The Map/Reduce code for Cloud Bigtable should look identical to HBase Map/Reduce jobs. Create a cluster and run our MapReduce job on Google Cloud Dataproc. Cloud Bigtable supports the HBase 1.0 APIs and later.
In order to run this MapReduce sample, please follow the Cloud Bigtable Getting Started guide:
Create a project
Enable Billing
Enable APIs in the Developers Console (APIs & auth > APIs)
- Cloud Bigtable API
- Cloud Bigtable Table Admin API
- Google Cloud Dataproc API
Create a Cloud Bigtable Cluster
Development Environment Setup
- Install Google Cloud SDK
- Install Java 1.8 or higher.
- Install Apache Maven
Initialize the Cloud SDK
$ gcloud init $ gcloud auth application-default login
Make a GCS bucket that will be used by Cloud Dataproc to store its output and to copy files to the VMs. There are two ways to make a GCS Bucket:
In the Developers Console, select "Storage" > "Cloud Storage" > "Storage browser" and click on the "Add bucket" button. Type the name for your bucket and click "Create". Note: names are a global resource, so make yours long and unique; one option is to use your project name as your bucket id, as long as it's not already taken.
Use the
's make bucket command:$ gsutil mb -p <project ID> gs://<bucketName>
You can build the MapReduce jar file using Maven:
$ mvn clean package -Dbigtable.projectID=YOUR_PROJECT_ID -Dbigtable.instanceID=YOUR_INSTANCE_ID
The output files will be copied to your bucket during the package
Maven phase.
Use the provided helper script to create a cluster. Note: this command must
be run after mvn package
$ chmod +x
$ ./ create <bucket> [<clusterName> [<zone>]]
can be anything; the default isdp
as is in thepom.xml
should be the same name as the bucket you created earlier and set into thepom.xml
should be the same as in yourpom.xml
and ideally will be in the same zone as your Cloud Bigtable cluster.
The command by default spins up 4 n1-standard-4 worker
nodes and a single n1-standard-4
The actual gcloud
gcloud dataproc clusters create dp \
--bucket MYBUCKET \
--num-workers 4 \
--zone us-central1-b \
--master-machine-type n1-standard-4 \
--worker-machine-type n1-standard-4
The helper script can also start a job for you.
./ start [<clusterName>]
This is an alias for the gcloud
gcloud dataproc jobs submit hadoop \
--cluster dp \
--jar target/wordcount-mapreduce-0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar \
wordcount-hbase \
<sourceFiles> \
Here, wordcount-hbase
is the command we are executing (the first parameter to our MapReduce job).
You can view your results using the Developers Console (Bigdata > Dataproc > Jobs)
Once your job is complete (Green circle), you can connect to your master node and look at your results using hbase shell
$ hbase shell
hbase Shell; enter 'help<RETURN>' for list of supported commands.
type "exit<RETURN>" to leave the HBase Shell
version 0.99.2, r6a0c4f3bae1e92109393423472bd84097f096e75, Tue Dec 2 20:47:47 PST 2014
hbase(main):001:0> list
The output should include a file named WordCount-xxxxxxxx where xxxxxxxx is some unique number.
hbase(main):002:0> scan 'WordCount-332353443'
<Lots of output here!>
Enter exit
to leave the hbase shell
and exit
again to leave the master node.
The help script helps us here as well.
$ ./ delete [<clusterName>]
Which maps to the fairly easy to remember:
gcloud dataproc clusters delete dp
- See