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Null safety is a Kotlin feature designed to significantly reduce the risk of null references, also known as The Billion-Dollar Mistake.

One of the most common pitfalls in many programming languages, including Java, is that accessing a member of a null reference results in a null reference exception. In Java, this would be the equivalent of a NullPointerException, or an NPE for short.

Kotlin explicitly supports nullability as part of its type system, meaning you can explicitly declare which variables or properties are allowed to be null. Also, when you declare non-null variables, the compiler enforces that these variables cannot hold a null value, preventing an NPE.

Kotlin's null safety ensures safer code by catching potential null-related issues at compile time rather than runtime. This feature improves code robustness, readability, and maintainability by explicitly expressing null values, making the code easier to understand and manage.

The only possible causes of an NPE in Kotlin are:

  • An explicit call to throw NullPointerException().
  • Usage of the not-null assertion operator !!.
  • Data inconsistency during initialization, such as when:
  • Java interoperation:
    • Attempts to access a member of a null reference of a platform type.
    • Nullability issues with generic types. For example, a piece of Java code adding null into a Kotlin MutableList<String>, which would require MutableList<String?> to handle it properly.
    • Other issues caused by external Java code.

Besides NPE, another exception related to null safety is UninitializedPropertyAccessException. Kotlin throws this exception when you try to access a property that has not been initialized, ensuring that non-nullable properties are not used until they are ready. This typically happens with lateinit properties.


Nullable types and non-nullable types

In Kotlin, the type system distinguishes between types that can hold null (nullable types) and those that cannot (non-nullable types). For example, a regular variable of type String cannot hold null:

fun main() {
    // Assigns a non-null string to a variable
    var a: String = "abc"
    // Attempts to re-assign null to the non-nullable variable
    a = null
    // Null can not be a value of a non-null type String

{kotlin-runnable="true" validate="false"}

You can safely call a method or access a property on a. It's guaranteed not to cause an NPE because a is a non-nullable variable. The compiler ensures that a always holds a valid String value, so there's no risk of accessing its properties or methods when it's null:

fun main() {
    // Assigns a non-null string to a variable
    val a: String = "abc"
    // Returns the length of a non-nullable variable
    val l = a.length
    // 3

{kotlin-runnable="true" validate="false"}

To allow null values, declare a variable with a ? sign right after the variable type. For example, you can declare a nullable string by writing String?. This expression makes String a type that can accept null:

fun main() {
    // Assigns a nullable string to a variable
    var b: String? = "abc"
    // Successfully re-assigns null to the nullable variable
    b = null
    // null


If you try accessing length directly on b, the compiler reports an error. This is because b is declared as a nullable variable and can hold null values. Attempting to access properties on nullables directly leads to an NPE:

fun main() {
    // Assigns a nullable string to a variable  
    var b: String? = "abc"
    // Re-assigns null to the nullable variable
    b = null
    // Tries to directly return the length of a nullable variable
    val l = b.length
    // Only safe (?.) or non-null asserted (!!.) calls are allowed on a nullable receiver of type String? 

{kotlin-runnable="true" kotlin-min-compiler-version="2.0" validate="false"}

In the example above, the compiler requires you to use safe calls to check for nullability before accessing properties or performing operations. There are several ways to handle nullables:

Read the next sections for details and examples of null handling tools and techniques.

Check for null with the if conditional

When working with nullable types, you need to handle nullability safely to avoid an NPE. One way to handle this is checking for nullability explicitly with the if conditional expression.

For example, check whether b is null and then access b.length:

fun main() {
    // Assigns null to a nullable variable
    val b: String? = null
    // Checks for nullability first and then accesses length
    val l = if (b != null) b.length else -1
    // -1


In the example above, the compiler performs a smart cast to change the type from nullable String? to non-nullable String. It also tracks the information about the check you performed and allows the call to length inside the if conditional.

More complex conditions are supported as well:

fun main() {
    // Assigns a nullable string to a variable  
    val b: String? = "Kotlin"

    // Checks for nullability first and then accesses length
    if (b != null && b.length > 0) {
        print("String of length ${b.length}")
    // Provides alternative if the condition is not met  
    } else {
        print("Empty string")
        // String of length 6


Note that the example above only works when the compiler can guarantee that b doesn't change between the check and its usage, same as the smart cast prerequisites.

Safe call operator

The safe call operator ?. allows you to handle nullability safely in a shorter form. Instead of throwing an NPE, if the object is null, the ?. operator simply returns null:

fun main() {
    // Assigns a nullable string to a variable  
    val a: String? = "Kotlin"
    // Assigns null to a nullable variable
    val b: String? = null
    // Checks for nullability and returns length or null
    // 6
    // null


The b?.length expression checks for nullability and returns b.length if b is non-null, or null otherwise. The type of this expression is Int?.

You can use the ?. operator with both var and val variables in Kotlin:

  • A nullable var can hold a null (for example, var nullableValue: String? = null) or a non-null value (for example, var nullableValue: String? = "Kotlin"). If it's a non-null value, you can change it to null at any point.
  • A nullable val can hold a null (for example, val nullableValue: String? = null) or a non-null value (for example, val nullableValue: String? = "Kotlin"). If it's a non-null value, you cannot change it to null subsequently.

