This is the official website of the eco-evolutionary modelling platform "RangeShifter" (Bocedi et al. 2014). We will use this site to introduce you to the different RangeShifter features and applications, provide tutorials and further details. Also, we provide links to the latest software releases of RangeShifter and the accompanying R package RangeshiftR.
More information on RangeShifter: Bocedi, G., S.C.F. Palmer, G. Pe’er, R.K. Heikkinen, Y.G. Matsinos, K. Watts, and J.M.J. Travis. 2014. “RangeShifter: A Platform for Modelling Spatial Eco-Evolutionary Dynamics and Species’ Responses to Environmental Changes.” Methods in Ecology and Evolution 5 (4): 388–96.
Contact details of the RangeShifter/RangeshiftR team:
- Greta Bocedi, University of Aberdeen, greta.bocedi [at]
- Anne-Kathleen Malchow, Humboldt-University Berlin, malchow [at]
- Steve Palmer, University of Aberdeen, s.palmer [at]
- Justin Travis, University of Aberdeen, justin.travis [at]
- Damaris Zurell, Humboldt-University Berlin, damaris.zurell [at]