(base) radhu@Radhu:~$ bwa
Program: bwa (alignment via Burrows-Wheeler transformation)
Version: 0.7.17-r1188
Contact: Heng Li <[email protected]>
Usage: bwa <command> [options]
Command: index index sequences in the FASTA format
mem BWA-MEM algorithm
fastmap identify super-maximal exact matches
pemerge merge overlapping paired ends (EXPERIMENTAL)
aln gapped/ungapped alignment
samse generate alignment (single ended)
sampe generate alignment (paired ended)
bwasw BWA-SW for long queries
shm manage indices in shared memory
fa2pac convert FASTA to PAC format
pac2bwt generate BWT from PAC
pac2bwtgen alternative algorithm for generating BWT
bwtupdate update .bwt to the new format
bwt2sa generate SA from BWT and Occ
Note: To use BWA, you need to first index the genome with `bwa index'.
There are three alignment algorithms in BWA: `mem', `bwasw', and
`aln/samse/sampe'. If you are not sure which to use, try `bwa mem'
first. Please `man ./bwa.1' for the manual.
(base) radhu@Radhu:~$ bwa aln
Usage: bwa aln [options] <prefix> <in.fq>
Options: -n NUM max #diff (int) or missing prob under 0.02 err rate (float) [0.04]
-o INT maximum number or fraction of gap opens [1]
-e INT maximum number of gap extensions, -1 for disabling long gaps [-1]
-i INT do not put an indel within INT bp towards the ends [5]
-d INT maximum occurrences for extending a long deletion [10]
-l INT seed length [32]
-k INT maximum differences in the seed [2]
-m INT maximum entries in the queue [2000000]
-t INT number of threads [1]
-M INT mismatch penalty [3]
-O INT gap open penalty [11]
-E INT gap extension penalty [4]
-R INT stop searching when there are >INT equally best hits [30]
-q INT quality threshold for read trimming down to 35bp [0]
-f FILE file to write output to instead of stdout
-B INT length of barcode
-L log-scaled gap penalty for long deletions
-N non-iterative mode: search for all n-difference hits (slooow)
-I the input is in the Illumina 1.3+ FASTQ-like format
-b the input read file is in the BAM format
-0 use single-end reads only (effective with -b)
-1 use the 1st read in a pair (effective with -b)
-2 use the 2nd read in a pair (effective with -b)
-Y filter Casava-filtered sequences
(base) radhu@Radhu:~$ bwa mem
Usage: bwa mem [options] <idxbase> <in1.fq> [in2.fq]
Algorithm options:
-t INT number of threads [1]
-k INT minimum seed length [19]
-w INT band width for banded alignment [100]
-d INT off-diagonal X-dropoff [100]
-r FLOAT look for internal seeds inside a seed longer than {-k} * FLOAT [1.5]
-y INT seed occurrence for the 3rd round seeding [20]
-c INT skip seeds with more than INT occurrences [500]
-D FLOAT drop chains shorter than FLOAT fraction of the longest overlapping chain [0.50]
-W INT discard a chain if seeded bases shorter than INT [0]
-m INT perform at most INT rounds of mate rescues for each read [50]
-S skip mate rescue
-P skip pairing; mate rescue performed unless -S also in use
Scoring options:
-A INT score for a sequence match, which scales options -TdBOELU unless overridden [1]
-B INT penalty for a mismatch [4]
-O INT[,INT] gap open penalties for deletions and insertions [6,6]
-E INT[,INT] gap extension penalty; a gap of size k cost '{-O} + {-E}*k' [1,1]
-L INT[,INT] penalty for 5'- and 3'-end clipping [5,5]
-U INT penalty for an unpaired read pair [17]
-x STR read type. Setting -x changes multiple parameters unless overridden [null]
pacbio: -k17 -W40 -r10 -A1 -B1 -O1 -E1 -L0 (PacBio reads to ref)
ont2d: -k14 -W20 -r10 -A1 -B1 -O1 -E1 -L0 (Oxford Nanopore 2D-reads to ref)
intractg: -B9 -O16 -L5 (intra-species contigs to ref)
Input/output options:
-p smart pairing (ignoring in2.fq)
-R STR read group header line such as '@RG\tID:foo\tSM:bar' [null]
-H STR/FILE insert STR to header if it starts with @; or insert lines in FILE [null]
-o FILE sam file to output results to [stdout]
-j treat ALT contigs as part of the primary assembly (i.e. ignore <idxbase>.alt file)
-5 for split alignment, take the alignment with the smallest coordinate as primary
-q don't modify mapQ of supplementary alignments
-K INT process INT input bases in each batch regardless of nThreads (for reproducibility) []
-v INT verbosity level: 1=error, 2=warning, 3=message, 4+=debugging [3]
-T INT minimum score to output [30]
-h INT[,INT] if there are <INT hits with score >80% of the max score, output all in XA [5,200]
-a output all alignments for SE or unpaired PE
-C append FASTA/FASTQ comment to SAM output
-V output the reference FASTA header in the XR tag
-Y use soft clipping for supplementary alignments
-M mark shorter split hits as secondary
specify the mean, standard deviation (10% of the mean if absent), max
(4 sigma from the mean if absent) and min of the insert size distribution.
FR orientation only. [inferred]
Note: Please read the man page for detailed description of the command line and options.
(base) radhu@Radhu:~$