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How to plot a graph in

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How to plot a graph in python 📕📗

  • There are so many libraries available in python for graph plotting but this documentation contains the demostration of matplotlib.


  • pip install matplotlib
  • pip will take care of dependences itself so you don’t need to get worried about it.


  • You first need to import the package after installation by import matplotlib.pyplot as plt.

  • There is a inbuild funtion to plot the graph plot() which will take many arguments but I am passing two arguments x and y coordinates.

x = [x1, x2,x3]
y = [x4, x5, x6]
plt.plot(x, y)
  • Read more about plot function here @

  • To display the graph you need to use show() function


  • It will plot a line graph with above coordinates

  • There are few more parameter in plot() funtion so let discuss about that

    • xlabel :- For creating the label for x axis

    • ylabel :- For creating the lablel for y axis

plt.ylabel('Population in million')
  • Title function is used to give the title of the graph title()
plt.title('Pakistan India Population till 2010')
  • So By following the above steps you will end up with a simple line graph and you can read more about the graph plotting from the link below 😄 @