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File metadata and controls

274 lines (191 loc) · 11.1 KB

Snakemake workflow: Dada2

Snakemake dada2

This workflow is an implementation of the popular DADA2 tool. I followed the steps in the Tutorial. I utilized Kraken2 for ASV sequence classification instead of IDTaxa.


The pipeline was inspired by the Silas Kieser (@silask)'s dada2 snakemake pipeline.


  • Rene Welch (@ReneWelch)

Install workflow

There are two steps to install the pipeline:

  1. Install snakemake and dependencies: Assuming conda is already installed, and a copy of this repository has been downloaded. Then, the pipeline can be installed by:

    conda env create -n {env_name} --file dependencies.yml
    conda env create -n microbiome --file dependencies.yml

    Alternatively, mamba could be used:

    mamba env create -n {env_name} --file dependencies.yml
    mamba env create -n microbiome --file dependencies.yml
  2. Install R packages: To install the R packages used by this pipeline use:

    R CMD BATCH --vanilla ./install_r_packages.R

Troubleshooting conda and environment variables

If you have other versions of R and R user libraries elsewhere, you might encounter some problems with environment variables and conda. You may need to provide a local .bashrc file to place the conda path at the beginning of your $PATH environment variable.

You may not need to do this step.

source /etc/bash_completion.d/git
__conda_setup="$('/path/to/miniconda3/bin/conda' 'shell.bash' 'hook' 2> /dev/null)"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    eval "$__conda_setup"
    if [ -f "/path/to/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/" ]; then
    . "/path/to/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/"
        export PATH="/path/to/miniconda3/bin:$PATH"
unset __conda_setup

alias R='R --vanilla'
export PATH="/path/to/miniconda3/envs/microbiome/bin:$PATH"

Set up data and metadata

  1. Set up a data/ directory with one subdirectory per batch. The pipeline will look in the data/ directory to find subdirectories that contain fastq.gz files. You can specify different filtering and trimming parameters per batch, and dada2 will learn error rates per batch. So, you may wish to separate your files by sequencing batch and/or by sample type.

     mkdir data/
     mkdir data/batch01 [data/batch02 ... ]

    Next, populate the subdirectories with your fastq.gz (or fastq) files, making sure to include both R1 and R2. If your data are already located elsewhere in your file system, you can use symbolic links (symlinks) to avoid duplicating data:

     ln -s ${fqdir}/*.fastq.gz ${batchdir}    
  2. Generate sample table. The input for the pipeline are the sequencing files separated by batch in the data/ directory. Using:

    Rscript ./prepare_sample_table.R

    will generate the samples.tsv file that contains 4 columns separated by tabs (the file will not actually contain |)

    | batch | key | end1 | end2 |
  3. Set up sample metadata file. This is where to link sample IDs to variables of interest to your study (condition, body site, time point, etc). As currently implemented, this is only used to augment the final TreeSummarizedExperiment file, which you will use for your own downstream analysis. You need to have a column key that matches the sample table. For example:

    | key | subject_id | body_site | time_point | ... 

    The default path for this file is data/meta.tsv. If you have it named otherwise, edit the variable metadata in config/config.yaml to point to your file.

  4. Set up negative control mapping file. If you have negative control samples, you should make a table linking each study sample to its negative control kit(s). As currently implemented, this needs to be a qs file containing a tibble of this format:

    # A tibble: 3 x 3
    batch        key       kits     
    <chr>        <chr>     <list>   
    1 batch01 sample_1  <chr [3]>
    2 batch01 sample_2  <chr [1]>
    3 batch02 sample_3  <chr [1]>

    Each element of key is a study sample ID matching the sample table. Each element of kits is a character list of sample keys for negative control samples, eg c("sample_141", "sample_142", "sample_143").

    The default path for this file is data/negcontrols.qs. If you have it named otherwise, edit the variable negcontroltable in config/config.yaml to point to your file.

Set up configuration file

Now you will edit config.yaml to set up running parameters. At the minimum, you will need to make these edits:

  1. Confirm general parameters and file paths. Check that these variables are set to your satisfaction:

    # general parameters for run
    asv_prefix: "asv" # this will be the prefix for the ASV IDs
    sample_table: "samples.tsv" # this file is generated by prepare_sample_table.R
    negcontroltable: "data/negcontrols.qs" # manually generated
    metadata: "data/meta.tsv" # manually generated
    threads: 8 # max number of threads for a multithreaded snakemake rule, eg fastqc in quality_control
  2. Run sequence QC. If you have not already looked at your data, the first thing you will want to do is run fastQC to generate quality profiles.

