From 56285447181e64d0a45854d9d48af66a03470e54 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: jaipack17 <> Date: Tue, 18 May 2021 23:08:35 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 1/5] feat(kibbeh): created en-CODE language --- en-CODE/translation.json | 406 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 406 insertions(+) create mode 100644 en-CODE/translation.json diff --git a/en-CODE/translation.json b/en-CODE/translation.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..883446a98 --- /dev/null +++ b/en-CODE/translation.json @@ -0,0 +1,406 @@ +{ + "_comment": "if you change this file, do: yarn i18", + "common": { + "loadMore": "loadMore();", + "loading": "...loading", + "noUsersFound": "ERR: No users found!", + "ok": "ok", + "yes": "yes", + "no": "no", + "cancel": "cancel", + "save": "save()", + "edit": "edit()", + "delete": "delete()", + "joinRoom": "joinRoom()", + "copyLink": "console.copy", + "copied": "copied", + "formattedIntlDate": "{{date, intlDate}}", + "formattedIntlTime": "{{time, intlTime}}", + "requestPermissions": "Please note running DogeHouse without accessibility permissions may cause unwanted console errors", + "copy": "copy", + "error": "error" + }, + "header": { + "_comment": "Main Header UI Internationalization Strings", + "title": "Doge.House()", + "dashboard": "./dashboard", + "connectionTaken": "ERR: connection taken", + "mutedTitle": "user.mute() | Doge.House()", + "deafenedTitle": "user.deafen() | Doge.House()" + }, + "footer": { + "_comment": "Main Footer UI Internationalization Strings", + "link_1": "origin story", + "link_2": "discord", + "link_3": "make a github issue" + }, + "pages": { + "_comment": "Respective Page UI Internationalization Strings", + "botEdit": { + "yourBots": "Your clients", + "bots": "clients", + "title": "client.information", + "apiKey": "process.env.APIKEY", + "regenerate": "regen();", + "reveal": "hack into .env" + }, + "admin": { + "ban": "ban();", + "userStaffandContrib": "user staff & contributions", + "staff": "staff: ", + "contributions": "contributions", + "username": "username", + "usrStaff": "user staff", + "usrContributions": "user contributions", + "reason": "reason", + "usernamePlaceholder": "username to perform actions on" + }, + "download": { + "prompt": "download the Doge.House() desktop app", + "download_for": "download for %platform% (%ext%)", + "failed": "unable to detect platform, please try again later or visit gitHub releases", + "visit_gh": "visit gitHub releases" + }, + "followingOnlineList": { + "title": "programmers", + "listHeader": "list of users that are not in a private room and you follow.", + "currentRoom": "Currently in:", + "startPrivateRoom": "start a private room with them" + }, + "followList": { + "title": "programmers", + "followHim": "follow();", + "followingHim": "user.following", + "followingNone": "not following anyone", + "noFollowers": "no followers | null" + }, + "home": { + "createRoom": "new file", + "editRoom": "edit file", + "refresh": "refresh", + "desktopAlert": "download the Doge.House() desktop app today!" + }, + "inviteList": { + "roomGone": "room gone; go back", + "shareRoomLink": "link.share", + "inviteFollowers": "you can invite your followers that are online:", + "whenFollowersOnline": "when your followers are online, they will show up here." + }, + "login": { + "headerText": "Taking voice conversations to the moon 🚀", + "featureText_1": "dark theme", + "featureText_2": "open sign-ups", + "featureText_3": "cross-platform support", + "featureText_4": "open source", + "featureText_5": "sonar chat", + "featureText_6": "powered by doge", + "loginGithub": "login with gitHub", + "loginTwitter": "login with twitter", + "loginDiscord": "login with discord", + "createTestUser": "create test user" + }, + "myProfile": { + "logout": "user.logout();", + "probablyLoading": "probably loading...", + "voiceSettings": "voice-config.json", + "overlaySettings": "overlay-config.json", + "soundSettings": "sound-config.json", + "deleteAccount": "account.delete();", + "couldNotFindUser": "ERR: could not find 'user' of null", + "privacySettings": "privacy-config.json" + }, + "notFound": { + "whoopsError": "ERR: this page got lost in conversation.", + "goHomeMessage": "not to worry. you can. npm will handle it for you", + "goHomeLinkText": "home.js" + }, + "privacySettings": { + "title": "privacy-config.json", + "header": "privacy-config.json", + "whispers": { + "label": "whispers", + "on": ".on()", + "off": ".off()" + } + }, + "room": { + "speakers": "speakers", + "requestingToSpeak": "requesting to speak", + "listeners": "listeners", + "allowAll": "allow all", + "allowAllConfirm": "are you sure? 