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Releases: Esri/calcite-design-system


28 Jul 23:54
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  • Added @types/color as a dependency, so public types resolve properly


28 Jul 21:24
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  • New component calcite-color
  • New component calcite-color-hex-input
  • New component calcite-color-swatch


  • calcite-modal - fix styling for modal when there are no footer buttons
  • calcite-popover - prevent tooltip-manager selector conflicting with popover-manager selector
  • calcite-tabs - uses proper aria-labelledby attribute


16 Jul 21:04
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Breaking Changes

  • calcite-alert - open and close methods have been removed. You can use the active prop to open or add an alert to the queue.
  • calcite-alert - currentAlert prop has been removed
  • calcite-alert - alertQueue prop has been removed (queue is emitted as a detail of the calciteAlertOpen and calciteAlertClose events)
  • calcite-alert - alertQueueLength prop has been removed


  • calcite-modal - turn off pointer events on hidden modals to prevent interaction (#549)


  • calcite-modal - add background-color property for light grey backgrounds (#527)
  • calcite-alert - intlClose prop has been added to optionally provide a translated override of the English "close" text


15 Jul 19:08
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  • calcite-stepper - calciteStepperItemHasChanged event has been renamed to calciteStepperItemChange
  • calcite-stepper-item - calciteStepperItemSelected event has been renamed to calciteStepperItemSelect
  • calcite-stepper-item - registerCalciteStepperItem event has been renamed to calciteStepperItemRegister

Breaking Changes

  • calcite-modal - close-label prop is now renamed to intl-close for consistency (#466)
  • calcite-modal - open and close methods removed in favor of active prop (#466)
  • calcite-modal - size => width, which can be passed standard (s/m/l) or custom width in px (#239)
  • calcite-modal - fullscreen made it's own prop (#466)
  • calcite-modal - new scale prop for setting UI scale of modal (#466);
  • calcite-date - prevMonthLabel and nextMonthLabel updated to intlPrevMonth and intlNextMonth (#97)
  • calcite-switch - switched boolean has been added to calciteSwitchChange event detail


10 Jul 22:04
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Breaking Changes

  • calcite-label - calciteLabelSelectedEvent event has been renamed to calciteLabelFocus
  • calcite-button - icon-position and icon props have been removed - you can now use icon-start and icon-end props to position up to two icons.
  • calcite-link - icon-position and icon props have been removed - you can now use icon-start and icon-end props to position up to two icons.
  • calcite-split-button - primary-icon prop has been removed - you can now use primary-icon-start and primary-icon-end props to position up to two icons.
  • calcite-tab - isActive prop is now active to be consistent with other components
  • calcite-tab-title - isActive prop is now active to be consistent with other components
  • calcite-loader - isActive prop is now active to be consistent with other components
  • calcite-popover textClose has been changed to intlClose.
  • calcite-card - event name change calciteCardSelected => calciteCardSelect (#459)


  • Generate new types for using components inside a Preact + TypeScript
  • calcite-loader - add scale for both standard and inline loaders (#465)
  • calcite-dropdown now has a disable-close-on-select attribute that allows dropdowns to remain open on selection when calcite-dropdown-group selection-mode is set to single or multi
  • calcite-dropdown now emits calciteDropdownClose when it closes.
  • calcite-dropdown now emits calciteDropdownOpen when it opens.
  • calcite-dropdown now has a disabled prop.
  • calcite-input - adds clearable prop to display a clear button when field has a value - this also enables clearing of value while focused and using Escape key.
  • calcite-input - adds disabled prop
  • calcite-button - icon-start and icon-end props have been added for explicit positioning of up to two icons.
  • calcite-link - icon-start and icon-end props have been added for explicit positioning of up to two icons.
  • calcite-split-button - primary-icon-start and primary-icon-end props have been added for explicit positioning of up to two icons.
  • calcite-split-button - dropdown-icon-type prop now accepts an overflow value for an additional icon option.
  • calcite-notice now has a intl-close attribute that allows the title of the close button to be set. It defaults to the English "Close".
  • calcite-modal - added disable-close-button prop for hiding X (#669)
  • calcite-popover - added disable-close-button prop for hiding X (#669)