    First, run snakemake -j{cores} sequence_qc to run fastQC, plot quality profiles, and build a multiqc report. You can find the individual plots in workflow/report/quality_profiles and the full report in output/quality_control/multiqc.

    Next, inspect those profiles. You may want to use them to decide where you want to trim R1 and R2 and how to set minimum overlap.

  3. Edit parameters for each batch. Check the config.yaml file for the default filter_and_trim, merge_pairs, and qc_parameters specifications for each batch. Keep in mind the length of your 16S region (eg, the V4 region is 252 bp long) and whether you will have enough overlap after trimming. Look up other dada2 resources for more advice on how to choose these parameters.

    Here is an example for a 2x150 NextSeq run targeting the V4 region. This set of parameters keeps only full-length reads and requires an overlap of 25 base pairs. Because the V4 region is only ~252 base pairs long, we suspect that ASVs that are outside of that range may be bimeras.

            truncQ: 0
            trimLeft: 0
            trimRight: 0
            maxLen: Inf
            minLen: 150
            maxN: 0
            minQ: 0
            maxEE: [2, 2]
            minOverlap: 25
            maxMismatch: 0
        negctrl_prop: 0.5
        max_length_variation: 5
        low_abundance_perc: 0.0001 

    The defaults provided in the pipeline are from a 2x300 run targeting V3-V4. Here we are truncating the ends of both reads because we noticed a significant loss of quality. Because we have longer reads, we can require more overlap.

            truncQ: 12
            truncLen: [280, 250]
            trimLeft: 0
            trimRight: 0
            maxLen: Inf
            minLen: 100
            maxN: 0
            minQ: 0
            maxEE: [2, 2]
        minOverlap: 50
        maxMismatch: 0
        negctrl_prop: 0.5
        max_length_variation: 50
        low_abundance_perc: 0.0001 

Download references for sequence classification

Databases need to be downloaded from These are the four used by default in the config file.

Here is an example of doing this using wget:

# download references
mkdir -p $refdir


for db in $greengenes $rdp $silva $minikraken;
    wget $remote -O $local
    tar -xzf ${local} -C ${refdir}

Workflow commands

Replace {cores} with the maximum number of cores that you want to be used at one time.

The rules taxonomy and phylotree will take a little longer the first time they are run because they install conda environments.

  • snakemake -j{cores} runs everything
  • snakemake -j{cores} sequence_qc plots quality profiles, and build a multiqc report
  • snakemake -j{cores} [--nt] dada2 computes the ASV matrix from the different batches (use --nt option to keep intermediate files for troubleshooting)
  • snakemake -j{cores} taxonomy --use-conda to labels the ASV sequences with kraken2. Databases need to be downloaded in advance from
  • snakemake -j{cores} phylotree --use-conda computes the phylogenetic tree using qiime2's FastTree
  • snakemake -j{cores} mia prepare the TreeSummarizedExperiment containing all the data generated




Callahan, B., McMurdie, P., Rosen, M. et al. DADA2: High-resolution sample inference from Illumina amplicon data. Nat Methods 13, 581–583 (2016).


Wood, D., Lu, J., Langmead, B. Improved metagenomic analysis with Kraken 2. Genome Biology 20, 257 (2019).


McMurdie, P., Holmes, S. phyloseq: An R Package for Reproducible Interactive Analysis and Graphics of Microbiome Census Data. PLOS One 8, 4 (2013).


Bolyen, Evan, Jai Ram Rideout, Matthew R. Dillon, Nicholas A. Bokulich, Christian Abnet, Gabriel A. Al-Ghalith, Harriet Alexander, et al. 2018. “QIIME 2: Reproducible, Interactive, Scalable, and Extensible Microbiome Data Science.” e27295v2. PeerJ Preprints.


Price, Morgan N., Paramvir S. Dehal, and Adam P. Arkin. 2010. “FastTree 2--Approximately Maximum-Likelihood Trees for Large Alignments.” PloS One 5 (3): e9490.


Huang, Ruizhu, Charlotte Soneson, Felix G. M. Ernst, Kevin C. Rue-Albrecht, Guangchuang Yu, Stephanie C. Hicks, and Mark D. Robinson. 2020. “TreeSummarizedExperiment: A S4 Class for Data with Hierarchical Structure.” F1000Research 9 (October): 1246.