- [ ] |Expectations support
- [ ] |improve Midje support
- [ ] |Fudje
- [ ] Keep track of intermediate state so post-run hooks can still fire upon Ctrl-C + enables parallelism (also necessary for parallellism)
- [ ] parallelism (?)
- [ ] Should –focus / :focus from CLI/REPL override focus in tests.edn?
- [ ] Exception in :each handler, what happens?
- [ ] |Allow filtering `–watch` e.g. to skip temp files
- [ ] |Make a distinction between load errors in the test file being loaded vs. in other namespaces.
- [ ] |Watch changes to `tests.edn`
- [ ] Clean output when progress bar used without output capturing
- [ ] |Support for test-ns-hook (?)
- [ ] Capture stderr separately
- [ ] |Use SignalHandler instead of shutdownhooks
- [ ] |Provide validation in defplugin, don’t allow hooks which don’t exist
- [ ] Fail in a better way if source-paths don’t exist (esp. in –watch)
- [ ] |Warn if –focus does not exist (maybe provide fat-finger hints?)
- [ ] |Provide a warning when no test namespaces are found (please check test-paths and ns-patterns)
- [ ] |Better error when plugin is not found. (currently: no method in multimethod -register)
- [ ] |Warn if plugin in config file is not a keyword
- [ ] |Fail fast if clojure-version < 1.9
- [ ] |Similarly kaocha-cljs requires ClojureScript 1.10 (?)
- [ ] make stack trace filtering configurable
- [ ] Output reporter output to file (?)
- [ ] Timing info of config/load/run steps
- [ ] test.check configuration
- [ ] Detect side effects (see circleci.test)
- [ ] Better file/line numbers
- [ ] detect load errors / step definition errors
- [ ] –watch feature step/files
- [ ] Cucumber steps don’t currently reload correctly in watch (due to cache) -> convert to use function definitions in ns
- [ ] file/line not (always) correct
- [ ] |need to manually add test dir to classpath
- [ ] |automatically pick a free port for the websocket
- [ ] Add smoke tests for all reporters and plugins (anything that is loaded conditionally)
- [ ] Kaocha reporter interface
- kaocha.report/printed-expression
- kaocha.report/error-type
- kaocha.report/error-message -> just use :message
- kaocha/testable
- kaocha/test-plan
- kaocha.testable/meta
- ::capture/output
- ::caputer/buffer
- [X] Print non-leaf failures (#1)
- [X] Provide inspect plugin with e.g. –print-test-ids
- [X] Provide extra dynamic var bindings
- [X] Global pre/post hooks
- [X] min/max clojure/java version
- [X] Run config hooks when doing –print-config
- [X] Define hooks directly in tests.edn
- [X] Boot: Deal with dynamic classpath (#1)
- [X] Provide shorthand `:randomize?` instead of `kaocha.plugin.random/randomize?`
- [X] Check CircleCI runner to see how to improve junit.xml output
- [X] Only forward events that clojure.test/report understands
- [X] Provide short plugin names on CLI when in the kaocha.plugin namespace
- [X] Run CI on different levels of Java and Clojure
- [X] ClojureScript support
- [X] Cucumber
- [X] main namespace for cloverage
- [X] TAP reporter (provided by clojure.test?)
- [X] :kaocha.filter/skip-meta should do a meta merge, retaining :kaocha/skip unless ^:replace is specified.
- [X] Default like src-paths, skip-meta not honored
- [X] Line number of exceptions, right now it shows the test var. (maybe ok because it’s in the stack trace?)
- [X] Use FIPP/puget for colored pretty printing
- [X] repl/config merge overwrites values from tests.edn / extra-vals with default-config
- [X] prettier diffing of (is (= ))
- [X] Make zero-assertion check work with –fail-fast
- [X] Add to tools.deps wiki
- [X] Improve matcher-combinator support, maybe as a separate package/plugin?
