### v0.166.4
- [FIX] Seams at skybox borders
- LDR skyboxs now work with exposure and tonemapping
- Added pc.Scene#skyboxIntensity which works as an environment multiplier
- Added pc.Scene#skyboxMip to select mip level to use for skybox
### v0.166.3
- Removed skybox component.
- [FIX] Reject dds / crn texture requests if they fail to load the file URLs.
- [FIX] Clamp anisotropy values to avoid WebGL errors.
- [FIX] Shader generation when using RGBM texture for emission.
- [FIX] Appearance when metalness is 0.
- [FIX] Gamma correction artifacts.
- [FIX] Cubemap seams on WebGL.
### v0.166.2
- [FIX] Work around for Chrome bug that prevents audio from looping
### v0.166.1
- [FIX] Don't use opacity when blend mode is BLEND_NONE.
- Added BLEND_ADDITIVEALPHA blend mode.
- Added vertex color material inputs.
- Added support for loading hdr cubemaps and textures.
- Added contrast and intensity controls for specular occlusion.
### v0.166.0
- Added support for multiple shader variants.
- [FIX] Receive shadows.
- [FIX] Using same material on skinned and non skinned meshes is now allowed.
- [FIX] Add assets that do not have a file field to the resource loader cache.
- [FIX] Flipped X axis for cubemaps.
### v0.165.9
- [FIX] Shader compilation error for Toksvig.
### v0.165.8
- Lerp Toksvig
- [FIX] AABB calculation for skinned meshes.
- [FIX] Exceptions when changing particle emitter shape at runtime.
- [FIX] Clear scene prefiltered properties when skybox is removed.
- [FIX] Issue with duplicate models disappearing when the material mapping on the model asset changes.
- [FIX] Invalid declaration for chunks.
- [FIX] Particle emitter debug shape was twice larger than it should be.
- Gamma and tonemapping are no longer global.
- Change cubemap resolution if it was resized.
### v0.165.7
- [FIX] Shader bug on Nexus 5 fixed by removing vNormalW varying.
### v0.165.6
- [FIX] Pre-filtered cubemaps don't effect phong materials
- [FIX] Removed deprecated hdr property from pc.Texture
### v0.165.5
- [FIX] Shadow clamping issue.
- Added asset.resources property and made asset.resource another property
- Assets can now load multiple resources
- Cubemap resource loader now returns multiple textures if cubemap is prefiltered
### v0.165.4
- [FIX] Incorrect shadow clamping.
- [FIX] Bug in GPU particles on Intel HD devices.
- [FIX] Getting viewMatrix from camera.
- [FIX] Reload skybox if it changes.
- [FIX] Typo for material chunks.
- Added support for prefiltered cubemaps as dds textures.
- Simplified using prefiltered cubemaps.
- Simplified and optimized shadowmap clamping.
- Removed unused varyings in shaders.
### v0.165.3
- [FIX] Remove vVertexColor varying from default material shader.
### v0.165.2
- [FIX] Shadowmap shader now accounts for selected opacity channel.
### v0.165.1
- [FIX] Changing gamma correction now works properly.
### v0.165.0
- Added Box-Projected cubemaps.
- Added support for custom shader chunks.
- Added support for Metalness workflow.
- Added support for Refraction.
- Added light bitmasks to select which lights affect specific surfaces.
- Added support for ETC1 texture compresssion.
- Added camera frustum culling.
- Added support for controlling shadow map update rate.
- Added support for geometry instancing.
- Gamma correction is now an enum instead of a boolean.
- Added support for changing fragment shader precision.
- First direct / spot shadow map is now projected in the vertex shader.
- Can now change shadow map sampling per light / material.
- Now firing 'remove' event when an asset is removed. If an asset is removed from the asset registry components will remove the reference to that asset.
- Now setting texture references to null for materials whose texture assets are removed.
- Changed .vs / .ps files to .vert / .frag instead.
- Added improvements to cubemap prefiltering.
- Added lots of graphics fixes and optimizations.
- [FIX] Point light shadows circular artifact.
- [FIX] Wrong bias for spot light shadows.
- [FIX] Shader error when using phong + ambientTint.
### v0.164.3
- Add pc.Application#timeScale
### v0.164.2
- [FIX] pc.Mat3 setIdentity was setting 16 values instead of 9
- [FIX] Errors if rigid body component is removed
- [FIX] Make sure asset ids are ints
- [FIX] Documentation fixes
### v0.164.1
- [FIX] Make sure there is a collision component when checking for collision events.
- [FIX] Remove camera from system's camera list when the camera component is removed.
- [FIX] Removed global time variable that prevents multiple applications running on the same page.
### v0.164.0
- Added Entity#addComponent and Entity#removeComponent
- Deprecated ComponentSystem#addComponent and ComponentSystem#removeComponent
- Removed pc.ApplicationContext, replaced with pc.Application everywhere
- Added relevant properties from pc.ApplicationContext to pc.Application,
, etc. - [FIX] worldToScreen
- [FIX] Camera's no longer effected by entity's scale
- [FIX] Fixed height map on Intel GPU
### v0.163.5
- [FIX] Cubemap and cubemap filtering related fixes.
- [FIX] Changing collision component properties now works without disable/re-enabling component.
- [FIX] Mesh particles.
- [FIX] Firefox bugs by removing alpha:false from the context creation.
- Added saving and loading of single-file DDS cubemaps.
- Added sphere spawn shape and initial velocity to particles.
- Material system refactoring.
- Configurable UV set for all maps.
- Configurable RGBA channel(s) for all maps (except normal).
- Tiling/Offset now work for all maps.
### v0.163.4
- [FIX] Add light property to light component schema.
### v0.163.3
- [FIX] Hotfix - Cannot read property 'PIXELFORMAT_RGBA32F' of undefined
### v0.163.2
- GPU cubemap prefiltering.
- Support for loading RGBA32F DDS textures.
- [FIX] CPU particles work with new engine changes.
- [FIX] GLSL for mediump devices.
### v0.163.1
- [FIX] screenToWorld works again
### v0.163.0
- Moved (almost) all API objects into the pc.* namespace
- Added CameraComponent#worldToScreen
- Initial support for loading DDS textures
- Patch Math to add Math.log2
- Removed pc.ForwardRenderer from the docs (internal not API)
- Hide lots of low-level/non-API classes from the documentation
### v0.162.8
- Removed requestAnimationFrame polyfill since browser support is now at 100%.
- Added documentation for particlesystem component.
- Old particle system was deleted.
- Removed 2 from ParticleEmitter2/particle2.
- depthTest renamed to depthWrite in particles (that's what it actually does).
- Removed unneeded code from simulation.
- [FIX] Flickering bug when using CPU wrapping.
- [FIX] Particle gamma correction fix
### v0.162.7
- Single mipmapped prefiltered cubemap instead of 6 by using EXT_shader_texture_lod. Only enabled when extension exists AND device has less than 16 samplers (mobiles).
### v0.162.6
- Added check for more than 65k verts in particle system.
- Particle systems wrapBounds are now relative to emitter position instead of camera position.
- Particle systems mode parameter now uses enum, not string.
- Particle systems depth softening control is now a bit more intuitive.
- Added _activeCamera to scene object.
- Removed camera property from particle system.
- [FIX] Particle systems alignToMotion.
- [FIX] Gamma correction on particles in some conditions.
- [FIX] Particle shader caching key generation.
- [FIX] Runtime CPU-GPU particle switch.
- [FIX] Sorting of mesh particles.
- [FIX] Mobile particle problems.
- [FIX] Depth softening bugs.
### v0.162.5
- Added RigidBodyComponent#teleport(Vec3, Quat)
- Removed skybox from documentation
### v0.162.4
- Added autoPlay to particle systems
- Particle systems no longer disable themselves
- [FIX] Issue when cloning particles that contained boolean parameters with false values
### v0.162.3
- Specular lighting now respects AO maps.
### v0.162.2
- Added reset(), stop(), play(), pause() and isPlaying() methods to particle systems
- Replaced oneShot property with loop property in particle systems
- Non-looped particle emitters do not start emission unless play() is called
- [FIX] particles CPU stretching
- [FIX] WebGL warning spamming by disallowing particles to be rendered into depth map
### v0.162.1
- Added alignToMotion to particle systems.
- Exposed shadowBias for light components.
- [FIX] Particle stretching.
- [FIX] Only alpha sort mesh instances in the main world.
- [FIX] Removed debug log.
