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Centrally managing NuGet package versions

Anand Gaurav edited this page Jun 5, 2018 · 39 revisions


Refer to the spec:Centrally managing NuGet packages for the list of requirements and summary of the solution. This spec details out the solution for managing package versions, centrally at a solution (or repo, folder) level.

For lock file details, refer to the spec: Enable repeatable package restore using lock file. This spec does not discuss anything about the lock file

Solution Details

To get started, you will need to create an MSBuild props file at the root of the solution named packages.props that declares Package items.

In this example, packages like Newtonsoft.Json are set to version 10.0.1. The PackageReference in the projects would not specify the version information. All projects that reference this package will refer to version 10.0.1 for Newtonsoft.json.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project xmlns="">
    <Package Include="MSTest.TestAdapter" Version="1.1.0" />
    <Package Include="MSTest.TestFramework" Version="1.1.18" />
    <Package Include="Newtonsoft.Json" Version="10.0.1" />


<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">


    <PackageReference Include="Newtonsoft.Json" />

Implicit package: Implicit packages are not listed in the central packages version management (CPMVF) file.

Transitive dependencies: One should not be listing the transitive dependencies either in the CPVMF or as PackageReferece for the projects. If listed in the CPVMF, the same version will be used in full package closure during restore and the same will be locked.


// package exists in packages.props
ProjectA> dotnet add package netwonsoft.json 
Successfully added package 'Newtonsoft.Json' to ProjectA. 

// package does not exist in packages.props
ProjectA> dotnet add package netwonsoft.json 
Successfully added package 'Newtonsoft.Json 11.0.1' in '<path>\packages.props'.
Successfully added package 'Newtonsoft.Json' to ProjectA. 

// package exists in packages.props. Trying to update to a new version
ProjectA> dotnet add package netwonsoft.json --version 11.0.1
NU1xxx: You cannot specify the package version while adding a package reference. Package version version information is managed in the central package version management file '<path>\packages.props'. Use the command 'dotnet add package newtonsoft.json --version <version number> --update-version-management-file' to update the package version in the central package version management file '<path>\packages.props'.

ProjectA> dotnet add package newtonsoft.json --version 11.0.1 --update-version-management-file
Successfully update package 'Newtonsoft.Json' version from 10.0.2 to 11.0.1' in '<path>\packages.props'.
Successfully added package 'Newtonsoft.Json' to ProjectA. 

//Removing a package reference in a project - Does not remove from CPVMF
ProjectA> dotnet remove package netwonsoft.json
Successfully removed package 'Newtonsoft.Json' from ProjectA. 

//Removing a package from the solution - removes from CPVMF as well as from all the projects
SolutionDir> dotnet remove package netwonsoft.json
Successfully removed package 'Newtonsoft.Json' from 'packages.props'. 
Successfully removed package 'Newtonsoft.Json' from ProjectA, ProjectB and ProjectD.

// Consolidate packages in the CPVMF - removing packages that are not referenced in the projects
ProjectA> dotnet nuget consolidate [path to CPVMF or a solution]
Consolidating packages in '<path>\packages.props'...
Added 0 packages
Removed 3 packages that were not referenced in any of the projects.

// Consolidate existing PackageReference with versions in Project files into a `packages.props` file
SolutionDir> dotnet nuget consolidate --dry-run 
No 'packages.props' file found. Running consolidate in dry run mode...
Packages referenced in the projects:
NewtonSoft.Json 11.0.3
   ProjectA references 10.0.2
   ProjectB references 11.0.3
My.Sample.Lib 2.1.0
   ProjectA references 2.1.0
   ProjectC references 1.*
My.Utilities.Package [2.0, 4.1.0]
   ProjectB references [2.0, 3.1.0]
   ProjectD references 4.1.0
To create the consolidated package version management file packages.props at <path> and to remove the version information from the project files, run 'dotnet nuget consolidate [path to packages.props]'


How to enable this the central package version management + locking?

The functionality will be enabled if

  • There is packages.props file present in the recursive path for a project.
  • If the CentralPackagesFile MSBuild property exists for a project.

How do I transform my existing projects to use this functionality?

Existing projects will have versions in their project files. You can run the consolidate command to create the CPVMF and remove the version information from the project files.