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"visit_gh": "visit gitHub releases" - }, - "followingOnlineList": { - "title": "programmers", - "listHeader": "list of users that are not in a private room and you follow.", - "currentRoom": "Currently in:", - "startPrivateRoom": "start a private room with them" - }, - "followList": { - "title": "programmers", - "followHim": "follow();", - "followingHim": "user.following", - "followingNone": "not following anyone", - "noFollowers": "no followers | null" - }, - "home": { - "createRoom": "new file", - "editRoom": "edit file", - "refresh": "refresh", - "desktopAlert": "download the Doge.House() desktop app today!" - }, - "inviteList": { - "roomGone": "room gone; go back", - "shareRoomLink": "link.share", - "inviteFollowers": "you can invite your followers that are online:", - "whenFollowersOnline": "when your followers are online, they will show up here." - }, - "login": { - "headerText": "Taking voice conversations to the moon 🚀", - "featureText_1": "dark theme", - "featureText_2": "open 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b/kibbeh/public/locales/en-CODE/translation.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..883446a98 --- /dev/null +++ b/kibbeh/public/locales/en-CODE/translation.json @@ -0,0 +1,406 @@ +{ + "_comment": "if you change this file, do: yarn i18", + "common": { + "loadMore": "loadMore();", + "loading": "...loading", + "noUsersFound": "ERR: No users found!", + "ok": "ok", + "yes": "yes", + "no": "no", + "cancel": "cancel", + "save": "save()", + "edit": "edit()", + "delete": "delete()", + "joinRoom": "joinRoom()", + "copyLink": "console.copy", + "copied": "copied", + "formattedIntlDate": "{{date, intlDate}}", + "formattedIntlTime": "{{time, intlTime}}", + "requestPermissions": "Please note running DogeHouse without accessibility permissions may cause unwanted console errors", + "copy": "copy", + "error": "error" + }, + "header": { + "_comment": "Main Header UI Internationalization Strings", + "title": "Doge.House()", + "dashboard": "./dashboard", + "connectionTaken": "ERR: connection taken", + "mutedTitle": "user.mute() | Doge.House()", + "deafenedTitle": "user.deafen() | Doge.House()" + }, + "footer": { + "_comment": "Main Footer UI Internationalization Strings", + "link_1": "origin story", + "link_2": "discord", + "link_3": "make a github issue" + }, + "pages": { + "_comment": "Respective Page UI Internationalization Strings", + "botEdit": { + "yourBots": "Your clients", + "bots": "clients", + "title": "client.information", + "apiKey": "process.env.APIKEY", + "regenerate": "regen();", + "reveal": "hack into .env" + }, + "admin": { + "ban": "ban();", + "userStaffandContrib": "user staff & contributions", + "staff": "staff: ", + "contributions": "contributions", + "username": "username", + "usrStaff": "user staff", + "usrContributions": "user contributions", + "reason": "reason", + "usernamePlaceholder": "username to perform actions on" + }, + "download": { + "prompt": "download the Doge.House() desktop app", + "download_for": "download for %platform% (%ext%)", + "failed": "unable to detect platform, please try again later or visit gitHub releases", + "visit_gh": "visit gitHub releases" + }, + "followingOnlineList": { + "title": "programmers", + "listHeader": "list of users that are not in a private room and you follow.", + "currentRoom": "Currently in:", + "startPrivateRoom": "start a private room with them" + }, + "followList": { + "title": "programmers", + "followHim": "follow();", + "followingHim": "user.following", + "followingNone": "not following anyone", + "noFollowers": "no followers | null" + }, + "home": { + "createRoom": "new file", + "editRoom": "edit file", + "refresh": "refresh", + "desktopAlert": "download