- [FIX] Light intensity not working because of typo.
### v0.162.0
- Scene can now have a skybox by setting scene.skybox = cubemap.
- Added optional destinations parameter in livelink#send.
- Shader now uses scene's prefilteredCubeMap if it's not overridden in material;
- [FIX] Light intensity issues
- [FIX] Picker can now only select basic and phong material mesh instances. This fixes picking if a sky box is in the scene.
- [FIX] Document rigidbody group and mask properties.
- [FIX] Missing rigidbody constant BODYGROUP_ENGINE_3.
### v0.161.0
- [BREAKING] Texture.maxAnisotropy -> Texture.anisotropy. Device.maxSupportedMaxAnisotropy -> Device.maxAnisotropy
- [FIX] Picking and gizmo rendering fixed when depthWrite is false in the scene
- Added support for groups and masks to the RigidBody component
- Optimized RigidBodySystem update loop to take advantage of groups and masks
- Resample textures which are too large for device
- Added pc.gfx.Device.readPixels() to read pixels from current render target
- Remove low-level graphics logging on start up
- Deprecated ScriptComponentSystem.broadcast()
- Deprecated ScriptComponent.send()
### v0.160.1
- Remove excess console logging
### v0.160.0
- Lots of changes in shading, moving towards physically based rendering
- Added tonemapping and exposure in pack settings
- Support tinting textures in materials
- Use RGB format for jpg textures or RGBA otherwise
- Added new cubemap assets
- Simplified checks for undefined
- Added user strict to graphics API files
- Removed WebGL validation
- Optimized call to getMotionState
- Can now create a skybox using a cubemap texture
- Deferred texture and framebuffer creation until they are required by the graphics device
- [FIX] Fog not blending correctly
- [FIX] Tonemapping and fog for particles
- [FIX] Mouse input example
- [FIX] Wrote namespace for LIGHTTYPE enum.
- [FIX] HTML5 Audio API fallback works again. This is relevant to IE that doesn't support Web Audio yet.
- [FIX] Picking now works for transparent and/or depth write disabled meshes.
### v0.159.4
- [FIX] particlesystem component reset function now works for one shots if lifetime is less than reset interval.
### v0.159.3
- [FIX] Emissive maps work again.
- [FIX] pc.Curve with no keys
- Added CURVE_CATMULL and CURVE_CARDINAL to pc.Curve()
- Added filter for shadowResolution to only show up when castShadows is true.
### v0.159.2
- [FIX] Cloning CurveSet
- [FIX] Cloning ParticleSystem
### v0.159.1
- Added metadata to particle system curves to allow 'between two curves' editing in Designer
- Changed default values of particle system attributes
- Removed maxEmissionTime from particle system
- [FIX] Issues with spawnBounds and wrapBounds
- [FIX] Appearance of different blend modes for particles
- [FIX] Shadow resolution is now available for all light types
- [FIX] CurveSet cloning
- Updated component attributes descriptions
### v0.159.0
- Added point light shadows
- Added falloffMode to point lights and spot lights
### v0.158.9
- [FIX] Reduced number of varyings required for texture coordinates.
- [FIX] Flip particle textures the right way up.
### v0.158.8
- [FIX] Prevent min filter warnings in Designer
- Cube/sphere maps are now treated as sRGB, added Schlick's fresnel
- Velocities are now primary way to specify particle motions
- Added default texture for particle systems
- Update physics example to latest version of ammo.js
- Update README.md
### v0.158.7
- Fix needed for new ammo.js
- Added velocity graphs and different blend types to particlesystem component
### v0.158.6
- Added global gammaCorrection option to pc.scene.Scene
- Added gamma option to phong materials
### v0.158.5
- [FIX] Multiple lights, 1 or more are shadow casting and 1 or more are not, could cause exception on render.
### v0.158.4
- [FIX] Intel XDK now loads textures properly.
### v0.158.3
- [FIX] Ambient lighting is now respected when there are no lights enabled.
### v0.158.2
- [FIX] Errors when there are no lights in the scene.
### v0.158.1
- [FIX] Non-fresnel reflections.
### v0.158.0
- New shader system. Supports far more lights, fresnel, parallax mapping and better specular reflectance.
### v0.157.4
- [FIX] pc.math.Quat#slerp now works for opposite quaternions.
### v0.157.3
- [FIX] Replace canvas.style.width with canvas.style.clientWidth.
### v0.157.2
- [FIX] Mouse tests.
### v0.157.0
- [FIX] Fullscreen in Chrome - ignored keyboard input.
- [FIX] Mouse now attach events on window but data is related to target.
### v0.156.2
- [FIX] A mesh instance's bounding box is now guaranteed to be correct when it is queried.
- [FIX] pc.input.GamePad#is/wasPressed now respects the latest GamePad API spec.
### v0.156.1
- [FIX] Issue where sounds sometimes play twice in the beginning
### v0.156.0
- Assets no longer have resource ids, Fixed examples for the new asset format
- Use a TextureRequest for skybox textures instead of ImageRequests so that they can be cached correctly and used by other assets like materials without issues
- Added textured cube to examples.
### v0.155.1
- Added CONTRIB file with CLA details and tips
- Use the current Gamepad API
- [FIX] Audiosources with 'activate' false no longer play on startup
### v0.155.0
- pc.fw.Entity#clone is now synchronous
### v0.154.6
- Can now reorder Entities or insert them at specific indices in a parent's child list.
### v0.154.5
- [FIX] Negative speed for animations now works as expected.
### v0.154.4
- [FIX] Do not abort XHR requests with status 0 when downloading local files.
### v0.154.3
- [FIX] Backed out synchronous-clone branch until we fix a bug related to skyboxes.
### v0.154.2
- [FIX] Picking for skinned meshes.
- [FIX] pc.fw.Entity#clone is now synchronous.
### v0.154.1
- [FIX] Phong shader generation where there are no lights enabled.
### v0.154.0
- [FIX] Shadows for orthographic cameras.
- Removed all dynamic allocations for directional shadow casting lights.
- Added LINELOOP and TRIFAN graphics primitives.
- Disable blending for post effect quad rendering.
- Use a texture for passing bone matrices to vertex shaders if GPU supports it. This avoids having to split the skin up. Performance seems more or less similar.
- [FIX] Models with a reflection map now render if no lights are present.
- [FIX] Respect a mesh instance's receiveShadow property.
- Unprivate the docs for AssetRegistry#find and AssetRegistry#findAll
### v0.153.0
- User must now explicitly set the blendType of a material as opacity and opacityMap are no longer doing this automatically.
- Removed MaterialResourceLoader, now use MaterialResourceHandler everywhere.
- Add nicer error messages if model tries to load material asset which isn't present.
### v0.152.2
- Added pc.Vec3#project
- Added pc.shape.Sphere#intersectRay
- [FIX] Bug where materials with opacity 1 would not become transparent if their opacity changed to less than 1 at runtime
### v0.152.1
- [FIX] Typo in the example for pc.resources.ResourceLoader.request
- [FIX] Load model even when no material mappings for a model have been found
- [FIX] Remove camera and lights debug shapes when a camera gets disabled
- Removed color correction post effect
- Convert script attributes of type 'vector' to pc.Vec3
### v0.152.0
- Re-factor AssetRegistry
- [BREAKING] AssetRegistry#update() is replace with AssetRegistry#addGroup() and AssetRegistry#createAndAddAsset()
- [BREAKING] AssetRegistry#all() is replaced with AssetRegistry#list([groupName])
- Added displayNames to all post effect scripts
### v0.151.2
- Removed some parameters from bloom post effect.
### v0.151.1
- Merged pull request by b1naryth1ef: Cleaned up build script.
### v0.151.0
- Updated build.py for Git
### v0.150.1
- Increased decimal precision of camera clip planes to 5.
- Show 3 arrows for directional light gizmo.
### v0.150.0
- Added PostEffectQueue#setRenderTargetScale which means post effects can use buffers larger or smaller than the canvas
- Added GraphNode#findByPath and GraphNode#getPath for querying scene hierarchy.
### v0.149.2
- [FIX] Backout last change and use last version of ammo because raycasting works differently in latest version
### v0.149.1
- [FIX] Bug with casting collision object to a btRigidBody in raycastFirst.
### v0.149.0
- Added shadowDistance property to the scene, beyond which shadows are not rendered.
- [FIX] Update the scene's shaders when shadows are toggled.
