A program that gives the user a list or chart of their spare PC game codes and their respective grey market place value.
Either install the requried libraries that are listed in requirements.txt
or install a Python virtual enviornment first.
To Install a virtual enviornment
python3 -m venv venv
To activate/enter the virtual environment in Windows
To activate/enter the virtual environment in a Unix based enviornment (Linux or macOS)
source venv/bin/activate
To install the required Python libraries (Whether inside a virtual environment or instaling it outside)
pip3 install -r .\requirements.txt
Some linux based installations of Python3 won't come with tkinter (Python de facto GUI) installed (used for file selection). Use the apt-get command below to install the library if you get such an error
sudo apt-get install python3-tk
There is an option to enter the files as a string so that the GUI isn't used if the user doesn't have a GUI based desktop installed. Currently the program requires the module to run properly.
python3 game_pricer.py
to run the program
To utilize the feature of converting a txt file of a list of games, the games in the files must be seperated by lines. See files/games.txt for an example.
- Take games from a .txt file (games should be seperated by lines) and give back a JSON file that has their respective grey market price listed. That JSON file can then be converted into a table that is saved to a .txt file.
- The table can be ordered from ascending, desending (in price) or left the way the games are given.
- Can find prices of individual games.
- To see the mean of the first couple of listed prices. Or the lowest listed depending on if the amount of listings doesn't exceed a minimum. The option to only do the lowest listed should be avaiable.
- Have it exclude a listing based on the DRM of it (Steam/Epic Games Store/Rockstar Games Launcher/GOG/Ubisoft Launcher (UPlay)/EA Games Launcher)
- Include whether or not a product has been bundeled before