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Nancy v2 Upgrade Notes

Andreas Håkansson edited this page Apr 4, 2016 · 14 revisions


Context.CurrentUser ClaimsPrincipal Mapping to Domain Object

In Nancy 1.x versions Context.CurrentUser was a IUserIdentity, you could add properties to your implementation and then access these properties that were not on the interface by casting eg. var customerId = ((MyUser)Context.CurrentUser).CustomerId;

In v2.x of Nancy Context.CurrentUser is a ClaimsPrincipal. By default this contains an array of claims that the user has. So to get a name value for example you would have do something like Context.CurrentUser.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.Name).Value Not very elegant and what about the User object you already had in 1.x . The best way to do this is to tweak the User object and use an extension method to cast it from ClaimsPrincipal to your User object.

public class MyPrincipal : ClaimsPrincipal
   public MyPrincipal(IPrincipal principal) : base(principal)

   public string FullName => FindFirst(ClaimTypes.Name).Value;

public static class PrincipalExtensions
   public static MyPrincipal AsMyPrincipal(this IPrincipal principal)
       if (principal != null)
           return principal as MyPrincipal
               ?? new MyPrincipal(principal);

       return null;

public class HomeModule : NancyModule
    public HomeModule()
        Get["/] = (parameters, token) =>
            var user = Context.CurrentUser.AsMyPrincipal();
            return Task.FromResult<dynamic>(user.FullName);

Bootstrapper DiagnosticsConfiguration

In Nancy v2 there is a whole new configuration API. This is now handled in the bootstrapper by overriding the Configure method. For Diagnostic you can use it like so:

public override void Configure(Nancy.Configuration.INancyEnvironment environment)
    environment.Diagnostics(Password: "vqportal!");

Bootstrapp InternalConfiguration

This has a different signature but now takes in a ITypeCatalog argument. If you are using the WithOverrides API this should still work, you just need to change the method signature:

protected override Func<ITypeCatalog, NancyInternalConfiguration> InternalConfiguration
         var processors = new[] { typeof(JsonProcessor) };
         return NancyInternalConfiguration.WithOverrides(x => x.ResponseProcessors = processors);

Nancy.Serializers.Json.ServiceStack Renamed

This namespacehas been renamed to Nancy.Serialization.ServiceStack

DefaultResponseFormatter constructor change

One of the arguments was previously an array of ISerializer, this is now a ISerializerFactory

Nancy.ViewEngines.Razor dependencies

As of 2.x the Nancy.ViewEngines.Razor engine now uses Roslyn internally to compile views. Unfortunately the Nuget for Nancy.ViewEngines.Razor 2.0-alpha is missing a couple of dependencies which are needed to compile and render views. For the time being you will need to explicitly install these packages yourself (in the presented order)

  • Install-Package Microsoft.Net.Compiler -Versions 1.1.1
  • Install-Package Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform -Version 1.0.1
  • Install-Package Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp -Version 1.1.1

If you get any runtime exceptions, please check your *.config file for any invalid assembly binding redirects

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