Welcome to 2echo, a web application that allows anyone to post diverse ads and display them on an interactive, real-time map.
- Ads are displayed as popup markers on an interactive world map.
- Users can see images, description and rating of the ad by clicking on the popup marker.
- Users can search for products or services in the search bar and the results will appear immediately through popup markers on the map.
- Sign up and sign in page to manage users.
- Manage user profile and show pins (ads) history of users.
- Manage admin to list, grant and deny admin permissions for users.
- User can manage to create, update and delete ads.
- Upload images of ads.
- Admin user can list and delete ads.
- Also admin user can delete an specific user.
- Next.js a powerful full-stack React framework.
- Material UI to design a web application based on the best practices in UI and UX.
- React Context to manage the state of the application in a predictable way.
- Next-Connect to build an API in Next.js.
- Mongoose.js to save and retrieve data from Mongo DB Atlas (database).
- JSON Web Tokens (JWT) to authenticate users.
- Bcryptjs to build a password security platform that uses an algorithm to hash passwords with a salt
- React Leaflet based on Leaflet, (the leading open-source JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps that works efficiently across all major desktop and mobile platforms) React Leaflet leverages it to abstract Leaflet layers as React components.
- React Hook Form to create performant, flexible and extensible forms with easy-to-use validation.
- Cloudinary server to upload files (images).