+ );
+export default SpeechComponent;
+### API
+The `useSpeechRecognition` hook returns an object containing the following properties:
+#### Returned Values
+- `transcript`: The final processed transcript of the recognized speech.
+- `interimTranscript`: The current intermediate transcript while speech is being processed.
+- `isListening`: A boolean indicating whether the recognition is currently active.
+- `isFinal`: A boolean indicating whether the current session has ended and the transcript is finalized.
+- `isSupported`: A boolean indicating whether the browser supports speech recognition.
+- `start()`: A function to start speech recognition.
+- `stop()`: A function to stop speech recognition.
+- `error`: An object containing any speech recognition errors that occurred.
+#### Options
+The hook accepts an options object with the following fields:
+- `lang`: The language for speech recognition (default is `"en-US"`).
+- `continuous`: If `true`, the recognition will continue until stopped manually (default: `false`).
+- `timeout`: Time in milliseconds to automatically stop recognition after no speech is detected (default: `undefined`). If left _undefined_, browsers default behaviour is respected.
+- `onUpdate`: A callback function triggered when there is an update in the transcript. Receives an object with `{ transcript, interimTranscript, isFinal }`.
+- `onError`: A callback function triggered when an error occurs. Receives an object with `{ error }`.
+### Features
+- **Customizable Language**: Set the language of recognition with the `lang` option.
+- **Continuous Listening**: Option to listen continuously for speech input.
+- **Timeout Control**: Automatically stop recognition after a set period of inactivity.
+- **Error Handling**: Receive error information via the `onError` callback.
+- **Interim and Final Transcripts**: Access both the interim (in-progress) and final transcripts.
+### Browser Compatibility
+This hook uses the native `SpeechRecognition` API (also known as `webkitSpeechRecognition` in some browsers). Below is a list of supported browsers:
+| Browser | Supported Versions |
+| ------- | ------------------ |
+| Chrome | Version 33+ |
+| Safari | Version 14+ |
+| Edge | Version 79+ |
+> Note: The `SpeechRecognition` API is not supported in Firefox or Internet Explorer. Please check for browser compatibility using the `isSupported` flag provided by the hook.
+### Contributing
+Contributions are welcome! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, feel free to create a pull request or file an issue in the repository.
+Please remember to add the changes you are making by running
+npm run add-change
+### License
## Dev
### Doing a release
@@ -11,3 +133,7 @@ After finishing your feature normally, to automatically bump version number, upd
3. Commit the changeset file(s) to your feature branch and push to Github
4. Create a PR normally, including the changeset file(s)
5. Eventually accept the PR called "Version Packages" created by the changeset bot
+## About us
+For more details about who we are, visit our website: [Intentface](https://www.intentface.com/).