Safe calls are useful in chains. For example, Bob is an employee who may be assigned to a department (or not). That department may, in turn, have another employee as a department head. To obtain the name of Bob's department head (if there is one), you write the following:


This chain returns null if any of its properties are null. Here's the equivalent of the same safe call but with the if conditional:

if (person != null && person.department != null) {
    person.department.head = managersPool.getManager()

You can also place a safe call on the left side of an assignment:

person?.department?.head = managersPool.getManager()

In the example above, if one of the receivers in the safe call chain is null, the assignment is skipped, and the expression on the right is not evaluated at all. For example, if either person or person.department is null, the function is not called.

Elvis operator

When working with nullable types, you can check for null and provide an alternative value. For example, if b is not null, access b.length. Otherwise, return an alternative value:

fun main() {
    // Assigns null to a nullable variable  
    val b: String? = null
    // Checks for nullability. If not null, returns length. If null, returns 0
    val l: Int = if (b != null) b.length else 0
    // 0


Instead of writing the complete if expression, you can handle this in a more concise way with the Elvis operator ?::

fun main() {
    // Assigns null to a nullable variable  
    val b: String? = null
    // Checks for nullability. If not null, returns length. If null, returns a non-null value
    val l = b?.length ?: 0
    // 0


If the expression to the left of ?: is not null, the Elvis operator returns it. Otherwise, the Elvis operator returns the expression to the right. The expression on the right-hand side is evaluated only if the left-hand side is null.

Since throw and return are expressions in Kotlin, you can also use them on the right-hand side of the Elvis operator. This can be handy, for example, when checking function arguments:

fun foo(node: Node): String? {
    // Checks for getParent(). If not null, it's assigned to parent. If null, returns null
    val parent = node.getParent() ?: return null
    // Checks for getName(). If not null, it's assigned to name. If null, throws exception
    val name = node.getName() ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("name expected")
    // ...

Not-null assertion operator

The not-null assertion operator !! converts any value to a non-nullable type.

When you apply the !! operator to a variable whose value is not null, it's safely handled as a non-nullable type, and the code executes normally. However, if the value is null, the !! operator forces it to be treated as non-nullable, which results in an NPE.

When b is not null and the !! operator makes it return its non-null value (which is a String in this example), it accesses length correctly:

fun main() {
    // Assigns a nullable string to a variable  
    val b: String? = "Kotlin"
    // Treats b as non-null and accesses its length
    val l = b!!.length
    // 6


When b is null and the !! operator makes it return its non-null value, and an NPE occurs:

fun main() {
    // Assigns null to a nullable variable  
    val b: String? = null
    // Treats b as non-null and tries to access its length
    val l = b!!.length
    // Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException

{kotlin-runnable="true" kotlin-min-compiler-version="2.0" validate="false"}

The !! operator is particularly useful when you are confident that a value is not null and there’s no chance of getting an NPE, but the compiler cannot guarantee this due to certain rules. In such cases, you can use the !! operator to explicitly tell the compiler that the value is not null.

Nullable receiver

You can use extension functions with a nullable receiver type, allowing these functions to be called on variables that might be null.

By defining an extension function on a nullable receiver type, you can handle null values within the function itself instead of checking for null at every place where you call the function.

For example, the .toString() extension function can be called on a nullable receiver. When invoked on a null value, it safely returns the string "null" without throwing an exception:

fun main() {
    // Assigns null to a nullable Person object stored in the person variable
    val person: Person? = null

    // Applies .toString to the nullable person variable and prints a string
    // null

// Defines a simple Person class
data class Person(val name: String)


In the example above, even though person is null, the .toString() function safely returns the string "null". This can be helpful for debugging and logging.

If you expect the .toString() function to return a nullable string (either a string representation or null), use the safe-call operator ?.. The ?. operator calls .toString() only if the object is not null, otherwise it returns null:

fun main() {
    // Assigns a nullable Person object to a variable
    val person1: Person? = null
    val person2: Person? = Person("Alice")

    // Prints "null" if person is null; otherwise prints the result of person.toString()
    // null
    // Person(name=Alice)

// Defines a Person class
data class Person(val name: String)


The ?. operator allows you to safely handle potential null values while still accessing properties or functions of objects that might be null.

Let function

To handle null values and perform operations only on non-null types, you can use the safe call operator ?. together with the let function.

This combination is useful for evaluating an expression, check the result for null, and execute code only if it's not null, avoiding manual null checks:

fun main() {
    // Declares a list of nullable strings
    val listWithNulls: List<String?> = listOf("Kotlin", null)

    // Iterates over each item in the list
    for (item in listWithNulls) {
        // Checks if the item is null and only prints non-null values
        item?.let { println(it) }


Safe casts

The regular Kotlin operator for type casts is the as operator. However, regular casts can result in an exception if the object is not of the target type.

You can use the as? operator for safe casts. It tries to cast a value to the specified type and returns null if the value is not of that type:

fun main() {
    // Declares a variable of type Any, which can hold any type of value
    val a: Any = "Hello, Kotlin!"

    // Safe casts to Int using the 'as?' operator
    val aInt: Int? = a as? Int
    // Safe casts to String using the 'as?' operator
    val aString: String? = a as? String

    // null
    // "Hello, Kotlin!"


The code above prints null because a is not an Int, so the cast fails safely. It also prints "Hello, Kotlin!" because it matches the String? type, so the safe cast succeeds.

Collections of a nullable type

If you have a collection of nullable elements and want to keep only the non-null ones, use the filterNotNull() function:

fun main() {
    // Declares a list containing some null and non-null integer values
    val nullableList: List<Int?> = listOf(1, 2, null, 4)

    // Filters out null values, resulting in a list of non-null integers
    val intList: List<Int> = nullableList.filterNotNull()
    // [1, 2, 4]


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