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Name Type Description Notes
includedSegments List<String> The segment names you want to target. Users in these segments will receive a notification. This targeting parameter is only compatible with excluded_segments. Example: [&quot;Active Users&quot;, &quot;Inactive Users&quot;] [optional]
excludedSegments List<String> Segment that will be excluded when sending. Users in these segments will not receive a notification, even if they were included in included_segments. This targeting parameter is only compatible with included_segments. Example: [&quot;Active Users&quot;, &quot;Inactive Users&quot;] [optional]
includePlayerIds List<String> Specific playerids to send your notification to. _Does not require API Auth Key. Do not combine with other targeting parameters. Not compatible with any other targeting parameters. Example: [&quot;1dd608f2-c6a1-11e3-851d-000c2940e62c&quot;] Limit of 2,000 entries per REST API call [optional]
includeExternalUserIds List<String> Target specific devices by custom user IDs assigned via API. Not compatible with any other targeting parameters Example: [&quot;custom-id-assigned-by-api&quot;] REQUIRED: REST API Key Authentication Limit of 2,000 entries per REST API call. Note: If targeting push, email, or sms subscribers with same ids, use with channel_for_external_user_ids to indicate you are sending a push or email or sms. [optional]
includeEmailTokens List<String> Recommended for Sending Emails - Target specific email addresses. If an email does not correspond to an existing user, a new user will be created. Example: [email protected] Limit of 2,000 entries per REST API call [optional]
includePhoneNumbers List<String> Recommended for Sending SMS - Target specific phone numbers. The phone number should be in the E.164 format. Phone number should be an existing subscriber on OneSignal. Refer our docs to learn how to add phone numbers to OneSignal. Example phone number: +1999999999 Limit of 2,000 entries per REST API call [optional]
includeIosTokens List<String> Not Recommended: Please consider using include_player_ids or include_external_user_ids instead. Target using iOS device tokens. Warning: Only works with Production tokens. All non-alphanumeric characters must be removed from each token. If a token does not correspond to an existing user, a new user will be created. Example: ce777617da7f548fe7a9ab6febb56cf39fba6d38203... Limit of 2,000 entries per REST API call [optional]
includeWpWnsUris List<String> Not Recommended: Please consider using include_player_ids or include_external_user_ids instead. Target using Windows URIs. If a token does not correspond to an existing user, a new user will be created. Example: Limit of 2,000 entries per REST API call [optional]
includeAmazonRegIds List<String> Not Recommended: Please consider using include_player_ids or include_external_user_ids instead. Target using Amazon ADM registration IDs. If a token does not correspond to an existing user, a new user will be created. Example: amzn1.adm-registration.v1.XpvSSUk0Rc3hTVVV... Limit of 2,000 entries per REST API call [optional]
includeChromeRegIds List<String> Not Recommended: Please consider using include_player_ids or include_external_user_ids instead. Target using Chrome App registration IDs. If a token does not correspond to an existing user, a new user will be created. Example: APA91bEeiUeSukAAUdnw3O2RB45FWlSpgJ7Ji_... Limit of 2,000 entries per REST API call [optional]
includeChromeWebRegIds List<String> Not Recommended: Please consider using include_player_ids or include_external_user_ids instead. Target using Chrome Web Push registration IDs. If a token does not correspond to an existing user, a new user will be created. Example: APA91bEeiUeSukAAUdnw3O2RB45FWlSpgJ7Ji_... Limit of 2,000 entries per REST API call [optional]
includeAndroidRegIds List<String> Not Recommended: Please consider using include_player_ids or include_external_user_ids instead. Target using Android device registration IDs. If a token does not correspond to an existing user, a new user will be created. Example: APA91bEeiUeSukAAUdnw3O2RB45FWlSpgJ7Ji_... Limit of 2,000 entries per REST API call [optional]
includeAliases PlayerNotificationTargetIncludeAliases [optional]
targetChannel TargetChannelEnum [optional]
id String [optional]
value Integer [optional] [readonly]
name String Required for SMS Messages. An identifier for tracking message within the OneSignal dashboard or export analytics. Not shown to end user. [optional]
aggregation AggregationEnum [optional] [readonly]
isIos Boolean Indicates whether to send to all devices registered under your app's Apple iOS platform. [optional]
isAndroid Boolean Indicates whether to send to all devices registered under your app's Google Android platform. [optional]
isHuawei Boolean Indicates whether to send to all devices registered under your app's Huawei Android platform. [optional]