// Consolidate existing PackageReference with versions in Project files into a `packages.props` file
SolutionDir> dotnet nuget consolidate --dry-run 
No 'packages.props' file found. Running consolidate in dry run mode...
Packages referenced in the projects:
NewtonSoft.Json 11.0.3
   ProjectA references 10.0.2
   ProjectB references 11.0.3
My.Sample.Lib 2.1.0
   ProjectA references 2.1.0
   ProjectC references 1.*
My.Utilities.Package [2.0, 4.1.0]
   ProjectB references [2.0, 3.1.0]
   ProjectD references 4.1.0
To create the consolidated package version management file packages.props at <path> and to remove the version information from the project files, run 'dotnet nuget consolidate [path to packages.props]'

How does restore work?

  • Project restore - When a project is restored, it restores as it does today. It looks at the CPVMF to get the package versions. If a package is not listed in the CPVMF but is referenced in the project, it errors out.
  • Solution restore - Same as today, except when it finds a more packages in CPVMF than in the project, it prints out an info message to run consolidate command. The reason for restore not doing auto consolidate is to support scenarios where users would like to restore a different version of a transitive dependency package. This is a corner case scenario but a helpful one where today users have no way to control the transitive dependency versions. This should be used with caution however. Ideally CPVMF should only list the direct dependencies and that too the ones that are referenced in the projects. Otherwise the CPVMF can easily become unmanageable. Note: Any extra package nodes in the CPVMF will also affect the central lock file (See Enable repeatable package restore using lock file spec for details). it prunes/consolidates CPVMF i.e. removes the extra packages stated in CPVMF but not referenced in any of the projects. This can be controlled using the ConsolidatePackagesOnRestore property. See Extensibility section, for details.

Where are PrivateAssets/ExcludeAssets/IncludeAssets defined?

These are per project properties and should be defined in the PackageReference nodes in the project file.

How does restore NoOp work i.e. when does NuGet try to actually restore or choose not to restore?

The current logic is used except that the package versions are referenced from the CPVMF. In future, we can look to optimize the NoOp restore with lock file but is Out of Scope for this spec.

[Not MVP] I consume the same project in different solutions. How do I want to use the central package version management file in one and not the other?

This will require the PackageReference nodes to have the version info but ignore it in the solution where central package version management file is used. This may be achieved by a MSBuild property RetainPackageReferenceVersions.

When this property is set,

  • dotnet add package will add the package version info both in the CPVMF as well as in the project files
  • restore will just ignore the version info in the PackageReference nodes in the project files. [Open] Should it warn?
  • The dotnet nuget consolidate command will put the same version info in the PackageReference nodes in all the project files in addition to putting the version info in the CPVMF.

How do I have a given set of package versions for all the projects but a different set for a specific project?

To override the global packages' version constraints for a specific project, you can define packages.props file in the project root directory. This will override the global settings from the solution packages.props file. For this case, the lock file packages.lock.json will be generated at the project root directory.

[Not MVP] You can also specify CentralPackagesFile property indicating where to look for this file for a given project in the project file or in the file at the project root directory that gets evaluated for a given project. See Extensibility section, for details.

What happens when there are multiple packages.props file available in a project's context?

In order to remove any confusion, the packages.props or the CentralPackagesFile specification nearest to the project will override all others. At a time only one packages.props file is evaluated for a given project.

E.g. in the below scenario

 |-- packages.props
 |-- foobar.packages.props
 |-- Solution1
     |-- packages.props
     |-- Project1
     |-- Project2
         |-- packages.props
     |-- Project3
         |--   // specifies CentralPackagesFile = path to foobar.packages.props
 |-- Solution2
     |-- Project4

In the above scenario:

  • Project1 will refer to only Repo\Solution1\packages.props
  • Project2 will refer to only Repo\Solution1\Project2\packages.props
  • Project3 will refer to only Repo\foobar.packages.props
  • Project4 will refer to only Repo\packages.props

Can I specify NuGet sources in the packages.props file?

This is not part of the spec/feature but specifying sources in the packages.props file seems like a good idea.

Locking packages closure

If this feature of centrally managing packages is enabled, the lock file will always be enabled. The details of the lock file is covered here: Enable repeatable package restore using lock file


Property Description
CentralPackagesFile [Not MVP] The full path to the file containing your package versions. Defaults to packages.props at the root of your repository.
ConsolidatePackagesOnRestore Defaults to true. If set to false, `restore will not consolidate (mostly remove) packages on restore from the CPVMF

CentralPackagesFile Example

Use a custom file name for your project that defines package versions.

<Project xmlns="">

VS experience

MVP requirement: image

We need a better consolidate and central management experience that should be clubbed with the Enhanced Package Manager UI effort.


What's Being Worked On?

Check out the proposals in the accepted & proposed folders on the repository, and active PRs for proposals being discussed today.

Common Problems

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