Before UDSource, Numaflow has the following logic to determine whether to enable auto-scaling for a source vertex.
func (v Vertex) Scalable() bool {
// ...
if v.IsASource() {
src := v.Spec.Source
if src.Kafka != nil {
return true
return false
It basically says only Kafka source is scalable.
Now that we introduced UDSource, how do we determine if it's scalable? And if a UDSource is scalable, how do we auto-scale it?
I propose that if a source vertex is a UDSource, it is scalable.
I propose to continue using the existing auto-scaling logic.
The UDSource implements a real pending()
method. real means the method actually contains logic to consult the source and get a real pending count. The count can be positive, 0 and negative. negative means the pending information is temporarily unavailable on the server side.
The UDSource doesn't support pending
, hence it's always returning a negative number. The numaflow grpc_udsource will treat it as isb.PendingNotAvailable
There is an error occurring on the server side, hence pending
returns an error. The numaflow metric server will treat the error as isb.PendingNotAvailable
, log the error and continue the program without recording any pending information.
The 3 scenarios essentially lead to two branches: 1. non-negative pending count and 2. isb.PendingNotAvailable
- The Metrics Server will build the pending information.
- The vertex is defined as scalable because it's UDSource. The auto-scaler is watching the vertex.
- When scaling
- The scaler successfully gets a pending count.
- The scaler calculates
and then scales the vertex accordingly. GOOD.
- The Metrics Server will skip building the pending information.
- The auto-scaler watches the vertex.
- When scaling
- The scaler can't get a pending count.
- The scaler doesn't do anything. ALSO GOOD.
- For sources that are NOT scalable, like HTTP, how do we set the replica count?
Numaflow looks for the replicas
specification from the pipeline spec. If not specified, 1.
The controller uses the spec as desired replicas. So for HTTP, if not specified, the vertex by default has 1 replica and it will never scale up or down.
- If the source vertex ever scaled down to 0, with a UDSource not implementing a real
. Both pending and rate will be nil, in this case, will the vertex ever scale up?
Yes. It will. Because when a vertex has been scaled down to 0 for a certain amount of time. Auto-scaler will scale it up to 1. This happens before the pending
and rate
metrics kick in.
- How is the change tested?
Tested with a user-defined Kafka source. Verified that the source vertex can scale.