isAnyWeb Boolean Indicates whether to send to all subscribed web browser users, including Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. You may use this instead as a combined flag instead of separately enabling isChromeWeb, isFirefox, and isSafari, though the three options are equivalent to this one. [optional]
isChromeWeb Boolean Indicates whether to send to all Google Chrome, Chrome on Android, and Mozilla Firefox users registered under your Chrome & Firefox web push platform. [optional]
isFirefox Boolean Indicates whether to send to all Mozilla Firefox desktop users registered under your Firefox web push platform. [optional]
isSafari Boolean Does not support iOS Safari. Indicates whether to send to all Apple's Safari desktop users registered under your Safari web push platform. Read more iOS Safari [optional]
isWPWNS Boolean Indicates whether to send to all devices registered under your app's Windows platform. [optional]
isAdm Boolean Indicates whether to send to all devices registered under your app's Amazon Fire platform. [optional]
isChrome Boolean This flag is not used for web push Please see isChromeWeb for sending to web push users. This flag only applies to Google Chrome Apps & Extensions. Indicates whether to send to all devices registered under your app's Google Chrome Apps & Extension platform. [optional]
channelForExternalUserIds String Indicates if the message type when targeting with include_external_user_ids for cases where an email, sms, and/or push subscribers have the same external user id. Example: Use the string &quot;push&quot; to indicate you are sending a push notification or the string &quot;email&quot;for sending emails or &quot;sms&quot;for sending SMS. [optional]
appId String Required: Your OneSignal Application ID, which can be found in Keys & IDs. It is a UUID and looks similar to 8250eaf6-1a58-489e-b136-7c74a864b434.
externalId String Correlation and idempotency key. A request received with this parameter will first look for another notification with the same external_id. If one exists, a notification will not be sent, and result of the previous operation will instead be returned. Therefore, if you plan on using this feature, it's important to use a good source of randomness to generate the UUID passed here. This key is only idempotent for 30 days. After 30 days, the notification could be removed from our system and a notification with the same external_id will be sent again. See Idempotent Notification Requests for more details writeOnly: true [optional]
contents StringMap [optional]
headings StringMap [optional]
subtitle StringMap [optional]
data Object Channel: Push Notifications Platform: Huawei A custom map of data that is passed back to your app. Same as using Additional Data within the dashboard. Can use up to 2048 bytes of data. Example: {&quot;abc&quot;: 123, &quot;foo&quot;: &quot;bar&quot;, &quot;event_performed&quot;: true, &quot;amount&quot;: 12.1} [optional]
huaweiMsgType String Channel: Push Notifications Platform: Huawei Use &quot;data&quot; or &quot;message&quot; depending on the type of notification you are sending. More details in Data & Background Notifications. [optional]
url String Channel: Push Notifications Platform: All The URL to open in the browser when a user clicks on the notification. Note: iOS needs https or updated NSAppTransportSecurity in plist This field supports inline substitutions. Omit if including web_url or app_url Example: [optional]
webUrl String Channel: Push Notifications Platform: All Browsers Same as url but only sent to web push platforms. Including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, etc. Example: [optional]
appUrl String Channel: Push Notifications Platform: All Browsers Same as url but only sent to web push platforms. Including iOS, Android, macOS, Windows, ChromeApps, etc. Example: [optional]
iosAttachments Object Channel: Push Notifications Platform: iOS 10+ Adds media attachments to notifications. Set as JSON object, key as a media id of your choice and the value as a valid local filename or URL. User must press and hold on the notification to view. Do not set mutable_content to download attachments. The OneSignal SDK does this automatically Example: {&quot;id1&quot;: &quot;\&quot;} [optional]
templateId String Channel: Push Notifications Platform: All Use a template you setup on our dashboard. The template_id is the UUID found in the URL when viewing a template on our dashboard. Example: be4a8044-bbd6-11e4-a581-000c2940e62c [optional]
contentAvailable Boolean Channel: Push Notifications Platform: iOS Sending true wakes your app from background to run custom native code (Apple interprets this as content-available=1). Note: Not applicable if the app is in the &quot;force-quit&quot; state (i.e app was swiped away). Omit the contents field to prevent displaying a visible notification. [optional]
mutableContent Boolean Channel: Push Notifications Platform: iOS 10+ Always defaults to true and cannot be turned off. Allows tracking of notification receives and changing of the notification content in your app before it is displayed. Triggers didReceive(_:withContentHandler:) on your UNNotificationServiceExtension. [optional]
