While designing this little piece of software, I tried my best to adhere to the MVC (Model, View, Control) pattern, which is a common practice in developing a interactive software. In short, the relation between M, V, C can be summarized as: View shows things of Model, Model hold things, Controller changes things in Model. It's not just a matter of formality. I have read and written many programs that have the controllers' function stuffed inside models and things imploded miserably in the end (even this program was very closed to becoming a victim in the middle), thus it is necessary to draw the border properly. The usage of Qt greatly simplified the workflow and make doing decent MVC jobs not too much a pain.
When designing the interface, I made an attempt to mimic the design of the cockpit of an Airbus aeroplane. I use the font they designed for their flight computer called B612, which provides good legibility and comfort of reading, and kept text in all caps. The attempt is largely successful. The result is a professionally-looking interface that does it job beautifully.
The only model in this program is the ChannelModel
in channel_model.py
It wraps up all data and information of a channel, including intermediate
parameters passing between different part of the program, therefore can be seen
as a hub of communications. I did make some auxiliary tools, e.g.
a data structure that efficiently handles round-robin type of data (I call it
, if you use the native wavemonitor monitoring program coming with HighFineness, you know what it means), -
a set of pre-defined channel alerts (in
, although not of of these are alerts, some are just status information).
But all in all, these components are all under the command of their master
A very important function of ChannelModel
is: it serves as a switch board,
it holds all the signals that are being triggered and listened by different
components. Basically, signals are the tools for some components to notice
others something has happened, you need to react.
By avoiding straight-forward function-calls among modules with different
roles but intercommunicate through subscribing to a signal and firing a signal,
the modularity of controllers and views is gracefully preserved, and nothing is
stitched together in ugly, dangerous ways.
Major headaches that appears if one tries to cook up some naive version of
Qt's signal system (warning, this would be very unwise!) would include
threads synchronizing, correctly dealing with discard objects that has signal
connect to it, etc. Qt's signal system has solution to almost all of these
headaches. Therefore it's not hard to understand why it's a good choice to let
Qt's mature signal system to handle all the hassles for you.
For the parts that don't use signals to communicate, they must be nasty and I shall be the culprit (they might be written at 11pm at night when I was not completely sober), and should be tweaked with enough care.
In one word, one should always refrain from directly calling function of a controller inside a view or vice versa, except under the case that it is absolutely necessary and safe to do so. Use signals as far as one can.
Views are interesting. As you've seen, this little program has the so-called dashboard view and single channel view. Also, they are used under the wrapper called main window.
Dashboard view comprises of ChannelView
s. Each channel is represented by a
row in the screen (I like to call them channel strip). The components (a.k.a.
in Qt's jargon) of each channel strip are stored in their
corresponding ChannelView
It listens to a lot of signals that are fired when new data is available, and
also fires signals when users interact with widgets to interact with
Single channel view is much simpler. The way it used to painlessly handle
different kinds of data is to invoke GraphableDataProvider
, which provides
a uniform interface of procuring data.
A important little widget called ChannelSetupWidget
was used in both views.
It, as the name says, is the widget used to configure each channels. It
generates ChannelModel
s and pass them to views.
One major challenge of building the user interface was styling. Since I
decided to go with a cockpit design, I've lost the ease of using pre-baked Qt
widget styling that comes right out of the box. I spent some time polishing
each widget to make them look right. The result is a series of widgets in the
folder (some come with special functions, not just styling),
cooperating with a stylesheet style.qss
. They can be recycled in the future,
when writing other program of this like.
Another interesting fact to note is: in the dashboard view, the widget I used
to display graphs is actually the QChart
, which is the native Qt widget to
display graphs. It doesn't have a huge amount of interactive components like
, but I think it should be faster, given the fact it is native to
Qt. I used pyqtgraph
in the single channel view. However, in the end, I don't
really find pyqtgraph
is slower, or QChart
turns out to have a
significant edge over pyqtgraph
. A detailed profiling may help to tell the
The data inside ChannelModel
is controlled by Monitor
, which does the real
communication with the devices and fetches the data back. One fact worth noting:
The monitoring process happens in another thread. The painting of the
user-interface and responding to users action is carried out in the Qt's
main-event-loop thread. Monitoring involves waiting for the response of the
device. Doing them inside the main thread will inevitably cause lags and even
freeze the whole program. But it also brings the whole can of worms of
multi-threading, like the common synchronization problems.
The synchronization problems were amplified by the other controller,
which receives both the signals from users (main thread) and
the monitoring thread. AlertTracker
is used to keep track fo the status of
the channel. A channel will emit alerts during its life time, some of them
are just status information like QUEUED
Sometimes things go south, that's when OUT OF LOCK
appears and the channel strip starts to flashing. These functions rely on
the Monitor
emitting alert signals, the AlertTracker
receiving signals,
figuring out who is the most urgent one to display, and who is to be superseded
by who, etc. It is actually the (logically) most complicated part of this
entire program and would be definitely reused by me in other programs in the
In Qt, signals are queued and executing in the main thread, but having two
threads emitting signals at the same moment could cause some confusion of the
order of the alert sequence. However, if monitoring thread itself messed up
the alert system, then it basically means things inside the AlertTracker
is wrong, not some threading problems.