorySubscriptions() .AddGraphQLTypes() .BuildSchemaAsync(); // Assert schema.MatchSnapshot(); } }
The above test takes the service collection and builds a schema from it. We call
to create a snapshot of the GraphQL SDL representation of the schema, which is compared in subsequent test runs.
Add a reference to the following NuGet packages:
:dotnet add GraphQL.Tests package Testcontainers.PostgreSql --version 4.1.0
:dotnet add GraphQL.Tests package Testcontainers.Redis --version 4.1.0
Add a new class named
:using ConferencePlanner.GraphQL.Data; using CookieCrumble; using HotChocolate.Execution; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection; using StackExchange.Redis; using Testcontainers.PostgreSql; using Testcontainers.Redis; namespace GraphQL.Tests; public sealed class AttendeeTests : IAsyncLifetime { private readonly PostgreSqlContainer _postgreSqlContainer = new PostgreSqlBuilder() .WithImage("postgres:17.2") .Build(); private readonly RedisContainer _redisContainer = new RedisBuilder() .WithImage("redis:7.4") .Build(); private IRequestExecutor _requestExecutor = null!; public async Task InitializeAsync() { // Start test containers. await Task.WhenAll(_postgreSqlContainer.StartAsync(), _redisContainer.StartAsync()); // Build request executor. _requestExecutor = await new ServiceCollection() .AddDbContext<ApplicationDbContext>( options => options.UseNpgsql(_postgreSqlContainer.GetConnectionString())) .AddGraphQLServer() .AddGlobalObjectIdentification() .AddMutationConventions() .AddDbContextCursorPagingProvider() .AddPagingArguments() .AddFiltering() .AddSorting() .AddRedisSubscriptions( _ => ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(_redisContainer.GetConnectionString())) .AddGraphQLTypes() .BuildRequestExecutorAsync(); // Create database. var dbContext = _requestExecutor.Services .GetApplicationServices() .GetRequiredService<ApplicationDbContext>(); await dbContext.Database.EnsureCreatedAsync(); } [Fact] public async Task RegisterAttendee() { // Arrange & act var result = await _requestExecutor.ExecuteAsync( """ mutation RegisterAttendee { registerAttendee( input: { firstName: "Michael" lastName: "Staib" username: "michael" emailAddress: "[email protected]" } ) { attendee { id } } } """); // Assert result.MatchSnapshot(extension: ".json"); } public async Task DisposeAsync() { await _postgreSqlContainer.DisposeAsync(); await _redisContainer.DisposeAsync(); } }
In the above test, we use Testcontainers for PostgreSQL and Redis, for realistic integration testing, as opposed to using in-memory providers.
To execute against a schema we can call
on the service collection to get anIRequestExecutor
. After executing the mutation, we snapshot the result object, and as with the previous test, subsequent test runs will compare our snapshot file.
<< Session #6 - Adding real-time functionality with subscriptions