targetContentIdentifier String Channel: Push Notifications Platform: iOS 13+ Use to target a specific experience in your App Clip, or to target your notification to a specific window in a multi-scene App. [optional]
bigPicture String Channel: Push Notifications Platform: Android Picture to display in the expanded view. Can be a drawable resource name or a URL. [optional]
huaweiBigPicture String Channel: Push Notifications Platform: Huawei Picture to display in the expanded view. Can be a drawable resource name or a URL. [optional]
admBigPicture String Channel: Push Notifications Platform: Amazon Picture to display in the expanded view. Can be a drawable resource name or a URL. [optional]
chromeBigPicture String Channel: Push Notifications Platform: ChromeApp Large picture to display below the notification text. Must be a local URL. [optional]
chromeWebImage String Channel: Push Notifications Platform: Chrome 56+ Sets the web push notification's large image to be shown below the notification's title and text. Please see Web Push Notification Icons. [optional]
buttons List<Button> Channel: Push Notifications Platform: iOS 8.0+, Android 4.1+, and derivatives like Amazon Buttons to add to the notification. Icon only works for Android. Buttons show in reverse order of array position i.e. Last item in array shows as first button on device. Example: [{&quot;id&quot;: &quot;id2&quot;, &quot;text&quot;: &quot;second button&quot;, &quot;icon&quot;: &quot;ic_menu_share&quot;}, {&quot;id&quot;: &quot;id1&quot;, &quot;text&quot;: &quot;first button&quot;, &quot;icon&quot;: &quot;ic_menu_send&quot;}] [optional]
webButtons List<Button> Channel: Push Notifications Platform: Chrome 48+ Add action buttons to the notification. The id field is required. Example: [{&quot;id&quot;: &quot;like-button&quot;, &quot;text&quot;: &quot;Like&quot;, &quot;icon&quot;: &quot;;, &quot;url&quot;: &quot;;}, {&quot;id&quot;: &quot;read-more-button&quot;, &quot;text&quot;: &quot;Read more&quot;, &quot;icon&quot;: &quot;;, &quot;url&quot;: &quot;;}] [optional]
iosCategory String Channel: Push Notifications Platform: iOS Category APS payload, use with registerUserNotificationSettings:categories in your Objective-C / Swift code. Example: calendar category which contains actions like accept and decline iOS 10+ This will trigger your UNNotificationContentExtension whose ID matches this category. [optional]
androidChannelId String Channel: Push Notifications Platform: Android The Android Oreo Notification Category to send the notification under. See the Category documentation on creating one and getting it's id. [optional]
huaweiChannelId String Channel: Push Notifications Platform: Huawei The Android Oreo Notification Category to send the notification under. See the Category documentation on creating one and getting it's id. [optional]
existingAndroidChannelId String Channel: Push Notifications Platform: Android Use this if you have client side Android Oreo Channels you have already defined in your app with code. [optional]
huaweiExistingChannelId String Channel: Push Notifications Platform: Huawei Use this if you have client side Android Oreo Channels you have already defined in your app with code. [optional]
androidBackgroundLayout BasicNotificationAllOfAndroidBackgroundLayout [optional]
smallIcon String Channel: Push Notifications Platform: Android Icon shown in the status bar and on the top left of the notification. If not set a bell icon will be used or ic_stat_onesignal_default if you have set this resource name. See: How to create small icons [optional]
huaweiSmallIcon String Channel: Push Notifications Platform: Huawei Icon shown in the status bar and on the top left of the notification. Use an Android resource path (E.g. /drawable/small_icon). Defaults to your app icon if not set. [optional]
largeIcon String Channel: Push Notifications Platform: Android Can be a drawable resource name or a URL. See: How to create large icons [optional]
huaweiLargeIcon String Channel: Push Notifications Platform: Huawei Can be a drawable resource name or a URL. See: How to create large icons [optional]
admSmallIcon String Channel: Push Notifications Platform: Amazon If not set a bell icon will be used or ic_stat_onesignal_default if you have set this resource name. See: How to create small icons [optional]
admLargeIcon String Channel: Push Notifications Platform: Amazon If blank the small_icon is used. Can be a drawable resource name or a URL. See: How to create large icons [optional]
chromeWebIcon String Channel: Push Notifications Platform: Chrome Sets the web push notification's icon. An image URL linking to a valid image. Common image types are supported; GIF will not animate. We recommend 256x256 (at least 80x80) to display well on high DPI devices. Firefox will also use this icon, unless you specify firefox_icon. [optional]
