Since there are submodules, you need to clone recursively:
git clone --recursive
Auch pull muss recursive gemacht werden. Ich empfehle daher
git config --global submodule.recurse true
also see:
adding a new pkg you also need to add it to go work
to use it.
go work use ./pkg/<newname>
often the apt sources for go are behind. The go wiki links to longsleep/golang-backports PPA:
sudo echo "deb jammy main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/golang.list
sudo echo "deb-src jammy main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/golang.list
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 876B22BA887CA91614B5323FC631127F87FA12D1
sudo apt update
sudo apt install golang-go
please first generate the version number: ./.github/scripts/
then build with go build -o ./bin/ical-relay ./cmd/ical-relay/
docker compose -f up --build --force-recreate
the VTIMEZONE compatibility modes need ics vtimezone data. a github worklfow generates them, so easiest is to download them from the workflow. the workflow can be called via dispatch, so should be easily availible. Then download it to XXX to be included by go embed. If not you can use the following very short instructions inside a debian docker container to generate them
git clone
apt install gcc libgtk-3-dev
in Makefile
OLSON_DIR = tzdata2024a
PRODUCT_ID = //jm-lemmi//ical-relay-timezones//EN
olson dir can be set to a new olson download, but the current repo includes the 2024a already tzid_prefix should be empty, because we dont need versioning of the tz
make -B
this creates the folder zoneinfo with all ics files for the zones. wen can then combine all the single ics files into a giant file to embed with the scirpt in the workflow (copy it out and run with bash)