- Support for AVI2.0 formatted files. Now this library can handle files larger than 1GB.
- Added methods to Frames, including #index, #rindex, #first_of, and #last_of
- Removed warnings for the file size getting large.
- Added the class AviGlitch::Avi which manages binary RIFF-AVI data.
- A lot of internal changes.
- Removed obsolete dependencies.
- Fix Frames#concat and two other method to return self.
- Some internal changes.
- Added an enumerator style on AviGlitch::Base#glitch and AviGlitch::Frames#each
- Added AviGlitch::Base#remove_all_keyframes!
- Renamed #clear_keyframes! to #mutate_keyframes_into_deltaframes!
- Improved the processing speed in some measure.
- Some minor fixes.
- Added has_keyframe? method to AviGlitch::Base
- Added a --fake option to datamosh cli.
- Fix to be able to handle data with offsets from 0 of the file.
- Added clear_keyframes! method to AviGlitch::Frames and AviGlitch::Base.
- Changed to be able to access frame's meta data.
- Changed datamosh command to handle wildcard char.
- Fixed a bug with windows.
- Some tiny fixes.
- Minor version up.
- Fixed bugs with Ruby 1.8.7.
- Fixed the synchronization problem with datamosh cli.
- Changed AviGlitch::Frames allowing to slice and concatenate frames (like Array).
- Changed datamosh cli to accept multiple files.
- Removed AviGlitch#new. Use AviGlitch#open instead of #new.
- Added warning for a large file.
- Changed datamosh command interface.
- Changed the library file layout.
- And tiny internal changes.
- initial release