chromeWebBadge String Channel: Push Notifications Platform: Chrome Sets the web push notification icon for Android devices in the notification shade. Please see Web Push Notification Badge. [optional]
firefoxIcon String Channel: Push Notifications Platform: Firefox Not recommended Few people need to set Firefox-specific icons. We recommend setting chrome_web_icon instead, which Firefox will also use. Sets the web push notification's icon for Firefox. An image URL linking to a valid image. Common image types are supported; GIF will not animate. We recommend 256x256 (at least 80x80) to display well on high DPI devices. [optional]
chromeIcon String Channel: Push Notifications Platform: ChromeApp This flag is not used for web push For web push, please see chrome_web_icon instead. The local URL to an icon to use. If blank, the app icon will be used. [optional]
iosSound String Channel: Push Notifications Platform: iOS Sound file that is included in your app to play instead of the default device notification sound. Pass nil to disable vibration and sound for the notification. Example: &quot;notification.wav&quot; [optional]
androidSound String Channel: Push Notifications Platform: Android &#9888;&#65039;Deprecated, this field doesn't work on Android 8 (Oreo) and newer devices! Please use Notification Categories / Channels noted above instead to support ALL versions of Android. Sound file that is included in your app to play instead of the default device notification sound. Pass nil to disable sound for the notification. NOTE: Leave off file extension for Android. Example: &quot;notification&quot; [optional]
huaweiSound String Channel: Push Notifications Platform: Huawei &#9888;&#65039;Deprecated, this field ONLY works on EMUI 5 (Android 7 based) and older devices. Please also set Notification Categories / Channels noted above to support EMUI 8 (Android 8 based) devices. Sound file that is included in your app to play instead of the default device notification sound. NOTE: Leave off file extension for and include the full path. Example: &quot;/res/raw/notification&quot; [optional]
admSound String Channel: Push Notifications Platform: Amazon &#9888;&#65039;Deprecated, this field doesn't work on Android 8 (Oreo) and newer devices! Please use Notification Categories / Channels noted above instead to support ALL versions of Android. Sound file that is included in your app to play instead of the default device notification sound. Pass nil to disable sound for the notification. NOTE: Leave off file extension for Android. Example: &quot;notification&quot; [optional]
wpWnsSound String Channel: Push Notifications Platform: Windows Sound file that is included in your app to play instead of the default device notification sound. Example: &quot;notification.wav&quot; [optional]
androidLedColor String Channel: Push Notifications Platform: Android &#9888;&#65039;Deprecated, this field doesn't work on Android 8 (Oreo) and newer devices! Please use Notification Categories / Channels noted above instead to support ALL versions of Android. Sets the devices LED notification light if the device has one. ARGB Hex format. Example(Blue): &quot;FF0000FF&quot; [optional]
huaweiLedColor String Channel: Push Notifications Platform: Huawei &#9888;&#65039;Deprecated, this field ONLY works on EMUI 5 (Android 7 based) and older devices. Please also set Notification Categories / Channels noted above to support EMUI 8 (Android 8 based) devices. Sets the devices LED notification light if the device has one. RGB Hex format. Example(Blue): &quot;0000FF&quot; [optional]
androidAccentColor String Channel: Push Notifications Platform: Android Sets the background color of the notification circle to the left of the notification text. Only applies to apps targeting Android API level 21+ on Android 5.0+ devices. Example(Red): &quot;FFFF0000&quot; [optional]
huaweiAccentColor String Channel: Push Notifications Platform: Huawei Accent Color used on Action Buttons and Group overflow count. Uses RGB Hex value (E.g. #9900FF). Defaults to device's theme color if not set. [optional]
androidVisibility Integer Channel: Push Notifications Platform: Android 5.0_ &#9888;&#65039;Deprecated, this field doesn't work on Android 8 (Oreo) and newer devices! Please use Notification Categories / Channels noted above instead to support ALL versions of Android. 1 = Public (default) (Shows the full message on the lock screen unless the user has disabled all notifications from showing on the lock screen. Please consider the user and mark private if the contents are.) 0 = Private (Hides message contents on lock screen if the user set &quot;Hide sensitive notification content&quot; in the system settings) -1 = Secret (Notification does not show on the lock screen at all) [optional]
