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File metadata and controls

147 lines (112 loc) · 7.29 KB


For starting Node Hibernator, two configuration files are required: Node Hibernator config and peers config. Both json and toml formats are supported. Sample configurations can be found in samples.

Node Hibernator config file

Field Type Description
name string Name for the Node Hibernator
disableStrictMode bool Strict mode prevents Ethereum Client nodes involved in the consensus from being hibernated. This protects against an essential node being shut down and preventing the chain from progressing. It is set to false by default. For raft consensus it is recommended to set it to true as there would be more follower nodes in the network.
upcheckPollingInterval int Interval (in seconds) for performing an upcheck on the Ethereum Client and Privacy Manager to determine if they have been started/stopped by a third party (i.e. not Node Hibernator)
peersConfigFile string Path to a Peers config file
inactivityTime int Inactivity period (in seconds) to allow on either the Ethereum Client or Privacy Manager before hibernating both
resyncTime int Time (in seconds) after which a hibernating node pair should be restarted to allow the node to sync with the chain. Regularly syncing a node with the chain during periods of inactivity will reduce the time needed to prepare the node when receiving a client request.
server object See server
proxies []object See proxy
blockchainClient object See blockchainClient
privacyManager object (Optional) See privacyManager. If Privacy Manager is not used, this can be ignored.


The RPC server that exposes Node Hibernator's API.

Field Type Description
rpcAddress string Listen address for the Node Hibernator API
rpcCorsList []string List of domains from which to accept cross origin requests (browser enforced)
rpcvHosts []string List of virtual hostnames from which to accept requests (server enforced)
tlsConfig object (Optional) See serverTLS


The proxy server for a single Ethereum Client or Privacy Manager service. Multiple proxies can be configured.

Field Type Description
name string Name of the proxy server
type string http or ws
proxyAddress string Listen address for the proxy server
upstreamAddress string Address of the Ethereum Client or Privacy Manager service
proxyPaths []string Paths the proxy server should listen on (/ listens on all paths)
ignorePathsForActivity []string (Optional) Paths that should not reset the inactivity timer if called
readTimeout int Read timeout
writeTimeout int Write timeout
proxyTlsConfig object (Optional) See serverTLS
clientTlsConfig object (Optional) See clientTLS


The Ethereum Client to be managed by the Node Hibernator.

Field Type Description
type string goquorum or besu
consensus string raft, istanbul, or clique
rpcUrl string RPC URL of Ethereum Client. Used when performing consensus checks.
process object See process
tlsConfig object (Optional) See clientTLS


The Privacy Manager to be managed by the Node Hibernator.

Field Type Description
publicKey string Privacy manager's base64-encoded public key
process object See process
tlsConfig object (Optional) See clientTLS


The Ethereum Client or Privacy Manager process. Can be a standalone shell process or a Docker container.

Field Type Description
name string bcclnt or privman
controlType string shell or docker
containerId string (Optional) Docker container ID. Required if controlType = docker
startCommand []string Shell command to start process. Required if controlType = shell
stopCommand []string Shell command to stop process. Required if controlType = shell
upcheckConfig object See upcheckConfig


How Node Hibernator should determine whether the process is running or not.

Field Type Description
url string Up check URL of the process
returnType string string or rpcresult. Provides support for REST upcheck endpoints and RPC endpoints
method string GET or POST. HTTP request method required for upcheck endpoint
body string Body of RPC upcheck request
expected string Expected response if returnType = string.


1-way and mutual (2-way) TLS can be configured as required.

Field Type Description
keyFile string Path to .pem encoded key file
certificateFile string Path to .pem encoded certificate file
clientCaCertificateFile string Path to .pem encoded CA certificate file to validate client
cipherSuites []string (Optional) List of cipher suites to use in TLS. If not set, defaults will be used.


1-way and mutual (2-way) TLS can be configured as required.

Field Type Description
insecureSkipVerify bool Skip verification of server certificate if true
caCertificateFile string Path to .pem encoded CA certificate file to validate server
keyFile string Path to .pem encoded key file
certificateFile string Path to .pem encoded certificate file
cipherSuites []string (Optional) List of cipher suites to use in TLS. If not set, defaults will be used.

Cipher Suites

The TLS cipher suites used by default are:


Peers config file

It contains list of other Node Hibernators in the network. This config can be updated whenever there is a change. It is used by Node Hibernator to check the status of other Node Hibernators when it decides to stop the nodes. Node Hibernator always reads the latest information from this config before performing the checks. Any updates to the config file takes effect immediately. If there are no peers it can be empty.

Field Type Description
peers []object See peer for details


Another active Node Hibernator in the network. Multiple peers can be configured.

Field Type Description
name string Name of the peer
privacyManagerKey string (Optional) Public key of the peer's Privacy Manager
rpcUrl string URL of the peer's RPC server
tlsConfig object (Optional) See clientTLS