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Virtual screening tools user guide

This repo contains a set of tools for running virtual screening operations. This guide shows how to run the tools as command line utilities.

Prepare Docker images

Whilst these scripts can be run directly we prefer to always run as Docker containers. Two images are needed. These are available on DockerHub, but if you need to build them yourself for some reason this is how...

To build the container images run this:

$ IMAGE_TAG=1.0.0 docker-compose build 

Or, to build using the latest tag: -

$ docker-compose build 

Prepare conda environments

Alternatively these processes can be run in conda environments. Use the and environment files to create a conda environments named im-vs-prep and im-vs-oddt. e.g.

conda env create -f environment-im-prep.yaml
conda activate im-vs-prep

These environments contain the tools needed to run most of these processes.


Candidate preparation using MolDB

TODO - detailed docs need to be written.

A high level summary can be found in the Squonk knowledge base:

Diverse subset selection

Optionally you can create a diverse subset of molecules to reduce the number that have to be handled. This uses the RDKit MaxMinPicker.

./ -i 16-25.smi -o 16-25-1000.smi -c 1000

Use the im-vs-prep conda environment to run this.

Or run with Docker:

docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:$PWD -w $PWD -u 1000:1000 informaticsmatters/vs-prep:$IMAGE_TAG\
  /code/ -i 16-25.smi -o 16-25-1000.smi -c 1000

Prepare PDB file for docking using OpenBabel

Docking tools need the protein to be properly prepared, which is quite a complex topic. rDock needs the protein to be input in MOL2 format, whereas smina needs it in PDBQT format, but the typical starting point is a PDB file. We'll use OpenBabel to do the conversion, and to protonate the protein at a suitable pH. This is a relatively simple and crude approach. rDock needs polar hydrogens to be present, but doesn't care if non-polar ones are present or not.

obabel data/dhfr-receptor.pdb -O dhfr-receptor-ph7.mol2 -p 7

Use the im-vs-prep conda environment to run this. Similar commands can be used to generate PDBQT format for input to smina.

Or run with Docker:

docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:$PWD -w $PWD -u 1000:1000 informaticsmatters/vs-prep:$IMAGE_TAG\
  obabel data/dhfr-receptor.pdb -O dhfr-receptor-ph7.mol2 -p 7

Prepare PDB file for docking using pdb2pqr

OpenBabel only does a very basic preparation of the protein, protonating at a specific pH but not taking the precise environment of the titratable groups into consideration. A more sophisticated approach can be performed using pdb2pqr which can correct for missing heavy atoms and, using propka can predict ionisation states including local information such as hydrogen bonding networks.

pdb2pqr30 --with-ph 7.0 --titration-state-method propka --pdb-output dhfr-receptor-ph7.pdb\
  data/dhfr-receptor.pdb dhfr-receptor-ph7.pqr

Use the im-vs-prep conda environment to run this.

Or run with Docker:

docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:$PWD -w $PWD -u 1000:1000 informaticsmatters/vs-prep:$IMAGE_TAG\
  pdb2pqr30 --with-ph 7.0 --titration-state-method propka\
  --pdb-output dhfr-receptor-ph7.pdb\
  data/dhfr-receptor.pdb dhfr-receptor-ph7.pqr

Note: if using pdb2pqr you still need to convert to MOL2 and/or PDBQT formats for docking using OpenBabel as above, but don't specify the -p 7 option so that OpenBabel does not protonate the protein.

Docking with rDock

We use the Nextflow workflow for performing the docking. This workflow splits the input SDF into multiple chunks that can be docked in parallel, and then collates the reulst into a single output and does some very basic analysis.

Before we can do this we must prepare a rDock configuration file (.prm file) and generate the cavity definition (.as file). The script can be used to do this. Currently we don't have a conda environment for this so it must be done with Docker. Before running copy the data/dhfr-ligand.mol file to this directory:

cp data/dhfr-ligand.mol .

Now create the rDock configuration:

docker run -it --rm -v $PWD/:$PWD -w $PWD -u 1000:1000 informaticsmatters/vs-rdock:$IMAGE_TAG\
  /code/ --receptor dhfr-receptor-ph7.mol2 --ligand dhfr-ligand.mol --output docking

This creates a basic docking.prm file with the rDock configuration and the file with the active site definition. You can edit the docking.prm file if you need a different configuration.

Now we can run the docking.

nextflow run\
  --ligands data/candidates.sdf\
  --protein dhfr-receptor-ph7.mol2\
  --prmfile docking.prm\
  --num_dockings 5\
  --publish_dir results

We use --num_dockings 5 to speed things up. A real run would typically use 25-50 dockings for each candidate.

Docking with smina

Alternatively we can use smina, an AutoDock VINA derivative that is faster and easier to use.

Like rDock it can handle inputs in SDF format, but needs the receptor in PDBQT fromat. It can generate the box configuration (partly equivalent of the rdock cavity definition) on the fly if you specify a sample ligand.