huaweiVisibility Integer Channel: Push Notifications Platform: Huawei &#9888;&#65039;Deprecated, this field ONLY works on EMUI 5 (Android 7 based) and older devices. Please also set Notification Categories / Channels noted above to support EMUI 8 (Android 8 based) devices. 1 = Public (default) (Shows the full message on the lock screen unless the user has disabled all notifications from showing on the lock screen. Please consider the user and mark private if the contents are.) 0 = Private (Hides message contents on lock screen if the user set &quot;Hide sensitive notification content&quot; in the system settings) -1 = Secret (Notification does not show on the lock screen at all) [optional]
iosBadgeType String Channel: Push Notifications Platform: iOS Describes whether to set or increase/decrease your app's iOS badge count by the ios_badgeCount specified count. Can specify None, SetTo, or Increase. `None` leaves the count unaffected. `SetTo` directly sets the badge count to the number specified in ios_badgeCount. `Increase` adds the number specified in ios_badgeCount to the total. Use a negative number to decrease the badge count. [optional]
iosBadgeCount Integer Channel: Push Notifications Platform: iOS Used with ios_badgeType, describes the value to set or amount to increase/decrease your app's iOS badge count by. You can use a negative number to decrease the badge count when used with an ios_badgeType of Increase. [optional]
collapseId String Channel: Push Notifications Platform: iOS 10+, Android Only one notification with the same id will be shown on the device. Use the same id to update an existing notification instead of showing a new one. Limit of 64 characters. [optional]
webPushTopic String Channel: Push Notifications Platform: All Browsers Display multiple notifications at once with different topics. [optional]
apnsAlert Object Channel: Push Notifications Platform: iOS 10+ iOS can localize push notification messages on the client using special parameters such as loc-key. When using the Create Notification endpoint, you must include these parameters inside of a field called apns_alert. Please see Apple's guide on localizing push notifications to learn more. [optional]
delayedOption String Channel: All Possible values are: timezone (Deliver at a specific time-of-day in each users own timezone) last-active Same as Intelligent Delivery . (Deliver at the same time of day as each user last used your app). If send_after is used, this takes effect after the send_after time has elapsed. [optional]
deliveryTimeOfDay String Channel: All Use with delayed_option=timezone. Examples: &quot;9:00AM&quot; &quot;21:45&quot; &quot;9:45:30&quot; [optional]
ttl Integer Channel: Push Notifications Platform: iOS, Android, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, ChromeWeb Time To Live - In seconds. The notification will be expired if the device does not come back online within this time. The default is 259,200 seconds (3 days). Max value to set is 2419200 seconds (28 days). [optional]
priority Integer Channel: Push Notifications Platform: Android, Chrome, ChromeWeb Delivery priority through the push server (example GCM/FCM). Pass 10 for high priority or any other integer for normal priority. Defaults to normal priority for Android and high for iOS. For Android 6.0+ devices setting priority to high will wake the device out of doze mode. [optional]
apnsPushTypeOverride String Channel: Push Notifications Platform: iOS valid values: voip Set the value to voip for sending VoIP Notifications This field maps to the APNS header apns-push-type. Note: alert and background are automatically set by OneSignal [optional]
throttleRatePerMinute Integer number of push notifications sent per minute. Paid Feature Only. If throttling is not enabled for the app or the notification, and for free accounts, null is returned. Refer to Throttling for more details. [optional]
androidGroup String Channel: Push Notifications Platform: Android Notifications with the same group will be stacked together using Android's Notification Grouping feature. [optional]
androidGroupMessage String Channel: Push Notifications Platform: Android Note: This only works for Android 6 and older. Android 7+ allows full expansion of all message. Summary message to display when 2+ notifications are stacked together. Default is &quot;# new messages&quot;. Include $[notif_count] in your message and it will be replaced with the current number. Languages - The value of each key is the message that will be sent to users for that language. &amp;quot;en&amp;quot; (English) is required. The key of each hash is either a a 2 character language code or one of zh-Hans/zh-Hant for Simplified or Traditional Chinese. Read more: supported languages. Example: {&amp;quot;en&amp;quot;: &amp;quot;You have $[notif_count] new messages&quot;} [optional]
admGroup String Channel: Push Notifications Platform: Amazon Notifications with the same group will be stacked together using Android's Notification Grouping feature. [optional]