### v0.148.0
- Updated ammo.js to latest kripken master branch
### v0.147.9
- [FIX] Typo in default clear options.
### v0.147.8
- [FIX] screenToWorld now works for orthographic cameras.
### v0.147.7
- Added 'resizecanvas' event fired from the pc.gfx.Device
- [FIX] Render targets of post effects are now resized when necessary
- Added optimization for events#fire method
### v0.147.6
- [FIX] Only add material to material cache if its asset is found in the asset registry
### v0.147.5
- [FIX] Delete the cached model when in onAssetChange
- [FIX] Add onAssetChange listener even when we're not in the designer so that we catch changes to model mappings that come from the designer via livelink
- [FIX] New assets are now added to the asset registry via livelink
- Fixes in README.md
- Updated examples
### v0.147.4
- Added animation example and Playbot model
- Added post effects and camera scripts under extras
- Added LICENSE file
### v0.147.3
- Improve float packing algorithm (used for shadow mapping).
- [FIX] postEffects is initialized before enabled
### v0.147.2
- [FIX] Frame buffer clearing now works if flags are zero.
- [FIX] Documentation fixes for post effects.
### v0.147.1
- Documented post effects.
### v0.147.0
- When an entity is destroyed it will first disable all of its components.
- When a component is initialized its onEnable method will be called.
- Added pc.posteffect.PostEffectQueue for managing multiple post effects for a camera. The camera component now has a post effects queue allowing users to add / remove post effects to a camera.
- Added example using post effects.
- Added various post effects.
- Camera system now has an array of active cameras instead of a 'current' camera. The application framework now renders all cameras instead of just the current camera.
- Exposed priority, clearColorBuffer, clearDepthBuffer and rect for the camera component, Now supporting pc.Vec2 and pc.Vec4 as runtime types.
- All post effects now derive from pc.posteffect.PostEffect.
- [FIX] Set particle_time to 0 when a particle emitter is initialized.
### v0.146.1
- [FIX] Set state that affects shadow buffer clearing before the clear happens (in particular, depth write).
### v0.146.0
- Support for loading models with URL mapping instead of resource_id mapping
- Added resource handler for text resources
### v0.145.4
- [FIX] Disable simulation before changing the rigidbody type so that simulation will be properly enabled again after the type changes
- Improved the docs for applyForce
### v0.145.3
- [FIX] Added null check when updating script instances in case some of them are removed from the update list while the loop is in progress
### v0.145.2
- Changed camera nearClip and farClip minimum to be 0.0001 and decimal precision to 3 digits
### v0.145.1
- [FIX] Remove assignment to constructor property in pc.inherits, seems to fix FF Bug which breaks inheritance randomly!?
### v0.145.0
- Added documentation to currentTime and duration in the animation component
- Updated docs for pc.math.random
- Added examples directory with spinning cube example
- Added docs for pc.math.Vec3 parameters
- [FIX] Bug where triggerleave / collisionend would not always be fired
- [FIX] Removed call to entity.trigger.initialize right after the constructor
- [FIX] All tests now pass
- [FIX] Rogue 'light' global var
- [FIX] Added simulationEnabled in rigidbody_data to avoid enabling / disabling rigidbody simulation multiple times
- [FIX] Bug where a model component would not update its model's graph if it started disabled
- [FIX] If a collision component is initialised before a rigid body component and a trigger is created, make sure to destroy that trigger when the rigid body is initialised
### v0.144.3
- [FIX] Ensure render targets are rendered fullscreen for post fx.
### v0.144.2
- [FIX] Error when trying to call script instance#destroy when removing a script component
### v0.144.1
- [FIX] Renamed pc.events.initalize to pc.events.attach to prevent it breaking compatibility when adding events to script instances
### v0.144.0
- Improved entity enabling / disabling mechanism to include children
- Improved component enabling / disabling mechanism
- Various optimizations
### v0.143.4
- [FIX] Fixed typos in script attribute docs
### v0.143.3
- [FIX] Call e.preventDefault in 'touchmove' event to avoid issues in Chrome Android
### v0.143.2
- [FIX] Identity texture transform now correctly generated.
### v0.143.1
- Optimizations in the script system, obb shapes and materials
### v0.143.0
- Call onEnable / onDisable methods on script instances when their script component is enabled / disbled
### v0.142.0
- Added enabling / disabling of Entities and Components
### v0.141.1
- [FIX] On FFOS, packaged apps does not have content type set correctly for some data formats (e.g. OGG).
### v0.141.0
- Added pitch to audiosource component
### v0.140.0
- Added input_mouse#wasReleased method
### v0.139.1
- Added documentation for decimalPrecision for script attributes
### v0.139.0
- Added postInitialize method in scripts
### v0.138.3
- [FIX] Script Attributes would not update correctly from the designer
- [FIX] Documentation fixes
### v0.138.2
- [FIX] Only include texture transforms in Phong materials if they are not the identity matrix
### v0.138.1
- [FIX] Update particle emitter code to latest Math API.
### v0.138.0
- Added onAttributeChanged method in scripts and 'set' event for script attributes
- Default near / far camera clip planes now default to 0.3 and 1000
- [FIX] pc.Quat#transformVector now creates a pc.Vec3 result instead of a pc.Quat
- [FIX] Error when a collision component has been destroyed and we need to call collision exit events
### v0.137.2
- [FIX] Gravity livelink now works with the new Math API.
### v0.137.1
- Add support for fullscreen 'screenscanvas' mode in CocoonJS.
### v0.137.0
- Exposed material texture transforms in the designer
- Added texture tiling, offset and rotation
### v0.136.2
- [FIX] UV transforms work again.
### v0.136.1
- [FIX] CameraNode#screenToWorld (new Maths API)
- [FIX] Global ambient now works again
- [FIX] Triggers now work again (new Maths API)
### v0.136.0
- [BREAKING] New Maths API
- Replaced pc.math.vec2 with pc.Vec2
- Replaced pc.math.vec3 with pc.Vec3
- Replaced pc.math.vec4 with pc.Vec4
- Replaced pc.math.quat with pc.Quat
- Replaced pc.math.mat4 with pc.Mat4
- See docs for more details
### v0.135.2
- [FIX] bumpMapFactor now becomes bumpiness in the Phong material
### v0.135.1
- Hide ballsocketjoint from the docs.
- [FIX] Prevent the engine throwing an exception on startup if the anisotropic filter extension is not available.
### v0.135.0
- Merged model and primitive components
- Added cylinder collision
### v0.134.0
- [FIX] Collision component cloning issues
- [FIX] Fullscreen button should now work in IE11+
- [FIX] Capsule resize bug in the designer where the same capsule would be always be edited
- Render collision sphere as a sphere rather than a circle
- Optimized max anisotropy handling
- Removed support in the engine for specular factor map because nobody uses them
- Added docs for gloss map on Phong material
- Added pc.Color#clone and pc.scene.Material#clone
- Support for more Phong material attributes in the designer
### v0.133.2
- [FIX] More accurate reporting of delta time in the framework (fixes jittery physics).
### v0.133.1
- [FIX] Sphere maps now load into the engine correctly.
### v0.133.0
- Changed rigidbody.bodyType to rigidBody.type
### v0.132.1
- [FIX] Materials are no longer tied to a single scene (broke picking).
### v0.132.0
- Moved Asset and AssetRegistry from pc.fw into pc.asset
- Renamed getAsset() to getAssetByResourceId()
- Added AssetRegistry.find() and AssetRegistry.findAll(), and deprecated getAssetByName
### v0.131.1
- [FIX] Allow PlayCanvas to run in IE11 by avoiding UNSIGNED_BYTE data with vertexAttribPointer if it's not supported.
### v0.131.0
- Integrated fog settings with the Designer
### v0.130.3
- Updated script component docs
### v0.130.2
- Updated script component docs
### v0.130.1
- Updated script related documentation
### v0.130.0
- Added script attributes support
- LightNode#setColor now takes a pc.Color instead of a pc.math.vec3
- Changed camera and light node code to be in object notation
- [FIX] Changing shadow resolution in Designer works again
- [FIX] Reflection map handled correctly in PhongMaterial
### v0.129.2
- [FIX] Depth write state caching.
- [FIX] Blend function caching now works properly.
### v0.129.1
- Removed setFrontFace function.
- Added EXP fog and fixed the equation for determining EXP2 fog factor.
- [FIX] Light enabling/disabling works in Designer again.
