Repository in which all the source code used for the Evoland GPP crop and grassland method development will be stored
Code to pre-process the ICOS data with GPP measurements including cleaning and aggregating the data to 10-daily scale. The code can be found under: scripts/gpp/ref/
"""""" DATA EXTRACTION """"""
Code used to extract all necessary EO and ancillary datasets for the ICOS flux sites. These datasets are needed to allow satellite-based GPP estimates. The code can be found under scripts/gpp/extractions/
"""""" LUE calibration """"""
Code used to re-calibrate the LUE specifically for crop and grassland. The code can be found under scripts/gpp/calibration/
Please note that this is just some example source code to perform these tasks. However, the code needs some local stored datasets to enable processing.
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