the Doge.House() desktop app today!" + }, + "inviteList": { + "roomGone": "room gone; go back", + "shareRoomLink": "link.share", + "inviteFollowers": "you can invite your followers that are online:", + "whenFollowersOnline": "when your followers are online, they will show up here." + }, + "login": { + "headerText": "Taking voice conversations to the moon 🚀", + "featureText_1": "dark theme", + "featureText_2": "open sign-ups", + "featureText_3": "cross-platform support", + "featureText_4": "open source", + "featureText_5": "sonar chat", + "featureText_6": "powered by doge", + "loginGithub": "login with gitHub", + "loginTwitter": "login with twitter", + "loginDiscord": "login with discord", + "createTestUser": "create test user" + }, + "myProfile": { + "logout": "user.logout();", + "probablyLoading": "probably loading...", + "voiceSettings": "voice-config.json", + "overlaySettings": "overlay-config.json", + "soundSettings": "sound-config.json", + "deleteAccount": "account.delete();", + "couldNotFindUser": "ERR: could not find 'user' of null", + "privacySettings": "privacy-config.json" + }, + "notFound": { + "whoopsError": "ERR: this page got lost in conversation.", + "goHomeMessage": "not to worry. you can. npm will handle it for you", + "goHomeLinkText": "home.js" + }, + "privacySettings": { + "title": "privacy-config.json", + "header": "privacy-config.json", + "whispers": { + "label": "whispers", + "on": ".on()", + "off": ".off()" + } + }, + "room": { + "speakers": "speakers", + "requestingToSpeak": "requesting to speak", + "listeners": "listeners", + "allowAll": "allow all", + "allowAllConfirm": "are you sure? This will allow all {{count}} requesting users to speak" + }, + "searchUser": { + "search": "ctrl+f..." + }, + "soundEffectSettings": { + "title": "sound-config.json", + "header": "sounds", + "playSound": "play sound" + }, + "viewUser": { + "editProfile": "edit profile.json", + "followsYou": "follows you: true", + "followers": "followers", + "following": "following", + "followHim": "follow();", + "unfollow": "unfollow()", + "followingHim": "following: true", + "block": "block({reason: 'bad'})", + "unblock": "unblock()", + "sendDM": "send dm", + "copyProfileUrl": "profileURL.copy();", + "urlCopied": "copied", + "about": "about", + "aboutSuffix": "", + "bot": "bot: true", + "errors": { + "blocked": "this user has blocked you.", + + "default": "ERR: couldn't load this user." + }, + "profileTabs": { + "about": "_about", + "rooms": "_rooms", + "scheduled": "_scheduled", + "recorded": "_Recorded", + "clips": "_clips", + "admin": "_admin" + } + }, + "voiceSettings": { + "title": "voice-config.json", + "header": "voice-config.json", + "mic": "mic:", + "permissionError": "ERR: no mics found, you either have none plugged in or haven't given this website permission.", + "refresh": "mic-list.refresh()", + "volume": "volume:" + }, + "overlaySettings": { + "header": "overlay-config.json", + "input": { + "errorMsg": "ERR: please enter a valid app title", + "label": "app.title" + } + } + }, + "components": { + "_comment": "Component UI Internationalization Strings", + "avatar": {}, + "backBar": {}, + "blockedFromRoomUsers": { + "header": "room.banned", + "unban": "unban();", + "noBans": "node(6969): no one has been banned yet" + }, + "bottomVoiceControl": { + "leaveCurrentRoomBtn": "room.leave()", + "confirmLeaveRoom": "WARNING: are you sure you want to leave?", + "leave": "room.leave()", + "inviteUsersToRoomBtn": "room.inviteURL", + "invite": "invite()", + "toggleMuteMicBtn": "toggleMute()", + "toggleDeafMicBtn": "toggleDeafen()", + "mute": "mute()", + "unmute": "unmute()", + "deafen": "deafen()", + "undeafen": "undeafen()", + "makeRoomPublicBtn": "room.public: true", + "settings": "config.json", + "speaker": "speaker", + "listener": "listener", + "chat": "console" + }, + "deviceNotSupported": { + "notSupported": "ERR: your device is currently not supported. you can create an", + "linkText": "issue on gitHub", + "addSupport": "and i will try adding support for your device." + }, + "followingOnline": { + "people": "programmers", + "online": "CODING", + "noOnline": "friends-online: 0;", + "showMore": "fetchMore()" + }, + "inviteButton": { + "invited": "invited!", + "inviteToRoom": "invite