This document describes required datasets and their configuration for running experiments.
- VisualGenome version 1.4
- GloVe word vector, especially glove.6B.300d.txt from
- VQA v2.0
- Bottom-up-attention feature for VQA v2.0, especially 36 features per image (fixed)
- Bottom-up-attention feature for Visual Genome. We use official bottom-up-attention based feature extractor tools/ to extract the features from visual genome dataset. The preprocessed bottom-up-attention feature vfeat_bottomup_36.hdf5 and image information file image_info.json are available for download. Note that we preprocess bottom-up-attention feature with data/tools/visualgenome/ script.
Initial data path list is in data/init_paths.txt
We provide useful scripts for downloading and configuring third-party datasets in data/scripts directory.
GloVe data is proprocessed to extract vocabulary list with special tokens for setence processing. For the preprocessing, use the following script in path data/
# Run the script in data/
python tools/
This script will create two files:
- data/preprocessed/glove_vocab.json
- data/preprocessed/glove.6B.300d.hdf5
Because there are too many unnecessary vocabulary in GloVe, we reduce its size based on their occurrence in Visual Genome datasets.
The reduced vocabulary file can be downloaded in [link].
Place this vocabulary in data/preprocessed/new_vocab50.json
- Download link for reduced vocabulary [link]
The smaller vocabulary file is constrctured with the following scripts. Note that the result might differ due to randomness in the script, but these scripts can be used to understand the procedure for reducing vocabulary.
# Run the scripts in data/
python tools/visualgenome/
python tools/visualgenome/ --vocab_path preprocessed/glove_vocab.json
python tools/visualgenome/ --vocab_path preprocessed/glove_vocab.json
python tools/visualgenome/ --vocab_path preprocessed/glove_vocab.json
python tools/visualgenome/ --vocab_path preprocessed/glove_vocab.json --max_description_length 10
python tools/visualgenome/ --min_word_occurrence 50
Download preprocessed data for pretraining task conditional visual classifier on visual genome dataset.
- Download link for preprocessed pretraining data [link]
Extract the file in the following directory
The extracted directory should contain following files
vocab.pkl # vocabulary containing all word occurring in a visual genome dataset (including descriptions)
image_split.pkl # [train, val] split containing list of image ids from visual genome dataset
answer_dict.pkl # vocabulary of visual concepts, which are answers for learning task conditional visual classifier
object_list.pkl # names of objects (visual concept) that are used for pretraining
attribute_list.pkl # names of attributes (visual concept) that are used for pretraining
train_processed.pkl # preprocessed data including bounding boxes, visual concepts and blanked descriptions
train_image_info.pkl # dictionary from visual genome image id to index within training set (to look up extracted bottomup-attention features)
val_processed.pkl # preprocessed data including bounding boxes, visual concepts and blanked descriptions
val_image_info.pkl # dictionary from visual genome image id to index within training set (to look up extracted bottomup-attention features)
image_id2processed.pkl # all preprocessed information for visual genome image id
The preprocessed dataset is constructed by running the following script.
# Run the script in root directory /
python data/tools/visualgenome/
Our code preload all bottomup-attention features for whole dataset into ram to minimize overhead for reading feature from HDD or SDD. This approach increases the training speed significantly because reading a large features is the important bottleneck for the training speed. To support the preloading features, we should construct new feature files consisting of used images only. The following script will construct the new files.
# Run the script in root directory /
python data/tools/visualgenome/
The script will create two features for training set and validation set separately in the directory (memft_all_new_vocab50_obj3000_attr1000_maxlen10).
train_vfeat.hdf5 # visual features for visual genome training set
val_vfeat.hdf5 # visual features for visual genome validation set
For unsupervised task discovery, WordNet should be preprocessed to create word sets that are used for sampling task specifications. Use the following script to preprocess WordNet
# Run the script in root directory /
python data/tools/visualgenome/ --expand_depth=False
The script should create the wordset_dict5_depth0.pkl
file in memft_all_new_vocab50_obj3000_attr1000_maxlen10
VQA with out-of-vocabulary answers split can be downloaded from the [link].
- Download link for the VQA with out-of-vocabulary answers split [link]
Extract the file to a path
The directory should include the following files
answer_dict.pkl # dictionary for VQA answers
vocab.pkl # dictionary for all words appearing in VQA
attribute_list.pkl # list of attribute words in VQA answers
object_list.pkl # list of object words in VQA answers
merged_annotations.pkl # VQA annotations combining both original training and validation set
obj_attrs_split.pkl # Split of object and attribute words for training and testing.
qa_split.pkl # Split of question answer pairs, which is constructed based on obj_attrs_split.pkl
pure_test_qid2anno.pkl # pure test qids and their annotations for the final evaluation.
used_image_path.txt # Path to mscoco image used for learning or evaluation
If you want to understand how this split is created, refer to following scripts. The out-of-vocabulary answers split is created as follows.
# Run the script in root directory /
python data/tools/vqa_v2/ # Create out-of-vocabulary split
python data/tools/vqa_v2/ # Construct vocabulary
python data/tools/vqa_v2/
python data/tools/vqa_v2/ # Construct pure test set whose answers are not exposed to training set at all
Note that we have separate pure test set, because VQA usually have 10 different answers for each questions and we need to ensure any of these answers was not exposed during training. The pure test set is used for the final evaluation.
VQA with out-of-vocabulary answers and learned answers split can be downloaded from the [link].
- Download link for the VQA with out-of-vocabulary answers and learned answers split [link]
Extract the file to a path
The directory should include the following files
answer_dict.pkl # dictionary for VQA answers
vocab.pkl # dictionary for all words appearing in VQA
attribute_list.pkl # list of attribute words in VQA answers
object_list.pkl # list of object words in VQA answers
merged_annotations.pkl # VQA annotations combining both original training and validation set
obj_attrs_split.pkl # Split of object and attribute words for training and testing.
qa_split.pkl # Split of question answer pairs, which is constructed based on obj_attrs_split.pkl
test_detail_split.pkl # annotation for each test questions whether answer contains answer from training visual concept or not.
test_qid2anno.pkl # qid2anno for only test set questions
used_image_path.txt # Path to mscoco image used for learning or evaluation
If you want to understand how this split is created, refer to following scripts. The out-of-vocabulary answers split is created as follows.
# Run the script in root directory /
python data/tools/vqa_v2/ # Create split
python data/tools/vqa_v2/ --qa_split_dir data/preprocessed/vqa_v2/qa_split_objattr_answer_3div4_genome_memft_check_all_answer_thres1_50000_thres2_-1_with_seen_answer_in_test # Construct vocabulary
python data/tools/vqa_v2/ # If you have never run this script before
python data/tools/vqa_v2/ # Construct annotations for the final evaluation
The training script uses tf_record for loading annotations such as image id, bounding boxes and descriptions during while running the script, and uses separate visual feature file to preload all visual feature before running the script. The tf_record files are generated with the script
# Run the script in root directory /
python data/tools/vqa_v2/ --qa_split_dir ${QA_SPLIT_DIR}
To preload all visual features at once, following script is used for preprocessing bottomup-attention features.
# Run the script in root directory /
python data/tools/vqa_v2/ --tf_record_memft_dir ${QA_SPLIT_DIR}/tf_record_memft