admGroupMessage Object Channel: Push Notifications Platform: Amazon Summary message to display when 2+ notifications are stacked together. Default is &quot;# new messages&quot;. Include $[notif_count] in your message and it will be replaced with the current number. &amp;quot;en&amp;quot; (English) is required. The key of each hash is either a a 2 character language code or one of zh-Hans/zh-Hant for Simplified or Traditional Chinese. The value of each key is the message that will be sent to users for that language. Example: {&amp;quot;en&amp;quot;: &amp;quot;You have $[notif_count] new messages&quot;} [optional]
threadId String Channel: Push Notifications Platform: iOS 12+ This parameter is supported in iOS 12 and above. It allows you to group related notifications together. If two notifications have the same thread-id, they will both be added to the same group. [optional]
summaryArg String Channel: Push Notifications Platform: iOS 12+ When using thread_id to create grouped notifications in iOS 12+, you can also control the summary. For example, a grouped notification can say &quot;12 more notifications from John Doe&quot;. The summary_arg lets you set the name of the person/thing the notifications are coming from, and will show up as &quot;X more notifications from summary_arg&quot; [optional]
summaryArgCount Integer Channel: Push Notifications Platform: iOS 12+ When using thread_id, you can also control the count of the number of notifications in the group. For example, if the group already has 12 notifications, and you send a new notification with summary_arg_count = 2, the new total will be 14 and the summary will be &quot;14 more notifications from summary_arg&quot; [optional]
emailSubject String Channel: Email Required. The subject of the email. [optional]
emailBody String Channel: Email Required unless template_id is set. HTML suported The body of the email you wish to send. Typically, customers include their own HTML templates here. Must include [unsubscribe_url] in an <a> tag somewhere in the email. Note: any malformed HTML content will be sent to users. Please double-check your HTML is valid. [optional]
emailFromName String Channel: Email The name the email is from. If not specified, will default to &quot;from name&quot; set in the OneSignal Dashboard Email Settings. [optional]
emailFromAddress String Channel: Email The email address the email is from. If not specified, will default to &quot;from email&quot; set in the OneSignal Dashboard Email Settings. [optional]
emailPreheader String Channel: Email The preheader text of the email. Preheader is the preview text displayed immediately after an email subject that provides additional context about the email content. If not specified, will default to null. [optional]
includeUnsubscribed Boolean Channel: Email Default is `false`. This field is used to send transactional notifications. If set to `true`, this notification will also be sent to unsubscribed emails. If a `template_id` is provided, the `include_unsubscribed` value from the template will be inherited. If you are using a third-party ESP, this field requires the ESP's list of unsubscribed emails to be cleared. [optional]
smsFrom String Channel: SMS Phone Number used to send SMS. Should be a registered Twilio phone number in E.164 format. [optional]
smsMediaUrls List<String> Channel: SMS URLs for the media files to be attached to the SMS content. Limit: 10 media urls with a total max. size of 5MBs. [optional]
filters List<Filter> [optional]
customData Object Channel: All JSON object that can be used as a source of message personalization data for fields that support tag variable substitution. Push, SMS: Can accept up to 2048 bytes of valid JSON. Email: Can accept up to 10000 bytes of valid JSON. Example: {&quot;order_id&quot;: 123, &quot;currency&quot;: &quot;USD&quot;, &quot;amount&quot;: 25} [optional]
successful Integer Number of notifications that were successfully delivered. [optional]
failed Integer Number of notifications that could not be delivered due to those devices being unsubscribed. [optional]
errored Integer Number of notifications that could not be delivered due to an error. You can find more information by viewing the notification in the dashboard. [optional]
converted Integer Number of users who have clicked / tapped on your notification. [optional]
received Integer Confirmed Deliveries number of devices that received the push notification. Paid Feature Only. Free accounts will see 0. [optional]
outcomes List<OutcomeData> [optional]
remaining Integer Number of notifications that have not been sent out yet. This can mean either our system is still processing the notification or you have delayed options set. [optional]
queuedAt Long Unix timestamp indicating when the notification was created. [optional]
sendAfter Long Unix timestamp indicating when notification delivery should begin. [optional]
completedAt Long Unix timestamp indicating when notification delivery completed. The delivery duration from start to finish can be calculated with completed_at - send_after. [optional]
platformDeliveryStats PlatformDeliveryData [optional]

Enum: TargetChannelEnum

Name Value
PUSH "push"
EMAIL "email"
SMS "sms"

Enum: AggregationEnum

Name Value
SUM "sum"
COUNT "count"