BlazingSQL provides a high performance distributed SQL engine in Python. Built on the RAPIDS ecosystem, it supports datascience workflows and processes scale datasets.
The ELK suite is composed of 3 tools: Elasticsearch is a search and analysis engine that extracts data, Logstash normalizes temporal data and Kibana is a visualization tool.
Jena is a Java framework for building semantic web and semantic annotation applications.
Jupyter is the reference notebook for programming with languages such as Python, Julia, Ruby, R, or even Scala.
Keycloak is an identity and authentication manager.
Mariadb is a relational database management system (RDBMS) built upon the values of performance, stability, and openness.
MinIO is a high performance distributed object storage system compatible with Amazon S3.
Neo4j is a distributed document-oriented database manager.
Neo4j is a graph-oriented relational database manager.
OpenRefine is a powerful tool for working with messy data, cleaning it up and transforming it from one format to another.
Pluto JL is a notebook for scientific computing with the Julia programming language.
pgAdmin is a graphical administration tool for PostgreSQL distributed under the terms of the PostgreSQL license.
PostgreSQL is a relational database management system (RDBMS) emphasizing extensibility and SQL compliance.
RAPIDS is a software and API library giving you the ability to run end-to-end data science and analytics pipelines entirely on GPUs.
R Studio is the reference environment / IDE for programming with R, a programming language used for data processing and statistical analysis.
Spark is a distributed computing framework. It provides a unified analysis engine for scale data processing and high-level APIs in Java, Scala, Python, and R.
TensorFlow is a software library dedicated to machine learning. Easily develop, train, and deploy models with Python. /
LINUX virtual machine to connect and control an operating system with a remote machine.
Vault secures, stores, and controls access to tokens, passwords, certificates, API keys, and other secrets of modern computing. This is the datalab safe.
Visual Studio Code is a lightweight yet powerful source code editor with a rich ecosystem of extensions for many languages.
Zeppelin is a notebook that enables interactive data-driven data analyzes and collaborative documents with SQL, Scala and more.
Discourse is a discussion forum that integrates mailing lists and several features of current social networks. is an online diagramming software.
Etherpad is an online text editor that works in collaborative mode and in real time.
FilePizza is software for fast, private and secure peer-to-peer file transfers in your browser.
Github is a web hosting and software development management service, using Git version management software.
GitLab is forging software based on git. GitLab helps improve collaboration between teams.
Gravitee API is the datalab API management tool.
Jirafeau is one click file sharing software. Select your file, upload, share a link.
Nextcloud is file hosting website software and collaboration platform.
RocketChat is a team chat collaboration platform that allows users to communicate securely in real time.
Scrumblr is a site that offers the possibility of creating a collaborative whiteboard for agile methods with colored post-it notes.
Tchap is an instant and secure messaging solution dedicated to government officials.