Prepare the PDBQT file as we did for the MOL2 file needed for rDock:

docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:$PWD -w $PWD -u 1000:1000 informaticsmatters/vs-prep:$IMAGE_TAG\
  obabel data/dhfr-receptor.pdb -O dhfr-receptor-ph7.pdbqt -p 7

And prepare the candidate ligand:

docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:$PWD -w $PWD -u 1000:1000 informaticsmatters/vs-prep:$IMAGE_TAG\
  obabel data/dhfr-ligand.mol -h -O dhfr-ligand.pdbqt

Now we can run the docking:

nextflow run\
  --ligands results/16-25-candidates.sdf\
  --protein dhfr-receptor-ph7.pdbqt\
  --ligand dhfr-ligand.pdbqt\
  --padding 4\
  --exhaustiveness 8\
  --scoring_function default\
  --publishDir results

We only expose a few of the key smina parameters. For the scoring_function you could specify ad4_scoring, dkoes_fast, dkoes_scoring, dkoes_scoring_old, vina or vinardo instead of default.

Note that the workflow is quite smart in that you can pass in the receptor and ligand in other formats and they will be converted to PDBQT format automatically.

Rescoring and interactions using ODDT

ODDT provides a wide range of tools that are useful in virtual screening. We use it to run some more sophisticated scoring functions on the docked poses and to calculate the interactions the poses make with the receptor to help in prioritising the docked poses.

To run this on the rDock results:

nextflow run --ligands results/results_rdock.sdf --protein data/dhfr-receptor.pdb --publishDir results

This generates the results/results_oddt.sdf output. This workflow can also be run on the smina poses.

Shape similarity screening using ultrafast shape recognition (USR)

Note: a case study of using USR in finding 'fragment merges' is described here.

USR and its electroshape and USRCAT derivatives can be used for ligand based virtual screening. Typically you start with the conformation of a know active and want to find molecules from a database that have similar shape (and in the case of electroshape and USRCAT complimentatry electrostatics or pharmacophore features). We can do this with the same infrastructure that we used for docking.

The screening is performed by the module which uses functionality from ODDT to run USR, electroshape or USRCAT. As input we need 3D conformers of the molecules, and to reflect the possible flexibility of the molecules it is best to generate multiple, diverse low energy conformers.

1. Generating conformers of the candidate molecules

This is done using the As input it needs a list of SMILES that is generated by the module. This might already have been done above, but if not you will want to run the Filter, Diverse subset selection, Prepare lists for enumeration and conformer generation and Enumeration steps above.

Now generate the low energy conformers.

nextflow run --inputs need-confs.smi -with-docker informaticsmatters/vs-prep:latest

This process can take a long time. Run it first on a small number of molecules to get an idea of its speed.

In brief, this process uses RDKit functionality described here and does the following:

  • generates a number of conformers of each enumerated molecule. The number generated depends on the number of rotatable bonds (see the script for details).
  • removes conformers that are similar to others generated for that molecule (the one with the lower energy is retained).
  • writes the conformers to a digest_le_confs.sdf.gz file in the sharded file system.

2. Assembling the conformers

Now we need to assemble the conformers:

./ -i 16-25.smi -o results/16-25-le-conformers.sdf -m low-energy

Use the im-vs-prep conda environment to run this.

Or run with Docker:

docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:$PWD -w $PWD -u 1000:1000 informaticsmatters/vs-prep:$IMAGE_TAG\
  /code/ -i 16-25.smi -o results/16-25-le-conformers.sdf -m low-energy

Notice the -m low-energy parameter. Above we used -m single. This option determines whether to assemble the single conformer of the enumerated molecule or the multiple low energy conformers.

3. Run the shape screening

Using the im-vs-oddt conda environment:

./ -i $D/16-25-le-conformers.sdf -q notebooks/merged1.mol -o $D/results-merge1-usrcat.sdf -t 0.55 -m usrcat -g std_smi --interval 10000

which reports:

2021-11-09T09:43:51+00:00 # INFO -EVENT-  Namespace(group_by_field='std_smi', inputs='results/16-25-le-conformers.sdf', interval=10000, method='usrcat', outfile='results/results-merge1-usrcat.sdf', query='notebooks/merged1.mol', threshold=0.55)
2021-11-09T09:43:51+00:00 # INFO -EVENT- Opening results/results-merge1-usrcat.sdf as output
2021-11-09T09:44:33+00:00 # INFO -EVENT- Processed 10000 molecules, 22 hits. 4 outputs
2021-11-09T09:45:15+00:00 # INFO -EVENT- Processed 20000 molecules, 24 hits. 6 outputs
2021-11-09T11:49:32+00:00 # INFO -EVENT- Processed 1630000 molecules, 1118 hits. 223 outputs
2021-11-09T11:50:24+00:00 # INFO -EVENT- Processed 1640000 molecules, 1118 hits. 223 outputs
2021-11-09T11:50:53+00:00 # INFO -EVENT- Processed 1645327 conformers. Generated 224 outputs. 0 errors. Average similarity is 0.2850839636971317