# Website of the Software & Robotics Club (SRC)
- Source Directory Overview
- Coding Style Standards
- System Requirements
- Development Setup Procedure
- Contributing to the Project
### Source Directory Overview As the name implies, this directory contains the source codes which implement the designs expressed by the system designers. These codes are built on the Laravel PHP Framework (v5.3~). Check out Laravel Documentation for further details.
### Coding Style Standards To ensure that the source code remains maintainable in the foreseeable future, standards are strictly adhered to (unless otherwise dictated), from framework setups to to API integrations. All contributors are advised to write and submit standard codes, with consistent styles. Precisely, the PSR-2 standards have been adopted for this project.
### System Requirements The Laravel framework has a few system requirements. You need to make sure your local server server (XAMPP or WAMP) meets the following requirements:
- PHP >= 5.6.4
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
If you're using the latest version of your XAMPP or WAMP distribution, you have nothing to worry about.
Also, Laravel utilizes Composer to manage its dependencies. So, before using Laravel, make sure you have Composer installed on your machine.
### Development Setup Procedure
Step1: Install any git client of your choice. These are recommended
- SourceTree //easier to install if you're using mobile data
- GitHub Desktop
If you have not installed Composer already, install it and add the path to composer.phar to your path-variables.
Clone your fork of the this repository into a folder/directory in your htdocs (for XAMPP users) or www (WAMP) directory
After a successful clone, open your windows command prompt (Linux Shell).
Navigate to the project directory project-clone/source/ and run the following command:
php composer update
After a successful update, make a copy of /source/.env.example and rename it to .env using your IDE.
Run the following command to generate a unique app key in your newly created .env file:
php artisan key:generate
Open the .env file and set these parameters -APP_URL, DB_HOST, DB_DATABASE,DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD. Leave the rest as you found them.
If you've followed these procedures without errors, you are ready to go.
Turn on your local server and visit the app-url with you web browser. The next thing to do is up to you.
### Contributing to the Project Check out our contribution guide for instructions on how to contribute to this project.