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Pog: A portable package manager for Windows

Short visual intro: (slighly outdated)

Pog is a fast, in-development package manager for Windows, managing encapsulated, portable applications. As a frequent Linux user, I always enjoyed the hassle-free experience of installing software. Windows has multiple package managers, but other than Scoop, all of them are unreasonably slow and fiddly, and Scoop is a bit too minimal for my taste and does not fully utilize portable packages. Pog is an attempt to provide Linux-level user experience in a Windows-native way.

Unlike most existing Windows package managers, which delegate to existing program installers, Pog installs packages from static archives with a readable package manifest. The packages are encapsulated by redirecting their default data directories to a package-local directory, providing first-class support for portable packages, where multiple versions can be installed side-by-side and even moved between machines without reinstallation.

Pog is pretty usable in its current state, but there's a lot of on-going development, and the documentation is lacking. If anything seems broken or you're not sure how to do something, feel free to open an issue. :)


Refer to the about_Pog help page, which is also available from PowerShell using man about_Pog after Pog is installed. For a description of the package configuration environment (useful for package maintainers), see the about_PogEnable help topic.


Run the following snippet in PowerShell:

# Pog is installed to the current directory
cd dir/where/to/install/Pog

iex (irm

Alternatively, you can manually install Pog by following these steps:

  1. Ensure you have enabled developer mode. Pog currently needs it for symbolic links (hopefully I can get rid of that in a future release).
  2. Download the latest release from the release page.
  3. Download and unpack the archive to your preferred directory for portable applications.
  4. Run Pog/setup.cmd.

Upgrading an existing installation of Pog

Ideally, I would like Pog to be able to update itself. However, it internally uses a compiled .NET assembly, which gets loaded automatically when Pog is imported and PowerShell provides no way to unload assemblies other than exiting the whole process, meaning that Pog must not be running when it is updated. Before I devise a better solution, do the following steps manually when you want to upgrade:

  1. Exit all instances of PowerShell where Pog was invoked.
  2. Manually download the target release archive.
  3. Enter the Pog directory, where Pog is installed.
  4. Delete everything except for the cache and data directory.
  5. Copy the contents of the Pog directory from the archive into the Pog directory from step 3.
  6. Run the extracted setup.cmd script.


To uninstall Pog itself:

  1. Run Get-PogPackage | ? PackageName -ne Pog | Uninstall-Pog to uninstall all installed packages.
  2. Run Disable-Pog Pog to unregister Pog from the system.
  3. Close all PowerShell sessions where Pog is loaded.
  4. Delete the Pog installation directory.

Project structure

Pog is implemented as a PowerShell module, which lives at app/Pog (the app directory is added to PSModulePath during installation). The main entry point to the module is app/Pog/Pog.psm1, which defines a few of the public functions and re-exports binary cmdlets defined in app/Pog/lib_compiled/Pog.dll, a .NET assembly built from the sources in app/Pog/lib_compiled/Pog.

To run scripts from package manifests and generators, Pog uses a custom restricted PowerShell environment. The environment is set up in the Pog.Container class in Pog.dll, and the entry points to the environments are stored in app/Pog/container, such as app/Pog/container/Env_Enable.psm1 for the Enable script environment.


Pog is composed of 4 parts:

  1. app/Pog: The main PowerShell module (Pog.psm1 and imported modules). You don't need to build it.
  2. app/Pog/lib_compiled/Pog: The Pog.dll C# library, where a lot of the core functionality lives. The library targets .netstandard2.0.
  3. app/Pog/lib_compiled/PogNative: The PogShimTemplate.exe executable shim, built in C++20 and compiled using CMake.
  4. app/Pog/lib_compiled/vc_redist: Directory of VC Redistributable DLLs, used by some packages with the -VcRedist switch parameter on Export-Command/Export-Shortcut.

After all parts are compiled according to the instructions below, import the main module (Import-Module app/Pog from the root directory). Note that Pog assumes that the top-level directory is inside a package root, and it will place its data and cache directories in the top-level directory.


Pog expects the library to be present at lib_compiled/Pog.dll. To build it, use dotnet publish with a recent-enough version of .NET Core:

cd app/Pog/lib_compiled/Pog
dotnet publish


This project contains the executable shim used to set arguments and environment variables when exporting entry points to a package using Export-Command and Export-Shortcut. The output binary should be automatically placed at lib_compiled/PogShimTemplate.exe.

Build it using CMake and a recent-enough version of MSVC:

cd app/Pog/lib_compiled/PogNative
cmake -B ./cmake-build-release -S . -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build ./cmake-build-release --config Release


The DLLs here are copied from the Visual Studio SDK. With my installation of Visual Studio 2022, the DLLs are located at C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Redist\MSVC\<version>\x64. Copy all of the DLLs to the vc_redist directory (all DLLs should be in the the vc_redist directory, without any subdirectories). The script at app/Pog/_scripts/update vc redist.ps1 will copy the DLLs for you (you may need to adjust the MSVC path if you have a different version of Visual Studio / MSVC toolset).