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File metadata and controls

133 lines (90 loc) · 4.72 KB
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Needed Packages:

The following packages are needed in order to run Müsli:


pip3 install -r requirements.txt

For database-upgrade, the following packages is needed in addition:


General Information:

Müsli is tested with postgresql as database backend. However, it should run without problems with MySQL or SqLite as well. As Müsli uses sqlalchemy as abstraction layer above the database, the database can be changed within one line (currently in muesli/, in future hopefully in some configuration file).


Müsli needs a configuration file called 'muesli.yml' in its main directory. It is in the YAML format. You can find an example file called 'muesli.yml.example' included.

Müsli comes with a script to test it without the need to configure some web server like Apache. If you want to use Müsli using Postgresql (the default), just create a database called 'muesli' for it, e.g.:

createuser -S -D -R username
createdb -O username -E UTF8 muesli

This commands usually have to be started as user 'postgres'

Setting Up

The database still has to be created. For this execute the script


After you have registered yourself in Müsli with some mail adress, you can give yourself administration rights by

python mailadress

If you want to change something in the database by hand, you can run the script "", e.g. from within ipython via


to get a sqlalchemy session in the database.


Müsli comes with a script to test it without the need to configure some web server like Apache. You should be able to start the test installation from the Müsli directory by


If you want to run the tests as well, you have to create another database 'mueslitest'. then you can run the tests from the Müsli directory via



If you want to deploy Müsli using Apache and Postgresql, again you have first to create the database. But this time for the user 'www-data' (again, you may have to execute the commands as user 'postgres':

createuser -S -D -R www-data
createdb -O www-data -E UTF8 muesli

In Apache, the module fastcgi has to be activated. This can be done using the command

a2enmod fastcgi

In the Apache config, you can enable Müsli with the following snippet:

Alias /muesli/static/ /opt/muesli4/muesli/web/static/

<Directory /opt/muesli/muesli/web/static>
  AllowOverride None
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all

WSGIApplicationGroup muesli
WSGIDaemonProcess muesli user=muesli processes=8 threads=1 python-path=/opt/muesli4 display-name="wsgi: muesli4"
WSGIProcessGroup muesli
WSGIScriptAlias /muesli /opt/muesli4/muesli.wsgi

Database upgrades

Müsli uses alembic to manage its database revisions. To upgrade to the latest database revision, run the command

alembic upgrade head

in the Müsli directory. At the moment, Müsli uses a single database setup for alembic. Thus, in order to update the 'mueslitest' database as well, you have to adapt 'alembic.ini' and run 'alembic upgrade head' again. This will be changed in the future.

SQLite support

In case you are using sqlite as your database, you will need to compile the c file extension-functions.c to support the variance aggregate function. For that run gcc -fPIC -lm -shared extension-functions.c -o and place the resulting shared-object file in MUESLI's root directory. Make sure you're compiling on the running machine or use an appropriate cross-compiler. You also have to make sure, that pysqlite2 was compiled with load_extension support. (See setup.cfg in the pysqlte2 src package und comment the line SQLITE_OMIT_LOAD_EXTENSION.)