### v0.129.0
- [FIX] Cloning Entities with light components works
- Added render states to materials
- [FIX] Trigger volumes no longer deactivate after a period of in-activity
- [FIX] Fixed crash in Designer when collision component is removed
### v0.128.2
- [FIX] Setting linear and angular velocity values on a kinematic rigidbody works again
- [FIX] Moving a trigger (collision component) works
### v0.128.1
- [FIX] Touch co-ordinates now match MouseEvent co-ordinates. i.e. top-left to bottom-right and match the CSS size of the element
- More docs to Entity and pc.net.http
### v0.128.0
- Added context.touch if the browser has touch controls enabled
- Filtering camera fov and orthoHeight based on projection value
### v0.127.3
- [FIX] Issues with collision mesh scaling
### v0.127.2
- Fix docs for light component
### v0.127.1
- Add documentation for light component
### v0.127.0
- [BREAKING] Remove all directionallight, pointlight, spotlight components. Replaced with light component
### v0.126.6
- [FIX] Light cloning issue
- [FIX] Issue when setting range on spotlights
- Added support for non-billboarded particles
### v0.126.5
- Changed trigger documentation.
- Added particle system support - only static emitters are supported for now.
### v0.126.4
- [FIX] Error when rigid body entities are null.
### v0.126.3
- [FIX] Error when cloning collision components.
### v0.126.2
- [FIX] Alpha sorting now uses the bounding box so create a default one.
### v0.126.1
- Updated collision event documentation
### v0.126.0
- Added light component that combines all other lights into one. (private for now)
- Now filtering rigid body properties that are irrelevant to static rigid bodies
- Added triggerenter and triggerleave events and now only firing contact, collisionstart, collisionend events between rigid bodies
### v0.125.2
- [FIX] Added collision component 'type' in its properties
### v0.125.1
- [BREAKING] Remove all old collision* components
### v0.125.0
- [FIX] Designer crash when removing a rigidbody component and trying to move the Entity
- No longer fire contact events between two static bodies
- No longer fire contact events between triggers
- Add documenation for collision component
- Removed deprecated 2D physics code
### v0.124.0
- Added collision component which has the functionality of all the other collision components.
### v0.123.1
- [FIX] Opacity of zero now works. Setting an opacity map now sets the correct blend mode on the material.
### v0.123.0
- Added collision triggers when an entity only has a collision component and not a rigid body
### v0.122.3
- Render transparent meshes back to front order
- Change OPEN_ENTITY livelink message to match new Designer format
### v0.122.2
- [FIX] Gizmo no longer broken - take a copy of Pack data before opening
### v0.122.1
- [FIX] If Ammo not loaded
### v0.122.0
- [FIX] Loading pack settings at startup
### v0.121.0
- Support for PackSettings livelink messages
### v0.120.2
- [FIX] Check the precision capabilities of the GPU and generate shaders accordingly.
- Now calling activate internally in rigid body methods that apply forces etc.
### v0.120.1
- Added docs for pc.scene.Mesh and pc.scene.MeshInstance.
### v0.120.0
- Support for displaying remote cameras in designer
### v0.119.1
- [FIX] Force cache-busting off on resources to fix script debugging
### v0.119.0
- No longer caching scripts when running from the designer
### v0.118.0
- Added component system descriptions
### v0.117.0
- [FIX] Docs for pc.input.Controller
- [FIX] Docs for pc.fw.ApplicationContext
### v0.116.0
- Added pc.input.Keyboard#wasReleased()
- [FIX] Capsule rendering in Designer
### v0.115.1
- [FIX] Previous change broke kinematic objects
### v0.115.0
- Changed setLinearVelocity and setAngularVelocity methods to linearVelocity and angularVelocity properties
- Add applyTorque and applyTorqueImpulse to Rigidbody Component
- Changed setLinearFactor and setAngularFactor methods to linearFactor and angularFactor properties
- Add linearDamping and angularDamping properties to Rigidbody Component
### v0.114.1
- [FIX] Update raycasting to the latest Ammo API.
### v0.114.0
- Update Ammo (Physics Engine) to be based on Bullet 2.8.1
- Allocate less when loading animations
### v0.113.0
- Added pc.resources.JsonResourceHandler for loading assets of type 'json'.
### v0.112.0
- [FIX] Update setLinearFactor and setAngularFactor to work correctly
### v0.111.5
- [FIX] Lighting is now correct for non-uniform scaled objects.
### v0.111.4
- [FIX] Handle the case where a single material is referenced by a skinned and an unskinned mesh.
### v0.111.3
- Skin splitting works again.
- pc.json API now private.
### v0.111.2
- [FIX] Sky boxes no longer flicker.
### v0.111.1
- [FIX] Default assets list in animation component to [] not null
### v0.111.0
- [BREAKING] New Model Asset format
- Support for Textures as first-class Assets
- Support for Materials as first-class Assets
### v0.110.0
- Added ballsocket joint component.
### v0.109.1
- [FIX] 109 broke scene rendering/picking in Designer.
### v0.109.0
- Added a forward render for scene rendering.
- Added Bokeh post effect.
- Added depth shader.
### v0.108.0
- [FIX] Check for supported audio types when loading for Web Audio API
- Added sepia post effect
- Added blend post effect
- Added edge detect post effect
### v0.107.4
- [FIX] Static cubemap component fixed.
- Add camera component property to get/set the render target.
### v0.107.3
- [FIX] Flip skybox in X.
### v0.107.2
- Docs improvements.
### v0.107.1
- [FIX] pc.Color accepts another pc.Color as a constructor argument
### v0.107.0
- [BREAKING] Removed Bloom Component
- [BREAKING] Removed 'offscreen' attribute from Camera Component
- [BREAKING] Changed pc.gfx.VertexElementType to pc.gfx.ELEMENTTYPE_
- [BREAKING] Removed pc.gfx.VertexElement
- [FIX] Cubemap Component no longer crashes
- Added new pc.posteffect namespace for Post Effects
- Added Bloom, FXAA and Luminosity post effects
### v0.106.2
- [FIX] ResourceLoader now correctly loads identical child resources concurrently.
### v0.106.1
- Added generic vertex semantics for things like particle data.
### v0.106.0
- [BREAKING] Frame buffers are now render targets
- [BREAKING] Decoupled PlayCanvas file format from shader code by introducing vertex semantics
- [BREAKING] Updated Camera, Primitive, Directional Light, Spot Light and Point Light components to use pc.Color
- Application code can create render targets of arbitary pixel format
- pc.Color object for representing RGBA colors
- [FIX] Camera setOrthoHeight() now updates the matrix
### v0.105.3
- [FIX] Updated screenToWorld function to no longer require pc.gfx.Device.getCurrent.
### v0.105.2
- Updated pc.gfx docs.
### v0.105.1
- [FIX] Correct lookup of precalculatedTangents setting.
### v0.105.0
- Engine updated to support multiple canvases on a single page
- [BREAKING] pc.gfx.Device.getCurrent() and pc.gfx.Device.setCurrent() removed
- pc.gfx.Device now avaiable in pc.fw.ApplicationContext
- [FIX] pc.math.vec3.clone creates a proper clone now
### v0.104.5
- Store the DOM touch event in pc.input.TouchEvent to allow calling of prevent Default in handler.
### v0.104.4
- [FIX] Rigid body system now steps the simulation independent of frame rate.
### v0.104.3
- [FIX] Exceptions that are thrown in script constructors or initialize() are no longer swallowed
### v0.104.2
- Added support for scaled collision meshes.
### v0.104.1
- Documentation fixes for ResourceLoader
### v0.104.0
- New pc.resources.ResourceLoader which returns a RSVP.Promise instead of using callbacks
### v0.103.0
- Added collisioncapsule component
- Engine updated to comply with JSHint
- [FIX] No longer possible to pick line geometry
- [FIX] Corrected primitive types for bloom and model loading
- [FIX] Sounds (Web Audio API) now pause correctly if paused more than once on a single play through
### v0.102.3
- [FIX] Updated to latest Web Audio API spec. PlayCanvas apps no longer crash in Firefox Nightly.
### v0.102.2
- [FIX] GraphNode right, up and forwards properties now work.
- [FIX] pc.math.multiply now creates a result quaternion correctly if not supplied as parameter.
### v0.102.1
- [FIX] Don't add collision meshes to the hierarchy.
### v0.102.0
- Added new collision mesh component.
### v0.101.1
- [FIX] Animation blending works again (broken in 0.99.1).
