This is a little tool to handle daily tasks, based ony SQLite. (Inspired by seekaplayer)
"ToDoList" uses a number of great open source projects which are needed to run this list:
- bcrypt - Lib to help you hash passwords
- body-parser - Node.js body parsing middleware
- chalk - Terminal string styling done right
- express - Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for node
- express-sanitizer - An express middleware for Caja-HTML-Sanitizer, which wraps Google Caja sanitizer
- express-session - Simple session middleware for Express
- express-validator - An express.js middleware for validator.
- helmet - Help secure Express/Connect apps with various HTTP headers
- moment - Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates
- pug - A clean, whitespace-sensitive template language for writing HTML
- sanitize - Input sanitizing library for node.js
- sanitizer - Caja's HTML Sanitizer as a Node.js module
- sequelize - Multi dialect ORM for Node.JS
- sqlite3 - Asynchronous, non-blocking SQLite3 bindings
- node js (>= 10.11)
ToDo List requires Node.js v4+ to run.
Install the dependencies and dev-dependencies and start the server.
$ git clone
$ cd ToDoList
$ npm install -d
$ node .
- Finish project