- [X] look at keyword inheritance for making the reporters more generic
- [X] watch/api mode: undef removed vars
- [X] Use `#kaocha/v1 {}` instead of `#kaocha {}`
- [X] Prevent output of matcher-combinators
- [X] Watch source paths
- [X] skip / focus by metadata :skip-meta :exclude-meta :focus-meta
- [X] skip / focus nss/vars. :skip-meta :exclude-meta :focus-meta
- [X] profiling
- [X] capture output
- [X] wrap reporters in t/with-test-out
- [X] signal load/parse errors as test failures
- [X] print config / test plan / test result
- [X] provide #kaocha convenience reader literal for config file
- [X] watch: re-run failed tests first
Kaocha relies on the ability to dynamically add directories to the classpath. There are a number of libraries that allow you to do this, but none of them work reliably across build tools and java versions.
I signalled this on ClojureVerse but got very little usable input. Still the post is useful for illustrating the problem. I might post there if I manage to better understand how this should be solved.
Java 9 introduced the Jigsaw project which introduces a new first class “module” concept to Java, and a “module path”. Modules export package and depend on other modules. In a post-jigsaw world modules can only “see” types from modules they explicitly depend upon. This might be part of the problem.
Java 9 also contains Reflection changes, which makes the approach that Pomegranate/Dynapath used before (making URLClassLoader modifiable) no longer possible. In Java 9 they cause a warning, in Java 10 they fail irrevocably. This is also a result of Jigsaw.
How classes are found (oracle.com)
Actually not that much useful stuff in here
Good general overview of Jigsaw
- Class::forName continues to work if the package of the class that is requested (I think? “The provider class”) is known to the ContextClassLoader. (i.e. thread-bound?) -> on top of this code that reflects upon some type is considered in a module which can read the module that contains the type
- Every classloader has its own “unnamed” module
- Classes loaded from the regular classpath end up in the unnamed module of the AppClassLoader
Java 9 Modules (blog.andresteingress.com)
Looking into what Clojure does
2c2ed386ed0f6f875342721bdaace908e298c7f3 http://github.com/clojure/clojure/commit/2c2ed386ed0f6f875342721bdaace908e298c7f3 “hotfix for classloading”
http://github.com/clojure/clojure/commit/a4142dc9c2e107528b90bb885ed5e8d92fd3f621 “made eval use ephemeral classloader in all cases”
Huzzaaah seems using the Compiler/LOADER rather than the contextclassloader seems to fix this.
- implement -run and -load
- add specs
- derive :kaocha.testable.type/leaf
- handle load errors (in load and run!)
- set metadata (if applicable)
- dots
- documentation
- test with junit.xml
- check file/line in test failures
- result counts in final result
function push_clojure_image() {
docker pull $IMAGE
docker run -i -t $IMAGE clojure -e '(println (System/getProperty "java.runtime.name") (System/getProperty "java.runtime.version") "\nClojure" (clojure-version))'
docker run -i -t $IMAGE node --version
docker tag $IMAGE lambdaisland/clojure:openjdk${JDK}
docker push lambdaisland/clojure:openjdk${JDK}
- pull image from nextjournal : docker pull <image>
- tag it : docker tag <nj_image> lambdaisland/clojure:openjdk<version>
- push it : docker push !$
- [ ] src/kaocha/watch.clj
- [ ] src/kaocha/config.clj
- [ ] src/kaocha/hierarchy.clj
- [ ] src/kaocha/classpath.clj
- [ ] src/kaocha/load.clj
- [ ] src/kaocha/specs.clj
- [ ] src/kaocha/stacktrace.clj
- [ ] src/kaocha/plugin/profiling.clj
- [ ] src/kaocha/plugin/print_invocations.clj
- [ ] src/kaocha/plugin/alpha/info.clj
- [ ] src/kaocha/plugin/alpha/xfail.clj
- [ ] src/kaocha/plugin.clj
- [ ] src/kaocha/assertions.clj
- [ ] src/kaocha/report/progress.clj
- [ ] src/kaocha/monkey_patch.clj
- [ ] src/kaocha/type.clj
- [ ] src/kaocha/matcher_combinators.clj
- [ ] src/kaocha/jit.clj