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File metadata and controls

129 lines (97 loc) · 4.71 KB

How to contribute

SciGym is a library for scientific OpenAI gym reinforcement learning (RL) environments. Any RL environment which is of scientific value can be added to this library. Here, we give a brief description on how to standardize and add your scientific RL environment to SciGym.

Adding an environment

We recommend that you add any environment also to our website database at The website serves as a curator for scigym environments. However, your environment does not need to be included to the scigym package to appear on our website. Just log in with your github and upload your repository.

First, standardize your environment according to the OpenAI gym environment policy. Then you can directly make a pull request to the SciGym library such that your environment appears within the scigym package.

How to standardize your environment

There is a template that visualizes and explains all the following at

  • Create a new repo called e.g. gym-foo, which should also be a PIP package.

  • The repo should have at least the following files:


  • gym-foo/ should have:

    from setuptools import setup
            install_requires=['gym']  # And any other dependencies foo needs
  • gym-foo/gym_foo/ should have:

    from gym.envs.registration import register
  • gym-foo/gym_foo/envs/ should have:

    from gym_foo.envs.foo_env import FooEnv
  • gym-foo/gym_foo/envs/ should at least look something like:

    import gym
    from gym import error, spaces, utils
    from gym.utils import seeding
    class FooEnv(gym.Env):
        metadata = {'render.modes': ['human']}
        def __init__(self):
        def step(self, action):
        def reset(self):
        def render(self, mode='human', close=False):
        def close(self):

    A short description of each method can also be found in the template.

How to add an environment to SciGym

In order to add your standardized environment to the scigym package, follow the following steps.

  1. Fork scigym.

  2. Make a new directory with a title that appropriately captures your scientific problem at scigym/envs. For simplicity we call it scigym/envs/foo here.

  3. Copy your environment file to scigym/envs/foo/

  4. Add other relevant files to the directory scigym/envs/foo such as a

  5. Add any dependencies that your environment has to our in extras:

    extras = {
    'foo': ['Dependencies'],
  6. Additionally, in order to allow automated unit testing of your environment, add any environment specific dependencies into the file requirements.txt in the root directory of the package.

  7. Register your environment FooEnv at scigym/envs/ Take note, that if the environment is non-deterministic then this attribute should be set to true, as determinism is verified by the unit tests. :

        nondeterministic = False
  8. Import your environment in scigym/envs/foo/

    from import FooEnv
  9. Test your environment. Add your environment to the list of environments in test_random_rollout() in scigym/envs/tests/ Run python -m pytest in the root folder to test your environment.

  10. If your environment requires unit tests not covered by scigym/envs/tests/ and scigym/envs/tests/, then add an environment specific unit test into the folder scigym/envs/tests/. Scigym uses pytest for all unit tests.

  11. Make a notification that a new environment has been included in the under "What's new".

  12. If your environment should be registered under a licence other than MIT, publish your licence statement in the LICENCE file under "Special Environments".

  13. Create a branch environment/foo and commit the changes there.

  14. Create a pull request to the master branch or a new branch at