Naming Convention
Compilation errors?
Future work
Macros are all written in capital letter.
For those which do not use capital letter in the begining (such as algorithm.hpp), it contains only functions.
For those which have I
in the begining (such as IThreadPoolItemBase.hpp), it means they are struct
and have pure functions.
For those which have C
in the begining (such as CAtomic_stack.hpp), it means they are Class
For those which do not have I
or C
and begin with capital letter (such as Atomic_flag.hpp), it means they are struct
. (One exception is Boolean, this may be modified in the future.)
The old naming convention is CamelCase. (See QuantumCircuit and ThreadPool)
The new naming convention uses underscores to separate words.
Visual Studio 2017 15.5.5
g++ 7.2.1
clang++ 5.0.1
If you get error C4996 when you compile insert_iterator.cpp by Visual Studio, see this.
replace ::value with _v
replace using with static_assert
memory order
style change (replace {} with ())