to room" + }, + "messagesDropdown": { + "title": "console logs", + "showMore": "fetchMore()", + "noMessages": "no new console logs" + }, + "micPermissionBanner": { + "permissionDenied": "ERR: permission denied trying to access your mic (you may need to go into browser settings and reload the page)", + "dismiss": "dismiss", + "tryAgain": "try again" + }, + "keyboardShortcuts": { + "setKeybind": "setKeybind()", + "listening": "listening...", + "toggleMuteKeybind": "", + "toggleDeafKeybind": "", + "toggleOverlayKeybind": "", + "togglePushToTalkKeybind": "" + }, + "userVolumeSlider": { + "noAudioMessage": "ERR: no audio consumer for some reason" + }, + "upcomingRoomsCard": { + "upcomingRooms": "upcoming files", + "exploreMoreRooms": "explore more files" + }, + "addToCalendar": { + "add": "calendar.add()" + }, + "wsKilled": { + "description": "app crashed: websocket was killed by the server. This usually happens when you open the website in another tab.", + "reconnect": "reconnect()" + }, + "search": { + "placeholder": "search for files, programmers or categories", + "placeholderShort": "find()" + }, + "settingsDropdown": { + "profile": "profile", + "language": "language", + "reportABug": "report a bug", + "useOldVersion": "use old version", + "logOut": { + "button": "logout()", + "modalSubtitle": "WARNING: are you sure you want to logout?" + }, + "debugAudio": { + "debugAudio": "audio.debug()", + "stopDebugger": "debugger.stop()" + }, + "downloadApp": "download app", + "developer": "developer-config.json" + }, + "userBadges": { + "dhStaff": "Doge.House() staff", + "dhContributor": "Doge.House() contributor" + }, + "modals": { + "createBotModal": { + "usernameTaken": "username is taken", + "subtitle": "please fill the details below to create your client", + "title": "create client" + }, + "createRoomModal": { + "subtitle": "> fill the following fields to start a new room", + "public": "...public", + "private": "...private", + "roomName": "file name", + "roomDescription": "file description", + "descriptionError": "max length 500", + "nameError": "ERR: must be between 2 to 60 characters long" + }, + "invitedToJoinRoomModal": { + "newRoomCreated": "new file Created", + "roomInviteFrom": "file invite from", + "justStarted": "they just started", + "likeToJoin": ", would you like to join?", + "inviteReceived": "you've been invited to" + }, + "editProfileModal": { + "usernameTaken": "username taken", + "avatarUrlError": "invalid image", + "avatarUrlLabel": "github/twitter/discord avatar URL", + "bannerUrlLabel": "twitter banner URL", + "displayNameError": "length 2 to 50 characters", + "displayNameLabel": "display name", + "usernameError": "length 4 to 15 characters and only alphanumeric/underscore", + "usernameLabel": "username", + "bioError": "max length of 160 characters", + "bioLabel": "bio" + }, + "profileModal": { + "blockUserConfirm": "WARNING: are you 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console!", + "roomDescription": "file description", + "disabled": "room chat has been disabled();", + "messageDeletion": { + "message": "message", + "retracted": "retracted", + "deleted": "deleted" + } + }, + "roomStatus": { + "fuelingRocket": "fueling rocket", + "takingOff": "takingOff()", + "inSpace": "in space", + "approachingMoon": "approaching moon", + "lunarDoge": "lunar doge", + "approachingSun": "approaching sun", + "solarDoge": "solar doge", + "approachingGalaxy": "approaching galaxy", + "galacticDoge": "galactic doge", + "spottedLife": "Planet with programmers spotted" + } + } +} From ecb2763cfed75a50b9260c810fa39736744f6ca9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: jaipack17 <> Date: Tue, 18 May 2021 23:12:44 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 4/5] feat(kibbeh): created en-CODE language --- kibbeh/public/locales/en-CODE/translation.json | 6 +++--- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/kibbeh/public/locales/en-CODE/translation.json 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a/kibbeh/public/locales/en-CODE/translation.json +++ b/kibbeh/public/locales/en-CODE/translation.json @@ -12,11 +12,11 @@ "edit": "edit()", "delete": "delete()", "joinRoom": "joinRoom()", - "copyLink": "console.copy", + "copyLink": "copy()", "copied": "copied", "formattedIntlDate": "{{date, intlDate}}", "formattedIntlTime": "{{time, intlTime}}", - "requestPermissions": "Please note running DogeHouse without accessibility permissions may cause unwanted console errors", + "requestPermissions": "WARNING: please note running DogeHouse without accessibility permissions may cause unwanted console errors", "copy": "copy", "error": "error" }, @@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ "title": "Doge.House()", "dashboard": "./dashboard", "connectionTaken": "ERR: connection taken", - "mutedTitle": "user.mute() | Doge.House()", - "deafenedTitle": "user.deafen() | Doge.House()" + "mutedTitle": "mute() | Doge.House()", + "deafenedTitle": "deafen() | Doge.House()" }, "footer": { "_comment": "Main Footer UI 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room and you follow.", - "currentRoom": "Currently in:", + "listHeader": "list of programmers that are not in a private room and you follow.", + "currentRoom": "currently in:", "startPrivateRoom": "start a private room with them" }, "followList": { "title": "programmers", "followHim": "follow();", - "followingHim": "user.following", + "followingHim": "programmer.following", "followingNone": "not following anyone", "noFollowers": "no followers | null" }, @@ -81,15 +81,15 @@ "desktopAlert": "download the Doge.House() desktop app today!" }, "inviteList": { - "roomGone": "room gone; go back", - "shareRoomLink": "link.share", + "roomGone": "room gone; return;", + "shareRoomLink": "link.share()", "inviteFollowers": "you can invite your followers that are online:", "whenFollowersOnline": "when your followers are online, they will show up here." }, "login": { "headerText": "Taking voice conversations to the moon 🚀", "featureText_1": "dark theme", - "featureText_2": "open sign-ups", + 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This will allow all {{count}} requesting programmers to speak" }, "searchUser": { "search": "ctrl+f..." @@ -155,9 +155,9 @@ "aboutSuffix": "", "bot": "bot: true", "errors": { - "blocked": "this user has blocked you.", + "blocked": "ERR: this programmer has blocked you.", - "default": "ERR: couldn't load this user." + "default": "ERR: couldn't load this programmer." }, "profileTabs": { "about": "_about", @@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ "bioLabel": "bio" }, "profileModal": { - "blockUserConfirm": "WARNING: are you sure you want to block this user from joining any file you ever create?", + "blockUserConfirm": "WARNING: are you sure you want to block this programmer from joining any file you ever create?", "blockUser": "block programmer", "makeMod": "promote to mod", "unmod": "demote from mod", @@ -375,32 +375,32 @@ "title": "console", "emotesSoon": "[emotes soon]", "bannedAlert": "you have been banned from console", - "waitAlert": "you have to wait a second before sending another message. greedy programmer", + "waitAlert": "you have to wait a second before sending another command. greedy programmer", "search": "search(query)", "searchResults": "search results", "recent": "frequently used", - "sendMessage": "send a message", + "sendMessage": "send a command", "whisper": "whisper", "welcomeMessage": "welcome to console!", "roomDescription": "file description", - "disabled": "room chat has been disabled();", + "disabled": "roomChatDisabled: true", "messageDeletion": { - "message": "message", + "message": "command", "retracted": "retracted", - "deleted": "deleted" + "deleted": "recylced" } }, "roomStatus": { - "fuelingRocket": "fueling rocket", - "takingOff": "takingOff()", - "inSpace": "in space", - "approachingMoon": "approaching moon", + "fuelingRocket": "fuelingRocket: true", + "takingOff": "takingOff: true", + "inSpace": "inSpace: true", + "approachingMoon": "approaching united states", "lunarDoge": "lunar doge", - "approachingSun": "approaching sun", + "approachingSun": "approaching massachusetts", "solarDoge": "solar doge", - "approachingGalaxy": "approaching galaxy", + "approachingGalaxy": "approaching MIT", "galacticDoge": "galactic doge", - "spottedLife": "Planet with programmers spotted" + "spottedLife": "planet with programmers spotted" } } }