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fastchess - a command-line tool for managing chess games with engines


fastchess [OPTIONS]


fastchess is a command-line tool designed to manage and orchestrate chess games between engines. It provides a range of options to configure game settings, engine parameters, concurrency, and output formats.


The following options are available:

  • -quick cmd=ENGINE1 cmd=ENGINE2 book=BOOK
    Shortcut for predefined game settings involving two engines, time controls, rounds, and concurrency.

  • -event NAME
    Set the event name for the PGN header.

  • -site NAME
    Set the site name for the PGN header.

  • -config [file=NAME] [discard=(true|false)] [outname=NAME] [stats=(true|false)]
    Load engine configurations to resume games from previous sessions.

    • file - the file name to load the configuration from.
    • discard - discard the loaded configuration after loading. Defaults to false. This lets you specify a filename to save the configuration to, while ignoring it for the current session.
    • outname - the auto-generated file name of the config. Default is "config.json".
    • stats - load the stats from the config file. Defaults to true.
  • -concurrency N
    Play N games concurrently, limited by the number of hardware threads. Default value is 1.

  • --compliance ENGINE [ARGS]
    Check the UCI compliance of an engine by running it with the specified arguments.

  • --force-concurrency
    Ignore the hardware concurrency limit and force the specified concurrency.

  • -rounds N
    Play N rounds of games where each game within the round uses the same opening. Default value is 2.

  • -games N
    Play N games in each round. Default value is 2. Setting this higher than 2 does not provide meaningful results.

  • -variant VARIANT
    Choose between the following game variants:

    • standard - play Standard Chess (default)
    • fischerandom - play Fischer Random Chess
  • -repeat
    Set the number of games to 2. Equivalent to -games 2.

  • -recover
    Enables crash recovery to attempt to recover the engine after a crash and continue the tournament.

  • -draw movenumber=NUMBER movecount=COUNT score=SCORE
    Enables draw adjudication based on number of moves, move count, and score threshold.

    • NUMBER - number of moves before checking for a draw. Default is 0.
    • COUNT - number of consecutive moves below the score threshold. Default is 1.
    • SCORE - score threshold (in centipawns) for a draw. Default is 0.
  • -resign movecount=COUNT score=SCORE [twosided=(true|false)]
    Configures engine resignation based on move count and score threshold.

    • twosided - if true, enables two-sided resignation. Defaults to false.
    • COUNT - number of consecutive moves above the score threshold. Default is 1.
    • SCORE - score threshold (in centipawns) to resign. Default is 0.
  • -maxmoves N
    Enables draw adjudication if the game reaches N moves without a result.

  • -openings file=NAME format=(epd|pgn) [order=ORDER] [plies=PLIES] [start=START]
    Specifies an opening book file and its format for game starting positions.

    • format - file format, either epd or pgn.
    • ORDER - order of openings (random or sequential). Default is sequential.
    • PLIES - number of plies for pgn. Defaults to max available plies.
    • START - starting index of the opening book. Default is 1.
  • -output format=FORMAT
    Choose the output format for game results (cutechess or fastchess). Default is fastchess.

  • -pgnout file=NAME notation=(san|lan|uci) [nodes=(true|false)] [seldepth=(true|false)] [nps=(true|false)] [hashfull=(true|false)] [tbhits=(true|false)] [timeleft=(true|false)] [min=(true|false)]
    Export games in PGN format with specified notations and optional tracking of nodes, seldepth, and others.

    • notation:

      • san - Standard Algebraic Notation (default)
      • lan - Long Algebraic Notation
      • uci - Universal Chess Interface
    • nodes - Track node count. Default is false.

    • seldepth - Track seldepth. Default is false.

    • nps - Track nps. Default is false.

    • hashfull - Track hashfull. Default is false.

    • tbhits - Track tbhits. Default is false.

    • timeleft - Track time left at end of move. Default is false.

    • min - Minimal PGN format. Default is false.

  • -epdout file=NAME
    Export the final position of each game in EPD format.

  • -wait N
    Wait N milliseconds between games. Default is 0.

  • -noswap
    Prevent swapping of colors.

  • -reverse
    Use a tournament schedule with reversed colors.

  • -ratinginterval N
    Set rating interval for the report. Default is 10. Set to 0 to disable.

  • -scoreinterval N
    For cutechess output, set interval for printing score results. Default is 1.

  • -autosaveinterval N
    Automatically saves the tournament state every N games. Default is 20. Set to 0 to disable.

  • -sprt elo0=ELO0 elo1=ELO1 alpha=ALPHA beta=BETA model=MODEL
    Set parameters for the Sequential Probability Ratio Test (SPRT).

    • MODEL:
      • logistic - Uses regular/logistic Elo.
      • bayesian - Uses BayesElo.
      • normalized - Uses nElo (default).
  • -srand SEED
    Specify the seed for opening book randomization.

  • -log file=NAME level=LEVEL compress=(true|false) realtime=(true|false)
    Specify a log file with a specific log level. Set compress to true to gzip the file. Default is false.

    • LEVEL:
      • trace
      • warn (default)
      • info
      • err
      • fatal
  • -use-affinity
    Enable thread affinity for binding engines to CPU cores.

  • -report penta=(true|false)
    Reports pentanomial statistics (for fastchess output). Defaults to true.

  • -version
    Print version number and exit.

  • -help
    Print help message and exit.

  • -each OPTIONS
    Apply specified OPTIONS to both engines.

  • -engine OPTIONS
    Apply specified OPTIONS to the next engine.

    • cmd=COMMAND - Specify engine command.
    • name=NAME - Set engine name (must be unique).
    • args="ARGS" - Pass multiple arguments using args="ARG1 ARG2".
    • tc=TC - Time control in Cute-Chess format (moves/minutes:seconds+increment).
    • timemargin=N - Time margin for exceeding time limit.
    • st=ST - Movetime in seconds.
    • nodes=NODES - Max number of nodes to search.
    • plies=PLIES - Max number of plies (depth) to search.
    • proto=PROTOCOL - Specify the protocol (only supports uci).
    • dir=DIRECTORY - Working directory for the engine.
    • - Set engine-specific options. The value for a button option should be "true" or "false".


To start a match between two engines using random openings from book.epd:

$ fastchess -engine cmd=Engine1.exe name=Engine1 -engine cmd=Engine2.exe \
  name=Engine2 -openings file=book.epd format=epd order=random \
  -each tc=10+0.1 -rounds 200 -repeat -concurrency 4


fastchess was written by Disservin, Szil, PGG106, and contributors.


Report any bugs to


This software is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.