  • calcite-dropdown - will now correctly focus the slotted dropdown-trigger element when the dropdown is closed
  • calcite-input - fixes inconsistencies in height of inputs with various configurations
  • calcite-label - fixes inconsistencies in layout=inline padding applications
  • calcite-slider - fixes positioning of handles and labels, better focus styles (#660)
  • calcite-split-button - fixed split button triggering of dropdown
  • calcite-tab-title - improve focus state


  • calcite-dropdown - a dropdown will now close if another dropdown is opened
  • calcite-dropdown - mouse clicks on calcite-dropdown-group titles will no longer close the dropdown
  • calcite-slider - improved disabled styles (#676)


12 Jun 18:27
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  • fix NPM release issue


12 Jun 16:25
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  • fix NPM release issue


12 Jun 03:57
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Breaking Changes

  • calcite-accordion - calciteAccordionItemHasChanged event has been renamed to calciteAccordionChange
  • calcite-accordion-item - calciteAccordionItemSelected event has been renamed to calciteAccordionItemSelect
  • calcite-accordion-item - closeCalciteAccordionItem event has been renamed to calciteAccordionItemClose
  • calcite-accordion-item - registerCalciteAccordionItem event has been renamed to calciteAccordionItemRegister
  • calcite-dropdown-group - registerCalciteItemHasChanged event has been renamed to calciteDropdownItemChange
  • calcite-dropdown-group - registerCalciteDropdownGroup event has been renamed to calciteDropdownGroupRegister
  • calcite-dropdown-item - registerCalciteDropdownItem event has been renamed to calciteDropdownItemRegister
  • calcite-dropdown-item - calciteDropdownItemSelected event has been renamed to calciteDropdownItemSelect and is now internal.
  • calcite-dropdown-item - closeCalciteDropdown event has been renamed to calciteDropdownClose


  • calcite-dropdown now has a read-only selectedItems prop that contains all selected items.
  • calcite-dropdown now emits calciteDropdownSelect when an item selection changes.


  • calcite-accordion - Fix for incorrect keyboard navigation behavior when a calcite-accordion was nested inside another calcite-accordion
  • calcite-accordion - Fix for incorrect display of icon-position when a calcite-accordion was nested inside another calcite-accordion


  • calcite-popover - max-width has been removed. Content may need width set.


26 May 17:59
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Breaking Changes

  • calcite-input - calciteInputChange event has been renamed to calciteInputInput


  • calcite-radio-group now has a width prop that accepts auto (default) or full values.


  • calcite-input - will now properly position a requested icon if prefix-text is also set
  • calcite-switch - will now properly display in RTL
  • calcite-alert - will now properly animate the direction of the auto-dismiss progress bar in RTL
  • calcite-tree - will now properly wrap long, unbroken strings in calcite-tree-item children


  • calcite-accordion - styling of icon-position=end icons has been updated for chevron and caret values - it will now display upward when a calcite-accordion-item is collapsed, and downward when expanded
  • calcite-input - when status="valid", icon (if present) will appear green


18 May 18:49
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Breaking Changes

  • calcite-checkbox - size prop is now scale to be consistent with other components
  • calcite-chip - will not show the dismiss ("x") button unless new dismissible prop is true
  • calcite-button - will no longer accept xs or xl values for scale prop
  • calcite-chip - will no longer accept xs or xl values for scale
  • calcite-combobox - will no longer accept xs or xl values for scale


  • calcite-radio-group-item can now display an icon by passing a Calcite UI Icon name to the icon attribute. The icon can be positioned with the icon-position attribute.
  • calcite-split-button now accepts ellipsis as a value for the dropdown-icon-type attribute
  • calcite-graph component for simple area graphs from series data sets
  • calcite-chip - now has a color prop that will accept grey (default), blue, red, yellow, and green as values
  • calcite-chip - now has an appearance prop that will accept solid (default) and clear as values


  • calcite-dropdown - will now properly open and close when children of the dropdown-trigger slot are acted on.
  • calcite-button - now trims whitespace to accurately display "icon only" buttons as squares.
  • :root styles now include some text rendering improvements
  • calcite-input - fixed missing icons in firefox
  • calcite-date - fixed small margin/gap above input


  • calcite-button - styling of appearance=transparent buttons has been updated
  • calcite-button - dimensions and font-size of buttons have been updated