### v0.101.0
- Documented almost all of pc.math and renamed a number of functions for uniformity.
### v0.100.0
- Added pc.math.smoothstep and pc.math.smootherstep.
- pc.math.pot -> pc.math.powerOfTwo
- Removed pc.math trigonometric functions.
- Documented the whole quaternion API.
- Allow skybox to be rendered at any time with any camera (much more robust and faster too!).
- Update a skeleton's graph if a time is explicitly set. Prevents you seeing previous animation frame on playing an anim from an entity script, since entity script udpates occur after animation component update.
- Aspect ratio of Designer-rendered cameras is now fixed at 16/9.
- Exposed aspectRatio on camera component.
- Added right, up and forwards properties to pc.scene.GraphNode.
- Update a skeleton's interpolated keyframes immediately upon setting a new time.
- Added documenation for pc.fw.Entity#clone()
- Soften PCF shadows.
- [FIX] Prevent GLSL pow function from being passed zero which causes glitches on Mac OS X.
- Optimize setting of vertex buffer attributes in the graphics device.
- Simplified and optimized GLSL lighting code.
- [FIX] Specular lighting calculation now takes the light color into account.
- Renamed enums for blend modes and primitive types.
- Disable blending for opaque meshes.
- Add a blend type to a material that specifies how it should blend when rendered.
- Added pc.audio.Channel#getDuration() to safely access the duration of the audio clip
- Added pc.string.toBool() to convert a string value to a boolean value
- [FIX] Work around presumed GLSL compiler bug on Mac where directional light appears inverted in Y axis. Code should be equivalent.
- Optimized WebGL texture state setting.
- [FIX] Phong shader now generates correct GLSL for lightmapping with no lights.
- Add pc.fw.AudioSourceComponent#unpause() to resume playback from paused (instead of using play() which starts from the beginning of the sound)
- [FIX] Tabbing away correctly suspends audio in Firefox
- [FIX] Use parentNode value for element if touch event lands on an SVG element. [Properly this time]
- [FIX] Use parentNode value for element if touch event lands on an SVG element.
- [FIX] Fix so that touch position is not null in Firefox when using SVG elements
- [FIX] Fix to touch events when attached to elements without width and height attributes (i.e. not the canvas)
- [FIX] No longer call preventDefault() in TouchDevice event handling. User should call it themselves.
- [FIX] Make sure physics libraries are loaded before loading Entities
- loadFromTOC function for pc.fw.Application
- Added AssetCache for preloading asset metadata
- Added pc.fw.ContentFile for where preloaded data is stored
- pc.gfx.VertexBufferUsage -> pc.gfx.BUFFER_
- pc.gfx.IndexFormat -> pc.gfx.INDEXFORMAT_
- Restore gl format of index buffer that is used when primitive is drawn
- Made ResourceLoaderDisplay prettier
- Deprecate AssetResourceHandler and EntityResourceHandler
- Added Entity#clone() method
- Support opacity on shadow maps (useful for alpha-tested foliage)
- Check if isActive() is true before syncing entity to rigidbody
- [FIX] Procedural cylinder code was generating caps incorrectly, causing NaNs to be generated for tangents.
- Renormalize normal and tangent in case the model matrix has a scale in it.
- Better scaling function for normal map.
- [FIX] Fixes for when no lights are enabled.
- Switched engine back to using precalculated tangents, but can be switched on a device flag.
- Change spotlight boundary interpolation.
- Fix shadow interaction with non-shadowcasting lights.
- All Phong lighting now done in world space.
- Reflection maps now lerp towards diffuse color based on reflectivity.
- Fix WebGL errors about texture completeness (unitialised texture objects).
- Engine no longer generate vertex tangents. Instead, it perturbs surface normals using a normal map in the fragment shader.
- Added support for heightmap bump mapping.
- Added support for gloss maps (per-pixel shininess).
- Specular shininess no longer queried from specular map alpha channel (use gloss map instead).
- Per pixel opacity no longer queried from diffuse map alpha channel (use opacity map instead).
- Physics docs corrections.
- Renamed collisionbox.size to collisionbox.halfExtents
- First public version of rigidbody component
- Renamed 'body3d' component to 'rigidbody' component
- Added isActive() and activate() to rigidbody component
- Better argument options for applyForce() and applyImpulse()
- relativePoint for Body3d.applyForce and Body3d.applyImpulse is now an optional argument, defaults to 0,0,0
- [FIX] Default values for body3d and collisionbox
- [FIX] Activate body inside a syncTransform() so that livelink movement re-activates
- [FIX] GraphNode#rotate() and GraphNode#rotateLocal() take can accept a single vector argument like in the docs
- Replace Body3d 'static' with 'bodyType' which can be dynamic, kinematic or static.
- hasEvent() added to event API to check whether an handler is bound
- Working on Body3d component
- Add support for contact/collision events
- Add support for raycastFirst()
- 'collisionbox' format changed to single 'size' property
- Fire 'livelink:updatetransform' event when entity transform is updated over a livelink
- Implemented pc.scene.Model#generateWireframe.
- Added pc.input.TouchDevice
- Added shadow resolution attribute. Removed cast shadows attribute from point light component.
- Added pc.fw.CameraComponent#screenToWorld.
- [FIX] Skybox now renders correctly in Designer.
- [FIX] Engine now honours toggling of cast shadows in Designer.
- pc.gfx.ClearFlag -> pc.gfx.CLEARFLAG
- Reworked directional light shadowmap camera frustum calculation.
- Set WebGL to treat alpha more similarly to OpenGL.
- Corrected aspect ratio of directional light shadow frustum. Added a fudge factor to Z limits of frustum to prevent clipping of shadow casters.
- Initial support for inserting one-shot commands into draw call queue (to do things like clearing the depth buffer).
- Replace event methods .bind()/.unbind() with .on()/.off(). Deprecated bind()/unbind().
- [FIX] Designer cameras now no longer create frustum graphics resources (caused WebGL errors).
- [FIX] Binary skins now partition correctly.
- [FIX] Final fix for skybox component.
- [FIX] Skybox now renders at the correct depth.
- [FIX] Infinite loop for scenes with shadows.
- [FIX] Only mesh instances marked as shadow caster rendered into shadow map.
- [FIX] Skybox component updated to new pc.scene API.
- New Scene library with sorting enabled -- rendering speed boost++!
- Support for loading code libraries before Application starts
- Replace AppData with application_properties from the Properties resource
- Body3D component beta testing
- [FIX] Use clientWidth to get canvas size instead of style.width (which is 100%)
- [FIX] Script instance initialize() method is called when an Entity is created over LiveLink
- [FIX] Point lights render with the right color in Designer again.
- [FIX] pc.input.Controller now handles mouse move properly again.
- [FIX] Texture filters set incorrectly on JSON model load.
- Update Body3d transforms after stepping simulation
- [BREAKING] Mouse and Keyboard events are now passed pc.input.MouseEvent and pc.input.KeyboardEvent respectively. The original browser event is available as the 'event' property.
- [BREAKING] Some pc.input enumerations have changed now EVENT_MOUSEMOVE, etc and MOUSEBUTTON_LEFT, etc. They are also featured in the documentation now.
- Initial work on Body3d component
- [FIX] A problem with editing packs in forked depots has been resolved
- [FIX] Primitive Component color works correctly
- [FIX] Animation component now plays an animation on set in the connected game.
- New material APIs. See pc.scene.PhongMaterial, DepthMaterial, PickMaterial and BasicMaterial.
- [FIX] Updated pad handling in pc.input to the latest GamePad spec.
- [FIX] Removed some debug comments
- pc.event.bind() and pc.event.unbind() now take an optional scope parameter to use as 'this' when firing.
- Optimized GraphNode#getWorldTransform. It no longer syncs the entire hierarchy, just the path from the root to the queried node
- [FIX] Script updates were called after the script component had been removed because events weren't unbound properly
- [FIX] Deleting Script Component within update no longer skips an update
- [FIX] Deleting Body2d Component with no collision body no longer crashes
- [FIX] Rotating Body2d Components in Designer works
- [FIX] Convert between Eulers and single Angle for Body2d Components more robustly
- [FIX] 2D collision works again in the Designer
- [FIX] Prevent rendering of collisioncircle components unless debugRender flag is set
- [FIX] All components properly updated to new texture API.
- [FIX] Additional typo in binary texture stream reader.
- [FIX] binary stream reader to use new texture API.
