Project DebugViewCmd CommandLine version of debugview++, enables piping debugview output into another process.
Project DebugView Main project, contains all WTL/ UI specific code
Project DebugView++Lib All infrastructure a 'debugview'-like application needs, but nothing UI-related,for example: filters, FileIO, PipeReader, LogSources
Project CobaltFusion Anything that is reusable beyond DebugView and has no dependencies other then C++11 (and boost while we are using vs2010)
Project Win32Lib Anything that is reusable beyond DebugView but is win32 specific It now also contains left-overs, of which some might be better moved into DebugView++/Win32Support.cpp
Project IndexedStorageLib Contains VectorStorage and SnappyStorage, two indexed-string-storage classes
class LogSources is now a container and not using the circular buffer yet
m_autoNewline should be a per-logsource setting
LogSource::Notify() is called from LogSources::Run when WaitForMultipleObjects returns and indicated that the corresponding HANDLE is signaled.
LogSource::Notify() then adds a Line to the circular buffer, or in case of autonewLine = false, into a fixed 8kb buffer of the LogSource