Maps module is a react-native based module. Helps user to search and navigate to the required locations.
- Display the map
- Set the custom markers
- Add custom annotations on the map
- This module includes environment variables.
- This module requires manual configurations.
- This module can be configured with module options.
- This module requires manual Android setup.
- This module requires manual iOS setup.
You need to get google maps api key from google cloud console account.
Follow these instructions
Dependencies used:
- react-native-maps -
- react-native-maps-directions -
- react-native-google-places-autocomplete -
- prop-types -
No global configs required.
No local configs required.
Update android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
with the following XML meta tags:
<!-- You will only need to add this meta-data tag, but make sure it's a child of application -->
android:value="Your Google maps API Key Here"/>
If you want to enable Google Maps on iOS, obtain the Google API key and edit your AppDelegate.m(m)
as follows:
+ #import <GoogleMaps/GoogleMaps.h>
@implementation AppDelegate
(BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
+ [GMSServices provideAPIKey:@"_YOUR_API_KEY_"]; // add this line using the api key obtained from Google Console
The [GMSServices provideAPIKey]
should be the first call of the method.
Google Maps SDK for iOS requires iOS 13, so make sure that your deployment target is >= 13.0 in your iOS project settings.
Also make sure that your Podfile deployment target is set to >= 13.0 at the top of your Podfile, eg:
platform :ios, '13.0'
Add the following to your Podfile above the use_native_modules!
function and run pod install
in the ios folder:
# React Native Maps dependencies
# The following line is only needed if building on an Apple silicon Mac without rosetta.
pod 'Google-Maps-iOS-Utils', :git => '', :branch => 'feat/support-apple-silicon'
rn_maps_path = '../node_modules/react-native-maps'
pod 'react-native-google-maps', :path => rn_maps_path
The app's Info.plist file must contain a NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription with a user-facing purpose string explaining clearly and completely why your app needs the location, otherwise Apple will reject your app submission. This is required whether or not you are accessing the users location, as Google Maps iOS SDK contains the code required to access the users location.