- Fixed reference to entity.close()
- [BREAKING] Renamed Entity#close to Entity#destroy
- [BREAKING] New pc.gfx.Texture API. Much simpler interface more based around properties. pc.gfx.Texture2D and pc.gfx.TextureCube collapsed back into pc.gfx.Texture.
- Added much greater control over the pixel format of textures. The API now support creation of L8, L8A8, R5G6B5, R5G5B5A1, R4G4B4A1, R8G8B8 and R8G8B8A8 textures.
- Don't expose PickComponent in designer. It doens't work
- [FIX] cubemap component works again.
- [FIX] script.broadcast fixed.
- [FIX] PickSystem debug rendering works.
- [FIX] Set correct filter/address modes on pick buffer texture.
- Lots of documentation changes to go with the new documentation template
- [FIX] GraphNode#lookAt now correctly marks the local transform as dirty.
- [FIX] Prevent audio sources from playing in Designer.
- [FIX] AudioSourceComponent play function fixed for 2D sounds.
- [FIX] Fog GLSL fixed.
- Added support for anisotropic texture filtering.
- [BREAKING] New API Components and ComponentSystems
- [BREAKING] Removed deprecated 'header' Component
- [BREAKING] Removed all render() methods from Component systems and scripts
- Attach pc.fw.Component for each system that is attached to an Entity
- Generate getter/setter properties on Components for properties that are defined in the Component schema
- Updated all existing Component Systems to work with new system
- Components and scripts updates are driven by events now. Only events that are registered will be called
- Added postUpdate() event called after all update() events
- [FIX] Spotlighting now correctly normalizes the spot direction after it is passed to the fragment shader.
- Restrict bone limit a little further to allow for more complex shaders.
- Limit the number of supported bones per skin in order to get around a performance issue on the Mac Mini 2009.
- [FIX] Body2d works in degrees everywhere
- [FIX] pc.math.mat4.fromEulersXYZ
- Fixed math unit tests
- Added trig functions in degrees pc.math.sin/cos/tan/asin/acos/atan/atan2
- Some shader optimizations
- [FIX][BREAKING] Renamed MouseEvent.buttons to MouseEvent._buttons to avoid clash with new FireFox event property
- [BREAKING] Renamed ScriptObject method updateFixed() to fixedUpdate()
- fixedUpdate() now runs before update()
- [FIX] Rendering collisionrects works again
- [BREAKING] All pc.math library functions take degrees instead of radians
- [BREAKING] Removed GraphNode methods setParent() and setChildren()
- [BREAKING] Update binary model format to use new transform components
- [BREAKING] Update animation format to use eulers instead of quaternions for rotations
- Split LTM out into distinct position, rotation, scale components, generate LTM/WTM only when dirty
- Added methods to quaternion invert(), setFromEulers(), transformVector()
- Change Pack format to use position, rotation, scale instead of translate, rotate, scale
- Optimized mat4.fromEulerXYZ()
- Added GraphNode method translateLocal(), rotateLocal(), rotate()
- Added GraphNode methods get/setLocalEulerAngles()
- No longer overwrite the exports property in engine as this breaks some nodejs modules
- Script component urls field is now a proper array instead of a comma-separated string
- Engine now loads in nodejs environment
- Deprecate requestAnimFrame() and replace with requestAnimationFrame()
- Replace requestAnimationFrame shim with new version from Paul Irish
- [FIX] Offscreen buffer creation deferred until rendering occurs. Fixes bloom on app start up.
- [FIX] Bloom no longer crashes the engine when disabled from Designer.
- [FIX] Point light spheres no longer crash the Designer.
- Shader system now uses shared GLSL snippets.
- [FIX] Reduced shadow mapping artifacts.
- [FIX] Back out previous fix for pc.math.quat.toMat4()
- [FIX] Fix for pc.math.quat.toMat4()
- [FIX] Body2d components were overwriting ltm with shared variable
- Scale mouse value in pc.input.Controller.getAxis() down to more closely match the gamepad values
- [FIX] pc.input.Mouse.isPointerLocker() works correctly
- Optimized Body2d so that it no longer updates the transform static bodies every frame.
- [FIX] pc.math.mat4.getZ() no longer creates a vec3 if one is supplied
- Fullscreen API support, use enableFullscreen(), disableFullscreen() on pc.fw.Application
- PointerLock API support, use enablePointerLock(), disablePointerLock() on pc.input.Mouse
- setCanvasFillMode() on pc.fw.Application is used to setup the way the canvas is resized
- setCanvasResolution() on pc.fw.Application is used to set the resolution of the canvas
- resizeCanvas() on pc.fw.Application performs the resize
- getApplication() on pc.fw.Application is used to get the application instance
- [FIX] body2d.raycastFirst sometimes returned the wrong entity
- Clear old events from mouse and keyboard if they are attached to a second element
- Allow Controller to take a options argument to pass in existing Mouse/Keyboard/Gamepad input handlers
- Updated Closure Compiler
- [FIX] Check for existing cachedMaterial before setting/deleting when handling shadow maps. Duplicated materials are shared between meshes so must only be deleted once.
- [FIX] Handle case where tag isn't supported. e.g. Headless clients
- Sync hierarchy and mesh AABBs after loading and cloning models.
- [FIX] Fix picking for cloned models
- [FIX] Add new components over LiveLink in correct order.
- [FIX] CollisionRect renders again
- [FIX] pc.scene.Model.clone() correctly clones textures, materials and geometry lists
- [FIX] updates to collisionrect and collisioncircle values in the Designer are reflect in the live game.
- [FIX] Set velocity to 0 when updating transform of a body2d component from the Designer
- [FIX] Eye space z sorting is now based on mesh AABB center rather than WTM position.
- Fix for 0.67.2.
- Optimize pc.math.mat4.compose and fromEulerXYZ to use scratch matrices.
- [FIX] Body2d Component rotates correctly in designer.
- Added setPositionAndAngle() to Body2d component
- [FIX] Body2d Component sometimes creates upside down transforms, because undefined value was being used as index
- Added TextureCache object to cache loaded textures and use them instead of reloading
- Added optional ignore value to Body2dComponentSystem.raycastFirst
- Optimize the number of varying used by the phong shader generator with relation to UV sets and texture transforms.
- [FIX] Handle onclose event in pc.net.Socket()
- [FIX] Body2dComponentSystem.setAngle and setPosition update world transform directly so that hierarchy is in sync
- Added support for Keep Aspect Ratio in Application Data
- Increased gamepad deadzone
- [FIX] Changes made to 2D body and collision in Designer are reflected in live game
- Added pc.debug.display() which displays an object in the corner of the page
- Added gamepad support with pc.input.GamePads (Chrome Canary, FF Special build at the mo)
- [FIX] Audio that has finished playing no longer restarts when you tab away and return.
- Added isPlaying() method to pc.audio.Channel which returns true if the channel is currently playing audio.
- [FIX] Binary geometries with vertex colors now load. Also, binary skin cloning is fixed.
- [FIX] Check that animations have been loaded before playing on AnimationComponentSystem.setModel
- [FIX] Added support to the animation system for blending two skeletons with different topologies.
- [BREAKING] AnimationComponentSystem.setAnimation() renamed to play()
- Added caching for downloaded files to pc.resources.ResourceLoader. Anything store as a Asset on the server can be cached and multiple instances are cloned (models) or shared.
- Added canonical identifiers internally to pc.resources.ResourceLoader. Files in different assets with matches hashes will be loaded from a single source
- [BREAKING] Model loader now ignores texture transforms on the texture. Instead they are taken from a material's parameters.
- Scene#setGlobalAmbient now also accepts separate r, g and b parameters.
- Global ambient now works when there are no lights enabled.
- Optimized some code generation for the Phong shader generator, especially for the case when no lights are enabled.
- [FIX] Fix possible crash when animation components are loaded while the application is running
- [FIX] Fix possible crash when loading body2d components while the application is running
- Updates to private Body2D component
- [FIX] Entity hierarchy is built and world transforms synced before createComponent is called
- Added private Body2D component
- Added pc.net.Socket which wraps native WebSocket
- [FIX] Pack loading no longer edits pack data in place, a PackResourceHandler.open returns a copy
- [FIX] Set up dynamic lights right at the start of a scene flush.
- [FIX] Rendering would fail for materials with a specular map but no transform applied to the map.
