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Lesson Plan

Advanced Routing 2.1 Lecture (40 minutes)

Server-Side Rendering (SSR) and Static Site Generation (SSG) (10 minutes)

  • Explanation of SSR and SSG

    • Define Server-Side Rendering (SSR) and Static Site Generation (SSG)
    • Explain the benefits of SSR and SSG over client-side rendering
  • Use cases for SSR and SSG

    • Discuss when to use SSR (dynamic data, personalization, etc.)
    • Discuss when to use SSG (static content, blogs, documentation, etc.)

Introduction to Next.js App Router (15 minutes)

  • Overview of Next.js routing system

    • File-based routing system in Next.js
    • Dynamic Routes
    • Mention the Next.js Link Component & why it is used
  • Advantages over traditional client-side routing

    • Improved performance with built-in server-side rendering and static site generation
    • Simplified routing configuration
    • Nested layouts and nested routes

Next.js Router Hooks (15 minutes)

  • Understanding the usePathname hook

    • Explain the purpose of the usePathname hook
    • Demonstrate how to use usePathname to access the current path
  • Understanding the useSearchParams hook

    • Explain the purpose of the useSearchParams hook
    • Demonstrate how to use useSearchParams to access the query strings
  • Working with the useRouter hook

    • Discuss the need for redirects in web applications (authentication, URL changes, etc.)
    • Introduce the useRouter hook
    • Explain how to access various router properties (push, replace, etc.)
    • Demonstrate programmatic navigation using router.push and router.replace

Advanced Routing 2.1 Exercises (45 minutes)

1. Create a page that renders the NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (with caption) using Server Side Rendering (10 minutes)

  • Use the NASA API to fetch the Astronomy Picture of the Day data
  • Implement data fetching to fetch the data during the render
  • Render the fetched image and caption on the page

2. Dynamic Rendering with useEffect (15 minutes)

  • Create a component that fetches NASA Mars Rover Photos from an API (with caption)

  • Use useEffect to fetch data on component mount

    • Fetch the data when the component mounts
    • Handle component unmount and dependency updates
  • Render fetched data in the component

    • Display the fetched photos and captions in the component

3. Routing and Navigation Exercise (10 minutes)

  • Create a blog website with dynamic routes to different blog posts

    • Create a route /blogs that displays blogs
    • Create a dynamic route for a blog post that displays the title from the route. For example, /blogs/my-new-post should dynamically display "My New Post".
    • Hint: Check out the documentation for usePathName.
  • Create a page that displays a NASA EPIC image on a different date depending on a query string parameter received

    • Use the NASA API to fetch EPIC images
    • Access the query string parameter using useSearchParams
    • Fetch and display the EPIC image for the specified date

Advanced Components 2.1 Lecture (30 minutes)

Using Refs in React (10 minutes)

  • What are refs and their use cases?

    • Explain the purpose of refs in React
    • Discuss common use cases for refs (focus management, integration with third-party libraries, etc.)
  • Creating refs with useRef hook

    • Introduce the useRef hook
    • Demonstrate how to create a ref using useRef
  • Accessing DOM elements with refs

    • Show how to access and manipulate DOM elements using refs
  • Handling focus, text selection, and media playback using refs

    • Provide examples of using refs for focus management, text selection, and media playback

Component Libraries (20 minutes)

  • What are component libraries?

    • Explain the concept of component libraries
    • Discuss the benefits of using component libraries
  • Benefits of using component libraries

    • Consistency: Consistent design and branding across the application
    • Reusability: Reusable components for faster development
    • Accessibility: Built-in accessibility features
  • Popular component library (Material-UI)

    • Introduce Material-UI as a popular React component library
    • Showcase some commonly used Material-UI components
  • How to install and use a component library

    • Demonstrate how to install Material-UI in a Next.js application
    • Show how to import and use Material-UI components

Advanced Components 2.1 Exercises (30 minutes)

4. Build a Responsive Navbar with links to various pages (15 minutes)

  • Use a component library (Material-UI) to create a responsive navbar

    • Import and use the necessary Material-UI components
    • Implement a responsive navbar with a hamburger menu for smaller screens
  • Implement dynamic rendering to show/hide menu items based on screen size

    • Use conditional rendering to show/hide menu items based on the screen size
  • When a user clicks on an item, navigate them to the relevant page with a router or link

    • Use the useRouter hook to handle navigation or a Link component
    • Implement redirects when a link is clicked

5. Create a Form with Focus Management (15 minutes)

  • Build a sign up form

    • Create a sign-up form with first name, last name, email and phone number fields.
    • Use Material-UI where possible for certain components (not recommended for the input fields)
  • Use refs to manage focus on input fields

    • Notice if MUI is used for the inputs the fact that the ref prop is called inputRef in MUI
    • Create refs for the input fields using the useRef hook
    • Implement focus management using refs (e.g., focus on the next field after entering data)
  • Implement form validation and highlight invalid fields

    • Add form validation logic
    • Highlight invalid input fields using styles or Material-UI components
  • Redirect the user to the home page after form gets submitted

  • Add an event listener for form submit

  • Once the user clicks it redirect them to a different page using the router.