- Update to new Pack format, with application_data, and hierarchy properties
- pc.scene.GraphNode#getLocal/WorldPosition no longer return a reference to the graph node's LTM/WTM but a newly allocated vector.
- pc.net.http.delete_ renamed to pc.net.http.del
- Phong shader now only transforms UVs in the vertex shader if there is a non-identity texture transform set.
- GraphNode#lookAt no longer allocates.
- Add some named constants to pc.math.vec3 (zero, one, xaxis, yaxis, zaxis).
- Allow integer vertex attribs which require normalization on a render. This allows for UINT8 vertex colors in a vertex buffer, for example.
- Ensure an animation is set on a skeleton before having anim component set skeleton's graph.
- Re-add Function.extendsFrom until Designer is updated
- Replaced Function.extendsFrom with pc.inherits.
- Added pc.cookie.get/set to use browser cookies.
- Binary file format now active but format is likely to go through a number of iterations before stabilizing.
- Skin partitioning now operates on a pc.scene.Geometry.
- Added setVolume() to AudioManager, it affects the volume of all audio sources
- Added suspend() and resume() to AudioManager, to pause and resume all audio sources
- Allow the passing of a preallocted vector argument to receive the position of LTM/WTM of a graph node.
- [FIX] Loading library javascript resources for the second time correctly fires success callback
- [FIX] Hierarchy is synced before script.initialize() is called
- [FIX] Visualizer camera
- Removed deprecated functions pc.each and pc.callback
- Added pc.audio.isSupported(url) to test if the url to an audio file is a supported format.
- [FIX] Prevent crash in pc.audio.Channel3d if stop() is called when using Audio tag (FF/Opera/Safari)
- [FIX] ResourceLoaderDisplay works if resources are included in mulitple batches, also sanitize identifier before using as DOM id.
- [FIX] Probably fixed #38 by checking for 'loadstart', 'canplaythrough' and 'loadeddata' events to see if Audio tag has loaded.
- [FIX] Fix infinite loop in lighting
- Optional support for binary model data
- Optimized in place tangent generation
- Optimized Geometry#generateWireframe
- Add another prototype function for setting a light's color from components.
- [FIX] AABB recalculation on a transformation now works properly.
- Increase default light radius to 10 (from 1).
- Switch bloom component to use Float32Array to pass uniforms to GPU.
- [FIX] Designer Camera in FF works again
- Added event.wheel value to MouseEvent which is normalized value across all browsers
- Added scaling to dolly camera so that movement is reduced closer to the selection
- Tidied up skybox component.
- [FIX] Local state now gets cleared properly.
- Moved camera frustum render function into CameraNode class.
- Switched from view window to ortho height and aspect ratio.
- Update camera aspect ratio on resize.
- [FIX] Unsupported audio formats no longer hang resource loading in Firefox
- Option to show debug ResourceLoader in pc.fw.Application
- Optimized pc.scene.Scene front to back sorting callback.
- Added support for Axes to pc.input.Controller.
- Refactor of Mouse to support PointerLock and changed event to be based on native MouseEvent.
- Changed CameraNode#setViewWindow to optionally take separate x and y values.
- [FIX] GraphNode#setLocalPosition to work on Opera (Arguments is not an Array).
- [FIX] Phong shader now handles case where specular factor map is only sampler.
- Optimized Device#clear
- Renamed castShadows back to getCastShadows and receiveShadows back to getReceiveShadows
- Refactored shadow-mapping (better frustum for directional lights, optimizations)
- Optimized Aabb#add to avoid allocations
- Fixed shadowmapping GLSL outside of UV bounds
- Animation file format updated! Reconvert all animation JSON from source FBX files!
- Reworked animation API to support skeleton to graph link up via bone names. This fixes the case where the skeleton does not include all the graph nodes.
- [FIX] Skin partitioning fixed for geometries with more than one submesh.
- Added GraphNode#lookAt and GraphNode#translate.
- Added GraphNode#set/getLocalPostion and GraphNode#getWorldPosition.
- [FIX] ResourceLoader.request now works if you don't supply a progress function.
- Updated Closure Compiler to latest version (fixes new lines at end of code modules in non-minified engine).
- [FIX] AudioSource correctly plays audio when you add a new component over livelink
- [FIX] Cache model (if it exists) on animation component creation.
- Increase script resource loading timeout from 10s to 60s
- Removed debug logging from resource loading
- Reexposed cast shadows for point light even though it doesn't function (fixes saving).
- Make default light radius 10.
- Added 'rgb' and 'rgba' types for component properties which are colors.
- Local lights are once again just dispatched once per frame.
- [FIX] Script resources are loaded correctly on Opera.
- Cache geometry scope IDs (seems to give a good performance boost).
- Added OAUTH_IFRAME_ID_BASE constant for net.oauth iframe id. Fixed tests.
- [FIX] mat4.create() handles input arguments correctly (16 floats or 1 array of floats).
- Further optimizations to calculateTangents. Probably about 10x faster than it was originally.
- Update primitive component to support casting/receiving shadows
- Compute/load AABB info for models and primitives
- Update Copyright and title in models and primitives
- Remove some deprecated calls to pc.callback
- [FIX] Large speed increase to Designer Camera, especially in Firefox
- [FIX] Script resources which are regular javascript files no longer hang the resource loader.
[FIX] If a spotlight's outer cone angle changes, update the shadow camera's FOV.
[FIX] Fixed logic for enabling shadow casting on a light more than once.
- Shadow casting enabled in the pc.scene API for directional and spot lights.
- Support multiple simultaneous shadow casting lights.
- Render spotlight cone in tools.
- Hide cast shadows attribute on point light component for now since this functionality is currently unimplemented.
- [FIX] pc.net.OAuth clears away iframes correctly
- [FIX] Crash in Firefox when loading an exported game with a large number of Entity/Assets.
- [FIX] Use event.currentTarget instead of target to calculate mouse offset co-ords in pc.input.Mouse
- [FIX] context.systems.script.send() no longer crashes if you send to an entity that doesn't have a script component
- Improved light loading and support for loading distinct light intensity attribute
- Added MeshNode API for setting, casting and receiving shadows
- Added pc.fw.AppData where application data is loaded into
- All ComponentSystems can implement an initialize() method which is passed the root entity of a loaded Pack after the Pack is loaded, but before any updates are called
- Exposed both inner and outer spotlight cone angles in Designer
- Moved light management into pc.scene.Scene. Lighting requires a Scene object to work now
- Removed functions pc.scene.LightNode#getNumEnabled() and pc.scene.LightNode#dispatch.
- Moved static global lighting functions onto Scene instance
- [FIX] pc.audio.Listener setVelocity crash on Firefox
- Correctly render orthographic frustum in Designer
- Optimized animation addTime function by caching keyframe indices
- Enable PCF filtering of shadow maps
- Added spotlight component
- Update the orientation of listener in audiolistener components so that supported platforms have correct panning.
- Added support for distance model parameters in Audio Components
- New pc.audio.AudioManager
- New pc.audio.Sound, pc.audio.Channel, pc.audio.Channel3d, pc.audio.Listener
- Added ModelComponentSystem.setVisible() to show/hide models
- Added currentTime and duration accessors to AnimationComponentSystem
- initialise() method is called on all script objects after loading, before first update
- [FIX] Script update() is no longer called before the resource loading callback is called
- Fixed pc.math.vec3.clone.
- Switched vector, matrix and quaternion code to use Float32Array instead of Array.
- Some optimizations mainly based around pre-creating objects/arrays to avoid garbage collection.
- Added first pass at device orientation input handler.
- Don't generate tangents on load if the geometry already has them.
- Added LiveLinkReparentEntityMessage and LiveLinkUpdateEntityNameMessage.
- Replaced pc.fw.Entity.reparentByGuid() with pc.fw.Entity.reparent().
- Added 'step' option to number attributes that are exposed to the designer.
- Prevent livelink crashing if window has been closed by user.
- [FIX] Creating audio components works.
- Change max camera FOV to 90.
- Added support for 'enumeration' type when exposing vars to the Designer.
- [FIX] a couple of leaked globals in graphnode and script_component.
- Reinstated the deleteComponent function for the script component system.
- [FIX] Final fix for Opera. Now it's just a matter of waiting for next Opera 12.x (for the typed array offset fix).
- [FIX] Animation component can handle empty guid list.
- Generate wireframe data for models/primitives when the Designer is present.
- Remove audio context from non-webkit browsers.
- Remove audionode dependency.
- Remove upper limit on animation speed.
- Updated script component to allow scripts to be tagged as runnable only in 'tools' (i.e. the Designer for the Designer camera script).
- Logging levels work in console.
- Support for transform in entity data if it's present (loading exported data).
- Support for new entity data format with no transform only components.
- [FIX] Euler functions were rotating the wrong direction around each axis.
- [FIX] toEulerXYZ handles scaled matrices.
- [FIX] toEulerXYZ and fromEulerXYZ perform updates in the 'correct' order and are compatible now.
- [FIX] Fixed up EntityResourceHandler function call to be static.
- [FIX] Fixed directionallight/camera components to render correctly using updated Device#draw function.
- Added Update Entity Transform message to livelink.
- Replace MouseEvent object with createMouseEvent call to wrap extra data onto native MouseEvent
- Updated JSON format again. Models are enclosed in an object called 'model' and animations are enclosed in an object called 'animation'.
- Added support for wireframe rendering. Call pc.scene.Geometry#generateWireframe on a geometry and then call pc.scene.MeshNode#setRenderStyle(pc.scene.RenderStyle.WIREFRAME)
- Prevent livelink sending messages to itself.
- [FIX] Picking code updated following deletion of SubMesh API.
- Handler for OPEN_ENTITY messages correctly handles new entities which have their parent id set, by inserting them if the parent is not in the new entity list but is in the hierarchy.
- Added exception throwing for device creation which allows app code to handle problems with WebGL.
- [FIX] Fix quaternion copy function.
- [FIX] Fog no longer interpolates alpha component of a fragment.
- [FIX] pc.shape.Box.containsPoint() works now.
- [FIX] pc.math.mat4.invert() works now
- [FIX] Fix camera frustum rendering and direction light rendering
- [FIX] build script -o support was broken
- [BREAKING] Change to json model format. Index buffers are now per geometry rather than per sub-mesh
- Simplified full screen quad vertex shader a little for Bloom component
- Replace audio buffers with audio element for Firefox
- [FIX] Scripts are loaded as part of the entity requestBatch now, so callback fires after script instance is created
- [FIX] Entity.close() properly closes child entities
- [FIX] Primitive components clear away their model when deleted
- Replaced some more calls to _getComponentData with getComponentData
- [FIX] Removed calls to pc.extend in initialiseComponent() which cause infinite recursion when the data passed in is self-referential
- [FIX] AudioSourceComponentSystem.play() and AudioSourceComponentSystem.pause() check that the entity has a AudioSource component before doing anything
- Added pc.math.random(min, max) to create random numbers in a range
- The delta time (dt) value passed in to Update methods is clamped to a max of 0.1s to prevent it getting very large (especially while debugging)
- Fix audio in Firefox, remove setSource() method. Use play(entity, name) now.
- Added audionode.js shim for Firefox
- [FIX] Skeleton nodes with one keyframe now work properly with addTime function.
- Added pc.math.quat.copy.
- Add the ability to deactivate an animation on load. The animation component can additionally be queried to see if an animation is actually currently playing.
- [FIX] Fix the case where an entity's serialized boolean false value causes the value to be incorrectly read from the component data.
- Add support for looping and volume for audio sources
- [FIX] guessResponseType method correctly handles urls with queries and fragments
- Fixes to allow PlayCanvas to run in Opera 12
- Added support for point light attenuation
- Light enable -> setEnabled
- Improved point light handling in the framework
- Added material plugin for shadowmap program generation
- New AudioSource Component using webkitAudioContext to play sounds (audio is disabled on unsupported browsers)
- [FIX] Fix problem where material shininess can be zero giving undefined results
- Added a fixed time step update function to the framework.
- Only override format of image elements in Texture2D.prototype.setSource.
- Added a variable rate delta time for application.
- [FIX] Alpha test now actually works as a render state.
- The Blinn-Phong program now uses the standard Phong lighting equation.
- [FIX] Fixed probable bug in CLOSE_ENTITY message which could be closing the wrong entity.
- Added send() and broadcast() methods to ScriptComponentSystem.
- Added runtime support for specular factor maps which multiply either the specular material color or the assigned specular map.
- [FIX] Skinning should now work in all cases.
- [FIX] Fix for some keys (e.g. 'n' and 'z') not working in input handler.
- Added support for fetching binary data in pc.net.http
- Added pc.path.getExtension(filename) function
- [FIX] PickComponentSystem.addShape was referencing an undefined variable 'data'
- [FIX] Missing var definitions were assigning to globals
- Namespace logging functions
- Update primitive component to create models and add them to the scene to render
- Move picking functionality into the Scene API
- Picking API is removed from pc.fw, use pc.scene.Picker
- Enable picking of primitives
- [FIX] bug when loading multiple copies of the same skin when skin partitioning is active
- [FIX] Viewport of back buffer render targets now automatically resize
- [FIX] Updated references to old light API on model load
- Fixed GLSL picking broken in ### v0.17.0
- Fixed picking for skinned geometry
- Added guard to check of labels array is present in entity data. (It isn't in some older entities)
- AssetResourceHandler supplies a url prefix so that if the code is hosted on a site other than platform.playcanvas.com it can still work
- Added blending support to animation component.
- Changed pc.gfx.Device#setCurrent to a static function
- Removed pc.gfx.Device#stop
- Fix for Designer, Pick Components weren't working
- Fix for Point Lights not working
- Fix removed old code from cubemap
- Fix for pc.fw.Application still referencing old _camera variable
- Fix for Bloom Component still referencing old _camera variable
- Fix for SkyBox Component still referencing old _camera variable
- Replaced pop() and push() in CameraComponentSystem with setCurrent()
- Fix mouse down event for left mouse button.
- Added support for preventDefault and stopPropagation in pc.input.Keyboard
- Updated components to initialize the defaults correctly
- Auto-register all the shader generators (so the user doesn't have to)
- hierarchy is synced in Application.start() before first update tick
- Added pc.input.MouseEvent
- Removed Mouse drag event
- Removed legacy references to graph namespace ** pc.graph.procedural is now pc.scene.procedural ** pc.graph.materialplugin is now pc.scene.materialplugin
- Removed planereflection component
- Added first pass at an animation component. Just loads/runs a single animation for now.
- Added new render state management API, introducing the idea of global and local state.
- Use the alpha channel in a specular map as the per-pixel shininess value.
- Fix for Phong GLSL when no lights are activated.
- Reworked parallax mapping. Effect now activates if an alpha channel is found in the normal map (containing a height map).
- Updated parallax effect in shadowmap sample.
- Updated skybox component to work with any camera clip planes. Also now just maintains a geometry instead of a mesh.
- Fixed transparency for Maya FBX exports.
- Added Visualizer launcher script for Maya (written in Python rather than MEL).
- Added runtime support for emissive maps.
- Added CHANGES file
- [FIX] gizmo and pick components no longer deleted when components are updated, should be done manually for now
- Added pc.dom namespace for DOM related code
- Updated artwork to all use the correct system units (inches).
- Stop deserializing entities from message as they are transferred as normal javascript object now
- Changed reference from _id to resource_id in entity loader to support new Corazon format
- Add resource_id to Entity to support new Corazon format
- [FIX] Light component correctly disables light node when it is deleted
- Added skeleton docs to pc.gfx.Texture.
- Updated pc.gfx.Texture to be a little cleaner and more versatile (now handles canvas, video and image elements as well as byte pixel arrays).
- Fleshed out docs for pc.gfx.Texture.
- ScriptLoader replaces ResourceLoader object
- Added toolsRender and toolsUpdate methods to Components
- Better rendering for directional lights in the Designer.
- Enable backface culling in the engine by default.
- Model and Camera components to be deleted correctly.
- Added support for scale in animation keyframes.
- All artwork is now generated as 1 unit equalling 1 meter.
- Tweaks to Ferrari demo assets.
- Changed pc.graph.Cameras default clip planes to work better for worlds scaled to meters.
- Stop FACT from physically loading texture images.
- Handle relative paths which are actually absolute paths on other drives.
- Integrated ImageMagick into FACT.
- Upgraded some deprecated FBX functions in FACT.
- Added backface culling option and a stats panel to Visualizer.
- Frame loaded model with the default camera in Visualizer.
- Update Visualizer launcher to only call FACT (Python commands stripped).
- Fix initial camera offset in Visualizer.
- Write PNGs instead of JPG if non-web format textures have an alpha channel.
- Updated JSON format to split out opacity into new uniform.